Once Upon a Dragon Soul (Once Upon a Dragon Series Book 3)

Once Upon a Dragon Soul: Chapter 1

“What do you call a can opener that doesn’t work?” Dad asked and I nodded.

“I don’t know?”

“A can’t opener,” I said as my eyes flickered to both of my dads.

Queen Maggie and King Helmut tittered.

Dad Herbert’s fork clunked against the porcelain of the plate while Dad Albert responded with slow nodding.

“C’mon, that was funny,” Queen Maggie said, staring at them both.

Dad Albert sort of pulled out of it and one side of his lips plucked.

“I heard it before,” Dad Herbert said.

I shook my head, knowing why they were acting like sad and lonely fools. After breakfast, I was going back to Dragonia.

“I have to learn.” I looked at Dad Albert. “Besides, you have a lot to sort out in Etan, and I’m sure you can put that one to good use.”

Dad Herbert head jerked up when I motioned my hand toward him.

“I know, but I just got you, and it feels as if I have to let you go again,” Dad Albert whined.

“Please don’t make me stay. I need to be among my friends. The private tutors are so old,” I whispered the last part.

A laugh cut free from Dad Herbert’s lips, and Dad Albert looked at me with soft eyes and slumped shoulders.

“Oh, buck up,” Queen Maggie said. “You are the King of Paegeia, for crying out loud. It’s not like she is going to the other side.”

Dad Albert’s eyebrows raised as he gave Queen Maggie a stare.

The queen got up, shook her head, and motioned with her hand for me to get up.

I placed the napkin on the table and walked to Dad Herbert, gave him a hug and a kiss on his head. Then I walked to Dad Albert and wrapped my arms around him, sort of bending next to the chair. I kissed him on his scarred skin. It was so natural to me now. It didn’t define him at all.

Warm lips pressed against my cheek. “You’d better tell Blake that I’m watching him.”

A nosey chuckle came from Sir Robert’s direction.

“What? If he’s anything like you were at that age, I should get Elena a chastity belt.”

“Albert!” Queen Maggie scolded as heat rushed to my cheeks.

“Oh, I agree with Al,” Dad Herbert said with a grunt as Sir Robert’s thin lips gave away the effort not to bark his laughter.

“I’m going now, love you. I’ll see you soon.”

“Go before I change my mind,” Dad Albert said.

“Albert,” Dad Herbert growled playfully.

“I told you, one of you has to be lenient,” I said, looking over my shoulder at the two of them.

“That only applies to your dragon, Bear.”

“I’ve had my fair share of jumping around. I will not do that here. My dragon is at Dragonia, and I’m safe with him. I agree with the queen. Buck up.”

Queen Maggie’s laughter came from the entryway leading to the foyer.

“Safe trip, Elena,” King Helmut said as I walked into the foyer.

Queen Maggie waited for me. Teeth shown pearly through her grin as she shook her head. “You know they are only teasing.”

“Dad Herbert, yes. I’m not always so sure about Dad Albert. I think if he could lock me up in a vault, he would.”

“Elena, he just missed so much from your life. Be patient with him, and I think it was amazing of you to stay longer to spend more time with him.”

“I’m glad that I’ve done it. He is easy to be around. So carefree. I don’t know how he always do it as the Ancients had been really tough on him, almost wanting to take his title away and not speak about that imposter allegation. It was so absurd.”

“He set them straight, and now all the decisions lie on our shoulders again.”

“Like it should be.”

“You do not know how stressful that is, young lady.”

“You are the queen.” I moved closer to her as we walked down the hallway leading toward the elevator. “Buck up.”

Her laughter pulled out of her as my lips quirked up. She opened the door, and the silver doors stood gigantic against the walls.

I hated these elevators, but it was the fastest way to Elm, back to where I belonged.

A loud ping sounded, and the steel doors spread apart.

King Caleb sat in one chair and sort of jumped when he saw the queen and me standing there.

“I was wondering when you were going to grace us with your presence,” Queen Maggie said. “They are in the dining room, sulking. Go help Helmut and Robert to cheer them up.”

The door of the office barged open, and both dads ran into the office.

“I win,” Dad Albert said as Dad Herbert sort of grabbed him and tried to wrestle him. They were like big kids.

Laughter came from King Caleb’s direction, busy throwing the restraints from his shoulders.

“Last hugs,” I said and stepped forward to the pair. I wrapped an arm around each of them as we moved into a group hug.

“See you soon,” Dad Albert said as Dad Herbert kissed me for a last time on top of the head.

“Safe trip, Elena,” King Caleb walked past us, and our hug broke. I step toward the rollercoaster from hell and plopped into the left chair.

Dad Albert strapped me in, and the click announcing a secured passenger made my heart bounce behind my ribcage.

“Take care. And remember to take that deep breath.” Dad Albert pressed against the tip of my nose. “Boop.”

My abdomen pulsed with a hint of laughter. “I’ll talk to you soon.”

Dad winked and stepped back so that the doors could close.

Darkness plunged into my gut as the red light flickered in the top corner, waiting for it to blink green.

The drop came when the red flicked to green. My stomach dipped with the speed as the chair descended into the black pit. It stopped, and I took a huge breath. The force pressed against my bones. The pain grew lesser with each trip.

A jolt announced my destination, and I patted down strands of my hair. The door opened and the wooden wall panels with the gigantic bookcase welcomed me.

I unclasped the restraints and climbed out of the chair. Master Longwei sat behind his long wooden desk, speaking over the phone. “She is here, Albert.”

I shook my head as my lips curved into a smile.

“Speak to you later.” Master Longwei put the phone down.

“Sorry. I don’t know who is worse, him or Herbert.”

“It’s your fathers’ duties to make sure that you are safe and sound. Welcome back to Dragonia.”

“Thank you, Master Longwei. It’s good to be back.”

I picked up my bag that waited at his desk and said goodbye as I left his office. I rushed down the steps and searched for Blake, passing a few students.

“Hey,” one girl said, and I waved my hello. Another told me ‘welcome back.’

Blake wasn’t in the lobby as I rushed up the stairs toward the elevator.

It was a quick ride, only two floors, and it felt as if my insides vibrated, waiting for the doors to open.

I almost squealed when the elevator doors revealed room 701 and rushed to the door, opening it.

The girls were in a deep discussion with Vicky, who sat on her bed, with a pallid face.

“Hey,” I greeted them. Vicky’s eyes flickered to mine.

“You back?” Sammy pushed herself from the bed and rushed to me, wrapping her arms around my neck.

I kept staring at Vicky and Becky. “What is going on here?”

“Vicky’s quest. The viden’s temperature flared up this morning, and Master Longwei called Vicky in. It’s her foretelling. They are forcing her to discover what it means.”

“I don’t know where to even start looking for it.” Vicky’s eyes were as huge as orbs.

“Hey, you have a plan.” Becky stroked her arm. “I’m sure whatever it is you have to find and do is on the other side.”

“I just started Dragonia. This is scary. I won’t be able to come back if I can’t find it.”

Becky stroked her arm “You will find it. I know you will.”

“What do you mean, you won’t be able to come back?” I asked.

“It’s what happens to the foretellings in the book of Shadows. If you can’t discover the meaning, it’s basically a ban from Paegeia,” Sammy answered.

“That is harsh.”

“The viden can die, Elena.” Sammy’s eyes pulled down at the corners.

“Vicky can die.”

“Don’t,” Vicky yelled.

I flinched. “Sorry, I didn’t think. I doubt it would be that drastic. The other side is not that bad. Just don’t let them find out that you are a dragon.”

“Yeah, like that is going to happen,” Vicky whined and chucked the pillow that was on her lap away from her.

I felt for her. It sounded horrible, and I didn’t know that it was that harsh.

A knock on the door brought us all out of our thoughts. I was the nearest and reached out to open the door.

My heart skipped a beat as my gorgeous husband stood against the doorframe. The one side of his lips curved upwards, giving me a soul-searching stare with those peacock blue eyes of his.

He pulled me out of the room and yanked the door closed behind me. His nose disappeared in the crook of my neck and his lips brushed softly, tickling me.


“What? I haven’t seen you for a long time.”

“Did you know about Vicky, that they are forcing her on this self-discovery thing?”

“Yeah.” He didn’t sound too fazed by it and squinted slightly when he looked at me. “She will find whatever it is she has to find. Stop worrying. It’s not that they send her out there and she has to fend for herself. They fund everything, Elena. She’ll be fine.”

“Still, it must be scary.”

“My sister and Becky have been helping her with all of this for the past few weeks. She is not helpless, either.”

“She has to go to the other side?”

“Walk in the park, if you ask me.”

We entered the girls’ elevator, and Blake pressed the top floor button. The doors closed and jolted upwards. Blake pulled me into his chest. “I missed you. I’m so glad you are back.”

“Yeah, my dad was clingy. I thought staying a few days longer might ease it, but it only made it worse.”

He chuckled.

“You okay? How do you feel?”

“I’m fine.”

“You sure? No more tired?”

“No.” He smiled. “I told you, I was okay. Now stop stressing.” His lips brushed against my temple as the elevator opened on the last floor, and we walked up the stairs to the roof. Blake opened the trap door, and we climbed out.

Sitting on the roof and watching the sun set was one of our favorite things to do. It was so peaceful up here.

“So, what did I miss?” I asked, lying on Blake’s arm.

“Nothing much. Just that August and Annie started. Jeff is not happy about August.”

I laughed. “You think—”

“No, he doesn’t act like George at all.”

“And Annie?”

“She is starting slowly to find herself. She went through a lot, but she’ll be okay.”

“She told you what she went through?”

“Not yet, and I won’t push her to tell me, either. She asked me to go with her when the trial is going to start.”


“I told her ‘of course.’ I won’t let her face a trial by herself. The guys that done this to her need to be brought to justice.”

“Even if it’s your cousin?”

“If that is the case, then so be it.”

“Blake, he is family.”

“Elena, from what I can remember about my cousin, he has a dark surface, even darker than mine. The world won’t miss him.”


“What? It’s the truth. He used to steal my baby scales. My uncle is not like my dad or anyone that I’ve known. He is dark and twisted. Something that my cousin shares with him.”

I got the picture, but that it was still his family, it terrified me that he gave up on him so quickly. What if I turn evil? Would he give up on me, too?

“Yeah, my dad said that it was going to happen in Etan, as soon as the restorations are done.”

“It will be back to its full glory in no time,” Blake said. “Did he say anything about Goran, any news about where he is?”

“I don’t know. My dad doesn’t want me to worry about it. Keeps saying that he has everything under control.”

Blake nodded.

Tomorrow was Friday, and Blake sounded giddy that he didn’t have to go to class alone anymore.

“Stop sulking.”

“It’s boring without you.” He turned on his side and cupped my cheek. “Besides, I really missed you.”

He sounded like a ten-year-old boy who missed his best friend. It made me feel great about myself. Our lips touched, and the kiss grew in depth. It turned to passion fast as our tongues tangled together.

His teeth grazed my lips seductively as my head spun. This guy was really going to be the end of me one day, but that was one day’s problem. Today I didn’t care.

Our lips parted when shortage of breath became a problem.

“So did you tell my new dads that they won themselves a son-in-law yet?” His lips moved against mine.

A crack of laughter poured from me. “And bury you the same day? No, as that is what they are going to do if they know I married your ass.”

“You want to keep it a secret that we tied the knot?”

“Yes. My dad would annul it. There is no way I’m going to divorce you. You think dragons take this seriously. You haven’t seen me yet.”

“Music to my ears. We’ll just renew our vows on our wedding day then.”

“That is the best plan you ever had.” I shifted over on my stomach and rested my weight on my elbows. “I bet it would be like our twentieth anniversary with the way both of them are going on.”

Blake laughed. “I don’t care. As long as you are mine in every way for infinity.”

I melted at the words leaving his lips. He was everything I’d ever dreamed about in a guy.

Classes were a breeze. The professors all welcomed me back.

Even Lucian was happy that I finally graced them with my presence.

Around five, a knock came at my door and when I opened it, Blake entered with a group of guys carrying kegs and a sound system.

“What is this?” I asked as Annie entered.

She wrapped her arms around my neck. “Farewell for Vicky or Nicky?”

“Hey, Lena,” August said as he carried another keg with the help of Dean.

“You don’t even know her name?” I reprimanded Annie.

She shrugged. “I need to party.”

I laughed at the way she said it, and Sammy rushed to her cousin and flung her arms around her neck.

They squealed like little girls as more guys entered our room.

At seven, a full-blown party rocked the walls and vibrated against the windows.

The guys used plenty of magic spells so that the music wasn’t heard by Master Longwei or any of the other professors, and I had to admit, this was my first party, too. It was fun.

The gesture bowled Vicky over, and the waterworks appeared faster than usual. I didn’t know if it was because of what lay ahead or whether it was attached to the guys throwing her a party.

I did not know where they had gotten the beer kegs and food, but our room was full of bodies, dancing to the music and drinking beer. Some even made out on the couch.

Blake cocked his head. I followed him out the door and we sneaked to his room. We ran up the stairs when the foyer was cleared to the elevator that was on the fourth floor.

The elevator’s doors were wide open when we reached it. Blake pushed the button to the seventh floor, and the doors closed.

He pulled on my jersey, and I smacked hard into his chest. His sweet scent mixed with a musky undertone made my stomach clench.

“How are things getting along with Tabitha and Lu?”

“Uh-uh.” He shook his head as he looked at me with sultry eyes.

“Uh-uh, what?”

“I’m not speaking about them tonight,” he said and then grabbed me behind my butt and lifted me.

My legs curled around his waist. I couldn’t contain the laugh that bubbled out of me. I knew exactly why he’d sneaked out of the party.

“We are inside the elevator. Seriously,” I spoke inches from his face.

“Everyone is at the party.”

“Everyone is not at the party.”

That didn’t stop him, though. His lips brushed against mine, and his tongue pried mine open. The ping of the elevator reached my ears, and Blake walked out with me. The kiss grew in passion, and the last thing that rushed through my mind was screw it. As long as I was with him, nothing else mattered.

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