Oliver (Project Arma Book 7)

Oliver: Chapter 5

Tori should have let him pick her up. What was the saying? Hindsight is twenty-twenty? Yeah, her lack of hindsight was biting her in the butt now.

She hadn’t wanted the guy to see the cheap accommodations she was staying in. Or her lack of possessions if he’d come inside.

But now, she was once again hiding out in her room, waiting for the jerks next door to go back into theirs. It was becoming abundantly clear that it might never happen.

Maybe she should just walk out, turn the opposite direction and keep her head down. It was possible they wouldn’t even notice her.

As it was, she’d already need to speed-walk to Oliver’s place to avoid being late. According to Google Maps, it was a good half hour walk.

She shot a glance to the bedside table clock. Six thirty-five.

Tori waited another five minutes. Five minutes of twiddling her fingers and becoming progressively more frustrated. When the voices didn’t drift away, she made her decision.

Head down. Speed-walk.

Straightening her spine, Tori took a breath of courage before stepping outside. She felt eyes on her immediately. For the first time, the men quieted.

You’ve got this, Tori. Head down, walk away.

She’d just locked her door when she heard him.

“Hey there, sweet cheeks. We were wondering when you’d come say hi.”

Footsteps sounded, stopping right behind her.

Slowly, Tori turned to face him. The guy was tall but thin. Lines around his eyes were visible but she was thinking they were more from substance abuse than aging. “I’m just leaving.”

Tori went to take a step around him, but he mirrored her movement, blocking her way. “What’s the rush? Stay. Have a drink with us.”

Ah, that was a big fat no. “No, thank you.”

Not only did the guy remain where he was, but he also didn’t seem deterred at all. In fact, his eyes slid over her face and down her body. It made her want to cross her arms and hide herself, even though little skin was showing.

Argh, the guy made her skin crawl. She should have texted Oliver and canceled.

He took a small step closer, a combination of whiskey and tobacco filling her nose. “I can make it worth your while.”

“No.” Her response was quick and firm, leaving no room for confusion. “Now, please move. There’s somewhere I need to be.”

His eyes narrowed, anger washing over his features. “That was me asking nicely. You don’t want to see me ask any other way.”

Well, it was sounding less and less like he was actually asking.

Strangely, Tori felt more annoyed than scared. Even though the guy was a good head taller and he beat her in muscle mass, she didn’t feel the need to find the nearest rock to hide behind.

“And you don’t want me to call the police and let them know about this little conversation. Who knows, they might even search your room and find things you don’t want them to find. So, I suggest you get the hell out of my way.”

The second the words left her mouth, she snapped her lips shut. Had she really just said that?

Rage contorted his features. Quicker than she’d thought he could move, he grabbed both of Tori’s arms. “You should have just said yes, whore.”

Again, Tori remained oddly calm. “That’s the thing. I’m not a whore.”

His fingers tightened, his grip punishing.

Without thinking, Tori reacted, her knee colliding with his balls.

His hand immediately released her as he bent over, crying out in pain. Before he could straighten, she grabbed his head with both hands and kneed him in the nose.

Blood spurted, splattering on her leg and dress.

His friend, who had remained silent until now, rushed forward. “You little bitch!”

His fist flew forward, but Tori was already ducking, narrowly missing the hit. While she was down, she punched him between the legs. Quickly straightening, she threw another punch, this time hitting him in the left eye.

Just like the first guy, this one howled in pain.

For a moment, she watched both men, shock zipping through her system.

Holy crap, had she really done that?

A door two rooms over opened and a group of four men stepped out. Men who, she was almost certain, were not there to save her.

“What the fuck?”

Okay, she might have some kung fu moves that her body remembered, but she had no desire to test them out on a whole group.

Spinning around, Tori unlocked the door, just managing to get inside, close it and flick the lock before bodies collided with wood. Curse words came loud and clear, shouted from the other side.

Adrenaline rushed through her, causing her limbs to shake.

At least the nerves had kicked in now.

With numb fingers, Tori reached into her pocket and pulled out the phone, finding Ax’s name on the contacts list.

When banging sounded on the glass window, Tori yelped, almost dropping the cell. Would they go so far as to break the glass? Maybe. Probably.

Tori raced into the adjoining bathroom, slamming the door shut. She clicked the lock and took a giant step back as she hit call.

He picked up immediately. “Hello.”

“Oliver. It’s me. Tori.” She knew she was out of breath. Heck, she probably sounded like a crazed woman.

“Tori? Are you okay? What’s that noise in the background?”

Oh, nothing. Just a group of lawless men, angry because I hurt their friends. “Some not so friendly guys are trying to break into my room.”

Trying, and from the sounds of it, almost succeeding.

“Where are you?”

“The Duck Motel. Room eleven.”

Oliver cursed across the line. Okay, so he knew the place was rough.

“I’m coming now. Make sure doors and windows are locked and see if there’s anything you can use as a weapon.”

“Okay.” Tori hung up, already feeling better knowing that help was coming.

More banging sounded.

Jesus. How long would the door withstand their bodies ramming it? Surely someone else would hear and call the police? The guy at the front desk, at least.

Yeah, right. The guy knew they were doing god knows what here and still turned a blind eye. It was doubtful he’d do anything to help.

Tori scanned the small bathroom. Oliver had said to look for a weapon. Unless a toilet roll counted as a weapon, there didn’t appear to be much of use.

Maybe the rod that held the shower curtain? If she could remove it, that was. Stepping onto the side of the bathtub, she reached for the end of the rod.

A bang sounded from the other room. Wood hitting wall as the door slammed open.

Her breath caught in her throat. They were in her room. Now they would try to breach the bathroom. The door lock was small and old. It wouldn’t hold them for long.

Oh, god. Please be close, Oliver.

She quickly disconnected the rod from the sides and pulled it down. It was too long and there were no pointy edges, but maybe, if she held it at the middle and hit them really hard, it could be useful.

A loud bang, and the lock on the bathroom door creaked from what she assumed was a shoulder hitting the wood.

Two more hits and she was sure the lock would give way. Two more hits and they’d be in.

Oliver wouldn’t arrive in time. It was up to her to save herself.

Widening her stance, Tori held the rod in front of her. She waited for the attack.

Another collision with the door. More creaking of the lock.

One more…

Her fingers hurt from gripping the pole so tightly. Her breathing was labored. She watched the door, just waiting for it to burst in and the threats to enter.

Another thump echoed from the other side, but this time it was different. It wasn’t a body hitting wood.

No. It sounded more like a body hitting the ground.

Then there was the sound of flesh connecting with flesh. Groans of pain.

Tori remained frozen to the spot. Her eyes still glued to the door.

More hits and groans—then silence.

Tori held her breath.

A light knock sounded on the bathroom door. So different from the bangs of moments ago.

“Honey, it’s me. Oliver. Can you open the door?”

Air whooshed out of Tori’s lungs. The pole slipping from her fingers, clattering to the floor. She took a moment to collect herself. To slow her breaths and straighten her spine. Then she clicked the lock that would probably have broken with another good tap and opened the door.

Oliver stood in front of her, looking just as big and dangerous as the last time she’d seen him. All the other men lay on the floor around the room, still, except for their chests, which were rising and falling.

“Are you okay?”

His words pulled her attention back to him. There was an edge to his voice, his face full of rage. A rage that would put fear into many.

“Yes.” She was still coming down from the adrenaline of moments ago. But she was uninjured. And for the first time since stepping outside her motel room, she felt safe. “Thank you.”

Oliver took a step forward and pulled Tori into his arms.

It took a full two seconds for her to react. To wrap her arms around his strong, warm body and sink into his powerful chest. She felt his face push into her hair.

The man calmed so much of the turmoil inside of her.

“Pack your things. You’re staying with me.”

His words surprised her. But at the same time, they didn’t. The man had “protector” written all over him. And she was definitely a damsel in distress right now.

“Are you sure? I can move to a different motel.”

She had the cash. She’d just been trying to conserve it by staying in the cheapest one in town. Big mistake.

“We can talk about it later. For now, pack your things and come to my place.”

She could argue. Especially seeing as he wasn’t asking so much as telling. But she was tired. And somewhere safe to stay sounded nice.

Tori moved out of his embrace, immediately missing his touch. She shoved her few belongings into her backpack, carefully stepping over the unconscious bodies as she went. “Should we call someone?” The police…an ambulance?

Oliver waited by the door. “Do you want to report this?”

“No.” The word was out of her mouth quickly. Probably too quickly. Police would want her name…address…all things she didn’t know.

“I’ll let the guy at the desk know. I’ll also let him know my team will be doing regular checks on the motel, making sure this sort of things doesn’t happen again.” There was a sliver of ice in his voice that had her hairs standing on end. “Are you okay to drive your car to my house?”

“I don’t have a car.” Tori started to throw her backpack over her shoulder, but it was taken from her fingers before she could.

His brows pulled together. “What happened to your Mazda?”

“I’m not sure.” She hadn’t even known she had a Mazda.

He ran a hand through his hair, clearly frustrated. As she moved ahead of him, he put a hand on the small of her back. “We’ll talk at home.”

Good. Tori was ready to tell him everything. And even more ready to find out what he knew.

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