Obey Your Captain

Chapter 31

Baron helped her down the steep rocky trail down to the sandy shore. It was all pretence, she needed no help but it felt nice for his hand around her waist, his hold on her hand. Hell, she could have transported herself down.

Rocks grumbled under her feet and hands as they slowly made their way down. The sand below looked inviting, soft waves foamed over wet sand, a wonderful contrast between gold and blue.

“Sure there was an easier route,” Baron grumbled as his boot slipped forcing him to grab around Kaliyah to prevent them both from tumbling down the cliff.

“Struggling, Captain?”

“Do not tease me.”

She giggled to herself, leaping down the final eight feet, landing deftly in the sand.

Baron slipped and slid, joining her a few moments later.

“Wondered how long it would take you,” Lord Neverember announced appearing from around the corner.

“How did you get down here?”

“Horseback along the beach. I mentioned you can follow it from the palace did I not?”

“You did not,” Baron growled.

“Apologies, I thought I had.” Lord Neverember winked at Kaliyah and she could only hide a smile. “Ready?”

“My family,” Kaliyah announced, looking around for them only to see them walking up, her sister’s arm in her mother’s. She frowned at the guards escorting them before Baron broke off from her, approaching the lead guard, “Qinan, so good of you to make it.”

“Of course.”

“Please, meet Kaliyah, my betrothed.”

The half elf stepped forward, offering his hand to her. “It’s good to meet the woman who’ll whip this lad into shape.”

“Oh I doubt anyone can do that,” she countered. There was something familiar about the male. Something in his eyes.

“If anyone can, I feel it would be you.” He flashed a smile before stepping back, letting Lord Neverember escort the pair to a large log sat on a few stones to raise it above the sand, it looked taken from a Quercus suber, not the hardest of woods but, similarly not a soft wood either.

This was a bit she wasn’t wholeheartedly agreeing upon.

Hard work. Ugh.

“Can I not just use magic?” she asked.

“No, Pouco, that is not the way. We must work together.”

Letting out a sigh, she relented. Grasping the saw Baron offered. It was a two handled saw designed for a person to be on either end. “If the couple can saw this log, they can be joined in the ceremony they have chosen,” Lord Neverember announced. “Fail, their union is not blessed by the Gods.”

It was all talk… sort of. The law in Blackwater was as Lord Neverember stated. If the log was not sawn, the union cannot happen. They would go to another city, but there would be that small matter in their minds… if the union was not blessed or agreed upon above.

Positioning themselves opposite each other, the log coming up to her hips. It was going to be hard work… but she supposed worth it.

The teeth dug in to the wood as Baron pushed forward, for Kaliyah to do the same back. “If we are to work together, wouldn’t we use our strengths?”

“You are not burning the wood, this is to be used to firewood to light our harth.”

“What if I were to heat the blade?”

“That would make little difference. Saw, my darling.”

She did as she was told for once. For him. Her shoulder burnt as they got half way through the log that surely came from the trunk of a centuries old tree. Wood shavings flew around them both, camouflaging with the golden sand. The only sound was the teeth biting through wood, burrowing its way with every push and pull of the couple.

“Nearly there,” Baron announced somewhat breathlessly when they had to crouch to saw the final few inches.

“If we push on either side, it should break,” Kaliyah announced, she didn’t feel she could move her arm for another saw ever again.

“You’re right.” Baron abandoned the saw as if he was feeling the same as her. Looking around, he grabbed a stone, wedging it beneath the weakest spot of the log. “I’ll lift, take the stones from beneath this side,” he directed, wrapping his arms around the log, barely able to get his hands to meet. Tugging he pulled it up enough for Kaliyah to kick the stones from below. He let go, letting the log crash into the sand, a few fibres of wood snapped, weakening it further.

“If you push from below, you may be able to lift it higher and it will have further to fall,” Kaliyah thought aloud.

“You’re right.” Crouching on his haunches, he gripped below the log, pulling upwards until he was almost stood straight, more snapping as the wood went back to its original state of being joined, if but for a moment. Kaliyah quickly kicked the stones that had been supporting the log. Baron let go, the log let out a loud thud with connect back to the sand.

A pleasant crack could be heard which drew their eyes to the cut they had made. It was complete. Splinters fractured from the log in uneven patterns, but it was no longer joined together.

“Congratulations! The Gods, as have I, bless this union for friends and family to witness.”

Kaliyah pushed her hair back as Baron joined her, their fatigue being replaced by triumph as Lord Neverember took both their hands, joining them together. “Which ceremony have you decided upon?” he asked.

“A ceremony of water. The sea will join us,” Baron announced, squeezing her hand.

“Then go forth, create your union.”

Kaliyah let out a surprised breath as she waded into the cold sea, it was colder than she was expecting as the water went up to her thighs. Baron’s hand tightened on her shoulder, squeezing comfortingly. “The water joins us.”

She smiled up to him, the cold forgotten. “Yes… it always did.”

His eyes gleamed in happiness, as if he were remembering many a times. Times she annoyed him, made him laugh, the time she almost killed him. “Aye, it always did.”

When the sea was lapping above her waist, they stopped, their feet getting solid purchase on the slippery rocks below. A few fish flitted by, disturbed by their movements.



Kaliyah set her hands on his back and chest as he laid in the water, the buoyancy helping her hold his weight. She smiled softly down to him as he set his own hand over hers, a signal of trust. She pushed him under the water, watching him completely submerge, his shirt that was previously dry soaked up the water as his profile rippled with the waves.

A few bubbles broke the surface, his hand squeezed hers and she kept pushing until his hand relaxed over hers. She pulled, tugging him until his face broke the surface and he took a deep breath. He regained his footing with waterfalls falling from his shoulders and hair. She could only gaze up at him, his head haloed by the mid morning sun. She was glad they had agreed to do this bit alone. It felt more intimate. She could forget there was a small crowd gathered on the shore, but they were far away from them. In Kaliyah’s mind anyway.

“Ready, Pouco?”

“Yes. I trust you.” He took her in his arms, lifting her further out of the water before the sea enveloped her slowly. Lapping over her shoulders and stomach. He readjusted only to push her under. The salt stung her eyes but she wanted to keep looking up at him. Wanted to watch him as the sea cleansed and washed away girlhood. Washed away any trace she would be a maiden.

Her lungs began burning with holding her breath but knew she could hold it a little longer. All air had to be expelled. Bubbles left her mouth, floating up away. Baron’s form began appearing murkier. Her head slipping and sliding as her lungs screamed. Just as she felt she would lose the fight and gulp in harsh sea water her head broke the surface, and she was a wife.

Kaliyah took lungfuls of air until she had her fill. The drowsiness receding the more air inhaled. Baron lifted her slightly into his arms, sealing their union with a kiss. Many, it was told, sealed the union in more carnal ways, joining there in the sea. They had both agreed to wait to get to their cabin.

“Come, let’s get dry and warm.” He lifted her into his arms, carrying her as many men did on their union. Her knees hooked over his arm, his other arm supporting her back. Baron’s hold was strong and closer than she’d seen many carry their wives this way. Her cheek against his shoulder, his hand on her hip, tugging her closer.

“I fear I may love you, Kaliyah Torlar.”

“I fear the same, Captain.”

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