Old Promises, New Mysteries: Book 2 of The Kinstone series

Chapter 36: A quiet yet tenuous morning

A couple days later the day I had dreaded for over a month finally came. It’s the first day of the spring semester. To say I was nervous would be a gross understatement.

I woke up to feeling the need to puke, having rolled out of bed and rushing to the bathroom. I practically hugged my toilet as if it were a favorite pillow. I wasn’t feeling my best in the early hours of the morning.

When I finally managed to pull myself away from the bathroom I took my time to steady myself. My legs felt like chewed rubber with every step. I walked over to my closet and pulled out some running clothes. I figured a good run would help clear my mind.

After getting dressed, I saw that Fenris was already standing at the door, ready to go. I smiled to him. I threw on a hoodie, grabbing my wrist and ankle bands, and headed out the door.

The air was cold but thankfully had very little wind. As I stretched on the veranda, the sky was still dark in the early hours of the day. It also was heavy with clouds, with the sparest of open patches showing a few faint stars.

It had snowed a little over the past few days, leaving a fresh layer on the ground. This was both good and somewhat a hassle. While I don’t mind running in the snow, I still had to be careful to watch where my feet landed.

Fenris stood beside me, stretching out his body, letting a soft growl. The sounds of his joints popping were easy to hear. I smiled, seeing that he was readying himself. I turned, carefully walking towards the stoop.

The snow let out a loud crunch as I stepped down onto the ground below. Taking another step, making another crunch into the snow. Yep…gonna be another interesting run, I thought to myself. I felt a soft cold breeze biting against my face.

Peering over to the forest, the sight of faint yellow lights illuminated a path for me. Someone, possibly Sebastian or one of the maids, must’ve lit up the path for me.

This was done whenever I went out running in the wee hours of the morning, so that I wouldn’t run into something I wasn’t supposed to. Fenris and I then trotted off towards the forest, feeling my feet easily passing through the snow, but it gave ample resistance with every stride.

Once entering the forest, the path was clear and without any obstruction. My feet did step into soft mud, hearing my shoes sloshing in it.

The trees swayed with the wind as it passed over through the forest, sending yet another chill threw me. It wasn’t all that bad, thinking the temperature was somewhere in the low thirties or high twenties, perfect for the start off the semester.

While I ran, my mind seemingly emptied. I merely let the sounds of nature be the only thing that surrounded my thoughts, hence why I didn’t bring my phone with me. The pace was slow and deliberate, each step further emptied my mind, allowing myself to focus and let go of everything at the same time.

Fenris trotted beside me, not really needing to push himself all that hard. Even against the light of the lamps, the massive wolf’s dark fur seemed to cause him to blend into the darkness, with only the bluish silver fur on his feet and the tips of his tails making him visible.

Roughly halfway through the run, my thoughts finally honed in on the sounds of rushing water. In the distance I could see the bridge which traversed the creek which flowed through the forest.

The faint glow of the lamps shimmered off of the rippling water. Ice covered the bridge, but soon faded as Fenris made a path down the center. I smiled, easily running across.

My gaze then turned off into the deep dark of the forest. I knew the dryads were still hibernating and wouldn’t awaken for at least another month.

After I came to live on the Estate, I would venture out into the forest and simply hang out with them. Like with everyone on the Estate, they too were overjoyed at the news. Granted, they woke up a couple weeks after I had started lived there.

The same was for Velhemina, who was constantly teased by Silvi for “napping”. The alraune took the jeering in stride, but I knew it pissed her off for not being awake.

When the lake came into view through the forest, Fenris and I run along the lit path towards the assigned exit. The fields and meadows were all covered in white pillowy snow. The clouds above finally gave way to a show more of the clear sky.

Stars twinkled in the early morning sky, which reflected off of the water below. I wanted to go down to the lake, hoping the sounds of buffeting water would further calm my mind. The snow was unyielding in letting me pass.

My bonded yet again plowed headlong forging a path for me by parting the snow. This made things a lot easier for me. My body already was aching and burning from the run.

The sight of my favorite outcropping quickly came into view, with the tree hanging over it. It would be a good place to stop and rest for a moment before heading back to the Manor.

We slowed to a walk the closer we came to it. My breath was heavy, easily visible in the chilling air. A thin layer of frost covered the rocks, but nothing too serious. I plopped myself under the tree and started out onto the water. The waves buffeted softly against the shore, as if summoned by the wind.

My gaze wondered over the full breath of the lake, eyeing where the grotto resided off in the distance. The gossip was set return for another couple of months, just barely before I was to head out for my trip. But I knew upon their return, they more than likely be loaded with gifts from Savero.

I leaned against the tree, letting out a heavy sigh. I really hoped the man didn’t know that I wasn’t going to be at the Estate come mid-spring. Hell, I was even more worried that Drakon would somehow catch wind of my travels.

Just the thought of him showing up in Japan seemed to unnerve me. But thankfully I’d have Yukari and Asha there with me to fend him off. Not to mention having Fenris by my side.

We stayed there for a few minutes, listening to the water and the wind as it blew into the tree. The sky slowly turned lighter, signaling the rising of the sun. I took a long deep breath and held it for a moment. As I exhaled, the tension and apprehension within seemed to fade away, if only slightly.

I turned and looked up at Fenris, who also was staring down at me. A smile curled on my lips, with my hand reaching out to his leg. The massive wolf sat stoically, letting me grab hold of his fur. I clung to it, feeling better as my fingers raked along his leg.

He then lowered his head to me, gently licking my face. I giggled softly, then feeling the stinging cold wind brush against the moist patch on my cheek. My body shivered slightly.

We should return to the Manor so that you might prepare for the day.

I nodded to him, rising to my feet. “I’m ready.”

The wolf nodded. I leaned forward and rose to my feet, turning on a heel and started the long walk back to the Manor.

After a long hot shower, I slipped out of my bathroom and dressed warmly for the day. I chose jeans, a long sleeve shirt, and then a collared shirt dress to go over top. I pulled out a pair of boots, thinking the campus would be covered in snow.

Finally grabbing a duffle coat and the scarf I received from Asha last Christmas. I smiled as I examined it. Dark green scales adorned many parts of the scarf with the ends being feathered. I peered back at my room.

This had been a day long coming and again…dreaded. I was returning to my old world, something I had hoped I didn’t have to. But…it was one last task I had to perform and then I’d be free to live out my new life.

My satchel rested by the door, filled once more with new notebooks and other materials. I knew when I arrived at Concordia that I’d have to go by the bookstore and pick up my books. Plus there was also the fact about snagging my parking permit. That was going to be fun.

Now while returning to campus might seem to bother the hell out of me, there was one bright spot to look forward to, my old anime club. Since my first semester that I came back, I restarted that which I had created years before. It was a bit of a challenge, but a fun one. I learned during my absence that it not only stayed alive, but had grown, if only slightly. Still, I hoped to jump right back into it and start hanging out with everyone.

I giggled to myself, if they only knew that I was practically living in an anime. I hoisted my bag over my shoulder and opened the door, exiting my room.

Rachel was already waiting for me in the breakfast room, sipping on a cup of coffee. I placed my bag and coat onto a chair, draping the scarf over it. She looked up and smiled to me, “Good morning sweetheart.”

I smiled back to her, “Morning,” taking my seat next to her.

Fenris sat beside me, eyes watching and comforting, still very much aware of my apprehension for the start of the day. My mother sat her cup down, and picked up a fruit Danish. I pulled some food onto my plate, and started to eat.

“Still nervous my love?”

I looked to her, nodding but with a soft sigh, “I am. This is going to be a really interesting start for me, to say the least.”

A warm and tender smiled stretched across her face, “I have every confidence that you shall succeed my precious. You merely must have faith in yourself.”

I smiled to her, nodding, “Thanks.”

Her smile widened into a grin, “I will say that it will be quite interesting not having you here every moment of the day. It almost feels as it did a year ago when you left to return to your old apartment.”

I took a sip of tea, sighing. Yeah…it felt really awful when I had to leave for the semester last year. It was right after I laid my birth mother to rest, and I was at the time still under my lease. But following that return I grew increasing depressed.

I had spent the previous month at the Estate after dealing with the funeral. During that time, it truly and finally became my home. I celebrated my first winter festival, Christmas, met Fenris, and even went to a con with Marron.

So my having to go back to the apartment felt empty and meaningless. I am actually amazed at how long I lasted before calling Rachel to move in with her. After that…the rest became history when she became my mother, my actual mother.

Now if you’re gonna ask why Fenris isn’t eating, I can easily answer that one. Apparently while I was grabbing a shower and getting ready, the massive wolf went back out into the forest and had hunted for himself.

One does not need to spoil a wolf with cooked food if said wolf can fend for himself. That didn’t mean he didn’t enjoy the occasional prepared meal.

There has always been a form of nobility that he exuded. The way he sits, how he speaks, walks, even to how the wolf lies on the carpet. It reminded me heavily of someone born to gentry. But then again, he could just as easily slip into acting like your typical dog, wagging his tails happily or laying his head into my lap when I felt depressed.

He is in many ways like a father to me. He could be stern and strict with me, but also nurturing and gentle. Not to mention extremely protective of me. He also at times allowed to me to do a few rather “stupid” things. Hard lessons learned, and punishment meted out. So having him with me was a welcomed addition.

I heard my phone buzz from my bag. I slowly pushed away from the table and walked over to it, pulling it out. A grin rose on my face as I received several messaged from Jenn, Mandy, Heather, and Marron.

Marron: Good luck with your upcoming semester. Love and miss you bunches Baby Ahri. Call me soon.

Mandy: hey girl, hope you have a great semester. I got up super early just to snag you. Still missed seeing you at the festival. Have fun and see you soon. Love ya girl.

Heather: Yo girl, thinking about you lots. I’m already in school and really, really am hating this stupid frigid snowball we call weather. When I graduate, I’m living in the south, maybe near you. Talk to you soon. Bye.

Jenn: Sup Aria, just wanted to you know that I really loved spending that week with you. Really praying you get to come back to St. Louis and visit us. Well, you stay strong. This will all be behind you and then you really can live as yourself. Talk later. Bye bye.

I grinned broadly reading each text. I responded to each of them, missing them as well. One thing that I think all of our parents dreaded were the long hours of phone calls that the girls and I had become known for.

With the school term now in full swing, they’d be all on us for staying up too late and not getting work done. God, I really have become just a teenage girl. But hey, I love every moment of it and have the most amazing friends and big sister one could ever ask for.

Rachel grinned, “I’m guessing you are messaging your friends.” I looked to her, nodding.

She leaned back into her chair, shaking her head, “The return of the late night phone calls. I will never become used to it.” I giggled, stashing away my phone and returning to my seat.

The clock struck 9:00, listening to it chime loudly. A heavy sigh left me as I stared at it. I slowly rose from my seat, picking up my things, and putting on the coat.

Rachel walked over to me, wrapping the scarf around my neck, making sure it fit snugly. My cheeks flushed a soft pink as she did. She then looked me over, seeing if anything was out of place.

With a nod, she turned, “Want me to walk you out to your car?” I nodded to her.

This was going to be the first time in months that I had driven myself anywhere. But it’s like riding a bike, you never truly forget how to. She smiled softly with the both of us turning towards the front door.

As we approached the front, Sebastian was standing there, holding a wrapped box. I smiled to the old lycan. He smiled tenderly to me, “Your lunch Young Miss.”

I grinned, “Thank you Sebastian.”

The butler bowed his head, “You are, most welcome.” He stepped back and walked over to the door, opening for us.

I looked up at him, “See you tonight.”

He bowed his head once more, “Until tonight, Young Miss.” I smiled, walking out to the driveway.

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