Once Upon A Rejection

Chapter 18

The next morning we had to get up early to pack up our room and check out. That didn’t mean that I didn’t find a few minutes to spare so that I could admire my new mark in the mirror while I was brushing my teeth after breakfast.

It had already healed and faded so that only the white outline. Most humans wouldn’t notice it or they would think it was a white tattoo but every werewolf who saw me would know I was Grayson’s. Just like they would know he was mine. A fact that made my wolf extremely happy. I had been feeling her exuberance all morning.

When I came back into the room Grayson was looking at the wreckage of his phone. The screen had cracks running down the whole length of it and had come away in one corner.

“It won’t turn on.” He said, pouting. He looked so cute when he was pouting.

“I guess you are going to need a new phone.” I replied.

“I didn’t even throw it that hard, it should have been fine.” He complained.

“We can hold a funeral for it later but right now we need to go.” I said, pulling him towards the door.

We checked out of the hotel and Grayson drove me to the campus. As we approached the campus I felt my anxiety about the woman that I had seen yesterday growing rapidly. I was still holding onto the hope that she was merely curious about me but I knew that was unlikely considering the lengths that she went to avoid us yesterday.

“You don’t need to worry sweetheart, I will be keeping an eye on you all day.” Grayson said once he had parked the car and opened the door for me.

I had forgotten how much easier it would be for us to pick up on each other’s emotions now that we were both marked.

“I know, I just want to know what she wants from us.” I said. I smiled at Grayson and placed my hand in his as we walked towards my first lesson.

We were a few metres aways from the building when I noticed Dominic running in our direction. I tensed up. This wasn’t a lesson that we shared so I wasn’t sure why he was running in this direction but I had a bad feeling about it. Grayson noticed him approaching and stepped in front of me. He let out a low warning growl.

“I need your help.” Dominic said.

“What do you want from my fiancee?” Grayson asked. He made no attempt to stand aside and it was clear from his tone of voice that he didn’t want Dominic anywhere near me.

‘You can’t really blame him after the way he was last time they met.’ Jade said.

“I don’t have time for this.” Dominic mumbled to himself.

“Look wolf, I am not trying to steal your mate. My friend is hurt and I need help from a wolf.” He said. He kept his tone low so that the humans around us wouldn’t be able to hear what he was saying.

“How do you know about wolves?” Grayson asked.

“Through my family. I don’t have time to explain this, you have to help my friend.” Dominic said, he sounded frantic.

“Why don’t you take him to a hospital?” Grayson asked.

“He has been bitten by his mate, he will turn. A human hospital can’t help him.” Dominic said, his voice so low that even I had trouble hearing him from my position behind Grayson.

“What about his pack?” Grayson asked.

“He doesn’t have one.” Dominic replied.

“You want me to help a rogue?” Grayson sounded horrified.

“He is not feral, he is just a lone wolf. His mom was a human who had a relationship with a werewolf, he has never been part of a pack.” Dominic explained.

“Ok.” Grayson said.

I could feel his reluctance through our bond but I could also feel his alpha instinct to protect other werewolves kicking in. No matter how much he hated Dominic, he wasn’t going to let another werewolf get hurt because of it.

Grayson held my hand as we followed Dominic through the campus to his dormitory. There was a very awkward silence between all three of us as we walked that nobody seemed willing to break. He led us through the building and knocked on the door of the room next to his own.

There was the sound of movement behind the door and a moment later the door opened. Justin was standing behind the door. His face was filled with worry and it looked as though he hadn’t been to sleep last night.

Behind him William was laid on the bed. He looked as though he was in a great deal of pain. He was clutching a piece of cloth to his neck. Although I couldn’t see the b***d I could smell it and there was lots of it.

“What happened?” I asked.

Meanwhile Grayson walked straight into the room and kneeled down next to William. He removed the piece of cloth from his neck and started inspecting the wound.

“I had a fight with him yesterday afternoon, it wasn’t even anything serious. He wanted to go on holiday with his family this summer alone and I didn’t want him to go. He thought I was being too possessive.” Justin let out a small humourless laugh.

“He didn’t know what am was. We haven’t been together for that long and I thought I would have more time to prove I wasn’t dangerous before the truth came out. Maybe if he had known he would have understood why I was being so possessive and we wouldn’t have argued.” Justin sighed.

“So is that why you bit him?” I asked, confused. It seemed a bit of an extreme reaction.

“No. We argued and he left. I thought about the argument for a few hours and I realised that I should probably apologise. I went round to his dorm and I found him there with his ex.” He replied.

“They weren’t doing anything. They were just talking but I completely lost control. My wolf took over, he punched Wiilam’s ex and marked Willam right then and there without his consent.” He said.

“Oh.” I replied.

“I know, I know. It’s really bad. I took away his choices and tied him to me forever. He is probably going to hate me if he even survives this.” Justin said.

He collapsed on the floor and started crying. I could tell he was really upset but I didn’t know what to say to make him feel better.

“I didn’t even know what I was doing. I have never been in a pack so I have never seen a human get turned before.” He said between sobs.

That made a lot of sense. I didn’t know of any cases in our pack of a werewolf being mated to a human but even so we were taught what to do. Human’s don’t heal as fast and so our bite can be fatal if you aren’t careful. We were told to only bite a human under strict supervision of one of the pack’s doctors. Without that support it is understandable that he wouldn’t know what to do.

Grayson stood up and walked over to Justin.

“His wound isn’t healing at all, did you give him some of your b***d?” Grayson asked.

“No.” Justin said. He sounded confused.

“Just bite your wrist and rub some of your b***d across the wound.” Grayson said.

Werewolves have really strong healing abilities and some of these can be shared with others temporarily through our b***d. It is one of the many reasons that we keep our existence secret from humans. If they found out that our b***d could slow ageing, heal wounds and cure disease then you can probably imagine what would happen to us.

Justin did as Grayson suggested without questioning it or hesitating. After rubbing some of his b***d over William’s neck he picked up the makeshift bandage from the bedside table and held it against William’s neck.

William tried to push him away but there wasn’t much force behind the pushes and Justin stayed exactly where he was. Maybe that wasn’t the best way to make his mate forgive him though, maybe it would be better if Justin gave him some space.

‘Don’t say that though, he will bite our head off if we try to interfere.’ Jade said.

‘I would like to see him try. You are now an alpha wolf and I am a lycan. We would utterly destroy him.’ Scarlett said.

I had forgotten that being marked by Grayson would make my wolf stronger. I wondered if it would make her more strong willed as well. I hope not, she is already a handful.

‘You better believe it, I am a force of nature now. Nobody can stop me.’ Jade said.

Goddess help me.

“When he is more stable I want to take him back to my pack so one of the doctors can check him over.” Grayson said.

“Thank-you alpha.” Justin replied.

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