Old Promises, New Mysteries: Book 2 of The Kinstone series

Chapter 44: The Village

A couple days had passed since the beach, and I didn’t hear a single word out of Yukari about if somehow she might’ve heard about my encounter there. I took the silence as a sign that she hadn’t. Hopefully it was going to stay that way.

While eating breakfast, she leaned over to me, “Aria-chan, I’d like for you head to the village for today.”

I choked on my soup, coughing a little, “What?”

She nodded, “You can’t hide away forever up here in the house. Aside from your magic training, I brought you here to interact with other yokai. To see how they live.”

My combined tail curled around me, “I…I’m not hiding. I go with the girls from time to time. And it’s only been a week and half since we got here.”

My guardian shook her head. “No, that is not enough. And to address your point, it has been that long and yet you still refuse to go there.”

Well to be honest, I have been rather busy lately. I looked to her, “Are you sure I have to go?”

“Yes…you do,” she replied.

I kinda really didn’t want to go. Not because I was scared to, just a little nervous.

“You won’t be there alone dear. You remember that the young Saya lives there, along with the other nekomata whom serve Asharyume.” She had a point, and I’d have Fenris with me. So…at least I had that.

My shoulders slumped, letting out a reluctant sigh, “Fine. I’ll go.”

She smiled, “Good. Now I want you back before dark. I need to make a few calls while you are away.”

A sly grin rose on my face, “Reporting to my mother?”

Her gaze then soured as the fur rose on her tail, “Eat. Up. Now.”

She was starting to get pissed with me and wanted me out of the door. Now I really felt like I was staring down Rachel. I took a hard swallow, and then quickly downed the rest of my food. I dashed into the kitchen, washed up my dishes and headed for the front entryway. I threw on my shoes and raced out the door.

The village was a couple miles from the house. So a good long walk. Yukari was actually scary back there. Time to add another thing to the list of “beings not to piss off”. Latest entry: a fully-fledged nine-tailed kitsune.

Well…anyway, so I’m heading to the village, which is I learned is called, Ashogihaga. It’s one of four yokai/human villages in the Mie prefecture. This village isn’t the largest of the four, but is at the center of it all.

The town itself could actually fit into main part of Mercedes and there’d still be room left over. During the past week I had only caught glimpses of it from afar, but not daring to step foot near it.

It was founded roughly three to four hundred years during the twilight years of the Sengoku Period as a refuge for fleeing yokai and humans who wanted to just live out in peace. The region provided a natural form of protection from invading armies and even today from modern eyes. People from the outside simply didn’t come here.

So yeah, there's another reason why I haven’t ventured into the village, I'm an outsider. A nervous twitch began to rise within my spine. While I did have a few friends living there, I was completely heading into the dark.

A cold nudge pressed against my hand. I looked over to see Fenris walking beside me, his eyes shimmered with reassurance. A faint smile rose to my face, resting my head onto his head. Well…better to leap into the fire while it’s still young rather than when it’s raging.

My walk took me through the forests and hills of the valley. The half-paved, half-dirt road appeared to be the primary route to the village. I knew there had to be other paths to it from the house, but I’d have to ask the girls the next time I saw them.

The sun was hidden behind trees and tall bushes, creating a patchwork of light and shade. Peaceful if you ask me. The breeze was nice and gentle, carrying the scent of the ocean and the surround trees with it. Again, it felt like I was at home as I strolled down the road.

Off in the distance I could see wild sakura trees blooming; their pinkish flowers would soon blossom. While I had experienced them back when I arrived in Tokyo, I still think it was really early for them there. So to experience them bloom firsthand was going to be really special. A giggle rose within me, I was going to get to have a second viewing party while in Japan. Yay.

I had already experienced a summer here, now it was spring. It kinda made me wish I could spend a full year in Japan. Just living as I am now, a simple life in the countryside. But then I’d really miss home, my family, and Rachel would be beside herself if I were gone for that long. A devious grin adorned my face as I fantasized about it.

When I reached the outskirts of Ashogihaga, I passed through the main gates which surrounded it. The walls that surrounded the village reminded me of those you might find around the estate of Japanese clans, only taller. Apparently they were built in case of attack, but now they just served as the outer boundary to the village.

Stepping into the village itself was like walking through Ruroni Kenshin. The buildings were as they appeared to me the day I first arrive, a mixture of traditional and a few more modern designs with some looking like a mix of the two.

Something made me think that some of the inhabitants had left the village and came home, bringing with them a few ideas from the outside world, seeing the occasional satellite dish, and a couple radio towers. That would explain why I had service even all the way out here. The roads were laid with brick and trees lined many parts of the village.

My ears flicked about as people soon came into view. Humans at first, but soon yokai came into view. Nekomata, inu, karasu-tengu, oni, and so many more that it felt like I was walking into an episode of Inuyasha. I nearly jumped at the sight of a jorou-gumo scuttling over the rooftops, never really been a fan of spiders.

Of course there were kitsune, a few boys with several more girls, all with any number of tails, but the most being up to five. Just imagine if they learned that I possessed eight. There were a few adult kitsune with up to six tails, but they were few in number.

Everyone was dressed in modern clothing with a few in traditional kimonos. To my surprise, no one who looked at me gave me any strange or wary glances. They all smiled and waved to me as though I were one of them. I gave a few nervous waves in return.

I watched a few children rush past me, boys chasing each other. A knot slowly formed in my stomach as my eyes surveyed the village, hoping the boy I met on the beach didn’t find me too quickly.


My ears pricked up to my right to the source of the voice. I turned my head to see Saya sitting with a group of friends. She hopped up from where she was sitting and dashed over to me, “I can’t believe you actually came to the village, not saying that you couldn’t, just surprised to see you here.”

I let out a nervous giggle, “Well my 'aunt' basically shoved me out the door. So here I am.” The girl grinned happily, taking my hand and pulling me with her back to where here friends were.

She introduced me to them: Ayame a gyoubu danuki, Mayori a karasu-tengu, and Yui and Miu, both nekomata. Saya explained that I was from America and came to live here for a short time to train.

The girls all then barraged me with questions about America and the outside world in general. I giggled, happily answering all of their questions. They group eagerly listened to me, eyes all glittering with every word.

I somehow got the impression that whenever someone from the village returned from the outside; they were basically given the same treatment I was. But I was happy to and grateful that Saya had found me before any of the boys had.

The girls then all looked to Fenris, who had been sitting quietly this whole time. He watched them all with a gentle gaze. He wasn’t acting like my father in this case, merely observing the group before me.

The group then got up and headed deeper into the village, talking about finding something to eat. As we walked together, I leaned into Saya, whispering into her ear, “Hey…where’s Natsuki or the others?”

She looked to me, “They're all serving the mistress. Well…more like preparing something, I’m not entirely sure.” I nodded to her.

It kinda begs the question, what did Asha do in her spare time when not having to deal with factional politics? A tingle then crawled up my spine as I grew terrified at the thought of the ryujin just dropping into the village and what might happen if she noticed me. I said a quick prayer, hoping if that the woman did come, she wouldn’t do anything crazy.

We all came to a small dango shop and sat down, ordering some sweets. I sat quietly as the girls all expressed their desires to leave the village someday, dreaming of seeing the outside world. I gathered that leaving wasn’t an issue, and anyone had the choice to do so.

I did see a few villagers head off for the train station. Ayame conveyed how jealous she at how many times Saya had gone to Tokyo with Asha. I giggled to myself when she explained that it was for her training and was happy to serve her mistress. Hehe yeah, it was how I met her in the first place.

As I listened to them, it felt like the night of my first winter festival where I met all of my best friends from within the Coven. Really was missing them right about now.

When the conversation turned me, I was asked about where I was from, a question which somehow had evaded them. I told them about the Estate and my family there.

They became intrigued when they learned that I was the only yokai living there. I nodded and then blushed softly as I talked about my mother. They smiled softly, easily telling that I missed her. Saya leaned into me, purring softly as she wrapped her arms around me.


My ears shot up, instantly recognizing the voice. I turned my head slowly, seeing Kenji standing just a few feet behind me. My heart thumped slightly as I looked at him.

A gentle smile rose on his face, “Well…it looks like you do live around here.”

I gave him a soft nod, trying to not outwardly show that I was a little happy to see him. He stepped closer to me, only to be intercepted by both Saya and Fenris.

He gave a soft sigh, “Not this again,” looking at them both and then at me, “when I saw you, I just had to come over and talk to you. You sort of ran off on me.” My face blushed softly, trying to hide it away.

“Kenji, did you really have to come over here and make her feel uncomfortable? And where did you meet her?” snapped Saya.

He stared at her, “Hey, I’m not here to cause trouble. Like I said, I just wanted to talk to her again. And for your information, I met her on the south shore a couple days ago,” looking to me, “rumor has it that she’s Tsukino-sama’s daughter.”

Oh crap. He knows where I live and whom I’m staying with.

Saya rolled her eyes, “Just leave will you?”

His arms folded over his chest, “Or what, you’ll make me?” The nekomata froze for a moment. I felt a soft swirl of magic rising within him.

I softly rose from my seat, swishing my tail against the bench I was sitting on, “No…but I can.”

Kenji stared at me, his smile grew wider, but it wasn’t arrogant. More like he was happy that I’m talking to him.

I stared softly at him, arms folded behind my back, “Hello.”

His tails swished slowly but happily, “Hello again. You sort of ran off on me when we first met.”

I nodded, leaning up against a pillar, fingers twirling with each other, “You…kinda took me by surprise back then.”

The boy bowed his head, “I apologize if I startled you. You truly were beautiful when I saw you walking from the ocean.”

My cheeks burned a soft pink as my eyes made passing glances at him. It sort of made me wonder if he’d been outside of the village and had met other girls.

He then leaned closer, head now passing into the shade, “So why are you hiding away in there?”

My tail wrapped around me, feeling my heart flutter softly, “Not…not hiding.”

His smile broadened a little. A soft chill wrapped around us, causing the steaming tea in the cups to freeze. I looked down to see Fenris was now starting to become annoyed at Kenji. The boy’s ears pricked at the sounds of water freezing, tracing the source back to my bonded.

Steady as you walk forward, young man.

The young kitsune stared into the wolf’s eyes, seeing them glitter gently, but fiercely. He pulled back, “You are rather strange. I never knew Japan still possessed wolves.”

I rose from the pillar and walked over to Fenris, raking my fingers into his fur, “He’s from Europe and is very old-fashioned. But I’d listen to him.”

The boy looked to me, giving me a curious half-smile. “You grow more and more curious by the moment, Aria-chan. Now I really am glad that I met you on the South shore.”

Saya popped out, her ears standing straight up, “What were you even doing on the South shore?”

He looked to her, “Everyone knows that’s where some of the best fishing is. I was out helping my father and uncle unload our boats when I saw her on the beach.”

Made sense, I did see some people fishing that day. So the umi osho were helping them. Interesting.

Kenji then looked to me, “I was hoping you might like to go around the village with me.”

I smiled softly, “Maybe some other time, but I do appreciate the offer.”

Defeated, but not out of the fight, he smiled, “You truly are fascinating for a kitsune Aria-chan. Definitely not from around here. Did you come in from the city?”

My ears flicked softly, “Not…exactly. Let’s just say that I’m not a local,” twiddling my fingers in my bonded’s fur, “hope…that’s not a bad thing for you.”

The boy shook his head, “Not at all. In fact that’s another thing I find interesting about you. It gets a little boring seeing the same girls over and over again.”

An elbow then thrusted into his ribs as Saya snarled, “Are you calling all the girls here in the village ‘boring’ you jerk?”

He groaned, covering the spot with his hand, “Geez Saya-chan that really hurt.”

She smirked, “Of course it did you baka.

The sound of laughter soon rang from the street. I looked over to see a group of boys all standing there. “Wow Kenji, you really know how to charm the ladies,” shouted one of them.

Kenji huffed at him, “At least I’m able to Taro. You’re too much of a coward to even attempt to talk to any of the girls around here.” The other boys all then burst into laughter, all playfully shoving him. He grumbled. I smiled softly watching.

This exchange reminded me of last summer when I was in New Orleans with the Coven. I watched the boys there all tease each other about talking to girls, with some throwing jabs at one another.

I slowly was feeling in my element, no worrying about customs or traditions, just kids being kids. I took a seat on the bench as Kenji headed over to the other when a playful insult was thrown at him. The boys then laughed and joked as a small tussle began. A grin rose on my face, tail swishing happily.

Saya looked leaned into me, “Why don’t we leave before they turn their sights on us again?”

I giggled, nodding to her, “Sure.” I rose from my seat and left with the rest of the girls.

We ventured deeper into the village, slowly making our way to the docks. There was dozens of boats anchored there, with a few bigger than a school bus. In the distance I could see a small processing center with the occasional truck leaving it.

The sound of seagulls echoed and reverberated overhead. I looked over to see men working on repairing their nets with a few stepping up from out of the boats covered in engine oil. My ears scanned the area as I picked up conversation about fish movements and school migrations.

My eyes then trained onto the sight of a couple umi oshos walking on the docks. They wore sea green bathing suits. Their turtle shells looked heavy but they walked as though it wasn’t even there. Their hands looked more like flippers, scaly and green. As we passed them, one of the pair looked up at me and flashed a soft grin.

The girl didn’t walk over to me, or say anything, but her eyes did convey the message that she recognized me. My cheeks flushed red, trying to look away from her.

A wisp of water shot around my ear, “You looked pretty as a mermaid. But I can see you’re even prettier as a yokai. You should stay that way.” I turned to look at her but the girl was already gone.

A hand rested onto my shoulder, “Everything okay Aria-chan?”

I turned to see Saya looking at me. I nodded to her, staring back at the empty dock, “Yeah just…just thought I heard something.”

The nekomata stared in the same direction as me, “Oh…you must’ve seen Nanami. She and her sister help out with the fishermen.”

I nodded, “Yeah, I think she saw me when I went swimming the other day.”

Saya smiled, “I wouldn’t worry about anything, umi osho love everyone who can swim in the ocean. If you go out again, they might come with you.”

A smile rose on my face, “That’d be nice. Might even be better than going alone. I’m kinda missing that right about now.”

She took my hand into hers, “Missing home?”

I nodded, “A little, but at the same time, I’m really loving it here.”

Saya held my hand tighter, “I know what you mean Aria-chan. Whenever I leave to attend to Asharyume-sama, I miss home terribly.” My smile grew wider, looking into her amber eyes.

“Hey you two,” shouted Mayori, hovering in the air, “let’s get going. The day’s not getting any younger you know.” We giggled to each other and then trotted off to the rest of the group.

The rest of the day was spent on the cliffs on the northern portion overlooking the village. Miu and Yui had both gone back to grab us some more food while the rest of us sat there and talked about anything and everything.

Fenris had quickly become the group’s pillow as the girls all climbed over him, lying on top of the wolf. He clearly didn’t mind it, even showing how much he actually loved it by how his tails were constantly swishing in enjoyment.

Aside from the talking with Kenji in the village, not a single person really took issue with the fact that there was a giant wolf. In fact, not even the girls even questioned that he was there. Really strange. But don’t raise an issue if there isn’t one.

My body draped over his side, with my tail swishing happily as I gazed out onto the ocean. The day had been great and I really had to thank Yukari for it.

The sun had begun to set over the horizon, turning the blue sky into soft burning amber. Ayame stood and stretched, “Well girls. I think I’m gonna head on home,” looking to me, “it was great meeting you Aria-chan. Think you can come see us tomorrow?”

I nodded to her, “That be great. If my aunt doesn’t have something planned for me, that is.”

The gyoubu danuki smiled, wagging her tail, “Great, if not, then we can see each other whenever.”

My smile broadened, “Okay then.”

She then turned to everyone, “See you guys later,” walking off.

Mayori’s wings then unfurled, “Guess I should be heading home too. My mother is probably making dinner as we speak. So I wanna get back before she sends half the village looking for me.” We all waved to her as she then took off into the air.

Yui and Miu, who both had spoken very little, crawled over to me, each pecking my cheeks before scurrying off without a word. My cheeks blush a deep red as the pair disappeared into the forest.

“Okay…what was that all about?”

Saya giggled, “They really, really must like you if that was their goodbye.”

I looked to her, “Let me guess, yuri fans?”

The girl’s mouth flashed a fang-filled grin, “You could say that.”

She then crawled over to me, laying her body over Fenris, claws gently raking into his fur, “I really had fun today Aria-chan. I hope Tsukino-sama lets you come back down to the village.”

I grinned, “It’s part of why I’m here Saya-chan.”

Her ears perked up, her smile grew wider, “Tomorrow then?”

I nodded, “You betcha.”

She hopped up and strolled over towards the forest, “Oh, don’t worry about Kenji. He’s a bit a goof, but he’s really nice.”

I smiled to her, “Thanks Saya-chan. Have a good night.” She smiled, disappearing into the forest herself.

I sat there on the cliff, watching the sun slowly sinking beneath the horizon. The sounds of waves crashing into the rocks below were all that I heard around me.

My tail slowly began to unfurl into all eight, feeling each of them on the ground. It was nice to relax, not a care in the world. The breeze felt great against my face with the scent of the ocean filling my nose. I wanted to just stay there forever.

Aria, the hour is growing late. Yukari told you to return before it became dark.”

I rolled my cheek onto his fur, looking at my bonded. A smile rose on my face, “I know,” giggling, “now I really am glad she got angry with me.”

The wolf gazed in return, “We should leave before she grows angry with you more for being late.”

I nodded to him. As much as I wanted to stay there on the cliff all night, I had to head back to the house.

I pulled myself up, groaning loudly as I stretched, feeling my muscles burning back to life. I folded my tails back into one. My ears scanned the area, hoping no one was around.

One fact about kitsune is that the number of tails you possessed often displayed how powerful you were. The closer you got to nine, the more respect you were given.

I didn’t want to flaunt the number I had. This way everyone wouldn’t treat me any differently. And even with the supposed rumor that I was Yukari’s “daughter” didn’t affect my standing with the new friends that I made.

I looked down to see Fenris stand up and stretch out his body, grumbling as the sound of his joints popping rang out. I smiled to him, “You were having fun too weren’t you?”

The wolf looked to me, curling his lips into a wolfish smile, “If you are happy, then I am happy.” I giggled, turning back towards the village, with him following suit.

It took us a little more than an hour to make it back to the house. Standing out front was Yukari, arms folded and leaning against the door frame.

A gentle smile adorned her face, “I take it you enjoyed your day in the village, seeing how late you are coming home.”

My ears flattened, “Sorry, took us a little longer getting back from the northern cliffside.”

Her smile widened as silvery tails draped majestically behind her, “No need to apologize Aria-chan. I wanted you to experience the day. You truly were just hiding out here.”

I nodded, stepping into the entryway, and removing my shoes, “Made some friends today.”

Her face lit up as her smile turned into a bright grin, “You must tell me everything. I must simply know all of what you did today.”

I giggled, “Yes ma’am. But may I do it after we eat? A little hungry at the moment.”

She chuckled, “Of course my dear. Dinner is ready waiting for you.” I smiled we then disappeared into the house, with Fenris pulling up the rear and closing the door with his tail.

The next few days again were a mix of training and some resting. But the days I relaxed were now spent in the village with my new friends. I would sit around and talk with them, visit each of their homes and meet their families. It only been a couple of days since I first arrived and I really felt like one of the residents living there.

My presence in the village became a regular sight with the locals treating me as though I had been living there since birth. I slowly started to forget that I was only going to be there until the end of May, and had the crazy notion that this was my home, seeing how easily I had acclimated myself.

But the one anchor that kept me grounded in reality was that while I really had fallen in love with the region, my heart lied in the Estate, my real home. As time passed, I slowly grew a slight sense of homesickness.

I stayed in regular contact with my mother, calling her nearly every night. During one night she looked at me, “Sweetheart, when was the last time you were human?”

My ears perked up as my head tilted, “A week ago after I went swimming in the bay as a mermaid. But other than that I’ve been a kitsune. Why do you ask? It’s just like it was when I spent that week and half with Silvi as a dragon.”

She smiled, “I know my love, was just curious. This has been the longest you remained in that form and you know your mother loves to worry.”

I grinned at her, “I know. One thing that’s bugging me is that Asha hasn't been around to collect me.”

Rachel nodded, “She should be there soon I suppose. I am fairly certain she is anxious to begin your training as a ryujin.”

Another giggled rose from me, “That and spend time with me.”

A grin stretched across her face, “For certain…I miss you deeply my beloved girl. Every day you are abroad feels like an eternity. The Manor feels empty without you here.”

My cheeks blushed brightly. I miss my mother a lot as well. You really come to miss something when it’s not beside you all the time.

Even if I wasn’t in the same room as her, I know Rachel was always there. Now that I was on the other side of the world, I wanted her to be there with me. But we both knew that my time here was meant for me and me alone.

I rolled onto my side, curling up with my tails, “I miss you a lot Rachel.”

Small tears formed in her eyes, causing her to wipe them away, “I know my love,” she then chuckled, “your sister finally settled down after a stern conversation with your aunt.”

I giggled, “Did you know that Yukari thinks of me as her niece?”

My mother leaned back in her chair, “Does she now?” she smiled. “Well that does make a lot of sense now that I think about it.” I hugged my tails tightly.

Her eyes then softened, “Sweetheart, you look tired. Perhaps you should go to sleep. I am sure Yukari has more planned for you in the morning.”

I nodded, “Night Rachel.”

“Goodnight my love.” She pressed her fingers to her lips and held them to the camera. I reciprocated the action. We then each end the call.

I placed the phone onto the floor. Fenris rose from his spot and turned off the lights, lying down beside me. I curled up into his side, feeling the coolness of his fur wash over me. My eyes slowly closes, wrapping my tails around me as I fell asleep.

The next couple of days were spent at the house. Both were focused on Yukari training me in the use of kunai. She also trained in how to use a tanto (Japanese short sword, typically only six to twelve inches in length).

We would spar using wooden bokken of course, but bruises are to be expected in this sort of training. The training harkened back to when I first started with Silvi and Rachel with my sword training and currently under Lyra. The tanto really was meant to be used as an extreme close-in weapon, something I was very familiar with. Although I still heavily preferred my kodachi.

The kunai had a myriad of uses, being as knives, thrown weapons, or when a rope was tied into the loop could be launched at anything, grappling it, scaling walls. Think Scorpion from Mortal Kombat.

Continuing in the vein of combat training, there would be mornings when I would wake up and train in the style that Silvi taught me. I remained as a kitsune of course, but my body felt lighter, more agile the more I trained.

I didn’t have the raw power I can wield as the dragon, but the lighter body afforded me quicker strikes. I practiced each of the katas my sister taught me, following through each of them starting from the most basic to the more advanced ones she taught me prior to my trip.

When Yukari combined her agility training with my martial arts, it further increased my ability with moving as a kitsune. I often thought about challenging an elf to a match…but then again, there weren’t any in Japan. And I highly doubt the kitsune in the village were up to the task. So I was kinda at a loss.

We also perfected my cloning spells, now with me able to create up to three clones with one actually being able to fight alongside me. I’d often confuse Fenris from time to time, with me showing up with both myself and a clone, seeing if he could pick out the real me. He was correct nearly every time, given how the real me held an actual scent.

Regardless, it was still fun to tease him. I still would have to use tags to create the clone but also began to experiment with using other mediums.

Kitsune-bi was often my favorite to use. The clone wasn’t hot to the touch, but when I mixed in a little dragonfire into it, one really couldn’t tell the difference. Kitsune-bi also isn’t really that hot to begin with, simple ghostly flames, but they could catch things on fire or damage something if used as an attack.

Adding dragonfire to the mix really made it dangerous. Yukari made the comment that I should only use the combination in times of desperation, otherwise just use my foxfire.

When with the girls, we typically steered clear of the boys. It was simply just our group doing stuff together. I would see Kenji from time to time, not ever sure if he still was interested in me. Then again, we kinda traveled in different circles. But when we would meet up, it felt…”nice” when I saw him.

But truth be told, I wasn’t sure if this was just some spring fling or something. As there was this lingering fact that at just before the start of June that I would be heading back to America. But that was a ways off, so better to just revel in the moment.

Regardless of that, he and I would often talk to each other. I didn’t have any wall up per se when around him as I kinda wanted to get to know him. But I felt my defenses drop while around him. I held out hope he’d ask me out or something, anything really. Of course…I was being a bit of a coward and just waiting for him to do anything.

My group would again traverse the region, finding all sorts of things to do. We would head down the rivers and fish or race through the trees Naruto-style. That was fun. Well Mayori would always hold the advantage due to her being able to fly.

Regardless of that little issue, it still was a lot of fun rushing through the trees. I also had them up to the house a few times, which made Yukari excited as she then could play “mom” and make us tea and sweets.

My room was perfect for five girls and our favorite “pillow” to sit comfortably, but he would get actually get up and leave when the conversation started to bore him. I giggled as he would leave the room. I didn’t really bring up anime while there. This trip basically was a real-life anime and I absolutely love every moment of it.

March finally came to an end and marked the start of April. I really had grown accustomed to living near the village, having pretty much assimilated into the culture of the town. It’s not that hard to quickly get used to a new area, and by the first week of April it didn’t even faze me that time had moved so quickly, or did move slowly? Really hard to tell living out in the countryside.

Everything around me was now familiar and commonplace. I didn’t feel like a tourist or outsider anymore. In fact the village even had accepted me as their own pretty much right after I first walked into it. I was now part of the community.

It made me feel like I was back with the Coven. I missed everyone from it deeply. Miss Elizabeth, Mandy, Heather, Jenn, and especially Marron.

My training with Yukari had also lightened somewhat, with her now teaching me a few traditional customs, such as the tea ceremony and flower arrangement.

She also would take me to the local Inari shrine where I watched the shrine-maidens practiced their daily routines. She taught me a few lessons on how to be a miko, but not going as far as to have me stay there and learn. However the idea of Rachel seeing me in the garb felt embarrassing, possibly deriving a great deal of amusement from it.

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