Old Promises, New Mysteries: Book 2 of The Kinstone series

Chapter 47: Training with Asha

The next day I was sitting on the back porch, gazing out onto the ocean. A habit that I had picked up since the second week I started living here. There would also be days when I didn’t even wear socks and strolled around the forest bare-foot. It felt nice to feel the ground beneath my feet while out. This wasn’t anything new really as when training with Silvi I tended not to wear shoes.

The sea breeze felt nice against my face, there was a near pull to go down and go for a swim. The urge only grew strong as time passed, but ultimately I pushed it out of my mind.

The breeze shifted, watching as the trees move along with the wind. A smile then rose on my face, “Ohayo Asha.”

The ryujin softly floated into the yard, a bright smile adorned her face as she slithered over to me. “Ohayo Aria-chan. I see that you’re in good spirits today.” I looked up at her, giving a soft nod.

Her smile then grew into a broad grin, “Is it perhaps due to a certain special someone?”

My cheeks then flushed deep red as I covered it with my tails. She chuckled, gently weaving her hand through them and caressing my face. I looked up at her, smiling softly. The ryujin then leaned in and pulled me into her lap, holding against her chest.

“Still hard to believe that my little Aria-chan has fallen in love with someone.”

My cheeks burned even more, looking away, “Who…who said I was in love with him?”

She laughed, “What else would you call it?”

Sufficed to say she has a point. Am I in love with Kenji or was it more of a crush? I really couldn’t tell. It’s not like I’m head-over-heels for him or anything.

And seeing him on the road yesterday and nearly jumping out at him would’ve been completely stupid and childish. So good on my part for showing some restraint. Like many times before, I wanted to be absolutely sure.

He really is cute and had been honest with his feelings. But sometimes playing the long game often proved to be far more rewarding than jumping headlong into something. Heh, there goes my analytical brain with its gears turning again.

I let out a sigh, pressing my head into her chest. She placed a soft kiss onto the top of my head, her claws gently combing through my hair. “Have you spoken to your mother about this?” The fur on all my tails stood up. She cupped my chin, raising it up. I looked into her eyes, “Think you should?”

My eyes darted away, “She…she might just tease me. Only after congratulating me.”

Asha sighed, flicking my nose, “You know your mother wouldn’t do that to you.”

I smirked, “Oh yes she would,” looking up at her, cheeks fuming red. Asha smiled softly, holding me even tighter to her chest. I closed my eyes; the smell of flowing river water enveloped me.

“Have you come to start my training under you?”

She nodded, “I have, but we might want to rethink on how we approach it.” I looked up at her, my ears standing straight up. “Remember when I had to deal with that raiju and her husband?” I nodded softly to her.

When Asha had come back after dealing with both of them, she had gotten herself injured. It’s one of the reasons why I hadn’t seen her for a few days.

“Well, the plan was while you were training under me you would do so as a ryujin yourself. But if news broke out that a second had been spotted in the region after expelling an intruder, it might cause lot more friction than I care to deal with.”

I sighed heavily, “Was really looking forward to it. When I’m at home I feel lonely when I do transform. ”

Asha looked to me, “As was I and believe me, I know of your loneliness.” She smiled deviously, “I know everyone in the village knows you as a kitsune. For which even I have to admit, suits you far more that any form you possess.”

I blushed, looking away, “I still want to and I promise that I won’t be a burden.”

She turned my face to look at her, “Never a burden. Aria-chan, do I love you for the mere reason you can transform into a ryujin like me? Your ability to become one is merely a plus. I love you for you.” I blushed, looking at her.

“So can I?”

The ryujin closed her eyes for moment, and then letting out a sigh, “Very well, but only for a brief time. Say…a couple of hours after every one?”

I giggled, “Yay.”

Asha smiled softly stroking my hair, “You are still very much that little girl I met two years ago, fiery, stubborn, but deep down, a lovingly gentle soul.”

I giggled, “Can’t believe it’s almost been that long.”

The ryujin smile turned into a grin, her fangs glistening in the light. “Nor I, my little Aria-chan.” Her arms coiled around my body even tighter.

The sound of a camera shutter closing caused my ears to perk up. I looked over to see Yukari standing there with her phone. “It would appear that our little girl can’t help but seem to have the best photo opportunities.” My face blushed, but then fumed at her.

The kitsune chuckled elegantly, “Fenris is right in saying you look adorable when angry.” I grumbled, looking away.

She walked over to us, placing her hand onto my face, stroking it softly. I looked into her golden eyes, seeing then glimmer softly in the light. A smile rose on my face as both women loved on me.

She then grinned softly, “Your mother was correct in saying you can be such a child.”

I smiled, “Guess I like being babied a bit.”

She nodded, “That you do. But you also never act like one.” She looked up at Asha, “Have her back around dinner?”

The ryujin nodded, “I will try.”

Yukari then turned back to me, “Have fun today.”

I smiled, “Seeya tonight.” The kitsune smiled, stepping back.

Asha turned and placed me onto her back, “Hold on tight to me.” I nodded, wrapping my tails around her waist.

Wind slowly began to swirl under us as we gradually began to lift off of the ground. She then leaned forward and we soon climbed into the air, feeling the sea breeze in my face.

As we flew over the house I waved to Yukari, who waved in return. I smiled as I watch her disappear under the roof.

As per Yukari’s request, I hadn’t transformed into a dragon while I was there. So having the chance to fly around for the first time in months was exhilarating even if I wasn’t the one doing the flying. The wind pressed against my face, cooling it. I had to lower my ears due to the wind blowing into them.

That was one thing I had never fully gotten over was someone blowing into my fox ears. By far it's the most unpleasant of feelings. But that isn’t going to detract from how much I loved sailing through the air.

Asha looked back to me, “Doing all right back there Aria-chan?” I nodded, flashing a grin.

She smiled, “Good, not too much longer until we reach my home.” I looked down in the forest as it seemed to flow under us like a river. A broad smile rose on my face.

The sensation of flight, whether under your power or not will always be an amazing feeling no matter how commonplace it becomes. Someone once said that the reason for conflict is because our souls are tied down by gravity. Well…it’s kinda true.

How I put it is that if you were to limit yourself to a single perspective that you never truly know what life is. This is one reason why I love transforming into all of my forms. That and I like seeing myself differently in the mirror.

The sight of the river below caught my eye. Peering up I saw a small temple, looking more like a home. It was nestled deep into the forest with one of the walls opening up to the river. On the opposite back rested more of the forest, but ascended into the hills above.

There were three main structures there, with branching brick paths that extended from the entrance to each of the buildings. It felt similar to the Masaki shrine from Tenchi Muyo, in design and even layout.

My eyes then caught the sight of young kappa girls swimming in the water, with unagi joro resting by the banks, smiling as they played.

“That’s where I live Aria-chan. Everyone is excited to see you.”

I giggled. I hadn’t seen Natsuki or the other shirohebi in a couple weeks and was anxious to see how they were doing. With Saya and the other nekomata gone, it fell solely to the shirohebi to assist Asha. But this was only true if the ryujin were to leave the region.

While here, Asha really lived like any other person I had grown to know in the village. Except for the fact that her temple was visited by traveling pilgrims in order to pray for favorable weather for their crops. So she would come out and bless them.

The shirohebi would assume a human guise and wear normal shrine maiden outfits, albeit with a more snake-like aesthetic. Humans in this prefecture had held a long standing relationship with the local yokai, with many still worshiping them as gods.

The same is true in several other prefectures across the country where humans and yokai lived in peace. The rest of the country had simply turned a forgetful eye to yokai while still retaining the religious respect for the beings. I wish the same could be true for the rest of the world. But…oh well.

Asha brought us in for a landing. My ears flicked to the sounds of doors sliding open and out from them slithered out a half dozen or so shirohebi. A bright grin rose on my face as I looked at all of them. They all gathered into the courtyard, all with large smiles on their faces.

I let go and slid off of her back, dropping just a feet from the ground. Natsuki quickly moved over to me and pulled me into a tight hug, which felt more like a snake squeezing their prey.

“We’ve missed you so terribly Aria-chan. We know it was rather sudden of us disappearing on you like that but duty calls.”

I smiled, clinging to her, “It's okay, Asha filled me in on what happened,” looking up at her, “I’m hoping that all of you are all right.”

She nodded, “We are all doing fine. Saya’s been keeping us informed of your progress in the village,” leaning forward with a devious grin, “and the receiving of your very first kiss.” My cheeks burned brightly as my tails stood on end.

The group all then burst into laughter, all crowding around me and hugging me tightly. I felt smothered by everyone. The shirohebi all started congratulating me and wishing me luck. Another fun fact, in Japan snakes are considered good luck, so having this many surrounding me felt like an overcharge.

Asha started clapping her clawed hands, “All right ladies, let’s not try to overwhelm her too much. She is here for a reason.” The girls then slowly released me, gently setting me onto the ground.

The shrine was almost completely shaded by the thickly overgrown forest. Light filtered in from the trees above, with it fluttering as the trees swayed with the wind.

It felt like it was set deep within a jungle or something. There were even several large tree roots sprouting from the ground and crossed over the river. The only thing different was that this wasn’t a ruin.

I looked over to the shrine and saw fresh burning incense and a few offerings. Apparently they just recently had a group of travelers come through.

I pulled out my necklace, feeling my kitsune tails and ears recede into my body, reverting to my human form. The girls all watched in gentle awe.

“We nearly forgot that you could become human Aria-chan,” softly spoke Natsuki.

I blushed, stroking my hair, and looking to her, “Since I’ve been here, I sometimes forget that I am human.”

She shook her head, “Not to us. You are yokai, regardless. Even your aura has become more yokai than even when you first arrived.” My cheeks blushed even more.

Asha smiled and placed a hand onto my shoulder, “Care to show them?”

I smiled in return holding the crystal between my fingers and closed my eyes. The magic flowed from it, coursing through my body as it transformed into a ryujin. The stone bricks felt vastly different on my belly scales than grass. It was hard and cold, definitely going to take time getting used to.

I swished it across the bricks, hearing my scales scraping against the stone. The shirohebi again marveled at my transformation, with several slithering around me, examining my blue scales.

“Ice-blue scales. Very rare for ryujin.” Exclaimed one of girls.

“Quite rare indeed. But her eyes…golden, much like her kitsune’s,” spoke another.

I blushed even more, coiling my tail around me. They all then burst into laughter, once more pulling me into a tight group hug.

Asha came in and gently separated them from me, “Ladies, would you be so kind as to prepare us something for later on. I need to begin this little girl’s training.”

The group bowed. “It shall be done Asharyume-sama.” They smiled to me and turned away, slithering into the one of the buildings.

I brought a clawed finger to my lips and giggled, then looked over my body. Asha leaned into me, her body overshadowed mine, “How long has it been since you last were without legs?”

I stroked the soft scales, “A month ago and with the gossip back home.”

She smiled, stroking my hair with her claws. “Now…shall we begin?”

I looked up to her and smiled, “I am…kinda missing one thing though.”

The ryujin chuckled, “And what would that be?”

A soft chilly wind breezed through the trees, gently whipping around me. I turned to see Fenris lying across the top of the walls, both tails swaying softly against the stucco.

The ryujin smiled, bowing her head to him, “Greetings honorable wolf. It would seem that you were indeed able to follow me.”

His lips drew back into a warm wolfish grin, “Wherever the child may roam, I will follow.”

I giggled, “He’s always been able to keep up with me, even while flying.”

Ash smiled, “Well, I am glad that you are here,” turning to me, “ready?” I nodded to her.

The two of us then slithered over in the river, her wading out a few yards from me. The cold water washed over my tail, causing me to coo softly. This felt completely different than when she gave me her lesson back in October.

The river itself felt…familiar, more natural. The smell of the water filled my lungs. My ears flicked to the swaying trees. Like when I first transformed into a kitsune the night Yukari and I arrived, everything around me felt…correct.

Again it was as though I had “finally come home”. I was a part of the land itself, despite not being born to it.

Asha looked to me, “Now, I have been speaking with Yukari on how to approach your training and agree with her on not boring you with teaching the lore of our race. So I too shall instruct you in the more “practical” forms of the ryujin’s racial magicks.” I nodded, swaying my tail in the water.

Asha stretched out her arms, causing wind to whirl around her gauntleted forearms. I could actually see it forming into mini tornadoes, with water from the river getting swallowed up by it. The steady flow of water soon grew into massive streams, all swirling and gathering around her.

She then raised her hands over her head, drawing in an even greater amount of water, forming into a massive ball. This is a lot like how mer-magic worked in manipulating water. So, were the two styles really the same?

Asha then whirled her hands around, causing the water to flow out from the ball and stream around her at first in a singular line, but then several more began to form around her in intricate patterns. Her control was perfect, not a single drop strayed from the rest, nor did any fall back into the river.

The ryujin then grinned, “Remember this from our first lesson?”

I giggled, nodding, reeling back, claws outstretched, performing the same action, gathering up the water from the river, and forming it into a ball over my head.

She grinned, “Now, get ready.”

Before I could respond, Asha lowered her arms. The water from the floating sphere rushed forward like a tidal wave, crashing into the river as it sped towards me.

I slapped my hands together, causing the water over me to swirl into a barrier, deflecting the torrent and sending it splashing around me. She then smiled, closing her hands, forcing the water to redirect and come down onto the top of the barrier.

It was heavy, as though someone had just landed on top of my head. I struggled to keep the barrier from collapsing, groaning as I began to strain under the pressure. It was like standing in the middle of a raging flood.

The water roared around me as if standing under a waterfall. It was starting to make it hard to think. Whenever I trained with Tariel it was never in this amount right off the bat.

The weight of the water continued to grow more and more as time passed. It continued to press me deeper and deeper into the riverbed. Normally, I’d growl and just freeze the water, ending it right there.

Two things about this though, one reason being that I always used that trick whenever I wanted to just give up. The other reason was the water was actually swirling around me faster and ever changing in intensity.

So even if I could freeze the immediate torrent overhead, the overflow would just keep crashing down onto me. Either option would be pointless in this situation.

“Don’t fight the river, Aria-chan. You are the river.”

I looked up at her, fingers gently weaving in the air, conducting the water itself. I then turned back to the torrential stream of water. My fingers then started to twitch, causing some of the water to flow away from the top.

You are such an idiot, Aria. Water flows, so let it flow. I had been fighting against the current of the literal river that had been crashing into me.

Ryujin are not just beings who can control the weather, they are also known as river gods. Water itself bows to their will. They have complete control of the water, and I had been trained in that regard by mermaids with that in mind.

This was no different than being with Tariel or the gossip. I was just caught up in the moment and the suddenness of her attack.

My hands relaxed and lowered around me, splitting the water in half. My eyes closed, feeling the water as though it were a part of my own being. It then swirled around me, even my barrier dissolved, adding the water itself. Finally my arms gave out and let it all come crashing around me.

I breathed heavily as water dripped over my face. My wet hair clung to my now completely drenched clothes. I smiled as I panted, hoping that I wasn’t going to catch a cold.

The sound of hands clapping echoed through the valley. I looked up to see Asha wading through the water towards me, “Excellent and only after a few minutes.”

I grinned to her, “Helps having mermaids to practice with.” She smiled, leaning over and combing her claws through my damp hair.

“So sending you all those tomes really did help.”

I giggled, nodding to her, “Yep. But to be honest Asha, that was a lot right out of the gate.”

The ryujin chuckled, “I had to see how far along your progress was and to gauge how to train you.”

Asha coiled her body into a seat, and pulled my body into her lap. I coiled my tail to better sit onto hers, finding little success.

She chuckled, “Such a cute little thing. Though I might have to find you some new clothes to wear. If I were to take you back Yukari as you are now she more than likely would scold me.”

I giggled, “You both kinda act like Velhemina and Silvi back home.” My gaze then drifted off slightly, thinking of them.

She smiled, stroking my hair, “Feeling homesick Aria-chan?”

A soft sigh left me, giving a small nod, “From time to time I do. But I guess that was to be expected right? And it’s not like I’m to just call it quits right here and now. I really love being here. It hasn’t been even a month and Yukari’s house, the village, even the entire region have become like my home. I’ve made so many friends and have grown used to life here.”

Asha smiled softly, “You cannot begin to imagine how happy I am to you hear you say that Aria-chan. The part of you that is yokai truly is at home here, but you yourself have made it so. Saya has told me how easily you have assimilated into the village, acting as if you were born there.”

She then pulled me higher onto her chest, resting an arm under my rear, “If we were ever allowed to, I would wish that you were able to stay here longer.”

I smile to her, laying my head onto her chest, “I’d love that a lot Asha. I feel like my heart is now being split between here and the Estate.”

The ryujin rocked me gently, “Your heart speaks truth Aria-chan. This place is your home, but so even more true is the Estate. Let not your feelings for both rip your heart into conflict. They are a part of who you are.” I nodded, smiling against her chest.

Asha placed a soft kiss onto the top of my head, “But you do have to admit that you are drawn more towards the Estate than here am I correct?” My cheeks burned hotly, feeling the heat actually causing the water to steam.

She chuckled, “Thought so. Let not yourself be troubled. While you are here, this is your home.”

I looked up at her, “And you my family.”

Her eyes grew wide with surprise, her mouth quivered as tears swelled within her eyes. She then squeezed me even tighter, pressing my head into her chest.

“It makes me happy beyond words to hear you say that Aria-chan. Both Yukari and I have long thought of you as such.” I giggled, my cheeks still burning brightly.

My eyes then peered over to the riverbanks, eyeing the shirohebi as they stood along the shore. They all smiled brightly as the watched us embrace each other.

Since my first encounter with them two years ago and through all of our letters and then coming here, I had grown close to them. In some ways I felt they were very much like the gossip back home. Another bunch of close friends that I truly had come to love.

“I think we’ve gone and distracted ourselves Asha.”

She looked over and saw her attendants, smiling, “I would agree,” lowering me back into the water, “apart from water and wind manipulation, I should also instruct you in the shrine practices of the ryujin. We still must offer prayers to the father of us all, which includes you as well.” I blushed softly.

As it's been explained to me, whenever I gained a new race to transform into, I basically was grafted into said race. All of their histories were now my own. So for her to say that the progenitor god of the ryujin race was my “father” wouldn’t exactly be too far from the truth.

Asha then chuckled, “Then there’s living like a ryujin. Which means having to deal with travelers and farmers asking for rain and other types of weather.”

I looked to her, “I…won’t be prayed to will I?”

She burst into another laugh, “Oh no dear. You are far too modest to be revered as a god.”

My cheeks burned even brighter “A g-god? No…no way, not a god, don’t want to be a god.”

Her laughter continued, “Calm yourself Aria-chan, no one is going to make you into a god. Only the gods themselves can grant divinity. I most certainly am not a god nor is Yukari. And I would never ask of you to present yourself as one.”

I shivered slightly and not from the cold, which I really wasn’t feeling. I hate being constantly pampered and the mere thought of being prayed as a god terrified me.

I then slapped myself in my mind, You idiot. For one thing you are not in charge of a shrine or temple, so no one is going to be traveling to see you let alone pray to you. So do yourself a favor and chill out. I let out another long sigh, finally calming myself.

Asha then looked to me, “Shall we continue our lesson?”

I nodded to her, “Let's.”

Asha and I spent the next several hours practicing water and wind magic, which slowly gave me and even greater control over both than ever before. While the gossip had really helped me by acting as tutors and sparring partners. They couldn’t hold a candle to how powerful a ryujin is.

Granted, mer-magic and ryujin-magic were nearly identical is terms of manipulation and control. The difference lies in the source.

Mer-magic came from the ocean and as such is vast so too is how they control it. Swimming in the ocean forces one to be far more aware of your surroundings, you have to expand you mind to everywhere. This way you won’t be eaten or worse.

As for the ryujin, that source is the river. You have to remain aware of your surroundings much like mermaids, but now you are in a far smaller area. So your focus becomes narrower. This forces you to be more delicate when you manipulate the elements while at the same time you have to pour in more power into a more confined space.

We also toured up and down the river, to where I met many to yokai I saw flying in. For as much as Asha blustered about other yokai learning that there was a second ryujin in the region, no one was really that concerned.

The unagi joro were all super sweet and even offered some of their cooking, to which Asha “politely” declined. That aside, I loved talking with them. After staying for a few minutes longer, Asha and I left the group and returned to the temple.

We delved into some religious practices, showing me a dance that Asha would perform honoring the gods, and a taught me a prayer. Fenris had stay silent this whole time, maintaining his position of curbing my magic if it were ever to get out of hand, which it never really did.

I think he was there so that he wouldn’t feel lonely back at the house. Regardless of whatever reason he had, I’m happy that he was here. The shirohebi didn’t even faze him as they scuttled about maintaining the shrine.

When the night finally started to set in, we had already retired to the residence building. Asha had given me a simple kimono to wear after we moved from the magic portion of the day.

It felt exceptionally light against my body and a little strange as it hugged my lower body where it met my tail. We all sat around the main room, resting from the day.

The shirohebi, to my discovery, were masters of sweets. I had freshly made dango, red bean soup, and manju. It was all so amazingly good and I loved the sweet tastes of all of them. I lied on the floor with my face on a pillow. I didn’t want to ever move from that spot, just way too comfortable.

As time passed, I found myself slowly falling asleep. My arms tightly squeezed my pillow, letting myself drift off.

The next morning I awoke feeling something fuzzy against my face. I swatted away, only for it to return. I groaned, swatting at it again.

When it plopped right onto my face, I grumbled, “Fenris, stop hitting me with your tail.”

A smattering of giggles then rose around me, feeling fingers strumming my cheek. I opened my eyes to see Asha leaning over me.

Ohayo Aria-chan.

I smiled to her, “Ohayo Asha. Would you please tell Fenris to stop smacking me with his tail?”

She grinned, “He isn’t the one whose tail is hitting you.” I cocked my head to the side. Her grin broadened, pointing down. I raised my head to see a pinkish-blonde tail flopping out from between my legs.

“It would appear that you transformed back into a kitsune during the night."

My cheeks blushed brightly as it curled my tails around me, “S-sorry Asha.”

The ryujin chuckled, pulling me into her lap, stroking my hair, “Doesn’t matter which form you are in Aria-chan, I love you for you. And I had a great time yesterday with you. But for now, why don’t we feed you before I take you back to Yukari.”

I nodded, giggling softly, “Kinda feel like a child at the moment.”

She smiled, “In many ways you are one. But I know what you mean. To see you as a little child would be beyond words incredible. Wearing a tiny kimono, being led around the village with a single little tail bobbing from side to side. I think many would be in heaven if such thing were to occur.”

My face blushed even hotter, as the images flooded my mind. The problem would be who exactly would be the one leading me around. Obliviously Rachel would be first to come to mind, but since it would be the village. Asha or Yukari?

Thoughts of growing up here also raced through my mind. I felt like I was in a tailspin of fantasies and scenarios that it made me dizzy. I finally knocked myself back into reality by biting my lip so hard that it drew blood.

Asha grabbed a cloth and wiped my lip, “Don’t overwork your pretty little mind to the point where you hurt yourself.”

I blushed, “I know. It’s just that the idea of being a child here kinda went nuts in my head. What’s worse is that my mother even turned me into a five-year old shortly after she began my magic training. I still remember her leading me through the Manor by the hand.”

The ryujin’s face lit up brightly, “I will then have to ask her if she has pictures of you as a child.”

I nodded, “She…she does.”

Asha hugged me tightly to her body, “I can’t wait to see them then.” My face felt so hot from embarrassment that it felt like it was going to pop.

I was lowered onto the floor, to where Asha then pulled out a phone. “Say cheese Aria-chan.”

I quickly turned to see her snapping a picture of me. Geez…do all daiyokai now have phones?

She grinned, tapping it, “And now it is sent to Yukari, who might also send it to your mother. Aria-chan as a kitsune wearing a yukata. A cute thing to see in the morning.”

Now I wanted to die. Do these women just love finding ways of embarrassing me?

Asha smiled to me, “You do look cute in a yukata, perfectly natural if I might add.”

I smiled softly, “Should’ve seen me wear a yukata when I was here the first time.”

Her grin broadened, “Of which I will ask to see as well, but that can wait.” She then tapped my nose, “First you need to get yourself cleaned up. Yukari will be waiting for you back at your home.” I nodded and then looked around.

Asha chuckled, “Back of the house sweetie.” I giggled, rushing off.

After a good long shower, I emerged to find a new set of clothes waiting for me. I quickly threw them on, slipping my tails in between my underwear and the shorts. I folded my tails into one and headed back out to the main room.

Asha was lounging by the deck, with Fenris sitting on the ground below her. I looked around, hoping to find the girls, but couldn’t.

“So where is everyone?”

The ryujin looked to, “A few went to their homes for the day, while the others are off in the village purchasing food. I, on the other hand, remain here. Someone has to guard the river from intruders.”

I crawled into her lap, wrapping my tails around her. She gently raked her claws through my hair, “It was nice having you here yesterday. And I look forward to our future sessions together.”

I leaned into her chest, “Same here. When will that be next, tomorrow? I could stay here for another day and go back tonight if that might work.”

She smiled, holding me close to her, “I wish it could, but not today. Yesterday took a lot out of me and I need to rest.”

I looked at her, raising an eyebrow, “You teaching me wore you out? And this is coming from a person who took on a rival ryujin and raiju at the same time.”

Asha grinned, poking my nose with her clawed finger, “Namaikina kitsune.”

I giggled loudly, “You’re the second person to call me that.”

She grinned more broadly, “If the name fits,” then leaning over, and pressing her head against mine, “I do love you Aria-chan. You continue to prove that you truly are yokai.”

I giggled, “I love you too Asha.”

She then kissed my forehead, “I’ll take you home now.” I smiled, hugging her tightly.

During the flight back, I leaned into her, tails wrapped around her body. Yesterday I did learn a lot from Asha about being a ryujin. But what was the most important thing was that I got to spend time with her. We really didn’t since I first arrived in Japan, so having the entire day with her was just great and sorely needed.

I get the feeling that Asha views me the same way that Yukari does in that I am like her niece or something. I love both women dearly and am always happy to see them.

I peered down the forest floor to see Fenris easy keeping pace with us as he always does. I grinned softly, knowing he’d probably go hunting at some point.

When we arrived back at the house, I saw that Yukari was already waiting for us on the back deck. She smiled brightly, with three cups of steaming tea waiting for us.

Just before we landed, I slid off of Asha’s back, and lowered myself to the ground, still hanging onto Asha with my tails. The ryujin smiled, gently helping me down.

Fenris soon arrived, taking his place next to the kitsune. I grinned, seeing that he actually was panting. Guess he might’ve gotten lost along the way. That or the forest really gave him a workout.

I hopped over to him, scratching him behind his ears, to which the wolf softly wagged his tails. He then lapped up the side of my face, causing me to giggle loudly. Both women grinned as they watched.

“Well, it would appear that you both had a good time together,” exclaimed Yukari.

I nodded, folding my tails into one, “We did, and we wore each other out.” She smiled, patting a spot beside her. I happily walked over to my aunt, taking my spot, and was handed a cup.

Asha slithered over to us, taking a seat next to me, “She truly has been well trained Yukari. All she requires at this point is refinement.”

Yukari nodded in agreement as she looked at me, smiling, “That she does. And we still have plenty of time in order to do so.” I smiled softly, taking a sip. She then pulled me into her, gently stroking my arms, “I think today you should rest. Which I believe we all should do.” I nodded taking another sip of my tea.

She placed a kiss onto the top of my head, “Your mother called me while you were away, asking how you were doing.”

I smiled, “She doing okay?”

Yukari beamed softly, wrapping her tails around mine, “She’s doing well, professing how much she misses you.”

I giggled, wrapping a tail around Asha, “I miss her too.”

Asha wrapped her arm around me, hugging me tightly “We are here for you Aria-chan. Being away from home, especially this long can be scary.” I smiled, feeling both women so close to me.

Yeah…I still couldn’t believe that a month had passed since I arrived and how fast it had gone by. I held the cup in my lap, letting myself melt away in their arms.

The ryujin leaned over and whispered something that was low enough to where even my fox ears couldn’t hear it.

Yukari grinned, squeezing my tails even tighter, placing a kiss onto my cheek, “Such a sweetheart.”

I giggled, only for Asha to do the same. My cheeks burned brightly. While in Japan, these two, along with Fenris, were my family and I loved both them dearly.

I looked out onto the ocean, listening to the wind gently blow into the trees. My eyes then caught the sight of the sakura trees coming into bloom. A smile crossed my face, as then a giggled rose up.

“What’s so funny Aria-chan,” asked Asha.

I grinned, “Just thinking that I’m going to get to have a second viewing party while I’m here.” Both women looked at each and then smiled.

“That’s correct,” replied Yukari. “Though the one in Tokyo was grand, it was rather early. And now you will experience it with your friends.”

I rolled the cup in my hands, staring into its contents. I had gotten used to having them around all the time and even though they were only gone for a few days out of the week, I didn’t want to bother them while they were working on schoolwork.

I did have to the crazy idea of traveling out to their school. But I highly doubt that Yukari would ever go for it.

A few minutes passed and Asha softly rose from her seat, leaning over and placing a kiss onto the top of my head, “I must return to the temple. Surely a few of the girls have returned and the river does need protecting.” My ears flattened as she pulled back.

The ryujin smiled softly, cupping my cheek and caressing it, “Come by tomorrow Aria-chan and we can continue your training.”

I smiled to her, “I’ll see you then Asha. Since I now know where your house is, I guess I can head there without having you to always come get me right?”

She raked her claws softly through my hair, “Oh, I will still come to collect you from time to time. But yes, you can come without my aid.”

Fenris then let out a loud yawn as he lied down onto the ground. I looked down at him, forming a grin. He definitely would want to have me ride on his back when would leave to and from her temple.

I could just imagine when I got home how he would lord it over Ember, letting the horse know that he had gotten to carry me around more often and when I was tired from my training. His tails swished softly on the grass, already seeing the gears in his mind turning. I giggled softly.

“I will take my leave of you two,” said Asha, pulling me back into the moment.

I looked up at the ryujin as she slowly ascended into the air. I smiled to her, waving, “See you later Asha.”

She smiled, flying off into the air. Well if I really have to be honest, ryujin don’t fly through the air as much as they “swim”. Her tail swayed softly from side to side much like we were as we waded down the river.

She was elegant in the air, remembering when she and Yukari left after my birthday. Elegance and grace, two defining factors of Japan and of the yokai.

I felt my tails being squeezed even tighter. I turned to see Yukari smiling softly as she then rose from her seat. “Hungry?”

My eyes grew huge. It had just now occurred to me that I had hadn’t eaten anything since I got up this morning. I nodded to her, feeling my stomach complaining for food.

She grinned, “Then why don’t I make you something to eat?”

I nodded, getting up myself, “Want me to clean the room while you cook?”

I felt her releasing some of my tails, with one still her clutch, “That would be helpful. But just the living room please, it only needs a light dusting.” I nodded, dashing inside. She smiled, shaking her head before heading into the kitchen.

Over the course of the next few weeks were spent off and on with Asha at her shrine. The duration of my visits would vary from as much a just a day to a couple of days, with me spending the night with the ryujin.

The simple quiet of the deep forest reminded me of my glen back home. Since it was buried so deeply, it felt like a completely different world than the rest of the region.

Everything was so overgrown and huge I still had to think that Japanese manga artists had to out come here for inspiration. Fenris would indeed carry me on his back, which became a normal sight for everyone walking down the main road to the train station.

She and I again practiced water and wind magic together, helping my further refine my control and expand my knowledge of both. She would also teach me how to control the weather, forming little thunderclouds which tiny lightning bolts would shoot out from. While the spectacle was nice, I still held reservations about attempting the manipulate weather.

I love thunderstorms so much that whenever one would show up I’d turn off the lights, open the curtains and watch the storm play out over the Estate. But the idea of the one being able to create them never really sat well with me.

Also…lightning magic tended to have a negative reaction to me, sometimes causing me to blast myself away whenever I attempt to conjure it. This is why I stuck more with water and fire magic, as half of my forms utilize each.

I also grew closer to the shirohebi, learning how to move more gracefully while I was in my ryujin form. Since I rarely assumed the form I had very little experience with moving around with a tail for a lower body. There would also be times in which Asha would have to leave and take couple of the girls with her, leaving the rest to look after me.

Shirohebi are also very proficient in water magic and so they too helped my refine my control. I giggled as I could now form blades of water, something that I had struggled with for over a year. Now you would think that a skill like this would be me easy for me. At best I was only produce ones made of ice.

Water in liquid form is harder to control than as a solid. I could shape water into long strands and then fire droplets like bullets, forming them into individual crescent shape blades took a lot more skill and it finally was able to somewhat master the ability.

The girls would set up goza, rolled tatami mats, to serve as targets. The exercise involved summoning water from buckets and the shooting it as the posts, cutting them. Over time it grew expensive to use them as I grew more and more proficient. So we then switched to shoot at large orbs of water that the girls would conjure for me.

When I wasn’t training in magic with the Asha or the girls while at the temple, the ryujin continued to teach me in the religious practices of the race. I learned prayers, chants, even a few songs said to bring forth a healthy rain when sung. They weren’t JPop tunes by any means but I grew to enjoy them.

After a day of training, we all sat around the temple and just visit with each other. It was expressed that the shirohebi missed having the nekomata around with school and other duties. Having me around helped mitigate the long wait for their furry companions. But this also means they tended to shower me with all of the love and affection they often gave to the girls.

The days I wasn’t with Asha were spent at the house either training with Yukari or recuperating from the exhaustion from both women. My friends would come by and visit me. I also become the group’s English tutor, helping them out with their work if needed.

During one of their days off we took a trip down to a sakura tree and held a viewing party. It was nice having the gang back together, if only for brief moments of time. I wouldn’t dare go and bug them throughout the week, seeing how they had to deal with schoolwork.

But Sundays were our hangout days. We’d go to the beach or gather in the village and just do whatever we felt like doing. I really didn’t see Kenji, with my training keeping me busy and all. But I kinda started to miss him, and secretly wanted to see him again.

With everyone gone I felt like to odd-one out in that I wasn’t going to school like the rest of them. It made me wary of the other adults, who might grow resentful that I wasn’t in school myself.

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