Of Light And Shadows

Chapter Chapter Eleven...

Breakfast was much quieter than the rowdy dinner the night before. Most of the students were still half asleep and Bell had actually brought a pillow with him to nap at the table. Mammon looked over at his slumbering brother and shook his head in despair while Lucifer sat and read a book, a cup of tea clasped in his gloved hand.

“Morning Jia,” Beelzebub called as she entered the room. His hair was pulled back into a loose bun and his eyes were bright and alert. She waved and found a space to sit and eat nearby.

As soon as she sat down Asmodeus occupied the seat beside her and flashed a devastatingly handsome smile, soft strands of steel hair falling over his brow.

“Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes? The uniform fits you wonderfully,” he said. She looked down at the blazer and skirt she was wearing and fought the rising blush in her cheeks. “I dare say you could pass for a Demon with the way you wear it so well.”

Lucifer’s head turned so he could gaze coolly at Asmodeus. There was no anger in his face but the intensity of the look made the other Demon backtrack.

“I don’t mean that in a flirtatious way, of course. It’s merely a compliment,” Asmodeus stuttered. Lucifer maintained the look a moment longer before going back to his reading.

“Thank you,” Jia mumbled. Asmodeus opened his mouth to reply but was interrupted by Beelzebub’s hulking figure approaching. The larger Demon put an arm around each of their shoulders, a wide grin on his face.

“Breakfast is my favourite time of the day,” he said. “Everybody is too tired to get on my nerves and there’s bacon.”

“I swiped you an extra yoghurt and a cream cheese bagel,” she answered with her own bright smile. “I’m never hungry at breakfast so I figured you could have mine, Bee.”

“I like you,” he answered with a nod. “Thank you.” She passed him the food and squeezed up so he could fit in beside her.

“You like anyone that feeds you,” Asmodeus answered, rolling his eyes.

"You feed me but I don’t like you,” Bee answered without looking up from his food. “Explain that one away.”

“Everyone loves me,” Asmodeus chuckled. “I’m the embodiment of love.”

“You’re the embodiment of lust,” Mammon corrected from across the table. “There’s a difference. People can want to sleep with you without liking you.”

“And you’re the embodiment of greed,” Asmodeus sniffed, turning his nose up at the silver haired Demon. “I know which I prefer.”

“You don’t seem very greedy,” Jia frowned. Mammon chuckled.

“Look in my wardrobe,” he winked. “You won’t find anything but designer in there.” He turned his gaze back to Asmodeus and raised an eyebrow. “I’d much rather have designer clothes and a truck load of money than a list of sexual conquests as long as my arm.”

“Oh sweetie, I’ve been around for millennia. Your arm isn’t nearly long enough to list my conquests,” he teased. Jia wrinkled her nose at the thought just as Bell lifted his head and yawned.

“Am I late for class?” he asked, blinking drowsily.

“Does it look like you’re late for class? We’re all still sat here,” Mammon answered.

“I might have slept through to lunch.”

“Do you often sleep through the morning?” Jia asked.

“It’s been known to happen,” he mumbled sleepily. “It’s nice to know today isn’t one of those days.” He reached for the coffee pot in the middle of the table and poured himself a generous mug.

“I’ve missed coffee from here,” Jia said wistfully, looking lovingly into her own mug at the rich liquid inside. “It’s so much nicer than human coffee. I wish I could take some back with me when I go.”

“You’re going back?” Bee asked. He actually tore himself away from his food to stare at her with abject disappointment.

“Calm yourself,” Lucifer answered quietly without looking away from the page he was reading. “She isn’t going yet. Jia will be here for a few weeks at least.”

“And I can swipe you food whenever I get a chance,” she stage whispered, winking at him. Bee grinned and Lucifer shook his head.

“I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that,” he muttered.

“You shouldn’t encourage him,” Asmodeus tutted. “He’ll follow you everywhere now hoping you’ll feed him.”

“Sort of like a lost puppy,” Mammon agreed. “A really big, really scary lost puppy.”

“I’m not scary,” Bee frowned.

“Yeah you are,” Bell snorted.

“I wish I was half as scary as you can be,” Leviathan said, joining the conversation from several seats away.

“You were pretty terrifying until I fed you,” Jia admitted.

“Hmm. I don’t remember trying to be frightening.” Bee shrugged and pushed loose strands of blonde hair behind his ears. Up close she could see the laugh lines around his eyes, betraying the fact that he smiled often despite his frightening demeanour. “I must have just been hungry.”

“You’re always hungry,” Lucifer and Mammon said together, making the others laugh. The Demon Prince finished his tea and stood as Beelzebub shrugged.

“Is it time for class already?” Bell asked.

“Lectures start in ten minutes,” Lucifer nodded. “And my class is first this morning so I expect everyone to be there on time. No excuses.” His voice was stern as he addressed the Demons around him and they all nodded obediently. Even the students Jia didn’t know turned to listen to him from the other benches. He turned his red eyes on her and his expression softened immediately. “You’re welcome to attend as well, though don’t feel like you’re obligated to if you don’t want to.”

“I’d love to,” she grinned. He smiled the faintest smile and excused himself, walking away with the book tucked under his arm.

“How come you get special treatment?” muttered the girl with black eyes from the day before. It was hard to tell exactly where she was looking without a discernable pupil, but Jia knew the Demon girl was staring right into her eyes. “He glares at the rest of us.”

“He has a soft spot for Jia, much like both of his brothers,” Asmodeus said with a wide grin. “Unlike you, she’s nice to people. I’m growing quite partial to her myself.”

“Me too,” said Bee around a mouthful of bagel. “She’s not like you, Bast. You’re mean to everyone.” Bast bared her sharp teeth and hissed at him, clearly not pleased with the response. “See? Mean,” he said sadly. Jia watched as he got up and swiped an oddly coloured apple from a bowl in the centre of the table before taking hold of her elbow and tugging her to her feet with him.

“Wait for me,” Asmodeus insisted, taking her other arm. She shot a bewildered expression at Mammon, who simply shrugged and watched them tow her away. She glared at him and he grinned, rising from his seat and sauntering after them with his hands in his pockets. Bell groaned and followed, bringing his pillow along with him.

By the time they caught up Jia had been ushered onto one of the raised benches in a large lecture theatre and was sandwiched between Bee and Asmodeus.

“Nope, move over,” Mammon said before climbing over the bench behind them and forcing himself between her and the Demon of lust. “No way I’m letting you sit here and try to charm her for an hour,” he said when Asmodeus glared at him. “Lucifer would tear my head off and I don’t much like the idea of you leering at her.”

“Aww, that’s so sweet of you Mammon. You know it’s forbidden to love those outside our realm,” he answered, his glare turning into a smile.

“I know that. Being protective doesn’t mean I’m in love, you moron.” He wrinkled his nose. “She’s basically my little sister.”

“I miss my bed,” Bell complained from behind them.

“I’m hungry,” Bee added.

“You’re already eating, Bee,” Mammon muttered, gesturing at the fruit in his hand. The large Demon shrugged and took another bite, turning his attention to the front of the room as Lucifer walked in.

Just like they had in the dining room, every head in the room turned to watch him. All he had to do to make the chatter disappear was raise his hand and the class fell silent. Jia raised her eyebrows at the respect the other students gave him.

“Wow,” she whispered.

“Show off,” Mammon scoffed, rolling his eyes at his older brother.

“Welcome, class. Today we have a guest in our midst so I thought we’d take a welcome break from our usual schedule to practice our summoning skills.” A murmur of appreciation fluttered through the class. “I’d like you all to meet Jia. She’ll be with us for a few weeks so you may see her around the school every now and then.” She waved awkwardly as everyone swivelled to look at her.

“Hi,” she mumbled.

“Many of you have summoned before, but I know at least a third of this room has never been able to practice.” He clasped his hands behind his back. “Before you choose your pairs you must be aware that to summon another Demon to you requires a large amount of concentration, so do not choose anyone that you find distracting. Those of you that are entered into pacts with one another will find it easier. You are not permitted to use any enchanted summoning items to complete this task. You have one hour, find your groups.”

“You can pair with me,” Mammon said to Jia immediately. “It’ll be a cake walk for us.” She was about to agree when Bee touched her arm.

“I think you should pair with me. I’ve never worked with a Lotura before.”

“Or you could choose me and together we’ll be top of the class,” Asmodeus said, winking conspiratorially at her.

"Don’t choose me, I want to take a nap,” Bell mumbled. The other three descended into squabbles until she sensed somebody else approaching. She turned to see Lucifer stood beside her.

“What are you arguing over?” he asked.

“We can’t decide who gets to pair with Jia,” Mammon replied.

“I specifically asked you to find a Demon to work with. Off you go.” He smiled. “Jia, you’re with me for this one.”

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