Oliver (Project Arma Book 7)

Oliver: Chapter 12

“You didn’t tell me last time, did you?”

Oliver looked up from his pasta. “About my altered DNA? No. We don’t tell anyone.”

Of course. Media would be all over them if they found out. Not to mention the implications for the government. There’d probably be mass hysteria.

She pushed her food around her plate before sneaking another peek at Oliver from below her lashes. Christ, the man was gorgeous. A gorgeous superhuman. Veins bulged from his ginormous biceps. His jawline was so sharp, you could probably cut cheese on it.

“Why are you staring at me, Tori?”

She startled at his words.

How had he caught her? He didn’t even look up.

“So…you said we slept together.”

He nodded. “Yes.”

“And you said it was a casual, probably-won’t-see-each-other-again kind of sex?”

His jaw ticked. “I said we exchanged numbers. We didn’t make any commitments to each other though.” He paused. “It was a consensual decision.”

Hm. “Did I initiate the sex or did you?”

Oliver placed his fork on the table. “Can we talk about something else?”

“Why? This is more important than ‘are you enjoying your pasta’ or any other small talk. I want to find out everything I can about the person I am. The life I led. Please, Oliver.”

Oliver leaned back in his seat and ran a hand through his hair. His triceps bulged and had her mouth running dry. “You dropped a glass in the kitchen. I helped you clean it up. Then you kissed me.”

So, yes. She had initiated it. She eyed the kitchen behind Oliver. “Did we have sex in there?”

He cleared his throat, looking somewhat…uncomfortable? “No. We kissed on the counter, then I carried you to the bedroom.”

Her abdomen heated. Not at any memories; she had none of those. But at the crystal-clear picture he painted. “Interesting.”

He frowned. “What’s interesting?”

“The pieces of the Tori no-last-name puzzle.” She stood, lifting her plate as she went. “You finished?”

Oliver stood too. “Sit. You need to rest your ankle.”

“It’s fine. Just a little bruised.”

He gave her a stern look until she sat back down. He’d been making sure she remained off her foot all day. Her ankle had been thoroughly elevated and iced for hours. It honestly wasn’t feeling that bad.

She watched as he took the plates into the kitchen. Rinsing them and placing them into the dishwasher. She studied the kitchen counters, wondering where exactly they’d made out. The kitchen was huge and there was plenty of counter space. There was also the big island in the center of the room.

The possibilities were endless.

“What did we eat that night?”

He returned to the table and grabbed the cups. “We ordered Chinese.”

“My choice or yours?”

He chuckled. “I gave you the choice between Chinese, burgers, and pizza. You chose Chinese.”

She nodded, not entirely surprised. Had he asked her that question again right now, Chinese sounded the most appealing. “What did we talk about?”

He turned the tap on. Lord Almighty. He may have been sexy sitting and eating dinner, but when the muscles in his back stretched the fabric of his shirt…the guy was irresistible.

“Go-to drink, bucket list, favorite places…normal first-date stuff.”

Basically, no information that would reveal who the other person really was. “Do you remember my answers?”

“Whiskey sour, you want to float in the Dead Sea, and you love Vancouver because you went there on vacation with your mom.”

Tori frowned, the odd ache in her chest at the mention of her mother yet again stirring. She pushed it aside. “The Dead Sea near Amman. A sea so salty, no living creature lives in it.”

He shot her a look over his shoulder. “You remember?”

Tori rubbed her forehead. She wished. “No. Not really. Every so often, things just come to me. Tidbits of information. It’s all very random.” She really wished she remembered her vacation with her mother. Tori shook her head. “What were your answers?”

“Guinness, get a tattoo, and my favorite place is right here in Marble Falls with my team.”

Tori smiled. The Marble Falls answer was sweet. And not a surprise. “You could get a tattoo right now.” Hell, she’d hold his hand and watch the whole thing. Maybe it would remind her of the time she’d gotten her own.

“Nah. My plan is to get a tattoo when this is all over.”

Her smile dimmed. Just like earlier that day, she heard the torment in his voice. It was subtle, but it was there. “What will you get?”

“A dove.”

When he didn’t elaborate, she had to ask. “Any particular reason?”

He put the last glass in the dishwasher before turning to face her. “Doves signify peace.”

“You’re not at peace right now?”

A sad smile crossed his lips. The shadows on his face darkened. “It’s hard to find peace when you’re constantly looking over your shoulder. Waiting for your enemy to strike. But soon.”

God, it was like Project Arma affected every facet of his life. It was something that was constantly on his mind, even when it shouldn’t be.

She hoped he got his peace soon.

Tori bit her bottom lip, trying to think of something to say that would lighten the mood. “I’ve got a tattoo.”

One side of his mouth lifted. “I know. You have a half sun on your left ankle.”

Man, the guy had a good memory. “Did I tell you when I got it? Or why?”

He shook his head. “I never asked.”

Of course, he hadn’t asked. For the same reason he hadn’t tried to find out about her family or where she worked. Because they were only meant to be a one-time thing.

She watched as Oliver grabbed a towel and dried his hands. “Have you ever been in a long-term relationship?”

He shook his head. “Nope.”

Nope? He didn’t want to elaborate again? “Because you don’t do commitment?”

He walked to the table and grabbed the salt and pepper. “Tori…”

Fine. Don’t answer.

Standing, she walked slowly to the kitchen. The limp was subtle. She ignored Oliver’s disapproving glare. “Was it here?” She touched the island.

Oliver’s brows rose as he came to stand beside her. “What?”

“Is this where we made out?”

He blew out a long breath. Yeah, she was definitely annoying him tonight.

“It was, wasn’t it?” She studied the space, trying to remember something. Anything.

Nothing came to her.

Her gaze rose back to Oliver, but instead of looking at his eyes, she paused on his lips. His perfect, oh-so-kissable lips.

What had it felt like? To make love with a man so powerful? A man she felt such a strong connection to?

A beat of silence passed before Oliver spoke. “Tori…”

He’d said her name just a moment ago…but this time, he said it differently. Almost like it pained him.

Maybe if she kissed him, here, where she’d kissed him before, she’d get another memory to add to her collection.

Tori stepped forward. “Would it be so terrible for me to kiss you right now?”

“The smart response would be yes.” Oliver placed his hands on her hips, and oh lord, but did she enjoy his touch. “I’ve never been very smart.”

Was that him giving her permission? God, he was so hard to read. Taking a chance, she splayed her hands over his chest. When Oliver didn’t pull away, she slid her hands up, only stopping when they reached his neck. His eyes heated.

She was seconds away from tugging his head down and kissing him when suddenly his head lowered, and he kissed her.

There was no slow. His lips feasted on her. Passion pouring out of the man.

A deep growl vibrated through his chest. His hands moved to her thighs, lifting her up to the counter. Her legs instinctively separated, leaving space for him to move closer. To press himself against her core.

Tori’s blood roared through her veins at the feel of his hardness.

When his tongue pushed between her lips, any thoughts of trying to capture lost memories faded. All thoughts faded. The only thing she could think about was how damn good he felt around her.

The addictive taste of Tori took over. She was sweet, like honeysuckle. His blood was lava in his veins. The woman shattered his self-restraint. Pulled down the walls he’d carefully constructed and smashed them to pieces.

Tightening his grasp on her hips, Oliver tugged her closer. The hard evidence of his arousal pressing into the junction of her thighs.

His tongue explored her mouth. Dancing with hers.

Oliver lifted his hand slowly, sliding it up her waist to her breast. His fingers closed around an ample mound. He swallowed her sweet moan, loving the way she accompanied it with a small shiver.

God, the woman destroyed him.

He massaged her breast, all the while grinding his hips against her and making love to her mouth. The hard nipple in his palm called to him. Begging for attention. Using the flat of his thumb, he rubbed the sensitive peak, grazing it back and forth through her clothing.

Tori writhed in his hold, releasing sounds from her chest that would be haunting his dreams.

Her left hand lowered to his shoulder. Fingers digging into him. Oliver switched to her other breast. Touching and playing. More sweet moans. More hip grinding.

He was just tugging up her shirt when the ringing of his phone cut through the room.

His body stilled. Their mouths still melded together, pausing in their assaults.

Tori lifted her mouth, breathing heavily. “Ignore it.”

Oliver’s body called for him to do just that. Screamed at him.

But the sudden interruption had pulled him back to reality. Away from the hypnotic spell this woman cast on him. If he had her again, there was a very real possibility he would want to keep her. But he didn’t know who she was. Not really.

Swallowing a curse, Oliver stepped away.

The hurt expression that crossed her face had turmoil boiling in his gut. Then she crossed her arms over her chest in a protective gesture, shielding her pebbled nipples from his view, and the guilt in him intensified.

Jaw tensing, he pulled his phone from his back pocket and made his way to the study. He couldn’t look at her vulnerable expression anymore. It was already tearing at his insides.

“What is it, Cage?”

“Ax. Haven’t heard from you since your walk down Gorman Falls. Just wanted to check in and see if everything was okay.”

Oliver sighed, dropping into his chair. Okay? Not even close. “Didn’t trigger any memories.” He closed his eyes, suddenly feeling both exhausted and frustrated. “I told her about our altered DNA.”

There was a slight pause. “You did?”

Kye didn’t sound annoyed. More bewildered than anything.

“Yeah.” Oliver ran a hand through his hair. “She noticed my speed last night in the bar parking lot. Then today, she fell into the river, and I ran to tug her out without thinking. She already knew. I just confirmed it.”

There’d been no point in lying. Nothing he’d be able to make up would have covered the truth. He’d already exposed himself.

He heard footsteps on the stairs outside the study.

“How’d she take it?”

“She’d seen Adrien’s abilities in her dream, so she didn’t run away screaming.”

“Do you think she knew before?”

Even though there was nothing remotely funny about the situation, Oliver almost wanted to laugh. That very question had been playing on his mind a lot. “The more I think about it, the more I’m leaning toward yes. She was careful not to lie to me that weekend, she was attacked by Adrien… I don’t know who she is. Not really.”

And considering his growing feelings for the woman, that scared the hell out of him.

“We’ll work this out.”

But when? After he lost himself to her? After he was completely tortured by the fact he wanted her but shouldn’t have her?

“If you need a break, she can stay in my guest room,” Kye continued.

The idea of having Tori stay anywhere other than with him had his gut rebelling. It shouldn’t. She didn’t belong to him. But it did. “No, I’m okay. Maybe being here will eventually help jog some memories.”

So far, it hadn’t. But he couldn’t lose hope.

“Okay, brother. Let me know if you need anything from me.”

“Will do.”

Oliver hung up just as he heard a tap switch on upstairs. It sounded like the bath. Good, she wouldn’t be putting weight on her ankle.

Leaning back in his seat, Oliver scrunched his eyes shut.

Man, he’d hated seeing the look on her face when he’d pulled away. Like he’d left her exposed and vulnerable.

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