Omega Mine

Chapter Epilogue

A few hours later…

A small group of the rebellion’s leaders had gathered together in the war room along with Grayson, Josie, David, Jameson and Wolfe to discuss the matter of his aunt. Nikki was rotting in a cell with several broken bones, but otherwise unharmed, much to his irritation.

A few broken bones wasn’t good enough. Not for Grayson.

He wanted her dead as soon as possible, and he would have accomplished that hours ago if Jameson hadn’t encouraged him to keep her alive, instructing him to begin his role as leader immediately and to seek counsel for his aunt’s crimes.

Jameson had reasoned that murdering her outright would cause a slew of problems in the short term, and some might view his actions as a hostile takeover, inciting panic and discontent, none of which would garner loyalty among the rebellion.

The Omega had been right, and Josie had quickly agreed, further cementing Grayson’s trust in the other male. Despite everything they’d been through, Jameson had been a staunch ally and friend, and it would be foolish to neglect his advice.

No matter how much Grayson wanted to pull Nikki’s skin from her bones and relish in her tortured screams. But even her screams of agony would never be enough to atone for what she’d done. To him, his people, even Wyatt.

God. Wyatt.

Grayson wasn’t sure how to cope with that situation, either. The news of Gemma’s death was difficult to swallow, as was the fact that his Mongrel brother had stolen Raven away, escaping into the woods with the frightened Omega as their camp had been invaded.

Josie had tried to assure him that the experimental drug she’d been given might be just the thing to save his little brother’s life, but that was if they even found him. And what if he’d already irreparably harmed the Omega he’d taken?

What if they were too late to save Wyatt? To save Raven?

Already, search parties had begun near their campsite, Grayson utilizing his new role as Alpha Prime in the hopes of finding his younger brother.

He had to find him, because Grayson didn’t know what he’d do otherwise.

Josie reached out, placing her hand gingerly in his, the action immediately soothing him. Her hands were wrapped in thick, white gauze, her wounds still healing slowly. She’d gotten checked out by one of the doctors, and it was determined that she should return to normal within the day, which was a relief.

His mate had also quickly pointed out the doctor who’d administered the shot she’d received, and they’d been arrested and tossed into the cell next to Nikki’s.

“Beth–Nikki will need to be interrogated before you can kill her,” Benjamin, one of the rebellion’s generals stated tiredly. He was an older Alpha, and as Wolfe had informed Grayson earlier, one of the most experienced and admired strategists among their kind. “Her crimes cannot go unanswered, but I doubt she was working alone. Topher was obviously a cohort, and he’ll be dealt with, but there could be others that have helped her maintain this ruse. We cannot leave any stone unturned.”

“I remember you,” Grayson said softly, nodding at the male. Benjamin’s eyes widened in surprise. “You served my father.”

Benjamin nodded. “I did. Alpha Lucien was a fair leader. Wise beyond his years.”

And yet he’d been blinded by a snake in the grass, completely oblivious to his mate’s twin sister and her evil machinations. Grayson still couldn’t believe everything Josie had informed him, completely blown away that his aunt could be such a bitter, vile woman to nearly annihilate their species for a slight against her.

“I was excited to learn you were alive,” Benjamin added, nodding pleasantly to Josie. “And to know you’ve found your mate in spite of this situation, it is a blessing. My congratulations to you both.”

“Thank you,” Josie answered with a small smile, squeezing Grayson’s hand. He didn’t reciprocate, afraid that one wrong move would cause her more pain.

“I hope that this transition into your roles as Alpha and Omega Prime will run smoothly,” Benjamin added, looking around the table at the people gathered. “It’s our responsibility to ensure you have everything you need. Resources, counsel, the works. Our fight with the humans has been tiresome, but I’m confident with your presence, and guidance, we’ll see this fight through to absolute victory.”

Grayson took a deep, steadying breath, the weight of responsibility bearing down on his shoulders. But then Josie squeezed his hand again, sending him a sweet smile that melted away his reservations.

He wasn’t alone in this, and with his mate by his side, Grayson felt like he could accomplish anything. He brought Josie’s hand to his lips, kissing her bare knuckles tenderly.

Casting a look to Benjamin, he asked, “When do we get started?”

Sometime later, Josie and Grayson were escorted into a living suite that was quite similar to the one she’d been locked in with Nikki earlier. Only this time, Grayson was at her side, and there was no scalpel wielding maniac trying to kill her.

Thank God.

After they were given a quick tour and the bedroom door shut behind them, leaving them alone, Grayson turned, lifting Josie into his arms and carrying her toward the bathroom.

“It’s a shower for you, and then to bed,” Grayson commanded, holding her protectively to him.

Josie didn’t bother protesting, too exhausted to do anything but sink into his arms. It had only been a few hours since the world had exploded around them, but it felt like days had passed since she’d seen him, and she kept fighting off the urge to cry every few minutes.

It could have been from exhaustion, the amount of stress she’d undergone, nearly dying, or thinking Grayson was going to die. The list was endless. Still, she kept a rein on her emotions, determined not to worry her mate any further by bursting into tears. Again.

“You just want to see me naked,” she finally teased, yawning right after. If she didn’t smell faintly of blood and the medical facility they’d visited earlier, she would have suggested they just go to bed and deal with showering in the morning.

Grayson snorted, turning his head and brushing his lips across her forehead. “Of course I do, little mate. But I also need to see for myself that you’re okay.”

It was then she noticed a slight tremble in his frame as he held her to him, and new lines forming on his face that she’d never seen before.

Mindful of her wounds, she cupped his cheek, bringing his head back toward her when he moved to turn on the shower. She held his gaze for a long moment, her thumb rubbing his cheek in a soothing caress. He looked haunted, and the exhaustion in his eyes went soul deep. She’d do anything to wipe that look away.

“We’re okay, Grayson. Thanks to you, we’re going to be okay.”

He nodded, swallowing thickly. Dropping his forehead to hers, he took a deep breath, his arms tightening around her. “If I’d lost you–”

“You didn’t.” Josie took his hand, placing it over her heart. “I’m right here with you.”

“If I hadn’t shown up in time–”

“You did, Grayson. You were there when I needed you. You saved me.” Josie shook her head, her eyes filling with tears despite her earlier resolve to remain dry-eyed. God, they’d come so close to losing everything, to losing each other. He was right, if he’d shown up even a moment later, she might have died, and they’d barely had a chance to grow as a mated couple. To live.

They would have missed out on so much because of a conniving, psychotic monster.

Spotting her tears, Grayson peppered her face with sweet kisses, murmuring softly, “Please don’t cry, baby girl.”

“I can’t help it,” Josie sniffled. “You’re everything I could have wanted in a mate. Before I met you, my life felt empty. I was empty, and I almost didn’t get a chance to tell you how much I love you because I was a complete idiot. I should have believed you about Bethany, and I didn’t,” she blubbered.

“In your defense, an evil twin sister posing as my own mother was a bit unexpected,” Grayson commented, some of the worry on his face disappearing as he returned his attention to starting the shower.

“Are you making a joke right now?” she asked incredulously, wiping at her damp cheek with the back of her hand. The gauze scratched her face and she winced as Grayson set her on her feet.

He reached for her clothing, quickly undressing her and then himself. “I might be.”

“Terrible timing, Grayson,” Josie scolded, though her lips twitched. “You’re supposed to at least acknowledge it when your mate confesses her love to you for the first time.”

Grayson raised a brow, testing the water’s temperature before he stepped into the shower, grabbing ahold of her waist and bringing her with him. He set her back on her feet, grabbing a bar of soap as warm water hit her back, instantly relaxing some of her stiff muscles. “This isn’t the first time you’ve told me you loved me.”

Josie gaped at him. “Are you serious right now? I definitely haven’t said it before.”

She would have remembered.

Eyes heating, Grayson began lathering the bar into his hands before he began washing her, each stroke up and down her body a sensual call that she wanted to answer.

“Every time you look at me so tenderly, Josie, you tell me you love me,” Grayson said softly, his hands traveling over her stomach. “When you whisper my name so passionately during sex, you tell me you love me. Each time I wake to you kissing me good morning, little mate, you tell me you love me. You just hadn’t verbalized it until now.”

“Oh,” she whispered, her heart feeling like it would leap out of her chest and burrow into his for safekeeping. She never realized how much he paid attention to her mannerisms before, but she should have known.

Grayson was always in tune with her in every way that mattered.

“And when I hold you all night in my arms,” her mate continued, kissing her softly before murmuring, “When I hold your hand because I can’t bear to go another second without touching you.” He kissed her again, the lightest brush of his lips against hers. “Or when just the sound of your voice makes me smile, that’s me telling you I love you. I do,” Grayson added gutturally, his eyes shining with emotion. “I love you, Josie. More than anything.”

“I love you too,” she whispered, hugging him to her. Water seeped into her bandages, but she didn’t care as his arms wrapped around her, his scent filling her lungs and his words filling her heart with a tenderness she’d never known until she met him.

She wasn’t sure how long they stayed like that, locked together in a sweet embrace, but she was disappointed when he eventually turned the water off, grabbing a towel and drying her before himself.

“We need to get some sleep,” Grayson suggested, lifting her into his arms and carrying her into the bedroom. “We’re going to have a busy few weeks settling in here.”

God, the thought was daunting. They both had so much to learn, a war to fight, enemies to weed out within their own ranks, not to mention tracking down Grayson’s brother and bringing him home. But she was confident they could handle anything as long as they were together.

“A busy few years, I think,” Josie amended tiredly, sighing blissfully as he placed her onto the mattress. He settled in beside her, pulling her into his arms before covering them both with the comforter.

“I’ll take an eternity of busy as long as it’s with you,” Grayson told her quietly, holding her protectively in his arms.

As Josie drifted off to sleep, it was with hope and love in her heart, of building a future for her species with Grayson by her side.

And that future was bright.

Thank you so much for all of your support while I wrote this story! It was a labor of love and self doubt in a time where I was really struggling, but I’m so grateful for all of the encouragement I received, whether it was comments, likes, etc. It really fueled me, and pushed me to keep going, and for that I am extremely thankful.

BOOK TWO: Alpha’s Hate (featuring Wyatt and Raven’s story) will pick up right where Omega Mine ended. This story will be released in the Fall.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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