Old Promises, New Mysteries: Book 2 of The Kinstone series

Chapter 38: Settling into the routine

The following week was both hectic and somewhat jarring.

The next day was spent at home, relaxing for part of while I also poured into the assignments on both syllabi. While my third class was on Friday, I looked online to check what exactly I was in for.

My last class was a literature course. Figured I’d go after something easy to round out my schedule. After all, I do love to read…a lot. The course had a list of books we were supposed to read and give detailed reports on.

Seriously, could I have asked for anything simpler to go after? But that course could wait. First I had to deal with math and ethics.

All day Tuesday was spent in my room just decimating assignment after assignment. There were only a total of twenty assignments so maybe two a day should let me get through them all quick?

Ethics, as mentioned before, dealt mostly with doing reflective papers, as well as doing readings. Again…more reading.

There was to be a final reflection paper do before the onset of spring break, but according to the syllabus the subject wouldn’t be announced until the week before.

Gotta love hidden surprises am I right? In any case, just something to look out for.

Wednesday came up and again, I had to drive back to campus for my classes. I actually arrived right before the start of chapel, but decided not to attended.

One, I felt hypocritical on going, given my changing of beliefs. And two because I hadn’t attended a service in a year. Hell, I hadn’t even been in a church since I laid my birth mother to rest a year ago. So I simply avoided it all together.

My ethics class seemed to be a little more streamlined after the first day, in that the lecture was a lot more focused and on topic. Now of course, you can’t settle into routine until after the third week. So it’ll be awkward at first.

That aspect of learning will never change, whether it be college or homeschooling. So I had to listen to the intricacies of the more advance levels of ethics that one might encounter out in the world as a teacher.

Oh yeah…forgot to remove my major being in education. Well, once the semester is over, that won’t be a problem anymore. I really miss my lessons with Rachel.

Sitting for hours, listening to lectures on subjects that started to sound more like lullabies, made me nod off during class. If it weren’t for Fenris, I more than likely would’ve fallen asleep, which ran the risk of breaking the spell. So just had to deal with it.

Again I returned to the library. I eyed Sonya as she sat in her office. We gave each other a soft nod. Her offer for a place to rest was tempting and I might actually take her up on it. Any chance I had to rest up and not use more of my magic was a good thing.

Fenris and I trotted back down to the Treehouse and again found it empty, something that could easily change as the semester wore on.

I once more erected the deflection charm and removed the tag from my chest. I lied down onto the floor and opened my ethics and algebra textbooks.

I still had to get used to maintaining that spell for longer periods of time so that I don’t drain myself completely in between uses. Music played in my headphones while I studied, drowning out any sounds that might interfere.

As I jotted down notes, I started to plan out a small routine for the semester. Ethics then come to library, to rest and study, and then go to algebra. Basically just follow what I’m doing now. After my final class, go home. Simple, but sometimes simple just works.

Two hours of math lecturing can really takes its toll on one’s mind, far worse than having a sphinx probe your mind. The professor was painfully slow in his lecture.

I had already finished the first couple of chapters the night before and was eager to move on to something else. If it weren’t for attendance being part of the grade, I’d either skip the class altogether and stay in the library, or go home for the day. But here I remained.

Fenris retook his spot right behind me, watching and listening. Can magical animals understand math? I know that dragons can, obviously due to their historical love of treasure.

This old obsession turned them into some of the best accountants in the world, aside from goblins. Although it’s said that you’re better off trusting a dragon with your money rather than a goblin.

Silvi even once told me to never let a goblin be your bookie. While some can be “honest”, most will find some way to scheme you into making extremely risky bets. And when you lose, well…Rumpelstiltskin anyone? Granted that story is about making deals, but then again, betting is more or less no different.

When algebra ended, Fenris and I exited the building and headed for the parking lot. This time we walked passed the dining hall. Dinner was still being served and I watched as students walked around with plates of food.

I remembered when I met the kitsune Himeji while eating lunch one day. Back then I still was very hesitant to show anyone my secret.

Now it wasn’t as bad. Not to say that I was going to drop the act and reveal to everyone who I was now. It also made me wonder if there were any other beings from my world here at campus. I knew that Sonya was a Loreian, but who or what else was there?

Snapping myself back to reality, we resumed our trek for the parking lot and then onto home.

Thursday was another rest day, but packed with studying. I completed another assignment for algebra and starting writing the first of four papers for ethics. With the final still a mystery, I had to put it on the back burner.

Literature was the next day and I was supposed to read half of Othello by next week. Not difficult, then again I had been reading ancient sagas of figures most people had never even heard of. So I spent half the day reading the story.

Within the syllabus there was a section about allowing us to bring in a book that we loved and where we could do a presentation on it. Naturally I was going to do it on Dragon Wings. Although I am pretty sure no one in the class would have even heard of the series.

I hadn’t even heard from the author since she sent me the signed copy of the final book. It made me wonder if she was working on something new. If she was, I couldn’t wait for it to come out.

Rachel would often check in on me from time to time, making sure I was all right. I didn’t notice her, being too engrossed in my studies. Yeah, lil miss perfect student with her nose stuck in a book.

I eventually had to put the book down and needed something else to occupy my time. So I went back to “Model” and pulled out another kit and tore into it. I had another Frame Arms kit in front of me. God how I love these kits.

I played another anime series in the background, further helping me burn through the massive backlog that I had accumulated.

Prior to the start of the semester, I was able to knock out a few more items, but still had even more to go through. I didn’t even know fully what was in store for me while I was in Japan training.

Both daiyokai had elected to withhold that information from me until possibly the moment I arrived. In any case, the first week of my final obligation was coming to a close. Just one more day to go.

Friday was actually kinda nice. The literature class was set to be more discussionary, merely going over the books we had read and then just turning in reflection papers. I could not have asked for an easier class to take, again repeating myself.

Hey, when you love something, it’s never a bad thing to tell it over and over again. The class wasn’t really that long either, only an hour and a half. Plus it was in the afternoon, so it gave me more time to stay at home and either rest or do work.

The anime club was set to meet up around 6:00 and it was to be held in the library. This apparently was due to someone during the fall made too much of a ruckus in C that forced the venue change. Not a bad thing mind you, just made things awkward if they were to ever show anything loud.

I slipped into the meeting room where many of the members rose in shock. I smiled to them. Many present I remembered from last year, but a few were new faces. I was happy to see something that I started not only was still going but now thriving. Just one more thing that I could check off my list of things from my old life.

The current club president asked if I wanted to retake my position. While it was mine to start with, it wasn’t mine to take back. So I graciously declined the offer, but I did promise to show off anime that none of them had ever seen before, and trust me…that would be a lot.

I laughed to myself knowing that in a real short time, I’d be there in person. The club didn’t watch anime during the first meeting. It was more of a get together and to reconnect with everyone.

They all sat around and spoke of their break, and a few even spoke of going to Ikkicon. They showed off pictures of the con and even their cosplays.

When it came to be my turn, I started off by showing them all of the models that I had built, and then some of the anime that I watched. Some asked how I was able to obtain so much. I smiled, replying with “I have my sources.”

Heh yeah, namely a certain ryujin who loves to spoil me.

After the meeting, we all quietly left the room and spoke as we left the library. We broke off near the dining hall, heading our separate ways.

When I got home, I instantly threw myself onto my bed. Traffic was thankfully light for a Friday, so that was a plus. The first week back was a good one. Then again, it always is.

Fenris sat at the other end, head easily clearing the top of the bed. I looked up and smiled to him. With the week behind me, I was one step closer to leaving my old world behind for good, and also waiting for me at the end…Japan.

The following weeks came to follow the same pattern. Monday/Wednesday, head to class in the morning, rest in the library in-between classes, and then come home after algebra. Fridays, go to final class, and possibly attend club meetings.

Thursdays are when Rachel and I resumed our lessons. There weren’t nearly as intense back during the fall, mainly because she wanted me to focus more on my other studies first. Tuesdays and weekends were my chill and study days. I often sat around in my room working on whatever I needed to do.

Weeknights were filled with me taking to my friends on the phone, mainly Jenn and Marron. Heather and Mandy both spoke of their plans for junior prom. They each sent me pics of dresses they were looking at.

A few I found beautiful while others looked down right gaudy as hell. Marron thought of offering to make them dresses, but then realized that she still had another project to take care of.

The girls also talked about school and how much they couldn’t wait until the end of the semester. They also espoused at how jealous they were that I’d be the first to be done with school. I turned it around by saying that while my semester would be first to end, it didn’t mean that I was done with schooling.

My trip to Japan was going to be filled with near nonstop training, or at least I assume that to be the case. Both Mandy and Jenn also teased me about meeting a cute boy while I was there, either human or otherwise.

Marron chimed in saying that I still had two boys who already were fawning over me. I’d blush and pout at her, which only made her laugh.

We end each call before our parents would come tell us to get to bed. I still love that I have such a strong support network within the Coven. I had so many great friends to turn to and a big sister always at the ready for advice.

By the time February rolled around, I had predictably completed nearly all of the assignments that each class had listed on the syllabus. This really helped free up a huge amount of free time for me to go after more of my backlog.

While at school, Fenris had become a favorite amongst the many of the girls on campus, often rushing to him if we were out. Heavens knows much that oaf loved the attention as they would pet him and bring him treats.

Strangely enough, he did eat a few at the first, but then stopped after a while. While he tended to act like a dog, he didn’t like the idea of being thought of as one. So he started to refuse the offerings, much to the dismay of the girls.

I had a few close calls over the semester with my illusion spell wearing off at weird times. For a brief moment, I was a teenage girl to everyone one on campus. But thankfully Fenris was there to shroud me until I could replace the failed tags.

It only happened a couple of times, but each nearly made me freak out a little. I quickly scanned the area, hoping no one saw me. Each time I sighed in relief as there wasn’t.

I was still very cautious afterwards, but kept a slightly weathered eye out just in case. I was also extremely careful not to let my feminine side come out whenever I was around people.

I had to assume the role being a man once more, which had proven difficult, having become far too accustomed to being a girl all the time. So I treaded lightly, very lightly.

The weather had also begun to turn warmer. The mornings were still cold; often staying in the low-forties, so it made my morning runs rather invigorating.

The first signs of spring started to appear with green buds growing on the trees. I knew the dryads were starting to come out of their hibernation, with Velhemina being not too far off.

When I was at home, and not studying anything, part of my time would be spent in the greenhouse. I tended to the plants within, making sure that there weren’t any weeds growing, the rows were well watered, and that the windows were cleaned.

It was a chore that I gladly took, and using magic didn’t hurt. I still wanted to be of help to the Estate, even if I am the daughter of its Mistress, and also hated the idea of being a spoiled, do-nothing princess.

Another thing that I had predicted came to pass with the return of the gossip from their time in Nerazon. It was great seeing them again, having missed the group immensely. The water was still way too cold for me to jump in and join them, which they didn’t mind.

When I asked about how their stay was, Tariel swam up to me, carrying several boxes. Each looked to be made from bright coral. My eyes rolled, knowing whom they were from.

I plopped myself onto the rocky outcropping and slowly opened each box. Savero’s gifts included a small pearl encrusted necklace and a shimmering teal dress adorned with embroidered markings.

Any girl might happily and unabashedly accept the first two gifts, especially coming from a merman, one who admittedly is rather handsome. Again…it creeped me out that he actually liked me.

The final gift would be one that I happily and readily accepted. It was a scroll containing lore and history of the city and of mer-culture. So…at least the man knows what I really like.

A note found within one of the boxes read that he still wished that I’d come back to Nerazon and see him. I think he wants to go on a date with me. Great Savero, creep me out even more.

If I were to go one with him, I knew that the gossip would act as chaperones. Of which I would be extremely grateful for. Not saying that I was going to.

Setting aside the gifts, I leaned back onto the outcropping and gazed out onto the lake. Tariel swirled water around her body, causing it to rise out of the water and come closer to me.

The mermaid smiled to me, “You long for the water don’t you?”

I smiled softly, “I do. It’ll be a nice change of pace from being on land. But it’s just a little too cold for me.”

She nodded tenderly, “Perhaps when the weather turns more favorably.”

I giggled softly, “Hopefully before I leave for Japan next month, “ looking to her, “say…any chance it be possible for y’all to swim to Japan?”

The mermaid smiled, shaking her head, “If only it were, Princess. Even for us it is simply too far.”

I let out a defeated sigh, “Well…thought I’d ask.”

I felt a cold, wet hand cupping my face, with a thumb stroking my cheek. I smiled at Tariel. The mermaid smiled in return, “While not able to see you while you are there, we are with you in spirit. For you are a part of our gossip, Princess. And we deeply ache when one of us is away.”

I blushed deeply, seeing the rest of the girls nodding in agreement. I smiled, “Thanks guys.”

She smiled, leaning into me and kissed my forehead, “You are welcome Princess. But we must return to the grotto and rest.”

I nodded to her, “Take care guys, I’ll see you later.” The gossip nodded as Tariel folded back into the lake. I waved to them as they disappeared into the lake.

I rose from the outcropping and carried the gifts with me. Not really sure how my mother would react to the possibility of date invitation. Which on the one-hand is actually rather bold of Savero. Drakon hasn’t even attempted that. So one point to merman.

Then again…the vampire also has been sending me the occasional packet of sonnets. So…a tie then? I don’t know. Still freaks me out that they have feelings for me.

During the middle of the month, a certain day dawned that held an incredible importance for the both of us. It was the thirteenth of February and it marked a full year since Rachel and I became a real family.

I could still remember choking up when she asked if I wanted to be her daughter. When I agreed to it, it was a decision that forever changed my life once more.

By that point, I had long since stopped being an adult in every way. In all this time I never have nor ever will, regret my decision to become her daughter.

I’m purely a little girl and had become a child in the eyes of the world. We were already closer than family, so her adopting me merely cemented and legitimized that bond.

We spent the day just relaxing in her room, remembering our first year as mother and daughter. Time passed as by without as knowing or caring. The world seemed to just fade away. All we cared about was us being together.

Velhemina had also awoken by this point. So I’d spend some time with my aunt, with her thanking me for tending to the greenhouse while she slept. We didn’t share in the same lessons like we used to, not for a year at least had we. Instead I would help with maintaining the greenhouse as usual.

Silvi also dropped in, stating that with as much as she slept, that the alraune didn’t have weeds growing around her, but also snarked that she had missed out on when Jenn had visited. I chimed in saying that I actually brought her into the greenhouse while my best friend was here.

While this made my sister retreat slightly, it’s kinda funny to see her actually back down. It didn’t stop my aunt from jumping on it and saying that the dragon shouldn’t leap into the flames with her mouth before her feet. My sister grinned brightly, baring her fangs.

I sat back as the two resumed their usual insults and banter. It was great having my whole family back together.

Throughout the month I restarted sending letters to both daiyokai. The trip was looming ever closer and with each passing day, my anxiousness and nervousness both grew. Pretty much the past year has been leading up to this trip and I was ready to get it started.

Both women echoed their shared anticipation for my arrival. I did learn that Asha’s party was eager to have me back. I had grown attached to them over the past year through our letters.

The shirohebi definitely were eager to help with my training. The nekomata wanted me to play with them, and with a few wishing that I could become like them.

I giggled softly when I read that one. But I think they’d like Jenn for that one. If she were ever to master fusing with familiar, then she’d fit right in with the nekomata, minus one tail of course.

Now something that gnawed at when she mentioned about fusing with her familiar, was it similar to how I was delving into the bond with Fenris? Could I do the same with him? Hehe, a half kitsune, half wolf. Now that would be a sight to see.

What would I look like a werewolf with eight tails whipping around me? Who knows? What I did know is that we really didn’t experiment with it since that night, and if I had to be honest, I was scared to even try to.

While at school I did take Sonya’s offer for a place to relax on Mondays and Wednesdays. It became a lot easier than constantly having to erect a deflection spell each time I entered the room, seeing how she already had.

Sonya’s human by the way. Well to be fair she’s more like Rachel, centuries old, but looking to be the same age as my mother, maybe younger in appearance.

The room was about the same size as the Treehouse, twelve by twelve with a couple couches, chairs, and a table. She told me that it was her place to retreat to whenever she needed to get away for a while.

The door to the room was located next to her office and could only be opened with a special key, which I was to give back before I left. Not a big deal. It’s a nice place to rest.

She would peek in on me from time to time, making sure that I was ok. It made me really wonder if Xiphos asked her to. Either way, it was nice to have a getaway while at school.

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