Once Upon a Dragon Heart (Once Upon a Dragon Series Book 2)

Once Upon a Dragon Heart: Chapter 39

I told Blake everything when I got home. I couldn’t believe that they insinuated my dad was an imposter and wanted to strip his title. Dad obviously had something to prove that he was who he said he was. The look on Duclin’s face spoke a lot of words when it slacked.

“He has a vault on this side. Did you know about that?”

As always, I expected a reply from him, but none came from his silent lips.

“When are you planning to grace us with your presence? You are driving me crazy while sleeping. It’s almost two weeks, Blake. Please, just wake up.” I got up and planted my lips on his head.

None of my kisses had worked. It only reminded me that this wasn’t a fairytale. This world was as real as the one I grew up in.

If I could reach into his dreams, I would. I would drag him back and get him to wake up. I wondered constantly what he was doing, what he was seeing. Was I with him? Was he happy?

The next morning, the newspaper and tabloids were all about my dad’s vault on this side and that it would prove that he was the king.

They had done a lot of interviews with the banks and none could comment that Dad actually owned a vault with their bank. There wasn’t a single one out there.

It made me worried. “Dad, where is the vault?”

“Relax, sweet pea. It’s a secret vault, which makes me worried my keeper didn’t come forward.”

“Your keeper?”

“Someone that knew about the vault.”

“Where is he?”

“Living on the other side.”

“He is a dragon?”

He nodded.

“So you told someone about the vault, but you couldn’t tell someone other than Tanya and my other dad about me?”

“Sweet pea, it wasn’t like that. You were not in possession. You are my flesh and blood and I know things went horribly wrong with sticking to the plan, but they know the truth. I don’t need him to prove who I am or to open the vault. Our bloodline is the key. But I will need him to provide the deed to this vault that me and your mother had signed fifteen years ago. That’s why I sent Robert to the other side yesterday.”

I nodded.

“So whenever they return, I’d show everyone who I am and then I will address the Ancients again.”

Later that afternoon, Sir Robert came back with a Crown Tail. Dad’s brows twitched together as he looked at them. They transformed back and one of the staff gave them robes. I would never get used to their naked human forms.

“Where is Craven Haulster?” Dad asked.

The man behind Sir Robert bowed, and my father told him to get up. He had a bag around his shoulder and shook my father’s hand.

“Your majesty, Borgen Haulster. It’s such an honor to meet you. Craven Haulster was my father. He’s not with us anymore, but he explained to me on his deathbed about the vault and the deed that belonged to your family.”

“I’m sorry to hear about your loss, Borgen. Your father was a great and honorable man.”

“That he was. I’m proud to be his son, and I try every day to walk in his footsteps.”

Dad smiled, and the guy handed him the files. Dad opened it and teeth shone pearly through his grin.

“Sir Robert, can you please arrange the meeting for the council for tonight? I want to present them with the papers so that Mr. Haulster can go back to his normal life as soon as possible.”

Sir Robert nodded. It was amazing how Dad addressed him in front of others as Sir, but when it was only us, he called him Bob.

We waited for a verdict and finally the call came. My dad had to go back to the city hall and every council member had to be there.

We all left and walked in like usual. There were three chairs this time, and the Ancients walked in one by one and took their chairs.

Borgen got up, bowed in front of the ancients, and gave them each a copy of the original deed to the vault. They inspected it.

“It’s signed by the queen and king,” Papi said. “So when the vault opens, it’s a done deal.”

My father nodded and got up. “I would like to open my vault now.”

They consented, and we all left, taking carriages toward a theme park.


“I had to hide it, Elena. It’s quite clever if you think about it.”

“A theme park?”

He grunted a laugh. “I love a treasure hunt and thought you might appreciate this one.”

I shook my head as the carriage landed.

The people that still walked the grounds of the theme park all grabbed their Cammys and recorded Dad. Some even asked for a picture and my father never showed them away. He even made a joke or two about the imposter allegations.

I waited with Sir Robert at an old creepy tree that looked like a face and had a mouth.

There was a kids’ play park nearby.

Borgen went to the tree and touched it. The tree kept him occupied as he looked around. “Marvelous.”

“What is?” Sir Robert asked.

“It’s the opening to the vault.”

“What?” we both asked.

The Ancients finally arrived with their guards and Micha bowed her head as she passed us and smiled at Dad. He smiled back, but I doubt he knew who she was.

Borgen spoke again and explained the opening that was in the tree’s mouth. A feature that became part of the theme park and only the brave stuck their hands inside, but only a true royal will open the mystery.

The ancients studied the tree and four of them put their hands inside.

Papi was the only one that didn’t. I guess he was afraid that the vault would open as the Squire’s bloodline flew through him.

Nothing had happened, and Duclin showed dad to go ahead.

“It’s old, so it might take some time.” He put his hand in and took it out. A small drop of blood pooled on his finger.

He winked. A few seconds passed, and then a slight rumble vibrated against the soles of our feet.

Everyone took a knee in front of Dad.

Dad lowered his head at his subjects and showed them to raise as the play equipment folded into each other and became one with the ground. The floor shifted open and people closest to the opening took a few steps back.

It carried on for a few seconds until a staircase became visible and Dad walked toward the entrance. He climbed down the steps with the help of Sir Robert. The Ancients followed by a couple of reporters. Some of them spoke in hushed tones into the camera, telling their viewers what had happened as Dad opened the wheel that was on the door. The seal door unlocked, and the door shifted open.

The lights flicked up. Cages and cages filled with gold, and stacks of money lined both sides. None of us uttered a word. I walked to the end, and another door slid open. Mom and Dad had filled it with jewels. My father and mother’s crowns were both on cushions right at the end. A third cushion held the most beautiful tiara I’d ever seen. Beautiful ball gowns hung inside glass cases and jewels lay open on the velvet shelves, with glass covering it. I was too scared to touch it.

“Elena,” Dad said, and I found him at the entrance we’d just come through. He held a huge envelope. He handed it to me, and I struggled to open it.

I removed a thick envelope with my name on it. A few more envelopes were inside of it, with some journals. I took out all the envelopes and Dad grabbed the one with Sir Robert’s name on. “We don’t need that one.” He winked and removed the envelopes that had the same handwriting.

He left me with a couple of envelopes and the journals.

“Your mother’s journals. She thought you might like them one day.”

I flung my arms around my dad, and he hugged me back.

When his arms fell to his side, he gave me time to open my letter as Dad and Sir Robert moved away to another part of the vault.

“My dearest Elena.”

“I knew first love the minute I met your father, but I only knew what unconditional love was when I held you in my arms. You were so tiny and so fragile, I can’t imagine what life will be without you and I hope with all of my heart that you never get to read this letter, because it will mean that I never got the chance to meet you again. I love you so much and I miss you like crazy. You were the only thing, besides your father, I ever wanted.

“To give you up in order to save your life was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. I’d fight twenty more wars if it meant that I could’ve kept you, but it’s not how life works.

“I’m writing this letter with deep sorrow, but knowing that one day you might read it is the only pleasure I have.

“We left you everything we have, and hope that it will be enough for you to find it in your heart to forgive me.

“I tried everything to keep you, but the odds were against us the minute you were born. If only I was a Moon-Bolt and I could see into the future of who was going to betray us, I would slit them open from chin to navel to have you in my arms again. But again, the Malones don’t have the luxury of knowing what is to happen.

“I love you more than words can say, and I’ve written my stories down, hoping that one day you will read them.

“I wish I knew the type of woman you will turn into, that Elena I would give anything to meet. And remember, I will always be with you until we meet again.

“Love, Mom.”

“No.” Sir Robert’s voice came from the end of the vault and my father’s soft tone spoke to him. “It’s too much!”

I walked toward them as the Ancients just stared at everything that was inside the vault as if they tried to claim it for themselves.

Dad and Sir Robert hugged each other in a room that had a door. The insides had golden bars stacked against each other and black velvet coin sashes, which I assume carried diamonds.

There were files stacked in a corner. Sir Robert’s shoulders shook in Dad’s embrace.

“Stop crying, you big oaf. What don’t you understand? We are linked forever, even if I wasn’t here. You suffered enough and if it wasn’t for you that found Elena, I wouldn’t have been standing here. We both know that.”

He sniffed and wiped his tears.

“The past is gone. We need to rebuild.”

Sir Robert nodded.

“Now, go tell the ancients the king of Paegeia wants a hearing.”

Sir Robert sniffed, recomposed himself, and wiped his tears before walking out with huge strides.

“Why the tears?” I asked Dad.

“I told him this vault is his.”

I gaped. “Dad?”

“Elena, he is my dragon. If I wasn’t here, my letter would’ve instructed you to give it to him. He deserves everything in this vault.”

“I don’t question that, but you can’t sprawl that on him.”

He smiled. “Let’s go. We have another meeting to attend.”

I nodded, and we went back to the city hall.

The meeting started as if the ancients had arranged it. Dad gave them time to say what they wanted to say. There wasn’t once an apology coming from Duclin’s mouth to what he insinuated. He did it in the name of Paegeia’s best interest. It was a joke.

My blood boiled when he changed tactic and sounded as if he wanted to bump us from the throne.

Sir Robert was the only one from the council members who objected, and Duclin ordered him to sit down.

Sir Robert sat down against his will and I wondered if the ancients had that sort of power that I only witnessed once from Blake.

The council members kept quiet and Dad just sat there again, making me angry. It was as if our name wasn’t that important to him. Blake could sleep for years for this.

“What is your reply, Albert?” Duclin finally asked.

“Let me get this straight. You want to disown millennia of bloodlines from the throne of Paegeia? Is that it?”

“Not in those precise words, but it is time a stronger bloodline takes on this responsibility.”

“Let me guess, a dragon bloodline, like your own bloodline perhaps, your honor?” My father sounded calm, as if he were really thinking about giving up his birthright.

“I don’t see why not. This is the dragons’ world.”

“And yet you order your will on your subjects?” my father said and Duclin eyebrows knitted. “What will I do to my people if you can’t even listen to what dragons have to say? What voice will humans and shifters have?”

“There are other elite dragon families.”

“Other dragons?” My father smiled. “And who is going to follow these other dragons?”

“Your family has had this world for a long time. It’s time to stand down.”

“And when danger comes again, who will this world turn to, those dragons that will rule Paegeia?” My father was still calm.

“Remember who you are talking to,” Duclin said through gritted teeth.

My father smiled at him. “Precisely. Because of that, I will not stand down. If you don’t like it, then we can sort it out like they used to in the old days.” Everyone gasped. How did they sort it out in the old days? “But just remember what runs through my veins, and I will bring my sword and shield to defend my right and my people’s right.”

“Is that a threat?”

“I don’t need to make threats. I’m the King of Paegeia, and so was my father, and his father before him. The greater power chose us to rule this world. When the greater power chooses you, or any other bloodline, I promise you He will let me know, and I will step down, but there is no dragon in this world that will run this country the way I will. Not yet.” The way he said I knew he was referring to Blake, as if he believed with all his heart he was going to wake up. It gave me hope.

“I’m what my people need to heal and to have peace, and whoever is going to stand in my way will cause another war. I’m not afraid of those, as I have one of the most noble and strongest dragons fighting at my side.”

Sir Robert’s chest rose slightly, and a smile appeared at the corner of his lips. “I will not make you pay for all the unkindness you’ve given to him and his family, but I think it’s time.”

“Time for what?” Duclin spat.

“Time to take that vote. Our forefathers put you five up there. I think it’s time to rethink who our next Ancient team is going to be, as some of you are clouded about what is best for Paegeia and all its inhabitants here.”

“You cannot do that. Like you said, only your forefathers could do that.”

“They are dead and no longer have a say in this world.” My father’s tone was slightly stronger, but still calm. “Aye, for a new Council.” My father lifted his hand. I looked at Papi, and his lips turned into a huge grin. He closed his eyes and lay back as if he’d been waiting for this for a long time.

I lifted my hand, too. “Aye.”

One by one, all the Council members lifted their hands, even King Caleb.

My Papi opened his eyes and lifted his hand.

Duclin looked at him. “You fool. You are on this council. Lower your hand.”

“King Albert is right. He is the best for this world and his people. I thought you had learned by now that you cannot strip this family line of their title. It’s who they are, and it’s who they will always be for millennia to come. Aye.”

The others just stared at the floor and three more lifted their hands.

“You can’t do this!”

“It is done, and if anyone mistreats the Dragon Law again, I’ll bring them for a hearing and I will speak the sentence. From now on, no dragon will ever not have a say with hearings. We fought years for them to have a voice, we killed our kind for them to have a voice, and we lost a lot of good men for them to have a voice, and lost really brave dragons too. My dragon belongs at my side, and no hearing or meeting will ever tell him otherwise. You will address them as they deserve. To gain that title, it’s something no one can buy, only something you have to earn and nothing can take it away. Now, if you’ll be so kind as to excuse me, I have a world to run.”

My father stood, grabbed my hand, and bowed again.

The entire hall burst into applause.

Goosebumps flushed my skin as everyone got up, everyone except Duclin. It was the most amazing thing I’d ever seen. I didn’t regret letting Blake go to save my father from Etan.

A smile appeared on his face before we walked out.

I’d finally witnessed why they called my father the greatest king that ever ruled Paegeia.

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