Once Upon a Dragon Heart (Once Upon a Dragon Series Book 2)

Once Upon a Dragon Heart: Chapter 16

Gasps filled the air as Duclin stared at me.

“My father is alive, behind those creepers.”

“Dad, no!” Blake yelled and Sir Robert exploded into his dragon form.

“Robert!” Isabel’s voice shrieked as his wing connected hard with Duclin and me, trying to get out of the museum.

“Emanual!” Blake begged as artifacts and everything fell over the way Sir Robert moved to the closest window. Another dragon would bring the museum to the ground.

Shit. I grabbed my curls in my hand, watching the horror that was happening in front of me.

Everybody tried to make a run for it and Duclin grabbed my arm. Blake had left the podium, going after his father.

The shift came so fast and a deep roar of a second dragon vibrated through the walls as Duclin charged for the back entrance. Screams filled the museum as people tried to get out.

My heart thumbed fast as my ankles screamed the way I tried to walk in these heels. Duclin’s grip didn’t leave my wrist, and I swore he pressed harder when we almost reached the back door.

“Let me go!”

“Not a chance. You have infuriated me enough. The latest that left your lips is going to destroy the museum, silly girl.”

“It’s the truth!”

“Stop lying!”

“Let my daughter go, now!”

“Stand aside, Jako. This isn’t your concern.”

“Duclin, let her go, or I promise you, you will not see another day.”

“Dad!” I yelled.

“That is a direct threat to my life!”

“Let her go now! If she says Albert is alive, then he is alive. She is his daughter. Tanya and I explained it to you.”

“All lies.”

Dad grabbed me from him, and my arm pulled out of his grip as my body slammed into Dad’s chest. He pulled me behind him.

My heart thumbed at what had left my father’s mouth.

“I’m trying to keep Paegeia safe and you came and messed everything up with this ludicrous claim. She isn’t a Malone. I know because the queen couldn’t have children.”

“Miracles happen every day, old man. You want to take her title, fine, but when my daughter gets through those creepers, she is the Rubicon’s rider, as that is the one foretelling that will set all of this straight.”

Duclin’s eyes twitched as the building shuddered.

“Fine,” Duclin said, and disappeared through the back door.

“We have to go, Bear.”

“I’m sorry, Dad.”

“Don’t be. Why didn’t you tell us sooner?”

“Blake. He begged me not to. Is his father okay?”

“They got to him outside. Blake had to use his alpha call to stop him.”

I took off my shoes as we rushed out of the back door. I didn’t even see our wax figures. A tremendous success, yeah right. Ask an ancient to ruin everything.

“There will be plenty of meetings tonight once we get Robert to calm down.”

“Did you mean that thing about the creepers?”

“Elena, it is both your foretelling. It said that Blake and his rider would get through. Nobody else. If you can get through, it will prove that you are his daughter.”

“Dad, have you seen those things?”

“I have. When I read that foretelling, I took a trip to Etan.”

“How the hell am I going to go through?”

“I don’t know, but the foretelling said—”

“Foretelling. Dad, someone had seen it in a vague dream. Who said it’s the truth?”

“Don’t, Elena. You need to believe. The one that saw it is the first one that predicted a single thing of your family’s bloodline. She knows what she is talking about.”


He nodded. “Her predictions always come true. She is one of the strongest Videns in Paegeia. Trust her.”

They always come true. The other one will too?

It was this mission. I could feel it. I was going to die, but in what situation, I didn’t know.

We all went back to the castle.

The media was going ballistic with the revelation. There was no word about the ancients stripping me from my title, as the focus was back to my real dad, trapped behind the creepers.

You did the right thing. Blake had to get over his fears. Dad said it was of essence, as Goran was planning something. What I didn’t know, but I saw the fear in his eyes when he told me.

I got out of the dress as Queen Maggie flipped through all the channels.

She switched off the TV as one reporter questioned my words.

“Stupid imbeciles.”

“I’m sorry,” I said. “No, I’m not. He told me something was coming and I could see the truth in his eyes.”

“Elena, why didn’t you say anything sooner?”

“Blake, he wanted time. He didn’t say why?”

“Blake knows this?”

I nodded. “My dad asked me to tell him before we revealed it. His father… my dad can’t lose him.”

Queen Maggie closed her eyes and then opened them slowly. “Those two almost shared the same bond as strong as a dent.”

“Was he really going to fly to the creepers?”

The queen nodded.

“Why? He would’ve died if they didn’t stop him.”

The queen’s lips quirked. “They don’t care, Elena. The only thing that goes through Robert’s head now is to save his rider. For fifteen years, he thought he was dead. I can only imagine what is going through his head, knowing that he is alive behind those creepers.”

“He can’t. My dad begged me. He can’t lose him too.”

“You should tell him that part.”

I nodded. “What is going to happen to my father, threatening Duclin’s life?”

“It was out of context. He didn’t want to release you. Your dad won’t get into trouble. I can promise you that. Helmut won’t let anything happen to him.”

I hoped she was right. I couldn’t lose the father that raised me either. Not like that.

The door opened and Dad walked in. He was still in his tux pants and white shirt.

He pulled my arm and off the couch. Fatherly arms wrapped around me.

“I’m so sorry about tonight.”

“Shh, it’s not your fault, Bear. Blake knows better. He should’ve told us the minute he discovered the news.”

Crap. I looked at my father. “Where is he?”

“Relax. He’s not in trouble. The kings only want answers. He is still with his father.” He looked at the queen. “There will be a meeting in less than an hour, Maggie. Everyone is coming here.”

She nodded and got up from the chair and walked to the entrance.

“I feel like such a disappointment.” Tears welled up in my eyes.

Dad cupped my cheek. “Elena, you are not. You did the right thing.”

“It wasn’t the right way, Dad. I don’t care about the stupid title. I was worried I would lose Blake. I can’t lose him,” I whispered.

“Well, hopefully this entire ordeal will be over soon.”

“What is going to happen now?”

“Now, we have to get you through those creepers safely and get your father out of there. We need to find out what is left on the other side.”

Silence lingered. To prove that he was my dragon, I made more shit for both of us.

“It’s big, Bear. Your father and the king of Paegeia will come home in a few months. Everything is going to change.”

I looked at my father. He was worried that he would lose me.

I grabbed his hand. “You are my dad, through and through. I don’t care if you sired me.”

Dad’s lips curved, and I hugged him. “I love you, Dad. Nothing is going to change that.”

“I love you too, Bear.”

“We’ll find a way around the two dads. I mean, if they can do it on the other side, we can too, right?”

Dad laughed. “Bear, me and your dad are not like those couples.”

“I know, but it didn’t sound weird when they spoke about their dads.”

He nodded. “I’m sentimental. Your real father is brilliant at handling these sorts of things. He is much wiser than some dragons I know. Some say he should’ve been a dragon. That was how wise he was…. sorry, is.”

My lips curved.

My real father was going to come home, but at what cost? The foretelling was weighing heavy on my shoulders. I couldn’t gain a father and lose my dragon. I wouldn’t make it.

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