Once Upon A Rejection

Part 3 Chapter 1

Molly Morgan’s POV

Who ever knew that being alpha and luna would involve so many spreadsheets? There were spreadsheets for pack finances, pack population and pretty much everything in between. Right now I was looking over a spreadsheet that was designed to calculate how much space the pack needed. I had imported all the latest values and now the cells were coloured red and it was giving me a warning. I had been looking at that error for the last hour and I had no idea what was causing it or how to make it go away. I was one step away from deleting the whole thing and pretending that it was a computer glitch.

“Fricking piece of s**t, why won’t this work?” I shouted, throwing a pen across the room in frustration. The pen bounced off the wall and back towards me, almost hitting me in the face in the process. I guess that was what they called karma.

Grayson looked shocked by my outburst but I was more shocked that I hadn’t had an outburst earlier. Grayson’s father had so much work to catch up on for the pack’s businesses so didn’t have time to tell us how everything worked. We had been trying the best we could to get to grips with everything on our own but it had been a struggle every day for the last almost three months.

“Let me have a look at that.” Grayson suggested, pulling my laptop over towards him. He frowned at the screen for a few seconds before scrolling through the numbers on the different tabs of the spreadsheet. I don’t know what he was expecting to do. I knew a lot more about computers and formulas than he did. If I couldn’t get rid of the error then what was he going to do?

“It is working fine. That error is telling us that our pack needs more room,” he told me.


I guess that was why I couldn’t get the error to go away. Our pack growing and needing more space was good news but it did sound like an awful lot of work. We were going to have to cut down some of the surrounding forest so that we could build new houses and maybe some new shops. It would be months, if not years worth of work to do all of that.

“What are you two doing here? You are meant to be taking the day off.”

Talen was standing in the doorway to our office. He was wearing a suit and he had his long hair and braids pulled back into a neat ponytail. He always looked delicious but seeing him dressed like this was an extra special treat.

Today was the day of Ellie’s official mating ceremony and it was meant to start in a little over an hour. Yet Grayson and I were sitting here in our office in our nightwear, we hadn’t even had a shower yet.

“I know but if we get this finished then we can take the whole weekend off.” I replied pouting at Talen. I really wanted to have this weekend off, I needed a break.

“You should do that anyway. You have been working much too hard.”

Talen crossed the room towards us. He pulled me off the chair I was sitting on before sitting down and pulling me into his lap. He wrapped his arms tightly around my waist while kissing my neck softly.

“I have been missing my mates terribly for the last few weeks.”

He wasn’t wrong, these last few weeks had been nothing short of hectic. Grayson and I felt as though we were caught between lycan and werewolf politics in addition to trying to learn how to run a pack. It was exhausting. I had hardly had any time to spend with my mates other than having the odd meal together and our still very active s*x life.

‘Not active enough.’ Scarlett grumbled.

“You should learn to delegate more. Ezra has hardly taken on any of his beta duties yet.” Talen was continuing to k**s my neck but his hands were now roaming my body. His e******n was pressing into me. I rolled my h**s against him so I could feel him better.

“Maybe we should but it doesn’t feel right to get him involved when the council is trying so hard to make our lives difficult.” I replied.

Speaking of hard, it was getting very hard for me to concentrate on this conversation. Talen had his hands on my h**s and he was moving me against him slowly. The movement felt good, I leaned back against his chest and let out a m**n.

“Ezra needs to learn how to deal with that kind of thing too. Especially when you become queen.” Talen insisted.

“We both know that is never going to happen.”

The whole queen thing relied upon me being classed as the head of my father’s house and at the moment that seemed unlikely. Around half of the lycans seemed to want Finn to lead my father’s house.

It didn’t seem to matter to them that Finn was a criminal or that more of his crimes came to light after the Dustin issue was taken care of. When we caught him sharing information with the enemy he had claimed to be doing it to protect his pack. We later worked out that it was a lie.

Most of Finn’s original pack had been killed by the lycans before we even tried to infiltrate the pack. But the few pack members that were left have been trying to rebuild their pack and we had been offering some help with it. In exchange they told us everything they knew about Finn and none of it was good.

He wasn’t hugely popular before the lycans came but now they all hated him. He had helped the lycans to take apart the pack from the inside. He had never felt accepted by his pack and he hoped that the lycans would accept him if he proved himself loyal to them, but they were just using him.Personally I couldn’t see why anyone would want to give power to someone who would betray their own pack so easily.

“They will change their mind when they meet you at the hearing. I am almost certain that they will find you irresistible. What do you think, Grayson?” Talen was still slowly rocking my h**s but now Grayson had turned his chair so that he could watch us.

“Right now all I can think about is how much I want you to make her scream.” Grayson’s voice was husky with desire.

“How would you like me to do that?” Talen asked.

Just as I was about to object to being talked about as though I wasn’t even in the room, Talen let go of my h*p with one hand and placed it on my thigh. He started moving his hand up my thigh ever so slowly, making me whimper in frustration.

“I want you to bend her over that desk and screw her until she screams your name.” Grayson replied.

Talen pulled me off his knee and stood me up in front of my desk. He roughly pulled my nightdress up and over my head, revealing my body to him. He kept one hand on my h*p while using his other hand to push my shoulders down, so that I was bent over my desk.

He spanked me once before leaning over me and turning my head towards Grayson. Grayson was still sitting in his chair, he was biting his lower l*p, watching Talen and I while pleasuring himself. Talen whispered in my ear, just loud enough for Grayson to hear as well.

“I want you to watch him pleasuring himself while I make you scream.” Talen said as he penetrated me slowly. Talen kept one hand on my h*p while his other hand reached around to stroke my clit. He was leaning against my back so that he could place k****s along my neck and spine while he thrust deep into me.

He had somehow angled himself just right so that he was hitting my g spot as he thrust into me. I m****d and leaned back further into Talen as my pleasure started to build more rapidly. Talen responded by thrusting harder and faster.

“That’s it, take me. You are so perfect.” Talen g*****d against my back.

“Talen, please.” I didn’t need to tell Talen what I needed. He thrust into me deeper and harder, pushing me over the edge. My knees felt weak as my o****m coursed through me. If I wasn’t using the desk in front of me to support most of my weight then I was sure that I would have ended up in a heap on the floor.

Talen thrust into me a couple more times before finding his own release. As he spilled his seed deep inside of me Grayson orgasmed into his own hand.

“Now it is time for both of you to get ready before we are all late.” Talen said. He kissed me once more before withdrawing himself from me and the room. Once we were alone Grayson laughed before saying.

“I guess we should do as he says before he comes back and makes us late.”

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