Old Promises, New Mysteries: Book 2 of The Kinstone series

Chapter 25: Rome

The train shook softly, rousing me from the nap I had apparently fallen into. My eyes opened and took a look around. Susie was still asleep, curled up in her seat, unfazed by the train’s abrupt action. I looked across for me and saw Alexis was nose-deep in a book herself.

Letting out a soft yawn, I placed my bookmark into mine and closed it. I groaned, stretching my body, feeling the joints and muscles pop and burn back into life.

Shoving the book back into my satchel, I stood up. Dizziness threw me for a bit, but recovered soon after. I opened the door to the room I shared and peered out into the hallway.

The adults were all huddled together, probably discussing plans for our time in Rome. Ignoring them, I turned and headed for the dining car. It was thankfully the next car over.

Upon entering, I took a seat and rested my elbows onto a table. A server soon stepped over to me and took my order, just a pot of tea. I gazed out onto the Italian countryside, watching the near endless fields fly by in the windows.

Somehow I felt the pull of home. Might’ve been all of the greenery, who knows.

The server returned with my order and poured my first cup. I thanked him and picked up the cup, first smelling the aroma. It was pleasant and warming as it filled my lungs. I took a sip, instantly reveling in its velvety smooth taste and robust flavor.

I returned to gazing outwards. I sighed softly, merely letting my mind wander. Aside from the rambling of the tracks, it was rather peaceful in the car. There were a few other patrons sharing the car with me. But everyone kept to themselves.

When I finished my tea, I paid my bill and returned to my car. I hadn’t the foggiest of how much time there was left before we arrived, but I figured it wasn’t that much longer. I looked up to see Elizabeth standing by my door.

“Find something to eat?”

I nodded to her, still feeling tired. She smiled to me, “Well you don’t have to wait that much longer. Just another half hour or so and we’ll be there.”

Letting out a yawn, I nodded again. “I think I’m gonna take another nap.”

She chuckled, “Get as much rest as you can. We’ll be heading to the hotel soon after we arrive.” I nodded, shuffling back into my room.

I took my seat and drew my legs into my chest, and resting my head against the headboard. Something then crawled up next to me.

I turned my head and saw little Susie's little hand clenching at my jacket. I smiled to her, holding her close to me. My eyes grew heavy, letting them close. My mind drifted off, returning to sleep.

When the train arrived in Rome, it jerked as it slowed. While not startling everyone into a panic, it did shake a few out of their naps. I slowly opened my eyes, seeing Elizabeth next to me, gently rousing her daughter. I stretched again and sitting up. Out in the hallway was abuzz with the group leaders waking everyone up.

Susie then woke up, complaining about not wanting to. I smiled to her, thinking that everyone was feeling the exact same way. The tea I had earlier finally decided to kick in, fully waking me up. I let out another yawn.

My eyes then looked out the window, seeing the outskirts of the city. My whole body shifted, eyes growing wider than before. There it was, Rome. From where I was sitting, you couldn’t see it completely, but a good portion of it. My heart began to thump wildly in my chest.

While our entry into Florence was at night, here it was midday, so you could really appreciate coming into the city. I sat on the edge of my seat, eager to go exploring. I pulled out my phone, wanting to text Rachel.

I swore under my breath, no signal. I was gonna have to wait until we arrived to contact her, which apparently wasn’t much longer as the station slowly came into vision, and beyond it the city proper.

When the train came to a stop, the group leaders got everyone up and out into the hallway. We carted our bags out and off the train, piling onto the platform. I stood next to my suitcase, my attention set on the city around us.

We were in the outer edge of Rome, but not too far from its center. One has to appreciate how large the city is compared to Florence. It was easily ten times the size of where we had spent the past week at. When compared to Austin, it was probably about twice the size of the state capital. But was also far more densely packed.

While everyone was both relieved to be off of the train, the group collectively was clambering for a bed to collapse into. After the leaders made sure we weren’t missing anyone, the group then turned for the station entrance where another caravan of buses were waiting to take us to our hotel.

The drive was brief, only lasting maybe twenty minutes, but it was slow moving. We all groaned in frustration. My eyes stared outwards, peering at the city before me. I took out both my phone and camera, taking pictures of statues and other places of interest.

The vans passed over the Tiber River, by way of the Ponte Vittorio Emanuele II. We were in the very heart of the city. And I loved it. I quickly took as many pictures as I could. Thankfully I had the foresight to mute all sounds from both devices.

But despite the gorgeous sights around us, we still had not yet gotten close to our destination. Everyone’s patience however, even that of Elizabeth and the other adult in the van, was growing thin. But arrived at the hotel we did. Like in Florence, the hotel was fitting of the capital, white brick, even with a couple of columns out front.

The group quickly emptied the vans and happily pulled out our bags. Very few of us spoke, too tired to. But even when we were all inside the lobby, we again had to wait patiently for the group leaders to check us all in. It felt like an eternity the longer it took. My eyes craned around, getting a better look at the lobby.

Large and spacious, with over a dozen couches and chairs strewn about, which most of the children had quickly occupied. A small café sat off in the corner. I smiled, seeing a small group going over and ordering coffee.

I would’ve joined them, but Susie was clinging tightly to me. I held the little girl close to me. My mind was feeling fried. Even with the long rest during the train ride, the fatigue was overwhelming. I longed for bed, wanting to shut out everything and let the world fade away.

Our beleaguered patience was rewarded when the leaders finished with the front desk.

“Ok everyone,” started Sarah, “the teams are still the same as in Florence. So teams will again share the same rooms as before. Once we get settled, we will then hold a meeting to discuss our plans for the forthcoming week.” No one was paying attention.

All we cared about was finding a bed and plopping onto it. Sarah then handed the team leaders the room keys. “Let’s head up guys.”

The group groaned, rising from wherever they were sitting and headed for the elevators. Thankfully there were four this time as opposed to the two in Florence. This made things a whole lot easier for everyone to get up to our floor faster.

Our rooms this time were on the second floor, and my team’s was the last down the hallway. Elizabeth inserted the key card into the slot and opened the door.

Again, our “room” was more akin to an apartment. Not quite the same layout as before, if not shuffled around slightly, but homely. We quickly headed for the common area and collapsed into the couches, not caring about our luggage. We just wanted to sleep. I on the other hand, wanted a bed.

After touring the apartment, I found a door to a bedroom. Placing my suitcase by the door, I staggered to the bed, plopping myself onto it.

It was cool and soft, feeling it mold around my tiny frame. My eyes slowly closed, wanting nothing more than slip once more into blissful sleep. And slowly my mind wandered off.

My body shifted on the bed, as though something were pushing on it. I creaked open an eye, seeing no one. I groaned, rolling onto my side. A soft poke landed on my cheek. I batted away whatever was bothering me.

“Time to wake up Aria,” a voice whispered. I groaned in defiance, curling up into a ball. Whoever was in my room didn’t leave, for now the bed depressed as someone was now sitting on it.

“Arianna Lucindel Edge, you will wake up this instant young lady.”

My heart shuddered at the sounding of my full name. My eyes flung open, quickly sitting up on the bed. You know that feeling you get after waking up too quickly? Yeah, I was having that exact reaction.

Adrenaline surged through my body, causing my mind to be alert with my heart pounding in my chest. I looked up to see Elizabeth sitting next to me.

Her face lit up with a warm smile. “Your mother told me to say your name if you weren’t being cooperative, and it appears to work. I’ve been trying to wake you up for the past five minutes.”

I peered over to the window, seeing that it was now evening. Turning my attention back to the woman before me, “How long was I out.”

She sat back, “A good six hours. In fact everyone is passed out in the living room. Only Alexis and Henry are awake. I’m having them wake up the others.”

My shoulders slumped, “Can’t we just get some more sleep?”

She shook her head, “Nope. We're having a group meeting in a bit.” I rolled my eyes, plopping back onto the bed. “Oh no you don’t. You’re getting up this instant and everyone will be heading to the meeting, whether you want to or not.”

I grumbled, “Fine,” sitting back up.

“Good. Now go wash up. We’re heading down once everyone is up.” She then slunk off the bed and headed out.

Honestly, we just dealt with a two hour train ride, not mention the past week in Florence. I thought. Why can’t we deal with this in the morning? Like when everyone isn’t a zombie?

I sighed, hopping off the bed and wandered into the bathroom and began to wash off my face. The cool water felt good on my skin, causing it to prickle slightly. I grabbed a washcloth and dried myself. Tossing it onto the sink, I turned and left the room.

The entire group gathered downstairs in the restaurant. As predicted, no one was happy having been roused from their blissful and warranted rest.

Some of the group was already sleeping with their heads on the tables, a few climbed onto the couches, again, defying the adults. The group leaders all stood before us, with some attending to the sleepers.

“Look, I know everyone is exhausted from the trip to here," started Sarah, "and that you wish that you could just go back to sleep. But we have to get this meeting over with, and then you can get some sleep.”

The oldest of the group nodded, but not happily. Some I felt were ready just bolt back to their room, not that anyone would blame them if they did.

“Now, with that out of the way. What I was going to say was that since the city is easily ten times the size of Florence, we won’t be able to have quite the same amount of freedom. This is a major city after all. Our time here is the same, five full days with the sixth being for the trip home. We will be touring the Vatican on the fourth day, so be aware of that day. And while there, we all must be careful. We don’t want to draw any unnecessary attention to us.”

Well that partially confirmed my theory on whether or not the Vatican had some way to detect magic. The group nodded, slumping into our seats.

“We also have decided to limit that area that we will be visiting. Primarily focusing on the Roman sites and a handful of the museums. As with Florence, each team will be given a list of places to visit. We will need to find a rally point, somewhere to meet up for lunch.”

The group pretended to listen. I fought somewhat to stay awake, unsuccessfully I might add.

I tuned out of the speech, most being a reiteration of the speech we all had this night before we began touring Florence. I doubt anyone was hungry. Again, all we wanted was to sleep.

“And that concludes the meeting everyone, you may all now return to your rooms and get some rest.” The group let out an exasperated sigh as we rose and headed for the elevators.

When I entered my room, I collapsed onto the bed, curling up into it. My satchel lied next to me. I slowly opened it, searching for my phone.

Powering it on, I scrolled through my contacts. I texted Marron and Jenn, telling them about the train ride from Florence to Rome, and about how much I missed them. I smiled as I read their responses, reciprocating the feelings. I wished either of them were here with me. I then dialed home, softly listening to it ring.

“Well hello there traveler," greeted my mother. "I pray you made it to Rome without incident?”

I held the phone tightly to my ear, as my body curled up tightly on the bed, “We did. Everyone is exhausted beyond belief. We head out to explore the city tomorrow.”

“Well, it goes without saying my love that you must remain safe while you are abroad.”

I nodded, feeling tempted to switch the call to video, but choose not to. “How is everyone? Silvi her usual nervous self?”

I could hear Rachel chuckling on the other end. “Your sister is eagerly awaiting your return, as is the rest of the Estate. Fenris is often beside himself with worry for you.”

I grinned. It had been over a week without my bonded, and I missed having him near me at all times. “Are you ok?”

A silence rested over the line for a moment. “Sweetheart, it goes without saying that I shall forever worry over you. I am your mother after all.”

I blushed and grinned broadly. “I love you Rachel.”

“I love you also my beloved girl. Now, you should probably get some rest. It was good to hear your voice again.”

I smiled, “Yours too. Night Rachel.”

“Goodnight my Aria.” ending the call.

I rolled onto my back and stared up at the ceiling. My body felt heavy, slowly sinking into the bed. The room had been dark since the moment I first claimed it.

There was a quiet stillness that surrounded me. All thoughts slowly washed from my mind, my eyes grew heavier with each passing moment.

One thought did slowly persist, the day when I get to go home. Not to say I was having a good time while here in Italy. But part of me was ready to have this trip end.

I still had a few more days before that was going to happen, so I had to be patient and to try enjoy the upcoming week. My eyes finally closed, surrendering myself to bliss of my dreams.

The next morning I awoke with a jerk. My body twisted and rolled hard out of my bed. I groaned in pain, rubbing my head. “Crap.”

I sat up on the floor and looked around. The sun was shining through the curtains, filling the room with a soft white light. Pulling myself off the floor, I stretched my body, feeling my back ripping as the joints popped.

I let out a held breath as my body was now fully awake. I wandered into the bathroom and started to get ready.

Upon exiting my room, I saw that everyone was already awake. Well…at least they were all in the same room as each other. Elizabeth was in the kitchen, brewing up some coffee. Robbie and Susie were both sleeping on the couch. Alexis was in the kitchen as well, rifling through the fridge.

Henry actually was the only person to be completely awake. He was sitting in a chair with the TV on, couldn’t tell you what he was watching. One thing I should’ve brought up was that apparently each hotel was paid to stock up all up our kitchens prior to our arrival, rather convenient if you ask me. I pulled myself onto a barstool, draping the top half of my body over the stone countertop.

“Good morning Aria,” greeted Elizabeth.

I smiled to her, “Morning Miss Elizabeth.”

She placed a freshly poured cup of coffee in front of me. I happily picked it up and took a sip. “Did you get enough sleep?”

I tilted my head, staring at the cup, “Like a rock, until I fell out of bed.”

She leaned over the counter and looking me over, “Are you hurt?”

I smiled, shaking my head, “I’m ok. Falling out of bed is nothing new to me. Guess I was just more tired than I thought.”

My team leader sighed, pulling back, “Well you should take it easy then. We do have a very long day ahead of us.”

Taking another sip, I nodded to her, “I will.”

She folded her arms, “Good. Now, we will be heading down to meet up with everyone for breakfast, and break off afterwards.”

I took another sip, downing the rest of the coffee, “Sounds like a plan.” She smiled to me, offering to pour me another. I happily declined, smiling to her.

Alexis walked over to me, sitting in the stool to my right, “Get enough sleep? You actually were to first to claim a room yesterday.”

I rocked my head from side to side, “I think so. But with all the traveling we did yesterday, along with having to go through that meeting, I guess we’ll have to see.”

She nodded to me, popping a couple pieces of fruit into her mouth. I spun in the stool, now seeing the rest of our team coming to life. I smiled softly.

Elizabeth then clapped her hands, “Since everyone is gathered, why don’t we head on down? I’m sure the other teams will be there waiting for us.”

We nodded to her. She then walked over to her children, gently roused them from their sleep. I grinned, watching them complain as they woke. We then exited the apartment and headed downstairs to the restaurant.

Our team was sent to explore the Historic Quarter first, visiting many of the Roman and Renaissance sites. So much of the area felt like you were walking during the time of the Renaissance. So many buildings lined the walkways.

We passed by dozens of museums, knowing that we might come back and visit them. The quarter played home to dozens of small cathedrals. I had to giggle. It was like being back in St. Louis. You couldn’t go five feet and not pass by a church.

I personally loved walking through the Pantheon. The ancient church was so grand and astonishing in grandeur I couldn’t believe I was standing under its rotunda. Hundreds of tourists crowded the interior, watching them shuffle about like we were.

I felt a soft prickle on my skin, much like it did while visiting the cathedral in Florence. My eyes darted across the open room, wandering who was there, watching me. When it failed to produced itself, I chalked it up to my paranoia playing tricks with me.

I walked around, viewing the various pieces of art that it held. The sun shone through the Oculus, filling the room with a great deal of natural light. I smiled more as I gazed at the architecture. Just simply being there was almost overwhelming.

My dad would’ve loved to have visited this place. The entire building was gigantic in scale. You often were dumbstruck, merely standing at its center.

I walked over the altar, seeing it adorned with various religious articles. I closed my eyes and once more, spoke a prayer. I might have accepted much of Rachel’s beliefs, but I still grasped my old ones tightly. I stepped back and bowed my head.

I turned and saw my team at the entrance, ready to head off to the next destination. I smiled, walking towards them. In my heart I offered yet another prayer and one more that I would be saving for when we were to visit the Vatican.

We strolled along through ancient and modern paths, eyeing much. We traverse much of the quarter, eventually arriving at the Colosseum. The structure simply took my breath away by the sheer enormity of it all.

While even in ruins, you must give respect to this example of human engineering. We entered into it, eyeing the skeletal remains of the Hypogeum, the underbelly of the ancient arena. My thoughts, like those of anyone, quickly drew upon the movie Gladiator.

I imagined an expansive surface, in which men fought and died. Blood mixed into the sands, the sounds of swords clashing, hearing them echo throughout the stands. I could hear the sounds of the crowds, cheering from the stands as they watched the spectacles below.

To any warrior, this was sacred ground. Honor, love, fealty of arms, it all permeated from the ancient stones. I felt my heart racing as I gaze outwards.

According to my mother I am a warrior scholar, forever strengthening my mind as much as my body. Oh how I wish Silvi were here. She’d feel the exact same way as I was.

I giggled softly, wondering if she would’ve wanted to fight here. I knew of the darker side of the arena as well, but it didn’t detract from me simply enjoying where I was.

I was so transfixed I didn’t notice Elizabeth standing over me. With a flick to the ear, I snapped out of my stupor. I jumped slightly, looking up at her. She smiled softly to me, pulling me along to the rest of the team. I blushed softly. I then smiled, taking one last look out onto the arena. With a soft nod, I left.

We returned to hotel and quickly headed for our apartment. The team collapsed into whatever seat we could find. My feet ached and throbbed, feeling as though they were going to fall off.

If the hotel were on fire, no one might move quickly. Well…that and we would’ve snuffed out the flames with magic. The sky outside was steadily growing darker. Tomorrow was another day and we were expecting it to come swiftly.

The next couple of days went by in a flurry. We toured the Roman Forum on second day and then headed for the Piazza Navona on the third. Hehe yeah, we did a lot of crisscrossing through the city. While at the forum, we toured the ruins, listening to a neighboring tour guide as he explained the history of the site.

I smiled, pulling out a notebook and jotted down some of his talking points. I wasn’t sure if my mother was going to assign me a report of my trip here, so best to have something prepared just in case. The team strolled quietly on, reading the various plaques that dotted the massive site. I often played translator for the group, since everything was in Italian.

The Piazza Navona was far too enclosed for my tastes. I was feeling claustrophobic, just pressed in. There were simply far too many museums and art galleries that I we were only able to visit around six out of the dozens of others. I took pictures of the Egyptian obelisk that say within the square. I found the fountains to be especially lovely to look it.

We decided to take a picture in front of the Neptune Fountain. Well, in all honesty I think it was chosen due to the fact that I could transform into a mermaid. I blushed as I sat on the edge of the fountain with a stone mermaid hovering just over my shoulder.

One place in particular that I fell in love with was the Biblioteca Casanatense, a truly massive library. While it primarily was a pontifical library, I knew it had to contain something not of the Church.

I snuck away from the team while we visited it. I knew a couple members weren’t exactly happy with being in a library, but they could get over it.

I wandered the halls, fingers streaking the spines of the countless scores of books. Susie had followed after me, not wanting be away from me. Didn’t really mind, in fact I enjoyed having her with me. That and her mother knew if her daughter wasn’t beside her, that she was safe with me.

As I traversed the aisles, I skimmed over the titles of the books before me. Susie had managed to sneak away with me. I smiled to her, keeping her close to me. My fingers stopped on a book. I turned to see what I had landed on. It was unnamed and sat relatively alone on the shelf.

So I pulled it down and began to read. The book itself was a simple read on ancient Rome and its encounters with neighboring kingdoms. One such encounter was with Dewloura. This caught my attention because the account took place in the mid third century.

It spoke of how the Romans were often mesmerized at the sight of magic. But Dewloura knew they weren’t as powerful militarily but could mound a defense if needed. That and both kingdoms shared a healthy friendship.

I wished there was more but there just wasn’t much. I guessed that either when the Roman Empire fell, or the rise of the church, something caused the records to be so thoroughly expunged.

As I’ve always stated, history will forever be my favorite subject and Dewloura held some interest to me, partly due to Fenris. I was also grateful that I had packed several notebooks with me.

I sat down onto the floor and jotted down as much information as I could. It didn’t take me long, but there was enough to leave me intrigued. Part of me wished there was a Loreian around.

While I worked, Susie had fallen asleep. You really couldn’t blame her for it. I smiled, returning to my studying.

Once I finished the book, I placed it back onto the shelf. I picked up Susie and quietly exited the hall we were in.

Each night the group would gather in our rooms for dinner. The kids and adults tended to dine separately. We laughed and talked about the where we had visited. The same group of girls I went shopping with in Florence discussed going out again while in Rome.

I sighed, figuring that they’d ask me to go along, again acting as interpreter and negotiator. But the plan was to wait until after visiting the Vatican to hit the shops. This was ultimately shot down when the leaders told them no.

I personally was grateful for the decision. Despite that, evenings were the best. We’d just lounge around, eat, and talk. The youngest often had to be put to bed early. But even amongst the junior high and older we didn’t last that much longer.

On the third night, I slumped over the bar, feeling utterly exhausted. The run through the massive library was a lot more taxing than I had anticipated. Alexis sat next to me, stroking her hand up and down my back.

I turned and smiled to her, “Hey.”

She smiled, “Hey, doing all right?” I bobbed my head to her. She then turned and looked at the team, who were all either already asleep or watching TV.

I turned on my stool, gazing out the window. We had a great view of the city, with the Tiber River in the background. It was relaxing and everyone really had grown closer over the past couple weeks.

I had spent some evenings with Alexis, helping with some of her homework from college. She had the aspiration of transferring to a school further east. I had forgotten what her major was, but that didn’t matter.

While helping her, we talked about any subject that popped into our heads. A couple nights we were joined by Becca and Henry, forming a tiny study group. We did the same with all of the kids.

I absentmindedly leaned over to Alexis, resting against her. She smiled, wrapping her arm around me. We stayed that way for the rest of the evening.

The fourth day was a rest day. Three days straight of touring the city was starting to take its toll on everyone. We still had the Vatican left, and while anxious to visit, I was growing slightly nervous.

The groups stayed at the hotel for the day. Everyone was sacked out in either their rooms or in the living room. I sat on my bed scanning over notes I had taken during the past week and a half.

With music humming in my ears, my eyes darted over each written page. My brain slowly began to fry the more I read. I sighed, throwing myself back onto the bed, stared up at the ceiling. The ceiling fan whirled silently, the blades blurring together.

My eyes trained onto the window. The sky was slightly cloudy, with the faintest hints of yellow from the sun. We had been so blessed during this trip that it hadn’t rained once, so nothing to stress over on that front.

I let out a soft sigh. The group was to head for home the day after tomorrow and everyone had also been talking about missing it. I had been longing for my own bed and feeling the covers envelope me.

My hand stroked that covers, imagining my bonded lying beside me. I could still feel his soft dark fur between my fingers. I wanted to spread my wings as a dragon and fly through the sky.

I giggled, knowing that Silvi was probably pacing through her cave, having scarfed down at least a couple deer. Velhemina would be in the greenhouse tending to the garden within.

And then there is my mother. I drew a soft smile on my face as I imagined opening my eyes and seeing her sitting on my bed, her long raven hair draping over her shoulder. Her smile had always possessed the ability to make me revert to a child, something she took great pleasure in.

I was ready to go home. But it had to wait.

I hoisted myself back up and shuffled all my notebooks back into my satchel and hopped off my bed, stomach was growling. I disappeared out into the living room where the smell of freshly cooked food filled the apartment.

The following morning was greeted by the first truly clear blue sky we had seen during our time in Rome. As always, Elizabeth and Alexis both made breakfast, only this time Becca joined in.

The temperature from the day was going to be in the low-sixties, I but felt like being a little “bold” and wore a long tee-shirt, pleated skirt, knee-high sock, hiking boots, and hooded jacket. The weather was no different than the Estate so I felt comfortable in my choices.

My satchel rested on the countertop, the sight of my mother’s crest drew yet another smile to my face. I held it softly, examining it, feeling a strong sense of pride from it. The sounds of doors opening and closing echoed through the apartment as the rest of the team filed into the kitchen.

Some gathered at the dining room table, while others sat at the bar. I laid my head onto my arms, still watching the “cooks” wrap up their cooking.

Elizabeth then turned to face us, “All right everyone, you know the drill. Line up single file and don’t shove, there is plenty enough for everyone.”

The team then rose from their seats and filed in as ordered, picking up plates and began to pull food onto them. Everyone was still tired, even after a full day of rest. The sound of yawning could be heard from everyone. I shuffled softly, walking along the counter and placed some food onto my plate.

I returned to my seat where I found a cup of fresh coffee was waiting for me. I smiled, picking it up, and taking a sip. I had to laugh to myself.

Even before coming to live on the Estate permanently, I had grown accustomed to British teatime. Usually taking place around 4:00 in the afternoon, I would take a break from whatever I was doing and just sit around and drink tea.

Since being on this trip, that hadn’t even entered into my mind. So it was another thing I was looking forward to once I got home.

I pulled out my phone and began texting Rachel. I knew she was probably still asleep, but at least the message would get to her. After sending it, I then scrolled through the local news articles.

Nothing of note, just random articles. I took a bite every few moments, switching from article to article. Before I knew it, my plate was empty. Smiling, I took another sip of coffee.

Once the team had finished eating, we piled the plates by the sink with the designated dishwashers began to clean off the dishes, and placing them into the dishwasher itself. The clock them chimed, 10:00.

We then rose from our seats and exited the apartment. The group as a whole was to meet in the lobby. The idea was to have one final group activity before leaving for home. A good idea. Once down there, the team leaders all spoke to each other for a couple minutes before shuffling everyone out the front door and into the waiting vans.

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