Once Upon A Rejection

Chapter 32

June arrived at the last lesson of the day a few minutes before the tutor. It was the only lesson that we had together today. She looked flustered when she walked into the room and took her seat next to me.

“How’s your day going?” I asked.

June was glancing anxiously at the door to the classroom as she pulled her books out of her backpack. I guessed that she was looking for Ezra, he must have been following her around all day. I hoped that he wasn’t being too much of a nuisance.

I looked out of the window of the classroom overlooking the courtyard. Ezra was standing in the courtyard looking through the window at us. Luckily June’s attentions ws elsewhere otherwise I am sure she would have been freaked out by seeing him watching her so intently. To be fair he did look like a bit of a psychopath at the moment.

Grayson tapped Ezra on the arm, there was a short but heated exchange between the two of them. Grayson was trying to make Ezra leave but Ezra wanted to stay to keep an eye on June.

I couldn’t hear what they were saying from this distance but the hand gestures made it clear enough. In the end Grayson took hold of Ezra’s arm and dragged him away. Ezra looked up at June longingly.

“Ok, I think your brother has a bit of a crush on me.” He said.

I giggled.

“I think it might be more than a bit of a crush.” I said.

June nodded her head in agreement.

“The question is, what do you think of him?” I asked.

She thought about my question for a few moments. I could tell she was having trouble admitting to her feelings towards him. I know that she still wanted to be in love but her ex must have hurt her more than she admitted to me. It wasn’t like her to hold back like this.

“He seems nice and he is very attractive but wouldn’t it be odd for me to date your half brother?” She asked.

“I couldn’t think of a better person to have as a sister in law.” I said. I smiled at her.

“I do wish that he would leave me alone for a bit though.” She sighed.

“Has he been making a nuisance of himself?” I asked.

“I wouldn’t go that far but he does seem to be a bit overprotective.” She said.

“What did he do?” I asked.

He needed some kind of help or he was going to push her away. My half brother could be a complete i***t sometimes.

“He acts as though if I even go to the bathroom on my own then I will be attacked or something.” She said.

“He worries about things a lot. We live in such a small town, most of the people there see anywhere busy as inherently dangerous. My family is no exception.” I said.

It was mostly true, they did see anywhere where there were lots of humans as dangerous. They weren’t worried about crime though. They were worried about humans working out what we really are.

“He needs to chill out, I have barely had any time to think. All I want is a few minutes to work out how I really feel about him” She sighed.

“I might be able to help you with that.” I replied.

Our conversation was brought to an abrupt end when the tutor walked in. June turned her attention to the front of the room but I could tell that her mind was elsewhere. Ezra had crashed into her life and literally turned it upside down, he had a habit of doing that to people.

I mindlinked Grayson and told him that we would meet him and Ezra at the bar. He wasn’t happy about me being alone but I reassured him. Well, maybe that isn’t the right word for it. I told them that they could watch over us as long as June didn’t see them watching us.

After class we went back to our dorm room. I made sure to lock the door behind us. I didn’t want to risk the chance that Ezra would just walk in if he got too frustrated while waiting for us. I hoped that he wouldn’t come crashing through the door, I hoped he had more sense than that.

June went into her cupboard, I assumed that she was choosing an outfit. I sat down on my bed and got comfortable. June came out a few moments later with a bottle of whisky in one hand and a bottle of rum in the other.

“I don’t think this is a good idea.” I said.

“Indulge me, I need a drink if I am going to work out what to do about Ezra f*****g Morgan. So what will it be, rum or whisky?” She said, lifting each one in turn.

I sighed and pointed to the whisky. Mainly because I was worried that if I didn’t join her she would drink both bottles and pass out before we left this room.

June sat down opposite me on the bed and handed me the bottle. She unscrewed the cap and took a large swig of the liquid inside, I followed her lead.

“So, what is it that you are worried about?” I asked.

“Worried, why do you think I am worried?” She replied, defensively.

“People who are happy don’t usually down spirits before going to meet a guy.” I said.

I didn’t mention the fact that I had never seen June drink spirits without a mixer before. We had been drunk together more times than I could count but she had usually stuck to beer or mixed drinks.

“Good point, I am a little nervous about Ezra.” She said.

“I guessed that but why?” I asked.

“He is too attractive.” She said.

She looked at me as though what she was saying was very obvious but I had no clue what she meant. I tilted my head to one side.

“My ex was gorgeous, just like Ezra. He was popular with women but I thought that was ok because he was mine and I was his.” She said.

She took another sip of rum.

“You know how well that turned out for me.” She said, with a humourless laugh.

“I know that your ex was an a*s but that doesn’t mean that history will repeat itself with Ezra. Besides, what are you going to do? Only date people you don’t find attractive?” I said.

“Don’t tempt me.” She laughed.

“Also, if he even thinks about cheating on you I will rip his balls off with my bare hands.” I said.

He would be stupid to think about cheating on his mate, especially someone as lovely as June. I didn’t think he would do anything like that after the way he had been acting since the moment he first met her.

‘I like your thinking missy.’ Scarlett said.

“Remind me never to get on your bad side.” June said. She took another sip of rum.

“No, now let’s get ready before Ezra and Grayson start to panic.” I said.

We took one last sip from our bottles and set them to one side. We walked over to June’s closet and started looking for an outfit. She looked through the rails and scowled.

“What kind of thing would Ezra like?” She said.

The girls that he usually dated would wear tightly fitting clothes to get this attention. I had a feeling however, that was not the kind of thing that he would want his unmarked mate to wear in a room filled with other men.

“Wear whatever makes you feel comfortable. I am pretty sure that he will love you in anything that you wear.” I said.

June let out a high pitched giggle. She sounded as though she was feeling the effects of the alcohol a lot more than I was. I forgot how slowly humans processed alcohol.

June was really indecisive about what she should wear, she kept second guessing all of the choices that she made. In the end I chose her dress, it was a knee-length dress. The neckline was relatively conservative but the dress showed off June’s curves perfectly.

June also lent me one of her dresses, one that I thought Grayson would really appreciate. We spent the next hour chatting and doing each other’s make-up before leaving and heading to the bar.

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