Once Upon A Rejection

Chapter 9

I woke up to the sound of my phone alarm ringing. I had a moment of panic about getting class on time before I remembered where I was. Even if I had set off right now I would still miss most of my classes. At this point there is no point worrying about it so I may as well take it easy.

The bathroom that was attached to my room was amazing. It was the kind of bathroom you find in five star hotels. It even had those super fluffy white towels that all hotels seem to have. After almost a year of using the tiny bathroom in my dorm I was going to make the most of this.

I ran myself a bath and headed into the bathroom with my book. I read until the water started to get cool around me before I washed and got changed. I wanted to stay in this room for longer but I needed to head back to college soon and I was absolutely starving.

I opened the door to my room and was greeted by the smell of bacon and eggs. My stomach grumbled. If I had known that last night would end up being so eventful I would have made sure I had eaten more of my dinner.

I followed the amazing smells all the way to the kitchen. Literally using my nose to prevent me from getting lost in this ridiculously large house. I wandered into the kitchen. I had expected to see it filled with people making breakfast but the only one there was Grayson. He was standing at the stove with two pans in front of him.

“Where is everyone?” I asked as I walked towards him.

“It’s almost half nine, everyone else had breakfast hours ago.” Grayson said. He turned around and smiled at me.

“Oh, I guess I am just too used to college life.” I said.

On campus it wasn’t really unusual for people to wake up late in the morning or early in the afternoon. Sometimes my lessons didn’t start till noon, I wasn’t exactly going to wake up at six if I didn’t have to.

I could feel myself blushing. I was meant to be his luna and I couldn’t even manage to get myself out of bed in time for breakfast. What must the rest of the pack think of me? It is probably a lot better than what they will think of me once they realise that I rejected their alpha though. I really wasn’t cut out for this job.

Grayson was still looking at me and smiling. It was as though he was completely oblivious to how awkward I was feeling. He was looking at me as though he was in awe of me although for the life of me I can’t figure out why. I shifted my weight and broke eye contact with him.

I looked around the kitchen. It was beautifully decorated with sleek white cupboards topped with marble worktops. There was a large breakfast table at one end of the room. I noticed that Grayson had already set the table for two and there were two plates and mugs on the worktop next to him.

“Did you oversleep too?” I asked.

“I wanted us to have breakfast together so I waited till I could hear you wake up before coming down to make us breakfast. I hope you don’t mind.” He replied.

“How can I mind when I get bacon?” I asked.

“I will have to remember that. The way to your heart is bacon. Got it.” He said.

Grayson started to serve the food so I went over the percolator and poured us both coffee. Grayson told me how he liked his coffee which coincidentally was the same way I liked mine. Black with a little bit of honey. I brought the mugs over to the table and sat down, Grayson brought over the food and sat down opposite me. He put the plate down in front of me and I started to shovel the food into my face in a way that would have made my mom give me a lecture on manners.

“You look beautiful.” He said. I rolled my eyes.

“You are only saying that because I am your mate. It’s not like I am anything special.” I said.

As an alpha he could have just about any woman he wanted to, so why was he so adamant about being with me. He didn’t even know me.

“If you could see yourself the way I see you then you wouldn’t say that. You are beautiful, smart, funny and according to the moon goddess you are perfect for me.” He said.

“You’re so cheesy.” I said. I looked away and put some food in my mouth to try to cover the fact that he was making me blush.

“You like the compliments though.” He said.

“No Comment. When do you think your dad will want you to take over as alpha?” I asked, trying to change the subject.

“Sometime in the next couple of months preferably.” He said. He looked nervous as he waited for my reaction.

“That’s not very long.” I said. I couldn’t believe they wanted me to be his luna in just a couple of months. That was much too fast.

“I know but I will help you.” He said. I nodded my head in agreement, he darn well better help me, seeing as he was the one who got me into this mess.

I finished off the rest of my food and sat back in my chair cradling my coffee. This morning was pleasant, Grayson could be quite charming when he wasn’t interfering with my life. Despite that I would be glad to get back to college. I needed some time and space to properly process this.

“You should finish that, we need to get going soon.” He said.

“We?” I asked.

“Yes I am coming with you. I have a gorgeous hotel booked for us near the campus.” He replied, talking as though it was the most natural thing in the world.

“Why?” I asked. So much for me getting time and space to think things over. I should have known it was too good to be true.

“My wolf is an alpha. There is no way he can be away from his mate for more than a few hours. Not while we are both unmarked anyway. I thought given the options it was better that I came with you.” He said.

‘Let him mark us and come with us.’ Jade said.

It was the first time she directly spoke to me since I rejected her mate. It was good to hear her voice even if I didn’t agree with what she was saying.

“Ok, so what is the plan?” I asked.

“My bags are already in the car out front. You just need to get your bags and we can leave.” He said, his tone suddenly much brighter.

“Ok, lets go.” I said. I finished off my coffee and stood up.

I retraced my steps back to the room I stayed in last night while Grayson went to wait at the car. I found the room again easily but I took my time packing the remainder of my belongings. I hadn’t thought that Grayson would come with me when I went back to college and quite frankly the thought of it was terrifying.

‘That’s your fault for getting involved with that human.’ Scarlett said. Jade agreed enthusiastically.

By the time that I had carried my bag out of the house Grayson was already waiting for me. He was leaning against his car, a Tesla.

“It’s a bit flashy don’t you think?” I said point at the car.

“This is the least flashy car that I own.” Grayson answered as he opened the boot.

“What is this? We will only be gone a few days, not months.” I exclaimed. There were two huge suitcases already in the boot of the car. How many clothes did he really need for three days?

“I have never been to college. I didn’t know what I needed to bring to blend in.” I replied.

“You make it sound like some kind of mission that a secret agent would undertake.” I said as I got into the car.

“No, of course not. That would be much easier.” Grayson said. We both laughed.

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