Omega Mine

Chapter 19

Grayson’s head was still swimming with memories as he followed Jameson through the door of his prison cell, Josie tucked carefully behind him. His head pounded from the sensory overload, some memories more prevalent than others as Jameson escorted them down a familiar hallway.

In his mind, there was a woman Grayson could almost see clearly, with flowing brown hair and a cold smile. She smelled like winterberries, but he couldn’t quite place who she was, only that the sight of her left him wary and angry. Facts and information about their kind filtered out her image, leaving behind a constant drumming in his head, providing him with so much intel he thought his brain would explode.

Everything Josie had told him so far regarding their kind was correct, and he was relearning more about his life with each passing minute.

He could even remember bits and pieces of his family. His mother and father… he’d had a little brother. He couldn’t recall much about them, not yet, only the sound of his father laughing joyfully as he held Grayson’s brother to his chest, calling him the littlest alpha. That had been his brother’s nickname. The Littlest Alpha.

Unexpectedly, gut wrenching pain filled him at the thought of his family, a pain that was nearly an unbearable weight to carry. Grayson shoved the memories back with a ruthless snarl, not wanting to focus on the trauma and tragedy that was lurking just around the corner in his mind. He could deal with that much later, when Josie was safe.

Another shudder rocked the prison, and Grayson barely managed to turn around, catching Josie before she could tumble backward and fall.

“What was that?” he snapped over his shoulder at Jameson. “Another explosion?”

How many bombs were rigged to blow in the arena?

Jameson nodded, hand planted against the wall to steady himself. “Bethany has been unreachable so I had to get creative to break you two out of here,” he informed Josie. She stiffened beside him, the scent of her anxiety causing a deep, unpleasant rumble to pour from Grayson.

Jameson sent him a wary look before continuing. “There are a few janitors in the arena that are part of our operation. They planted tiny bundles of C4 on doors in the other prison cell blocks. I’m assuming that’s what just detonated. I don’t know how many of our kind we can free, or if they’ll help fight against the guards in the city. If not, it’s still a hell of a diversion while we escape.”

“Why haven’t you been able to reach Bethany?” Josephine asked, a slight shake in her voice that he assumed was from nerves due to the small explosions.

Jameson’s face flattened into a hard line. “I haven’t heard from her since I confirmed you were on the verge of a mating heat. It isn’t unusual to lose contact for an hour or so, but I should have heard from her by now.” He glanced down at his watch, face twisting into a frown. “We need to leave. We’re wasting valuable time.”

Jameson began moving again, his steps quickening until he was practically sprinting down the long hall that led up to the arena. Grayson followed after him with Josie trailing behind. He’d barely gone a few feet before he heard her swift intake of breath, followed by a soft moan of pain. He twisted back around in panic, fear and rage rising to the forefront in an instant as she let out another small, pained whimper.

Had he missed a threat? What was wrong?

His mate was clutching her stomach, bent over as she struggled to breathe. “My heat is starting again.”

“Again?” he asked incredulously, cupping her face tenderly. “I thought your heat was over.” He’d even assumed she was carrying his pup. Wasn’t that the reason a heat ended abruptly?

Josephine leaned into his touch, releasing a deep, trembling breath. Sweat dotted her forehead, and her eyes were glazed with fresh anguish that made his heart clench. “Sometimes a heat can last for several days, sometimes it’s shorter. Sometimes there are hours of reprieve before the heat cycle begins again,” she answered, voice filled with pain. “I’d just hoped I’d have more time.”

“Can you walk?” he asked, scanning their surroundings before he focused on her again.

“Yes,” she hissed irritably. Josephine straightened her spine with a wince, taking a step toward him. She made it a few steps before she hunched over again with a shake of her head. “No,” she whined. “Grayson, it really hurts. Even worse than before.”

Without another word, Grayson scooped her into his arms. She wrapped her arms and legs around his torso and neck, apologizing quietly in his ear. “I feel like such a hindrance,” she whispered, her body hot to the touch, reminding him of how warm she’d been while he’d had her pinned beneath him, nestled between her thighs for hours.

“Nonsense,” Grayson told her, kissing her forehead softly. “I’d rather hold you, anyway.” He could fill his lungs with her scent to help keep him grounded, and ensure that they weren’t separated in the process. He was a strong enough male that keeping hold of her while they fled wouldn’t be an issue.

He sprinted ahead, catching up to Jameson easily, who was waiting for them at the metal gate that usually required a keycard on the other side to exit through. Luckily, it was open, a clear invitation for them to get the fuck out of here and never come back. Elation coursed through him, the promise of freedom filling him with more determination than he thought possible.

Grayson wasn’t sure what the future would bring him and his mate, but anything was better than this hell. Once they were out, he’d ensure Josephine never spent another hour in a place like this, not for the rest of her life.

Jameson’s eyes widened on Josie as she clung to Grayson. “What’s happened?”

“Heat’s starting again,” Grayson replied.

Fuck. Once we’re into the lobby, don’t stray from me,” Jameson ordered. He held out a taser to Josie, who pried her hand away from Grayson to grab the weapon. “Just in case we get separated. Use it on whoever approaches.”

With that, Jameson turned around and rushed down the hall. A second later, he pulled out a gun he’d kept holstered on the belt of his pants, holding it tightly.

“We’re nearly out,” Grayson murmured to Josephine, hands cupping her ass to keep her secured to him. She began shaking, pheromones from her heat emanating from her body in small waves. It was a heady aroma that enveloped him, nearly threatening to cloud his resolve to escape as need ripped through him, demanding he take her. He grunted, stumbling a step before straightening and moving faster than he had been before. He wouldn’t lose focus, not now when they were so close.

Indistinct shouts came from behind him, followed by the faint sound of running footsteps off in the distance as other prisoners began to approach them. Grayson’s grip tightened on his mate, as a new worry set in. If the other males caught Josie’s scent, they’d go feral with need. They’d try to rip her from his arms, too lost in the scent of her heat to do anything other than fight for her.

Jameson’s plan could have just caused them more problems.

Grayson bit out a harsh curse, one the guard repeated as he looked behind them. They made it to the last open gate and then through the double doors that led into the fighting pits of the arena. The door slammed shut behind them, and Grayson released a relieved breath. The doors likely wouldn’t hold the other prisoners for too long, not if they were strong enough.

“This way,” Jameson hissed, casting a quick look around as he led them toward a set of doors Grayson had never ventured to before. Another gate stood between them and the door, this one locked up tight. “Goddammit. This should have been opened.”

“You don’t have a key?” Grayson asked gruffly.

The other male shook his head. “The doors can only be unlocked from the outside. A key is useless from our position.”

Ever so gently, Grayson set Josie onto her feet. He stood back to his full height, approaching the gate with purposeful steps. If this was their only obstacle, he’d simply remove it. He slapped his palms onto the gate, fingers curling around the thick metal bars that made up the door. It was a strong material, dense and created to withstand several hundred pounds of pressure against it.

“It’s pointless,” Jameson warned. “We won’t be able to get around it. Those doors are enhanced with a rare steel–”

Grayson yanked hard, pulling the door from its hinges with one vicious tug. Metal screamed as it bent and clashed together, his hands bending the bars until he thought they might snap. He dropped the door to the ground, scooping Josie back up and waiting patiently for Jameson to lead them once more.

He wasn’t even winded. Maybe it was because he was this Alpha Prime Josie mentioned that made him stronger than the average Alpha. Maybe he was just a male seeking to protect his mate. It didn’t matter the reason that he’d ripped the door off of its hinges with ease, only that Grayson wasn’t going to allow a piece of metal to ruin their plans of escape.

“Remind me to never piss you off again,” Jameson commented softly, leading them to the double doors. Faint shouting and panicked screams could be heard on the other side.

More footsteps sounded behind them, prisoners easily seeking to escape. He stiffened, holding Josie more firmly to him. They were about to be surrounded by a sea of threats.

“Whatever happens,” Jameson said quietly, his voice laced with nervousness. “We don’t stop, we don’t pause. Follow my lead, and we’re going to make it out of here. Okay?”

Grayson nodded.

Without preamble, Jameson ripped one of the wooden doors open, turning swiftly to the left. Smoke was thick in the air, guards shouting for assistance as chunks of fire and debris fell from the ceiling, landing on the concrete flooring. His eyes took in as much as possible, even through the smoke and fire that seemed to be spreading by the second, licking up the walls around the main hallway of the stadium.

Gunshots and yells were heard outside, loud enough that it caused his ears to ring as the sound bounced off the walls around them.

He lost count of the guards as they began running amidst the chaos, powering past several people being pulled free of rubble. Some looked dead, others grievously wounded as their trio moved. One guard lifted his head, wiping at his eyes before he spotted Grayson. His eyes widened in fear.

“Prisoner!” The guard shouted. “Seven is escaping!”

Several guards dropped what they were doing, pulling their guns free of their holsters. Before most of them could take aim, Jameson opened fire, several rounds leaving his gun and hitting their targets. Three guards collapsed before one of them managed to fire rapidly in their direction. Grayson twisted his body, giving the males his back in an attempt to protect Josie from the spray of bullets.

Luckily, none of them hit.

“Move!” Jameson bellowed, spurring Grayson into action. He raced after the other male, just as he heard screams of agony behind him, followed by the distinct roar of Alpha males. He looked over his shoulder, not slowing his steps in the slightest as he glanced at the guards.

Most of them were dead, being torn to pieces by malnourished Alphas and Betas. Blood pooled onto the ground as well as their bodies as the sound of flesh tearing filled his ears. Josie must have heard it too, gagging uncontrollably before she dropped her head into his chest, breathing him in roughly.

More of her pheromones filled the air, and several of the attacking males stiffened, jerking their heads up from their prey and locking on Grayson.

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