Omega Mine

Chapter 37

Grayson, Josie and Jameson met back up with the others in the center of camp a few minutes later.

Wyatt was still chained to a tree, wide awake and growling menacingly at Gemma, who ignored him as she roasted several sticks of meat over the campfire. He didn’t even acknowledge when Grayson arrived, his attention never wavering from the Alpha female as she served some meat to Raven and a few others. David sat on a log in between the two, a gun resting comfortably in his hand.

Several women and children were also gathered around the fire, but Grayson’s attention immediately went to Raven. She looked agitated, a slight tremble to her frame that he hadn’t noticed before.

The Omega had been skittish since she’d come to their camp–for good reason–but if anything, she was more on edge than before. As if she could sense the same thing, Josie left Grayson’s side, taking a seat beside the Omega female.

Grayson felt bereft of his mate’s presence immediately, longing to tug her back to his side and keep her there, even as she smiled sweetly at the trembling female. The only reason that he refrained was because Raven smiled back, though it didn’t reach her eyes, and her shoulders slumped in relief as Josie began speaking quietly with her.

“Still no word on the men?” Jameson asked.

David didn’t respond, keeping his attention focused on Wyatt, who was now straining against the heavy chains keeping him bound to the thick tree trunk.

“Nope, Josh and Trevor are still missing,” Gemma answered, her eyes narrowing in irritation as the chains rattled more fiercely at the sound of her voice.

Several women and children were gathered around the campfire, shooting Grayson’s little brother discreet, terrified glances before they took their own food and hurried back to their bedrolls.

“We need to find them then,” Grayson responded roughly. He didn’t enjoy the idea of going hunting for any of the human males in his care, but if they’d been attacked, he didn’t want to risk anyone in this camp if he could handle the situation himself.

David stood from his seat. “I can go–”

Grayson shook his head. “No. Jameson and I will go. You and Gemma will stay here and guard the others, with Gemma taking the lead. How many males in total are present?”

“Six others are still guarding the perimeter. Only one more is in camp. He’s with his family toward the back.” Gemma pointed toward the bedrolls several feet behind her. Wyatt snarled, and she whipped toward him, growling savagely. “Will you shut the fuck up for once? You’re grating on my goddamn patience!”

Raven flinched, crowding close to Josie with a dull whimper as Wyatt struggled harder against his chains.

“Enough,” Grayson spat, storming over to his younger brother. He crouched down beside the male, waiting until Wyatt looked away from Gemma to meet his gaze.

There was no familiarity there, no acknowledgement that they were brothers. Family. Just a blankness that made his chest ache.

“I know you can hear me, little brother,” Grayson said with more calm than he felt. “You’ll remain silent while I’m gone, or David will shoot you in the chest. It won’t kill you, but you’ll learn to control yourself. Or he’ll shoot you again.”

Grayson, Josie whispered into his mind. Are you sure that’s wise? What if David misses and getting shot only makes your brother more aggressive? Maybe someone brought liquor, or-or some medicine that we can give him to knock him out.

Sighing, Grayson slammed his fist into Wyatt’s face, feeling the crack of his little brother’s nose as it broke under his knuckles. Wyatt’s head snapped back, hitting the tree trunk with a sickening thud before he slumped against the chains, unconscious.

The camp around him was silent as Grayson stood to his full height.

Oh my God, Grayson! I didn’t mean cave in his face!

He’ll heal, Grayson assured her, his fist clenching and unclenching as he tried desperately to shake off the feel of bone breaking. Violence usually never bothered him, but twice now he’d had to force his younger brother into submission, and each time grated on his conscience.

Wiping blood onto his jeans, he looked at Jameson.

“Let’s go, Omega.”

Jameson nodded, marching off toward the western perimeter.

There was a slight rustling behind him, and then Josie’s scent invaded his lungs right as her arms wrapped around his waist from behind.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to come, too?” she asked quietly, her voice muffled against his back.

Grayson turned to her with a shake of his head, leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to her lips. “Stay here with the others. Keep everyone in line. I’ll return shortly.”

We don’t know what’s out there and I’ll feel better knowing you’re safe with the others, he added.

You better come back to me in one piece or I’m going to be pissed.

Grayson cupped her cheek tenderly as he stared down at her, his severe expression softening as he took in the delicate curve of her face, each freckle that dotted her nose, and the flecks of gold in her green eyes.

Nothing could stop me from coming home to you, little mate. I’ll be back soon, but if something happens before then, stay with David.


Her gaze pierced Grayson down to the darkest, most vile parts of his soul, holding him captive before she stepped back, dropping her arms to her sides before returning to the campfire.

As Grayson began to follow Jameson, he paused beside David, leaning in to whisper, “Josie is in charge, but if there’s danger, my mate’s wellbeing is your priority, even if she argues. No one else, do you understand?”

David nodded. “Of course.”

“I’m trusting you with her safety.”

“With my life, Grayson.”

Grayson grabbed David’s shoulder, squeezing once before he departed.

Nearly a mile away from camp, Grayson began to scent a rich, metallic odor in the air. The breeze was light, but as it moved over him, the scent increased until it was embedded deep into his lungs.

“Human blood,” Grayson murmured to Jameson, who stiffened beside him at the news. “I’m only getting traces of one human, though.” Which meant either the males had split up, or one of them had been incapacitated more subtly.

“You’re sure?” The Omega crouched down, pressing a hand to the earth. “I don’t see any footprints, and there’s no blood on the ground either.”

Grayson grunted, pointing deeper into the woods. “Scent is thicker in that direction.”

“If you can only scent blood from one of them, maybe it really was an animal attack, or someone fell and got hurt,” Jameson mused, though he pulled his pistol free of its holster, holding the weapon cautiously at his side.

“Maybe,” Grayson agreed, though he refused to believe something that simple was the reason the men hadn’t returned. His claws lengthened in size until they were sharp enough to rip out a throat in an instant.

Grayson’s ears twitched as he heard a muffled groan somewhere in the dense forest ahead of him, followed by a hoarse male voice. “I need help!”

“Josh? Trevor?” Jameson hollered back, lifting his pistol and aiming it straight ahead.

“It-It’s Trevor,” came the faint reply. Jameson tracked the sound, pointing his weapon slightly to the right. Both males took a few steps forward as Trevor spoke again, using his voice to muffle the sounds of their movement. “Josh was supposed to get help, but I’ve been waiting for an hour.”

“What happened?”

“Th-there was a goddamn bear trap. Fucked my ankle up real bad, man. I need help, please.”

“Do you believe him?” Jameson whispered as they continued moving closer.

Grayson shrugged, taking another step forward. “His pain, blood and panic are definitely real. It’s difficult to detect a lie from this distance, though, and even if I can, it’ll be almost impossible to distinguish a lie from the truth when he’s wounded and frightened.”

“First impression, then,” the Omega countered.

Grayson paused, tilting his head toward Jameson. Both males paused, looking at one another. “Something’s off.”

Jameson’s hand tightened on the gun. “I agree. If it’s been an hour, why hasn’t Josh made it back to camp? We should have found a trail, a scent, anything to corroborate what Trevor is saying.”

“Unless the human male got lost,” Grayson added with a distasteful curl of his lip.

Ignoring his comment, Jameson asked, “Are you sensing anything from nearby?”


Grayson didn’t elaborate, assuming his word was enough.

The birds were chirping, insects were a loud, droning presence in Grayson’s ears, and he couldn’t scent anything other than blood and Jameson. Still, he was hesitant to go to the human, an internal alarm telling him that they were falling right into a trap.

The feeling grew in strength, a knot of dread forming in Grayson’s gut.

He almost instructed Jameson to lead them back to camp, but right as he opened his mouth, fear swept down his mating bond, Josie’s shocked cry thrumming through his head as his entire body tensed with a terror he’d never known before.


“Josie!” Grayson roared, whipping back toward their camp.

“What is it?” Jameson asked quickly, concern lacing his voice.

A sharp whistle split the air, the sound traveling at a breakneck speed as it closed in on him. The noise cut through Grayson’s panic, and his eyes widened in alarm right as a thick, steel spike slammed into his gut.

Grayson barely caught the blunt end of the weapon before it could move completely through him, grunting in agony from the force of the blow as he stumbled backwards, barely managing to right himself before he fell over. He’d suffered through many wounds in his lifetime, but impalement was new, and fuck if it didn’t hurt.

Blood poured from his abdomen, drenching his hands and the spike as he began to blindly pull the object free, his mind focused on one thing. Impalement or not, Josie needed him.


Josie! he bellowed, his panic doubling when she didn’t respond.

Her side of the bond was silent, so fucking silent that he roared in outrage, pulling harder on the spike in the hopes of dislodging it. His grip slipped, but he kept tugging, even as he felt himself growing weaker.

No, no!

“Jesus Christ!” Jameson exclaimed hoarsely, his eyes wild as he grabbed ahold of the spike too, helping Grayson pull. They tugged it free another few inches, and blood began to fill his mouth, wetting his lips before he swallowed it back down. “Help me pull, Grayson!”

“I’m fucking–” he swallowed hard, “–trying. Something’s wrong. Too weak.”

Why was he so weak already? He’d never felt his strength drain from him like this, even when he’d been on the verge of dying after a nasty fight in his youth. It was almost as if he’d been given something to subdue him.

“Too weak?” Jameson breathed, laughing hysterically. “There’s a goddamn railroad spike in your guts. Jesus, fuck! A goddamn–”

“Get back…to camp,” Grayson snarled, his breathing labored. Black dots began to fill his vision as he struggled to inhale. Had the spike pierced his lung? Where had it come from? “Josie…needs–”

The sound of gunshots rang out around them. Jameson cried out as a bullet slammed into his shoulder, the impact spinning him around. Another bullet hit the Omega’s leg and he collapsed with a pained whimper.

“Up!” Grayson commanded as his knees buckled, attempting to use his ability as an Alpha to spur the Omega to safety. “Get up, Jameson!”

He didn’t know if it worked, as several bullets slammed into his torso and neck. Fiery pain engulfed him and he lurched backward, blinking furiously in an effort to keep conscious as more blood pumped from his veins, spilling onto his clothing.


Grayson hit the ground hard, the back of his head connecting with the ground as everything around him went black.

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