Of Light And Shadows

Chapter Chapter Twenty Three...

Lucifer’s body was dead. None of his injuries were swollen, but dark bruises had begun to mottle his skin. His lip was split and blood coated his chin. Jia saw the shape of a footprint curving over his cheekbone, a darker purple against the blue bruises.

She was shocked to see his eyes were still open. They hadn’t clouded over like she expected the eyes of a corpse to but they were dull and unseeing. His skin was grey beneath the bruising and blood. Bell sat beside him with his head in his hands.

“He looks worse right now but over the next few hours he’ll get better,” Sellik said. Her voice seemed too loud in the quiet space.

“Can I stay?” Jia asked.

“Sure. Take a seat next to Belphie if you like.” At the sound of his name Belphegor lifted his head and waved half-heartedly.

“I hate this part,” he mumbled. “It’s always such a shock to see him like this.”

“How come Sellik gets to call you Belphie but I have to stick with Bell?” Jia asked, trying to distract them both from Lucifer’s empty eyes. Mammon hovered uncomfortably by the edge of the bed.

“She never gave me a choice,” Bell shrugged. “You okay?”

“No,” she admitted. “Not in the slightest.”

“I’m not usually okay until he wakes up.”

“Do you go through the same when you’re being punished?” she asked, looking at Mammon. He nodded.

“In comparison to how long we’ve been alive the number of times he’s punished us is small. For the last few decades Satan has focussed on Luce.”

“Lucifer said he’d been punished less than both of you,” she frowned.

"Technically that’s true if you only count the times he’s been killed,” Mammon said. “But he takes a beating for something pretty much every time he sees our dad. I’m certain there are times he’s been hurt that we don’t know about.” He glanced over at Lucifer and looked away again immediately.

“I’m gonna go get the academy sorted. Can’t have the students running riot while Luce is gone,” he mumbled. He tried to make his tone light but his voice cracked.

He turned away and disappeared through the curtain before anybody could say anything else.

“He really doesn’t cope well when Lucifer gets hurt like this,” Bell said softly.

“Does Satan force you to watch every time?”

“Only when Lucifer gets punished.”


“He’s the only one capable of defying him so Satan feels the need to put him in his place in a more...brutal manner.” Bell frowned. “I hate that it works. Lucifer is more than capable of fighting back but something was different this time. He was so passive.”

“Mammon said it’s because I was there.”

“I can understand that. It was obvious to everyone that it bothered Lucifer when Satan spoke to you. I heard his knuckles crack from the other side of the room.”

“I feel so stupid.” She covered her face with her hands. “Mammon told me to stay in my room and I didn’t. I feel like he was killed because of me.”

“Nah. Dad was always going to kill him.” Belphegor hesitated. “Though I do think the beating was more intense because you were there, if I’m honest.”

“Satan doesn’t know me.”

“But he knows Lucifer. He saw Luce’s reaction to you and he latched onto it.” Bell’s eyes moved from the floor to her face. “You should be careful. The way he was with you before he disappeared scares me. As soon as Luce wakes up you need to tell him what happened.”

“Mammon was worried too.”

“It’s safest if you stay close to Lucifer for now.” Bell took her hands in his. “I don’t know what I’d do if anything happened to you. If Satan commands it, Mammon and I can’t protect you and I hate that. The person you’re safest with is my brother, even in this state.”

“If Satan came for me now there’d be nothing anyone could do.” She squeezed his hands gently. “You can’t blame yourself for something you can’t control.” She took a deep breath. “I think for now he’s had his fun and he’ll stay away. You don’t have to worry.”

“Do you have a pact with Lucifer?” The question caught her by surprise.

“What made you ask that?”

“Just a feeling I have. Do you?” She nodded hesitantly. “That’s good.”

“I’m not sure that it is,” she replied. “If I get hurt he gets hurt too. I feel like it’s dangerous for him. He said he was breaking rules to do it.”

“He’s an expert at breaking rules and not getting caught,” Bell snorted. “If my father knew how many times Lucifer had really defied him he’d be obliterated with so much force we wouldn’t see him alive again for a century.”

“And there was me thinking he’s an upstanding Demon.”

“He only breaks the rules when it’s in the best interests of the people he cares about.” Bell rubbed a hand across the back of his neck. “The problem he might have is keeping the pact mark hidden. Where is it?”

“Here.” She tapped the spot over her heart.

“At least it’s somewhere that can be covered up. Will you make a pact with me too?” She felt her eyes widen.

“Three pacts is a lot, don’t you think?”

“Not when Satan has his eye on you. Also I’d feel less left out.” He tried a smile and she chuckled.

“Sure, I’ll do it.” She held out the hand that didn’t have a pact mark on it already. He took it and held it tightly.

“I bind myself to you.” She felt the tingle and when he let go of her hand his mark was on her palm. “Thanks for doing that.”

“I was always planning on getting tattoos anyway,” she joked. He shook his head, smiling despite the situation.

“You were always weird. I’m glad that never changed.” He yawned suddenly and she saw the dark circles beneath his eyes.

“Go sleep. If I need you I can summon you.”

“Are you okay here alone?”

“I’m not alone.” She looked over at Lucifer. A small part of her still believed he was gone and it stabbed at her every time she saw his eyes, but she tried to keep her expression neutral.

“You’re not convincing anyone,” Bell said doubtfully.

“I’ll look after her,” Sellik said as she reappeared with a bowl of warm water and a cloth, a thick roll of bandages tucked under one arm. “You don’t need to worry.”

“Go sleep,” Jia insisted. “I’ll be right here anyway.” He gave her one last concerned look and then he nodded and left her with the attendant.

“The brothers really love you don’t they?” Sellik said as she set down her things and moved the blanket away from Lucifer’s chest. Jia looked away, but not before she caught a glimpse of the gruesome red smears against his skin.

“They’re my family.”

“Even Lucifer?” Jia frowned at the question.

"Especially Lucifer. He’s the first person I saw after I lost my memory.”

“I know. But he’s not the same as Mammon or Belphie, is he?” she asked softly.

“I’m not sure what you mean.” The attendant smiled.

“Hmm. Nothing. I need your help anyway.”

“My help?” Sellik nodded and straightened up, folding her slender arms across her chest.

“You can say no. It’s not exactly a pleasant favour.”

“What is it?”

“I need help realigning Lucifer’s ribs. Every time I try to put one in the right place another one moves.” Jia felt sick, but she nodded. “You’re a brave one. Here, come round beside me.”

Jia did as she was told, watching as the attendant moved a splintered rib ever so slightly beneath the skin.

“Hold it there for me.”

She followed Sellik’s instructions until all of Lucifer’s ribs were realigned. When she was done Sellik laid her hands over his torso. Jia gasped as they glowed a shade of emerald for a moment.

“Perfect. Now he can do the rest. Help me sit him up.” Jia took one side and Sellik took the other and together they lifted him.

She hated how cold his skin was and how his head just seemed to hang, but she kept a hold of him as the attendant cleaned the blood from him and placed gauze pads over the holes in his chest.

When she was done she wrapped the thick bandages tightly around his torso to keep the pads and his ribs in place.

“That wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be,” Jia said.

“I’ve got to sort out his face and arm yet.”

“What’s wrong with his arm?”

“It’s broken in two places. When I fix this beauty it’s gonna make one hell of a noise. You sure you can stomach it?”

“I saw him get stabbed in the heart and die,” Jia replied. “I think I’ll be okay.”

Despite the bravado, the sounds did make her feel sick. His arm made a resounding crack and the slight noise of his cheek bone being moved was unsettling.

The blood vessels in his left eye were burst, staining the whites crimson. Sellik dripped ointment into his eye and closed both of them before placing a pad over the injured one and wrapping bandages carefully around his head to keep his bones still.

Her hands glowed again as she sealed the breaks together enough for him to heal on his own.

“I’m pretty much done now. I’ve already sorted his fingers.” She gestured to the tape around his hands.

“How long does it normally take him to wake up?”

“Depends on the injury,” she shrugged. “His head should be fine by the end of the day and his bones will heal quickly enough but his heart is a mess.

"He’ll be incredibly sore when he does come round.” She thought about it for a moment, playing with a strand of deep green hair that had escaped from her neat ponytail. “I don’t see it taking more than a day for him to start breathing again.”

“That’s good.”

“You look exhausted. You should really get some rest.”

“I’m alright here.” Jia leaned back in her chair and rubbed her eyes. “I’ve been advised by Lucifer’s brothers to stay by him for now.”

“They’re concerned for your safety.” Sellik said it quietly as she set the bowl and cloth aside and took out some of the ointment she’d first used on Jia. “Satan isn’t one to be trifled with.” She started dabbing the ointment on the bruises dotting Lucifer’s skin.

“I know. He terrifies me.”

“If he returns, the one thing that will keep you safe is to obey. Do you understand?” Jia nodded. “If you obey his instructions he has no reason to harm you. As soon as you defy him his temper becomes his driving force.”

“You say that like you think he’s going to come back.”

“In normal circumstances I’d say we’re safe from his visits for another few years now, but if Mammon and Belphie are so concerned there must be a reason. I know you’ve probably heard this enough today but be careful.”

“I will be.”

“I’m going to leave you now so I can tend to the Vampire you brought with you. It should be about time to feed him.”

“How’s he doing?”

“He’s adjusting. It’s hard on him but he’s determined to regain control. He keeps mentioning you.” She smiled. “I think he’ll be ready for visitors in a few days.”

“That’s good.” Sellik nodded and stepped away, leaving her alone with Lucifer. She took hold of his hand and she waited.

She waited long enough for her eyes to start itching and her back to ache. Eventually she folded her free arm on the edge of the bed and rested her head on it to ease the aches in her shoulders and neck.

It wasn’t long before her eyes closed and she fell asleep.

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