Omega Mine

Chapter 34 🌶️🌶️

It was another two hours before Grayson and their group led the remaining townspeople deep into the woods. There were nearly twenty in total, as several men had been taken with the mayor, and the rest had been killed. Most of the people present were women, two children, and a handful of human males.

Grayson couldn’t deny his distaste for the human males, their scent like a noxious odor he couldn’t be rid of. Though they were clearly different, they smelled quite similar to the guards who’d enjoyed tasering Grayson, and ridiculing him any chance they had over the years.

It was difficult to put his blind rage aside and differentiate the human males from the ones he’d known before, so he’d decided to ignore them altogether until he had better control over his tumultuous emotions. It was either that or let instinct take over and rip into them one by one.

Luckily, Josie had sensed this, delegating the males to the back of their group to watch their backs in case of any impending threats that might be lurking in the woods.

Wyatt had woken up roughly an hour ago, and had spent his time thrashing against his chains and snapping at whoever drew near. They should have found a way to muzzle him while he’d been unconscious, but Grayson hadn’t had the heart, a part of him desperately hoping to hear his little brother’s voice again.

It was a weakness Grayson had been unable to keep hidden, and while it must have been obvious, no one who knew him commented on it.

Now that Wyatt was awake, it would be impossible to place a gag over his mouth unless Grayson knocked him unconscious again, something he wasn’t willing to do unless absolutely necessary.

As it was, being near him while he made guttural, inhuman snarls was too much, and so Jameson and David were holding Wyatt’s chains instead of Grayson, leading him several feet ahead in order to keep a safe distance from him and the rest of the travelers.

Not quite out of sight, but far enough away that Grayson felt as if he could breathe without his past piercing a hole in his chest.

Speaking of his past…Grayson wanted to talk with Josie about further doubts he was experiencing regarding his mother. Finding Wyatt was another mark against her as far as he was concerned. She wasn’t the woman he knew, and he refused to trust her.

But this wasn’t the kind of conversation to have when others were surrounding them, even if they could talk telepathically.

The whole way back to camp, Grayson carried a large bag filled with supplies strung over his back while he kept Josie’s hand firmly in his grasp. Now, more than ever, he needed to feel connected to her, relying on his mate to ground him while he felt like the world had been swept out from under him yet again.

Using her as a crutch felt like a weakness–

It’s not a weakness to need me, Josie whispered into his mind, squeezing his fingers gently. She sent him a soft look from beneath her lashes as he helped her over a fallen log, her hand held firmly in his. I’m your mate and your Omega. It’s my honor to help weather the storms in your life. Always.

I don’t believe I deserve you, he admitted. You’re too pure and gentle for a male like me.

She snorted, the sound lightening some of the heavy load on his heart. Clearly fate disagrees with you. I do too, just so you’re aware.

His brows rose as he caressed her knuckles with his thumb. He was a bit surprised they were communicating so well telepathically, as before their conversations had been more feeling and only a handful of words.

It was far more intimate than talking out loud, and he enjoyed keeping Josie to himself.

Is that so?

Mm. No one’s ever made me orgasm as hard as you have, so I’d be a fool to disagree with fate, she teased.

Just like that, his cock grew painfully erect, his mind replaying the last orgasm he’d given her, just yesterday. The way her pussy had fluttered around his shaft. The way she’d thrown her head back as she’d screamed his name while they’d fucked hard against a tree in the middle of the night, her delicate throat beckoning him to suck and nip her skin as he’d pumped into her until his own release had ripped to the surface.

Grayson growled, pulling her into his arms and giving her a quick, heated kiss. It wasn’t enough to do what he longed for, but they had nearly twenty people with them. Maybe when they reached their bedroll in camp, where he’d purposely isolated them from the rest of the group, he could fulfill the deeper need plaguing him.

“What was that for?” she murmured against his lips, her eyes shining with lust as she gazed up at him.

He shrugged. “I love kissing you. I should do it more often.”

In fact…

Grayson cupped her face, leaning down and kissing her again. Slow, drugging kisses that had her knees weakening as she sank into him with a soft, low moan. Without missing a beat, he pulled her up and into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist as he began carrying her through the woods.

“You know I can walk, right?” Josie joked as she ended their kiss, breathing sweetly against his chin. “You’re already carrying that huge duffel bag; you don’t need my extra weight.”

Grayson grunted in response. Josie’s ‘extra weight’ was nothing.

“Is that your way of saying you’re still going to carry me and there’s no point in arguing?” Josie dropped her head against his shoulder when he grunted again, sighing in contentment. “Fine, have it your way and pamper me.”

“I will.”

It only took a few minutes for his Omega to fall asleep in his arms, exhausted from the night they’d endured. He couldn’t wait to take her to bed, especially now that they had a few comforts to help keep them warm and secluded through the night.

It only took another twenty minutes before they made it to camp, the sight a welcome one.

Gemma spotted them quickly, standing to her feet from the log she’d been occupying near the dwindling campfire. Raven was still seated beside her, eyes red-rimmed from tears.

“I was beginning to worry.” Gemma curled her lip in disgust as Wyatt was brought forward, his eyes shifting from Raven and then Gemma and holding. “I see you’ve brought a rabid dog home.”

“I wouldn’t joke about that,” David said quickly, shooting Grayson an apologetic look. “Where do we place our prisoner?”

Before Grayson could answer, Wyatt lunged for Gemma, the chains rattling loudly in the daylight. Jameson and David yanked him backward before he could reach the Alpha, and he snarled in fury. Wyatt’s feet tangled around the shackles on his ankles and he fell down hard, his head slamming into one of the rocks they’d used to make the fire pit.

Just like that, he was out, body going limp near the flames.

“Can someone explain what the hell is going on?” Gemma snapped, taking a healthy step back from Wyatt’s downed form. She used her body as a shield, protectively covering Raven from sight.

“I will.” Grayson’s tone was full of resignation. All he wanted was to go to sleep with his mate for a handful of hours, to hold her close and worry about his brother after a moment’s reprieve. “Afterward, I’m taking Josie to bed.”

Josie woke with a sharp gasp, her eyelids fluttering open as two fingers sank deep inside her pussy.


“Quiet, little Omega, unless you want the others to hear your cries of pleasure and know what I’m doing to you,” Grayson growled, his red, glowing eyes shining with a fervent lust that called to her.

He loomed above her, a large blanket draped over his body, effectively shielding them from potential onlookers as he rested the weight of his body on an elbow beside her head.

The blanket likely wasn’t dissuading anyone from what was going on beneath it, but they’d purposely been keeping their sleeping roll secluded from the others for privacy, so she doubted someone was nearby anyway.

“Eyes on me,” Grayson demanded, working her pussy like a favored toy he’d been missing for weeks. Josie hadn’t even realized her eyes had shut, too consumed by her quickly spreading desire to notice sense anything but her cunt squeezing his fingers with each pump of his hand.

As his fingers slowed, she forced her eyes to open, looking up at her mate with a blissed out expression on her face that only grew as she took in his features.

He was completely naked, his ripped body so mouthwatering that her palms found his muscled chest, her nails scraping over his nipples until he shuddered. His legs were between hers, stretching hers apart to give his large hand plenty of room to–

Josie bit her lower lip, trapping a moan in her throat as Grayson’s thumb swept over her clit, rubbing the little nub in circles as he pumped into her, curling his fingers slightly; just enough to tease her G-spot.

“You’re so wet for me, little mate.” Grayson leaned down, kissing her chin, her throat, the column of her neck where he’d marked her. “I’ve been smelling the sweet scent of your cunt for hours,” he whispered, finding her earlobe and biting down hard. “Listen to the sound of you positively dripping for me, Josie.”

He pushed his fingers deeper, scissoring them before he pulled out abruptly. Before she could even protest, his fingers sank into her once more, the wet sounds of her cunt reaching her ears.

Josie flushed from the noise, but spread her legs wider, lifting her hips to rock onto his fingers.

Grayson’s chest rumbled in approval, his face dark with a primal need that had her reaching for his cock.

“If you touch my dick before you orgasm on my fingers, I’ll pull out right now and rut you into the ground. And when I’m on the verge of release, I’ll cover your belly in my seed instead of in your cunt where it belongs,” Grayson warned, his heated voice giving her pause. “You won’t orgasm at all if you deny me the pleasure of feeling you cum all over my hand before I fuck this pretty pussy.”

“What? Why?” she whined, the words breathless and full of lust.

“Because if you touch my dick right now, I’ll lose the last shred of control I have. I’m aching to be buried inside you, and one touch from you will break that control. Decide what you want. Do you want to orgasm on my fingers and my cock, little mate? Or do you want to be my toy for today?”

Josie pulled her hand away from his shaft immediately, afraid he’d make good on his sensual threat and deny her the option of orgasming at all.

“Good girl,” he purred darkly.

Josie’s hands found Grayson’s hair. She pulled his head down until his nose brushed hers, their warm breaths mingling as he began fucking her harder with his fingers. She nipped his lip, giving him a small kiss as her legs began to tremble, her orgasm creeping in.

“Ask your male to make you cum,” Grayson demanded softly, his heated stare burning a hole right through her very being.

“Please make me cum, Alpha,” Josie whimpered against his mouth, licking his lips and kissing him again. Grayson groaned, taking over until his tongue was sinking inside the cavern of her mouth, owning her as ardently as his fingers.

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