
Chapter Surfer Left Behind

They bicycled to the main state highway and turned toward town. Junior enjoyed making a game out of taking evasive maneuvers round the many obstacles on the way. They arrived near the diner where the gang hung out and raced to it but there was no sign of the boys. Inside Surfer was surprised by a note on the counter in large print. It said, ‘Gone to Jacksonville on an adventure, don’t know when we will return’. She turned to Junior, “What the heck,” she wasn’t happy.

He thought she was upset because they left.

“Them creeps, they took the scooter. How will we get Bart here now?” she looked desperate.

“He will have to stay at the RV until he is well enough to travel further, I guess.”

She said, “I know, I wish there was a better way. We have some comfort here, he will have little there.”

Junior noticed a bunch of skateboards in the corner of the room stacked up against the wall wheels facing out. There were six in all. “Seems like more than you four needed,” he said.

She looked over, “Oh yeah, Beach and Bart each have two. I don’ know why. I do fine with just one. There are plenty at one of the stores nearby if you want one.”

He picked one up and examined it. “They are heavier than they look.”

“Yeah, I know.”

Borrowing from his Dad’s vocabulary, “They are so cool.” He picked up each one at a time and admired the skill that went into making such a thing. “Do you think..”

Seeming to know what he was about say, she interrupted him, “I don’t know if this is he best time for that.”

Junior’s excitement dropped a notch. “You know there is little we can do for Bart now and Mom and Dad will take care of him till we get back.”

“Your Mom will anyway. Look, you have treated us so much better than we treated you. Do you want me to take you skateboarding with me?”

Junior’s swollen battered face couldn’t hide his excitement. “Can we?” he said like a child.

She grabbed her board, “Pick one out.”

He picked the first one not wanting to waste anytime, “OK, I’m ready”.

She laughed at his hurry. They went out back where there was a parking lot. She placed one foot on top, pushed off with the other and off she went. “See.”

He followed her lead, but when he tried to land the second foot on the board he lost his balance and it shot off in front of him. He laughed and started again. All the while she was doing circles around him laughing at his attempts.

He eventually could stay with her doing circles, “is this all of it?”

“You want more? You want to go to the half pipe?” She forgot about Bart.

“Half pipe, well I don’t know what that is but yes let’s go.”

She lead the way exciting the parking lot out into the street on the way to an underground town water runoff which opened into a concrete canal in the shape of a half pipe. She was poised at the top when Junior stopped behind her. He wasn’t sure what she was about to do.

She dropped of the side and sped to the bottom and back up the other side until gravity slowed her. She went up in the air slightly at the end, grabbed the front of the board with her hand while flipping the direction of the board just as she touched down on the return path. After speeding back down and up again and into the air just next to him she landed on her feet with the board in her hand.

“WOW! That looks incredible,” he said. “My turn?”

“Are you sure. It may have looked easy, but I have been doing this for a long time.”

“I have never been surer of anything,” he said beaming with confidence. He stepped off the side and was able to stay with it all the way down, then up until he launched into the air on the other side where he lost the skateboard falling to the concrete then tumbling back to the bottom.

She watched in horror knowing that it had to hurt. He sat at the bottom, then shook it off and climbed back up on his feet.

“Are you alright?” she asked.

“I don’t know,” he said while rubbing his knee.

“I should not have showed you that. It was too soon, but I have say you have no fear.”

“Not at all. I wanted to try it after seeing you do it. I will wait for the next time though. This experience will have to last until then.”

“I would say you look pretty beat up, but you looked that way before you started.” she looked at him hoping he would laugh and he did. “We should head back.” They returned and picked up the bikes and rode away from the town center.

Junior asked while they rode, “Can you think of anything I need while I’m here, you know available in these stores.”

“Let’s see. Yes, I’ve got it. A helmet and knee pads,” she laughed. “How about a fishing rod?”

“I have one, but I could use some tackle and line. Which store would have that available?”

“The sporting good shop should have it and it’s just ahead of us.” The parked the bikes and went in.

Junior was amazed. The store was in good condition with stocked shelves. They went to the back where he grabbed a backpack and filled it with fishing line, weights, hooks and spinners. “OK, let’s go,” he said with a smile on his face. Another hour of peddling and they were back at the RV. His parents were sitting outside.

Junior was excited and showed his Dad the supplies.

Surfer headed for the RV when Cyndi called to her, “I need to talk to you.” Surfer stopped and looked at her. She walked back to them.

Cyndi, “He lost a lot of blood you know.”

Surfer got a bad feeling and rushed inside.

“What is it?” asked Junior.

“He passed away while you were gone,” said Dad.

She came out looking solemn. “I can’t believe it. I’ve lost my entire family again.” She cried.

Junior hugged her, “The other boys left for Jacksonville on the scooter. They may never return,” he told them.

His Mom and Dad looked on feeling bad about the girl. Cyndi, “You can come with us if you want. Back to our home.”

Surfer looked up with her eyes soaked, “Really?”

Dad, “Why don’t you,” he said feeling safe from the virus around her.

She looked at Junior, “OK, Rob you can finish teaching me to swim.” He nodded saying nothing, but he couldn't be happier.


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