
Chapter Working Honeymoon

He listened in on the news segment where they were discussing which side might have released the bio-weapon and if it was actually a bio-weapon at all. It could have been released inadvertently from the known labs there during the bombardments. He turned off the set and went out the door. He sipped his coffee cup out by the truck waiting. It was so quiet here, eerily similar to being on patrol in mountinous Asia just before taking on a fire fight with enemy combatants.

Cyndi came out in her waitress outfit. “I’m going to let Mom sleep. I left her a note in her room. Let’s go.”

They took his truck back to her workplace where he kissed her good bye as she got out and went around to his open window. “All this news is worrying me,” she said.

“I know. It is troubling. Now we know how quick something like this will spread. Hopefully they will figure it out soon. I will see you tonight.” He drove off as she entered the diner. He returned to his new home town and called the number he saw advertised. It was 8:00 Am. The man on the phone named Rick told him to stop by the shop and gave him directions. He arrived and met Rick an older burly fellow with a large belly and more hair on his chin then he had on his head. They talked some and Rob learned that Rick was a former Marine. They got along well and he was offered the job. He left with the crew for the day where he cut grass at various locations. He loved it. Watching the linear patterns in the grass as the mower went back and forth, the circles around trees and shrubs. It seemed so orderly. He thought about carving a design or picture into the grass with the mower. Maybe some other time.

The day came to a close with Rob and Cyndi arrived back at her Mom’s for dinner. Mom cooked and they all sat at the table eating.

Rob, “Well Mrs. Rhoades, your lawn will have to wait but my boss Rick told me I can use one of the riding lawn mowers Saturday.”

Mom, “Rob, please call me Ida. It sounds less formal now that we are living next to each other. We are neighbors and maybe family later.”

Cyndi grinned and looked at Rob for his reaction. He nodded and grinned back at them.

Cyndi, “So you like the job?”

“Well I have only been there one day, but yeah. I can do this for a while. The other workers and Rick are good people.”

Two weeks went by and Rob finished up Ida’s lawn one weekend then with help from a friend he made at work started clearing a place to put a home while they saved money.

Sunday night Mom prepared a dinner for the three of them and they were watching the news afterward when an explosive story hit the news cycle. The bio-weapon had been affecting citizens in major US cities now and the death rate was alarming. It was reported from Europe where they had better numbers that ninety-eight percent of those who came into contact with what ever it was were dying. Both sides in the war had ceased hostilities. There were not enough people left alive in Eastern Europe to continue. The population of Europe may already be wiped out and it was starting in the US.

Cyndi gasped, “It’s getting worse. We can’t just wait for somebody to figure this out. What if they don’t?”

Mom looked scared and Cyndi hugged her then she looked at Rob, “what are we going to do?”

“I don’t know honey.” He went outside to clear his mind and pack up some equipment on his truck for work in the morning. He wasn't prepared for home to become a war zone. Somehow it seemed OK when it was somewhere else, at least he had the comfort of knowing he would be leaving it one day one way or another.

Cyndi cleaned up after dinner. Mom was resting in her chair so she came outside. “There is something I have to tell you,” she cuddled in his arms. “I wanted to tell you something wonderful and then that news killed the mood.”

“What is it?” He could see that she was crying.

“This was supposed to be our happiest moment. I’m pregnant.”

“Oh, Babe, it is our happiest moment,” he embraced her showing how much he cared. “Don’t cry. What ever evil is going on in the world doesn’t have to affect our life, our new family. We are not evil.”

Cyndi, “But how can we stay safe when so many are dying? How will we keep our child from dying?”

“I promise you if that evil comes to this town I will take you and your mother in that RV and we will bug out. We won’t see any other people until we know it is safe again.”

Cyndi, “With so many dying, even if it ever gets safe civilization won’t be here when we return.”

“I know that, but we have our child to protect now and I will do what ever I have to. We will be like the pioneers of this country who went out into the wilderness. I will load up that vehicle with enough supplies to get us started while I get set to feed and shelter us. We could use a small boat with paddles that I can pull behind that RV”.

Cyndi smiled, “come here.” They went to the detached garage. “You haven’t been in here have you?”

“No, Ida indicated there was nothing useful in there and it is pad locked.”

Cyndi pulled the lock hard quickly and it opened, “We lost the key years ago but it is a cheap lock mostly for looks to keep honest people out.”

Rob, “A row boat. This is almost a miracle.” He held one of the oars in his hand and examined it. “It’s the perfect size and with a trailer. I assume there is a hitch on the RV?”

Cyndi nods with a smile. “I thought you would be unhappy without a motor on it.”

“It’s perfect,” said Rob, “OK, so from this point on every minute I was spending on the lot for our home will be transferred to getting us supplied. We will need a couple of guns, a shotgun, deer rifle and a hand gun with lots of ammo. We will need canned food, knives, non-power tools, clothes, matches, lighters, solar charge lanterns, some water, medicines, soap, etc. We will make a list and we will fill it and be ready all the time from now on. Agreed?”

She hugged him, “Agreed, you are one take charge guy aren’t you? Dad had a shotgun and ammo in the house. One down.”

“I was in the army and my Dad taught me well for something just like this. We can do it.” It started to rain.

Cyndi, “Darn not now, can you believe it’s raining?”

You should pray for rain every day from now on.”

“What? Why, it will interfere with are loading things.”

Rob, “Get used to getting wet. When camping we get wet. Besides more rain means the swamp water level will be higher making it easier to get out to safe destination.”

Cyndi wondered what she was getting herself into. He was always so matter of fact about everything. As a matter of fact, he is right though. They went inside where Mom was resting.

Cyndi, “Mom, we have decided not to wait. We are getting married as soon as possible. Maybe this Saturday.” She hadn’t mentioned any of this to Rob and it was a surprise. The day was full of surprise everywhere.

“Oh, I am so happy. Congratulations to both of you. You don’t like big weddings anyway.”

“That’s right, you remembered.” She decided the news of a child could wait another week or so under the circumstances.

For the rest of the week they went about their chores of storing up supplies for the inevitable. While carrying supplies from the house out to the RV Rob said, “You know money will probably never have any value again if we have to pull up stakes. We should spend every dollar we have on supplies.”

Cyndi, “The little bit of money we have doesn’t have much value now. You are right. Once the RV is full we can save anything left, who knows?”

“OK. What about our marriage. Saturday?”

Cyndi, “Yes, I will ask Mom to talk with our Pastor and see if it can be done on short notice with just a few people.”

“You sure you are alright. No dress, no party?”

“I would do it in my waitress outfit if I had to. It has to be done this way, but I want a honeymoon.”

“Of course, I want to take you to my hometown. I put my family home up for rent when I enlisted. A local Realtor managed everything and after paying him, the mortgage and taxes, it was a wash. I had him hold off renting it after the last renter moved out and the mortgage is now paid off so I am just paying the taxes on it. It is semi furnished and we can stay there while we begin planning the journey of our lives. We can stage the move from there and the RV and boat will be hidden near an entrance to the swamp. I will pull the boat there so we don’t have that burden later. I am not sure but if we wait too long there could be trouble traveling. Keep your car full of gas all the time. We won’t take it unless something goes wrong with the RV and or my truck.”

Cyndi, “Sounds like a working honeymoon.”

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