Offside: Rules of the Game Book 1

Offside: Chapter 14

Nineteen minutes later, after I’d done a significant amount of frantic pacing, hair fluffing, and generalized freaking out, the doorbell rang. I bolted out of my bedroom and ran down the stairs, tripping on my own feet halfway down and nearly wiping out.

Not that I was nervous or anything.

Unlocking the front door, I swung it open to find Chase wearing a white tee that hung off his frame perfectly and a pair of broken-in jeans. He looked like a walking cologne advertisement. It wasn’t fair for one person to be so attractive all the time. Everyone should have bad days. I definitely did.

“Hey.” He flashed me a smile that did something decidedly non-platonic to my body.

I grinned back at him like an idiot, because I was a little panicked. And oddly short of breath. This entire scenario was surreal; a little like playing with fire while sprinkling kerosene on top to keep it interesting.

Then I remembered to actually speak. “Hi.” My eyes fell to the large brown paper delivery bag in his hand. “What’s…?”

Chase glanced down, like he’d forgotten what he was holding. “Oh, a delivery guy gave me this as I was coming up the stairs. Then he bolted,” he said, expression apologetic. “Said they paid online already.”

Oh, so it was a triple dinner date too. How cute. Vomit.

“There is zero chance I’m delivering that by hand,” I said. “I’ll yell for one of them. Come in and give me one sec.” I waved him inside and slipped into my leather boots, quickly tying the laces.

Before I could call for anyone, footsteps echoed, and Amelia came around the corner. “I heard the doorbell. Is that our—” She stopped short when her eyes landed on Chase.

Not a second later, Satan himself appeared, clad in dark-wash jeans and a pale blue polo with his hair slicked back. He stood next to Amelia with a gleam of malice in his eyes that made the usual shade of blue go ten times colder.

“I thought I heard someone.” Luke took in the brown paper bag Chase was still holding and smirked. “You pick up a part-time job, Carter? Always good to have options for when you don’t make the league.”

“Yeah,” Chase deadpanned. “I applied to be a giant dickbag first, but they told me you already filled the position.”

I choked back a laugh, trying to disguise it as a cough. The smirk faded from Luke’s face as his cheeks flushed with anger. He opened his mouth to say something, then closed it. He’d never been all that quick on his feet verbally—only when he threw the first punch or had time to plan what he was going to say—which meant that, right now, he was drawing a blank.

“Fuck you, Carter,” Luke snapped, turning and walking away. “Jackass,” he muttered.

Chase shook his head as Luke rounded the corner. His jaw was tight, like he wanted to say something but was holding back.

“So.” I ran my hand through my hair, likely undoing all the primping I had done in anticipation of his arrival. “We should get going.”

Amelia snapped out of her daze and took the bag of food out of Chase’s hand. “Uh, thanks,” she muttered, not looking at either of us. Without another word, she turned and disappeared into the living room.

Had my roommates always been this awful? Or was this a recent development? Either way, they’d done an about-face on me, going from my supposed good friends to wanting nothing to do with me. We were like strangers now.

Maybe I’d underestimated how much social influence I’d been granted solely due to being the team captain’s girlfriend. Which was actually pretty gross.

“Anyway.” Chase’s tone lightened, and he propped himself against the doorframe, flashing me a heart-stopping smile. “Ready?”

“Absolutely.” I grabbed my olive utility jacket off the hook and pulled it on as we walked out the door. Chase waited while I fumbled with my keys briefly and locked the deadbolt.

“I’m sure they’re watching us,” I said, glancing up at him. “The windows in the living room look out onto the street.”

He cocked one brow. “Well, in that case.” He threw his arm around my shoulders again, enveloping me in masculine warmth and his intoxicating scent. It was a sort of leather-vanilla cologne, maybe, mixed with something clean, like soap or laundry detergent. Whatever it was, it made me want to bury my face in his neck for a bigger hit.

Then I remembered how, up until recently, I thought I hated Chase. Was I losing my mind?

We descended the three concrete stairs that lead to the sidewalk. With the size difference, his arm fit around my frame perfectly, unlike with Luke, who was nearly the same height as me. Not that it had mattered, since we had rarely engaged in public displays of affection. Or private displays of affection, for that matter…Unless bad sex counted.

“That was pretty awesome.” I laughed. “Did you see his face when he saw you standing there?”

“I’ve never seen someone turn that shade of red,” he said. “If I’d kissed you, his head probably would have exploded and splattered all over the wall.”

Well, there’s a thought.

I glanced over his shoulder, back at the oversized bay window. The outlines of a few figures seated on the couch were visible. My sense of spite went into overdrive, overruling my common sense.

“Okay,” I said. “Do it.”

Chase looked at me with a gleam in his deep brown eyes. “What? Really?”

“Sure.” I shrugged. “It’s just a kiss.”

I think.

Not like I was going to kiss him back.


His lips curved into a half smile. “If you insist.”

Nervousness tore through me like a bullet. I tensed, expecting him to get it over with right away. But he kept his arm around my shoulders and guided me several more steps until we came to a stop in front of the passenger side of his truck.

Instead of opening the door, he grabbed my hip and turned me to face him in a slow, deliberate motion. My breath stilled as he stepped forward, fencing me in with his arms. His broad frame surrounded me, engulfing me from the front and sides, while my back was pressed against the metal and glass of the door. Trapped. In the best possible way.

Now that I was within his gravitational field, the pull was impossible to resist. His dark eyes held mine for a moment before falling to my lips. He paused, pulse ticking in the base of his throat. My heart stuttered as I watched him, waiting.

“What are you doing?” I whispered.

“Kissing you.” His gaze snapped back up to meet mine. “Properly.”

He cupped my face in his hands. My eyelids fluttered shut as he dipped closer and his lips found mine. Without thinking, I parted my lips, and he slanted his mouth against mine, deepening the kiss. He tasted like icy mint and heartbreak. Everything else ceased to exist.

I splayed my fingers against his chest, then grabbed at the fabric of his white T-shirt. A small sound of appreciation rumbled from the back of his throat in response. He slid a hand to my nape and tugged at the roots of my hair, angling my face up a fraction and pressing me against the truck.

I’d never been kissed like this before.

It was like falling.

He pulled back slightly, his lips tipping into a smile, before he covered my mouth with his again. It was playful, questioning. I could have gone on doing this all night—nibbling, tasting, teasing. I’d forgotten why we even started in the first place; didn’t care, didn’t want it to stop.

After another moment, he eased back. My breath was ragged, my heart racing. I was so lightheaded that the truck behind me was the only thing keeping me upright.

“Well,” he said. “I think that was pretty convincing.”

It sure convinced me.

I tried to keep my voice level. “Yeah. I think so too.”


The look on Morrison’s face tonight? Awesome.

Getting to spend time with James? Even better.

Kissing her? Fuck me, I’m in over my head.


Moments later, we were in Chase’s truck, pulling out from where he’d illegally parked on the street. My brain was still scrambled from the kiss, but I was trying to keep it together for appearance’s sake. He probably kissed girls like that all the time. I doubted it meant anything to him.

I wished I could say the same.

“For the record,” I said, “I’m not clumsy.”

He stole a glance at me, a smile playing on his lips. “Is that why you nearly fell off the curb outside XS?”

“I did a lot of things that were out of character that night.” Apparently, I was still doing them. But I couldn’t blame the alcohol anymore.

“Okay, where to?” Chase signaled left and shoulder-checked, pulling out onto the main thoroughfare.

Momentarily distracted by his large hands gripping the steering wheel and the memory of how they’d felt on my body, I scrambled for an idea, coming up woefully empty-handed.

“I think it’s your turn to decide.”

“Pretty sure I decided last time,” he said. “I was trying to be nice, but now I’m dragging you around wherever I want. Prepare for a wild night of adventure and crime.”

“You’re joking, right?”

He shrugged. “I guess you’ll have to see.”

After another fifteen minutes, we pulled into the entrance for a natural park area tucked away not far from downtown.

Trees lined the parking lot, stretching out for miles in each direction, their leaves in their full autumn splendor, painting the landscape with burnt orange, umber, and gold. It was breathtaking.

Chase parked and killed the ignition, then grabbed a gray Carhartt from the back seat before getting out and locking the truck. I climbed out and took in the scenery, enjoying the soothing effect the fresh air was having on my frazzled brain. Small talk and physical distance between us on the drive had helped somewhat, but I still hadn’t fully processed that kiss.

I wasn’t sure I ever would. It was the sort of kiss that I’d likely always remember.

Even if it wasn’t real.

“This way.” Chase nodded to the right. We started down a paved pathway into a dense patch of trees painted in rich fall shades, walking close but not touching.

“What is this place, anyway?” I asked, zipping my coat as we walked. It had cooled off significantly since the week before. There was a nip in the air that promised of winter coming.

“The real name is Hammond Park, but people call it End of the World,” he said. “Sometimes I come here to think.”

“Ah, so not often then.”

He grinned, bumping me with his elbow. “Hey, now.”

Moments later, a glass-walled shack appeared in front of us in a clearing, surrounded by metal bistro tables and chairs. The sign out front read Uncommon Coffee Co.

“Oh no.” I shook my head. “If I drink coffee this late, I won’t sleep tonight.”

“Cool your jets, Grandma. We ain’t here for coffee.” Chase pulled the door open and gestured with an open palm for me to enter first. The heavenly scents of coffee and chocolate filled the cafe, which was decorated in reclaimed wood, giving it a rustic, hipster charm. A chalkboard menu displayed its offerings in pastel shades of the rainbow behind the counter.

“We’re here for that.” He pointed to the left-hand side, where a pink handwritten header read, World’s Best Hot Chocolate. Listed beneath it were original, dark chocolate, white chocolate, peppermint bark, salted caramel, raspberry truffle, peanut butter cup, roasted coconut, hazelnut twist, and spiced gingerbread.

“This is incredible.” I happened to love hot chocolate. It reminded me of skating rinks and bonfires in the winter. Of gliding along the ice, watching my breath plume in front of me, beneath a sky blanketed with stars. Of that blissful, fleeting feeling of being free.

“The salted caramel is almost as good as a blowjob,” Chase said.

I shot him a look. “TMI, Carter.”

“What?” He shrugged. “Just saying.”

“We need to get you a mute button.”

“Anyway, it’s good. You could get tea or something gross instead if you want.” He waved to the menu board vaguely. “But I don’t know how anyone could turn down hot chocolate.”

“Hmm.” I hummed, still waffling between original and the salted caramel. The heavily pierced and tattooed barista at the counter waited patiently while I hemmed and hawed. The flavors did sound good, but it was hard to beat a really amazing cup of classic hot chocolate.

“Know what you want?” Chase asked, stepping up to the register.

I grabbed the zipper of my tan leather crossbody bag. “I can pay—”

“Yeah, no,” he said. “What should I order for you?”

Was this how it was going to be? Maybe I’d actually met the only person on earth more stubborn than I was.

“Salted caramel.”

He winked at me. “Good choice.”

We collected our drinks before heading back outside. The cocoa was every bit as good as he promised; the sweet milk chocolate was perfectly balanced by the slight savory undertone of the caramel.

As we wandered along the path, the sun began its descent below the horizon, casting the sky in shades of dusky violet and warm pink. Leaves crunched beneath our feet, and a slight breeze picked up, rustling through the trees and ruffling my hair.

“This is the second date-like non-date we’ve ended up on,” I said, clutching the red paper cup in my hand. Probably more date-like than anything I had done with Luke in ages, come to think of it.

“It is?”

Oh, sweet summer child. Of course he wouldn’t know. Girls came along and threw themselves at his feet. Or his other body parts. No wining and dining required.

I stole a glance at him. “Let me guess, you don’t go on dates.”

“Not really.” He took a sip of his hot chocolate, dark brow furrowed. “But isn’t this something you’d do with your friends? Get drinks, sit around, and gossip and shit? You know, chick stuff.”

“I guess so,” I said. “You want to do chick stuff with me?”

“Why not? My life is testosterone overload most of the time. It gets old. Plus, guys are smelly. Dallas after a game could be a biological weapon.”

We came to a fork in the path, and he pointed to the left. Ahead was a rickety staircase built into the hillside, its wood gray and weathered with age. It didn’t look like it could support Chase, let alone both of us, but he knew what he was doing. I hoped.

I laughed. “This is your ulterior motive? Not to mess with Luke, but so we can get mani-pedis and have pillow fights?”

He cocked a brow, gesturing for me to go up the stairs first. “For the record, you texted me tonight.”

“You kidnapped me from the arena before that.” I took a tentative step, testing the surface below my foot before climbing the steep staircase. Chase followed, his line of sight likely somewhere near my ass. My mind ricocheted back to the kiss earlier, my knees going weak at the memory.

“And before that, you cockblocked me at XS.”

I glanced back at him. “You came up to me first, Mr. Wannabe Airline Pilot.”

“Fair enough.” He grinned. “I’ll pass on the mani-pedis, but I’m down for a pillow fight any day of the week. Preferably in our underwear.”


Picturing Chase in underwear wasn’t helping me keep my mind straight after that kiss.

He came to stand beside me on the landing, halfway up the stairs, and I poked him in the side. “Don’t be dirty.”

“What?” Chase said with mock innocence. “I wasn’t.”

I raised my eyebrows.

“Fine, I was. But the offer stands.”

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