Once You’re Mine: A Dark Stalker Romance (Possessing Her

Once You’re Mine: Chapter 24

I’m back in hell.

Because Hayden is the devil.

I read the messages from him, and my gaze gets wider and wider with each one until I’m sure my eyes are going to fall right out of my head.

Hayden: I’m going to assume by your lack of response that you’re provoking me.

Hayden: It needs to stop.

Hayden: Still no confirmation? Tsk. Tsk. Maybe you were flirting with me.

Was I? With the alcohol warming my blood, it’s hard to recall my intentions from earlier today, but I can’t deny that I wouldn’t have minded if Hayden had flirted back. Obviously, that was too much to hope for. Given his high-handed manner, provoking him was my main goal when I turned off the phone.

And boy, did it work.

Hayden: Either way, our relationship is strictly business and it needs to stay that way.

Hayden: I want your agreement on this, Miss Green.

*missed phone call from Hayden Bennett.

Hayden: You didn’t answer my texts and now my call is going straight to voicemail…

Hayden: I am not a patient man. Don’t test me.

Hayden: You’re definitely testing me.

Hayden: Trust me when I say you won’t like the results.

Hayden: Callie, are you hurt?

*missed phone call from Hayden Bennett.

*missed phone call from Hayden Bennett.

*missed phone call from Hayden Bennett.

Hayden: I received confirmation that you are at work, Miss Green.

Hayden: Now that I know you’re safe, my temper is rising.

*missed phone call from Hayden Bennett.

Hayden: Your shift at the coffee shop has ended, so you don’t have any excuses for not returning my calls or texts. At this point, an electronic affirmation will not be enough to satisfy me. I’ll receive it in person.

My hands start shaking so badly that I almost drop the cell phone. Then I do when another text comes through. The device clatters on the table, and I snatch it up, ignoring Harper’s stare drilling into the side of my head.

Hayden: Enjoying your night out, Miss Green?

Calista: Yup. TTYL.

“Good evening, ladies.”

My head snaps up, and I close my mouth so quickly that my teeth click together. I lock the screen on my phone and shove it into my purse, pasting a smile on my face. The two men from the VIP section standing at our table are more good-looking up close than they were before.

And that’s saying something.

The first is rakishly handsome with artfully tousled brown hair and a roguish grin that has my stomach filling with butterflies. His athletic physique is displayed in an open-collared shirt and tailored trousers, the careless grace with which he moves a testament to pursuits, both leisurely and pleasurable. If this was the first time I’d met such a man, I’d be impressed. However, I encountered people like him from the day I could talk.

His companion possesses a polish and refinement that hints at moneyed lineage and education. His golden hair is swept back from an aristocratic brow, and piercing blue eyes survey the room as if searching for a diversion to escape boredom. Broad shoulders fill out an immaculate button-down, paired with trousers that hang just right on a narrowed waist and cling to his muscled thighs. A tennis player for sure.

Again, this type of man is nothing new to me. Especially when visiting a country club, as my father was often doing. With me in tow.

“Hello there,” Harper says.

I wave, unable to form coherent words just yet. It’s difficult to do so while scanning the place for any sign of a deranged attorney lurking in the shadows. Finding nothing, I shift my attention to the pair staring down at me with unconcealed interest.

“I’m Darren,” the blonde says. “And this is Levi.”

“I’m Harper and this is Calista,” my friend says.

“It’s great to finally meet you two.” Levi gestures to the VIP section. “We wanted to invite you to join us, but when you refused our gift, I couldn’t leave without trying again.” He looks at me, his grin widening when a flush works its way onto my cheeks. “Can we join you?”

Harper nods. “Sure!”

Levi takes the empty spot beside me, trapping me between his body and Harper’s. I grab my drink and empty the glass, giving myself a moment to gather my composure.

“Do you want another?” Levi asks me, dipping his head in the direction of my empty tumbler. “I’m happy to buy you anything you want.”

I clear my throat. “I’m fine, but thank you.”

“Are you having a good time?”

“Yes. And you?”

Levi leans closer to me. His cologne fills my senses, and I almost sigh. It’s a clean scent with hints of lemon that remind me of my hand sanitizer. Not exactly sexy to a normal girl, but I find cleanliness appealing.

“I’m good now that I’m getting a chance to talk to you,” he says.

“Thank you.”

Harper takes a swallow of her drink, using it to shoot me a pointed look, equal parts exasperation and encouragement. I don’t know how to break it to her that I’m not a sultry femme fatale. If anything, I can barely flirt and not all that well. Obviously.

“So, what do you do for a living?” I ask.

My friend’s mouth thins, and she rolls her eyes before turning her attention to Darren. I’ve been dismissed and left to my own devices. Speaking of which…

I retrieve the buzzing phone from my purse and find a notification on the screen.

Hayden: This conversation is not over, Miss Green. Who are you with?

Oblivious to my pulse racing and my hands growing sweaty, Levi answers me. “I own a tech company. It’s boring really. I want to know about you.”

“There’s not much to tell,” I say. “I’m just normal.”

“Your beauty is anything but normal.”

“Thank you.”

“Do you want to dance, Calista? I saw you dancing earlier, and I have to admit that I couldn’t stop watching.”

I part my lips to respond, but my cell phone buzzes in my lap. Again. “Shit.”

Hayden: I’m coming to get you.

“Shit.” I scan the text again, just to make sure I’m reading it correctly. Maybe I am drunk. “I’m sorry,” I say to Levi. “My older brother is very protective. And very annoying. He won’t stop texting me until he hears from me. Just give me a second.”

“Take your time.”

Calista: First of all, Mr. Bennett, you shouldn’t know where I am. And if you do, we need to talk about fucking boundaries. Second, I’m busy, so this conversation can wait until toomorrrow.

Calista: tomorrow* whoops.

Hayden: First of all, language. Second, boundaries don’t exist between us. Third, stop drinking.

Calista: *orders another motherfucking drink* 🍹

Hayden: That better be a glass of motherfucking water. I don’t want you throwing up in my car when I take you home.

Calista: I’m not going anywhere, so leave me alone. Unlike you, there’s a man here who’s actually interested in me.

Hayden: If he touches you, what I did last time will seem like a joke in comparison.

Calista: 👋 I’m not answering you anymore tonight. Kindly fuck off, Mr. Bennett.

Hayden: I’m definitely fucking something, Miss Green.

I toss the phone in my purse and turn to look at Levi, praying the arousal streaking through me isn’t plain to see. Verbally sparring with Hayden might be the hottest, most thrilling thing I’ve ever done. I’m more turned on than I’ve ever been in my entire life. All from his texts. Freaking ridiculous.

“Did you convince your brother that you’re in good hands?” Levi smiles broadly, and the lights above showcase his perfectly straight teeth. “I would hate for him to worry about you.”

I huff. “I don’t want to talk about my brother. Didn’t you mention dancing?”


Levi takes my hand and leads me from the booth and onto the dance floor. Harper and Darren are quick to follow, but I immediately forget about my friend when Levi takes my hips and pulls me flush to him. His muscled chest and rock hard thighs press against my spine and legs, making me all too aware of how sexual dancing can be.

I sway to the music and Levi is there, his breath skimming my neck and his fingers gripping me tight. Only, in my mind it’s Hayden. My body’s reaction to that imagery is strong. My panties, already wet from our texting, become drenched at the idea of him holding me like this, with his cock brushing my ass and his lips trailing down the side of my neck.

“You’re so fucking hot,” Levi says in my ear.

I turn to look at him over my shoulder, still moving in time with the thumping bass. “Thank you.”

He grinds into me, his fingers digging into my dress to keep me close. To control me. I let him, wanting to be relieved of the burden that comes with choice. Since my new life began, I’ve done nothing except make hard decisions, but tonight I’m letting someone else lead me. There’s a freedom in this that I never appreciated until now.

However fleeting and insignificant, I’m going to soak it in.

Levi spins me to face him, and I nearly stumble. He holds me securely, smiling down at me while guiding my arms around his neck. Then his chest is pressed to mine, and his cock is nestled between my thighs.

Dancing is definitely sexual.

Not that I mind. It’s nice to be seen and appreciated as a woman. That’s something I wish Hayden would do.

“Can I kiss you, Calista?” Levi asks, his breath skimming my mouth.

I stare up at him, looking into his brown eyes while wishing they were blue. Has Hayden ruined me for other men? I don’t have the answer to that, but on the off chance it could be true, I need to get over him. And remove this strange hold he has on me.

When I nod, giving Levi my permission, I’m doing it without thinking of Hayden.

Only for him to appear just behind Levi as he lowers his head to kiss me.

Hayden’s gaze meets mine, the blue within no longer ice. His eyes are a pair of blue flames, the hottest temperature, burning with an unholy wrath that feels like a wave of heat sweeping over my flushed skin. It sears me, rendering me ash that’s helpless against any type of force.

Right now, that’s Hayden.

He slaps a hand on Levi’s shoulder and yanks him away from me. My mouth drops open, and my arms fall to my sides as I watch Hayden confront Levi like an enraged husband. Even though he’s never even kissed me—and certainly never asked to.

Harper is by my side in an instant. She’s obviously in full control of her faculties while I continue to absorb the violent storm in front of me: Hayden, a tempest hell-bent on destroying anything in his path.

Does that include me?

“What’s going on?” she asks.

I don’t have the slightest idea. But even if I did, I can’t look away from the scene unfolding on the dance floor. Several people have backed up, creating an open space for Hayden and Levi. Smart move.

“What the fuck, man?” Levi shouts.

Hayden doesn’t answer him. No, he looks directly at me. “Would you like to explain it to him, Miss Green?”

His voice, calm and even, is easily heard above the loud music. Or maybe that’s just the effect he has on me. I shake my head. Emphatically.

“Is this the brother you were talking about?” Levi asks me. “I can see why you think he’s an overbearing prick.”

Hayden quirks a brow while looking at me and I flinch. “Brother?” he repeats. The attorney clicks his tongue in admonishment. “Miss Green, I thought you were above lying.” Then he turns to Levi. “If I’m her brother, then the things I want to do to her are beyond incestuous.”

“I told you!” Harper hisses in my ear, clutching my arm.

When Hayden reaches for his right cufflink, both Harper and I stiffen.

“Oh, fuck,” she says.

I repeat the sentiment under my breath. The last time Hayden acted this way, he was more than ready to beat the shit out of someone for harassing me. Does it matter that I encouraged Levi in this situation? If the fury etched into Hayden’s features is any indication, then he doesn’t give a damn.

“I warned you,” he says to me.

If he touches you, what I did last time will seem like a joke in comparison. 

The warning rings loud and clear like a gong being struck, reverberating in my head. My fear, on behalf of Levi and myself, propels me forward. I rip my arm from Harper’s grasp and race to stand in front of Hayden, positioning myself between him and Levi.

“Please,” I say, holding out my hands. “Don’t do this.”

Hayden drops the serpent-shaped cufflink in my upturned palm. The ruby eye of the snake winks at me as the overhead lights shine on it. I fist my hand around the piece of metal and step closer to the man in front of me.

The one ready to defend me once again.

Whether or not I want him to.

“You’re so beautiful when you beg,” Hayden says. He reaches for the other cufflink, and I swallow the ball of nerves gathered in my throat. “As much as I enjoy witnessing that, I need you to understand that I mean what I say.”

He hands me the other cufflink and begins to roll up his sleeve. Panic like I’ve never known zips along my arms and legs like an electrical current, giving me a jolt. With one hand gripping his jewelry, I use the other to grab his dress shirt. My fingers curl around the expensive material, and I get on my tiptoes, still not close to his height, even with heels on.

Then I kiss him.

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