Once Upon A Rejection

Chapter 56

I think Grayson must have been right when he claimed that I was in shock. The walk back home was a blur, almost as though I was a passenger in my own body.

Some people in the pack were giving out old clothes and blankets, Talen took a blanket and a long dress from one of them. He made sure that I got dressed then draped it around my shoulders to keep me warm.

When I arrived at the house I was intercepted by June, Ezra and Carly. They had already heard what had happened and they were asking so many questions. They were speaking so fast and talking over each other that I couldn’t process what they were saying.

“She’s fine, everything’s fine but she is in shock.” Talen said.

I didn’t care that he was talking for me or that everyone seemed to be panicking. All I cared about was Talen’s arm around my waist holding me up, I knew that I wouldn’t fall down as long as he had his arms around me.

“Doesn’t she need a doctor?” Ezra asked.

“She saw one on the way over, they said it wasn’t too bad. That she just needs some rest.” Talen said. I didn’t remember a doctor, how out of it was I on the walk over here?

“I’ve heard sugar is really good for shock.” June suggested.

“It is worth a try.” Talen said.

Talen took me into the living room and sat me down on the sofa. He sat down next to me and pulled me close. He checked that the blanket was covering me completely then he kissed the top of my head.

“I’m so sorry honey.” He said.

“Why?” I asked, turning so that I could look at him.

“I should have protected you, I should have never let them get anywhere near you. I nearly lost you tonight.” He said, he was trying to hide his emotions from his face but he wasn’t doing so well at keeping his voice steady.

“No, I almost lost you. If I wasn’t there then you might be dead right now.” I said in between sobs. When did I start crying?

Talen brushed my tears away from my eyes with the sleeve of his borrowed jumper. Once I stopped sobbing he leaned forward and pressed his lips against mine. His fingers traced along my cheek and neck. His other hand was wrapped around my waist pulling me closer to him.

Talen ran his hands down my body until they reached my h**s. He lifted me up and pulled me onto his lap, I moved my legs so that I was straddling him. I could feel his e******n pressing against my core through the thin fabric of my borrowed dress.

I moved myself against him, enjoying the feeling of his body against mine. Talen let out a soft growl and pulled me closer. I wanted him so badly but this wasn’t the time and this certainly wasn’t the place for this kind of thing. I broke our k**s but I remained in his lap.

“You didn’t need to stop.” Grayson said.

I looked up and he was standing in the doorway. I felt embarrassed, I hadn’t noticed him come home and I had no idea how long he had been watching me.

I know Talen was my mate too but being caught grinding on him was still a little too much. I couldn’t exactly deny the way I felt about him any longer after that. Well I could but neither of them would exactly believe me, would they.

Grayson walked over and sat down next to us on the sofa. I tried to wriggle out of Talen’s grip but he held on to me tighter. Now that I had kissed him he clearly had no intention of letting me change my mind.

“Is everything sorted?” Talen asked.

“Yes. Some of them got away but we managed to capture one of them. He is being taken to the cells as we speak.” Grayson said.

“Great, we can question him together.” Talen said, he was stroking my back. It was so comforting it made me want to close my eyes and fall asleep. I rested my head against his chest.

“Not right now though, we have more important things to take care of.” Grayson said.

I removed my head from Talen’s chest and I glanced at him. He was looking at me, I wanted to go to him but I felt comfortable here and I couldn’t make myself move away.

“Her friends went to get her something to eat.” Talen said.

“I know, I saw them on the way in. They decided to make cookies and hot chocolate for everyone.” Grayson said.

I giggled.

I had seen June’s idea of baking a few times, it usually ended up in chaos. The food was nice but dealing with the mess she left afterwards wasn’t so great. I felt sorry for the poor omega who pulled cleaning duty tonight.

Grayson took me to our room while Talen went to check on the cookie progress. Grayson watched me carefully as I got changed and ready for bed, I could tell he was concerned about me just from the way he looked at me.

“I’m fine, you don’t need to worry about me.” I said as I finished getting ready and walked towards him.

I know that I was feeling a bit rough earlier but I am much better now. Of course now that I was starting to feel better I was becoming very aware of all the attention that I had been getting and it was making me a little self conscious.

“I am your mate, worrying about your wellbeing is kind of in the job description.” He said.

He helped me into bed and took his place by my side, snuggling up to me. By the time that Talen arrived with a tray of hot chocolate and cookies I was resting my head on Grayson’s chest as he stroked my hair.

Talen put the tray in front of Grayson then he turned around. He was going to leave. I could see him looking towards the door. As he started walking I just knew I had to stop him.

“Talen, please stay.” I said.

Talen turned around, as he looked at me a smile crept over his face. He walked over to the bed and slipped under the covers next to me. He shuffled closer to me until his body was pressing against my own.

“Does this mean that you accept me as your mate?” Talen asked.

That question would have made me panic just a few days ago but now it set my heart racing for a completely different reason. I wanted him, I had all along even if it took me a while to admit that to myself.

“It does.” I said.

Soon we would mark each other but right now I was just happy to eat cookies in his arms. Safe in the knowledge that I was loved by both of my mates.

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