O.M.G: Oh My Gravity

Chapter Bated Breath

After all the Super Humans had left the training hall to get ready for our rescue, Shadow and I locked up and rushed to the elevator. People in the hall way wore worried expressions and each moved out of our way as we ran too close to them for their liking.

As we pulled up to the elevator at the far end of the hall, I realised its doors were closing. The sun danced across the orange doors, as large as a football field. If we didn’t get on the elevator we would delay our preparations and be extremely late to save the world. If we did, we might die saving the world. I thought of my two options and chose the second one because I would rather die saving people I loved than to die along with everyone else. We were getting on that elevator.

I threw myself in the closing gap, the doors squeezing the air out of my lungs.

“Quick,” I said, using what little strength I had to pry the doors back open for Shadow.

Shadow jumped in and pressed her back against the diamond hand rail, letting out a large sigh.

I stepped back from the doors, which closed immediately, and stood next to her, smiling at the people who already occupied the elevator. They smiled back and looked away, either at the ceiling, the wall or the floor most probably trying to avoid eye contact in order to avoid the truth of the whole situation.

“Are you sure you know what you’re doing, Alex?” Shadow asked me, her eyes full of concern.

“Not really,” I answered her. “But I have a feeling that I’m doing the right thing. I can always ask Tory how we can get up in space.”

Shadow nodded and rested her head on my shoulder. I didn’t want to let her down or anyone else down. The Super Humans counted on me now... I couldn’t and wouldn’t ruin this for them.

The elevator dinged and the doors opened on floor 143. I hopped out with Shadow and led her to my room. Number 8.

I slid in the key and the door opened, letting us into the small, lit-up entry-way. I closed the door behind us and led the way into my bedroom.

“I have to get changed,” I told her. “When I’m done, we’ll head to your room ok?”

“That takes up too much time,” she replied, walking over to the chest of drawers at the end of my bed. “I’ll take a look at what you have. If you don’t mind.”

I shook my head and smiled.

She opened the drawer smoothly and ran her fingers over the clothes contained inside it. She smiled then pulled out a white singlet. She laced it on the bed and went back to my drawers where she pulled out a pair of navy blue shorts.

“If you’re going to save the world, you may as well look fashionable doing it,” said Shadow.

I laughed and shook my head. It was cute how she always made the most stressful moments happy. It was what I liked about her.

She gestured for me turn around so she could get changed, laughing and pointing to the wall.

I turned around and listened to the shuffling of clothes behind me. It was nice not to be alone. It felt safe and warm.

“Okay,” Shadow said. “You can look now.”

I turned around and my breath caught in my throat. How could a girl look so good dressed in male clothes?

The singlet fit her perfectly along with the shorts.

“Does it look ok?” she asked, tucking a lock of blonde hair behind her ear. “Or does it look silly?”

“You look beautiful,” I told her, finding the strength not to stutter. “Really beautiful.”

Shadow blushed and cleared her throat.

“Thank you, Alex,” she said softly. “Get changed and let me know when you’re done.”

She buried in the drawers once more and threw me a bunch of material before she walked out of the room.

I laid the clothes on my bed and began to undress, pulling the clean white T-shirt over my head and putting on the pair of navy blue pants. I looked down at myself and realised that Shadow and I wore matching outfits. I smiled to myself as I walked out of the room.

“Shadow,” I called. I turned to my right and nearly jumped out of my own skin. Shadow was leaning on the wall outside of my room, laughing at my reaction.

“You look very handsome, Alex,” she said sweetly.

“Thank you, Shadow,” I replied and walked closer to her. I gave her a kiss on her slightly wet cheek and pulled her into a hug. Her figure shook slightly and she sighed.

“Hey,” I whispered into her hair, gripping her tighter. “This will all be over soon. Nothing is going to happen.”

I took in my own words and tried to convince myself along with Shadow that everything would be alright.

“What if it all goes wrong?” she said softly, her voice trembling.

“It wont,” I answered. “I promise.”

She looked up at me with the hint of a smile appearing on her lips. I could tell that my words comforted her slightly, which in turn comforted me. I ran my hand through her silky smooth hair and pulled her back.

“Come on,” I said, chirping up and grabbing her hand. “We have to get back to the training hall before everyone else gets there.”

Shadow nodded and started walking towards the front door but I stopped her and pulled her back, pressing my lips to hers gently. It was a simple kiss but it made everything seem clearer.

I pulled away then and smiled, gazing into Shadow’s amazingly blue eyes. They smiled at me, wrinkling at the corners and brightening to a bright blue. I found it quite ironic that we were smiling when we should have been grieving about our soon to come death. But it comforted me to smile.

Then a thought hit me. Why did I always have to associate death with saving the world? Shouldn’t it be a happy moment that made us smile? I gave myself a mental shove to put me into place. I needed to start thinking positive.

Shadow pulled me back and kissed me once more before she took my hand and lead me to the door.

“Alex,” she whispered. “I’m scared.”

“Don’t be,” I told her, even though I was slightly scared too. “I wont let anything hurt you, Shadow.”

“I hope so,” she said, her face lighting up. “Come on, Chief. You have an army to lead.”

I nodded my head, opened the front door, and Shadow and I walked out with heads held high.

This was going to work, I thought to myself. It just has to.

We walked though the hallway to the orange elevator and jumped in, saying to the automated voice the level of the training hall. Just as the elevator door was about to close, Dallas rushed in, his skinny body just making it in. I had almost forgotten about the small Dachshund... I hadn’t seen him all day.

“Dallas!” Shadow yelped. The dog trotted on his short legs to Shadow and licked her on the nose. She laughed, a short musical sound that made me feel warm inside. “What are you doing here?”

Dallas wagged his tail and howled at her. His dry nose was pointed to the ceiling and his small black lips curled in the shape of an “o”. His red fur was dull in the elevator lights and his ears were pushed to the front of his small head in inquiry.

Wait a minute, I thought. A dog’s nose is supposed to be wet.

“Shadow,” I said slowly. “His nose is dry... Is he ok?”

She turned Dallas’ head toward her and she ran a finger over his leathery looking nose. She frowned then dropped her hands in resignation.

“I don’t know what’s wrong with him,” she said sadly. “If I could speak ‘dog language’ that would help a sure lot. I mean he looks quite normal... But I don’t know whats happening inside of him.”

“It’s probably nothing, Shadow,” I said, putting a gentle hand on her shoulder. She looked at me and smiled.

“You’re probably right,” she replied and Dallas barked in what I thought was agreement. I nodded and patted Dallas on his silky smooth head.

Just then, there came a small ding from somewhere inside the elevator and the doors slid open.

Shadow, Dallas and I stepped out into an absolutely deserted hallway. I wondered were everyone went, slightly confused that they were hiding instead of running frantically and stressing about death.

I walked up to the banister looking over the balcony into the floors bellow. Each balcony was empty and even the tiny lobby at the bottom was empty from what I could see from this hight.

I frowned and shook my head.

“Where is everyone?” I asked Shadow, feeling my insides drop to the bottom level of S.H.H.

Shadow shrugged her thin, moist shoulders, observing the hallways with a worried expression on her face.

“They’re either getting ready,” she said slowly. “Or hiding...”

I felt furious at her words. How could they be hiding from something that is so big? Something that requires everyones effort? I shook my head, deciding not to say anything in case I looked stupid.

I walked ahead, my enthusiasm now dragging behind me on the floor. Our feet seemed to be louder in the deserted hallways echoing off all the windows and floors, their sound metallic and sinister. The walk seemed like it went on forever as we held our breaths and headed drew closer to the training hall.

Our steps came to a stop outside the closed, white training hall doors. I looked over at Shadow, my eyes displaying all the worry I felt inside, her eyes trying to reassure me. She nodded and turned to the door with a friendly smile.

With a deep breath and and a head full of doubt, I grab the handle and push through the doors. My heart stopped when I walked into the hall.

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