Obey Your Captain

Chapter 28

The old man scratched his cheek listening within the house, ensuring to hear what he needed before slipping back down the street, disappearing into the dawn.


“I am hoping this summon brings news, child,” the High Mage asked as they made their way through the streets.

“I hope so. I overheard someone threatening Nillid. I think it is he who forged the papers.”

“Who would threaten for that to happen?”

She didn’t want to disclose what she thought. While she did not know how reading memories worked, she feared saying too much could effect it. While she would be happy for Marybel to get the blame… if he were innocent she would not be able to forgive herself.

“I don’t know, High Mage. I did not see his face as they were hidden behind the bookshelves. He said Nillid’s name however, we are hoping you will be able to go into his memories, like you said you would do to me.”

“If he is agreeable. If he is not it can distort memory, as I told you before, child.”

“We can only hope,” she whispered, turning into the street that held Neverember Manor.

“Why would you not allow me to look into your mind, child?”

Her gaze wondered over the foliage that decorated the gardens, “I… I don’t really agree you should be able to. What if you were to remove some of my memory?”

“You know it does not work that way, what do you fear?”

“I fear nothing.”

“You fear I will see what I shouldn’t. You fear I’ll see what I already know.”

She frowned to the large purple flower she was studying as they walked.

“I don’t think I am following, High Mage.”

“Only your race has the innate ability you demonstrated at the tender age of nine. I have seen many things in my three-hundred-years, child. Many of your race have schooled under me. For a man my age, very little concerns me. I have kept the knowledge to myself for twenty-four summers. I will do so until I return to the earth.”

She stopped as if a wall had sprung up in her path. Twenty-four summers? She slowly turned to look at the old mage, his face calm, a small, peaceful smile on his face. His hand gently cupped her cheek, “You were the youngest I have ever left. You were so beautiful. The form you have taken is what I would have expected. I am glad you have forged your way.”

“Are you… are you saying…?”

“Yes, child.”

“Can I… Can our race… have children?”

“Of course. We do not need the seed of another, however. When you are ready, you will lay a sac. Just as I. Everything will be well.”

“How could I not know?”

“I have left many young on good family’s doorsteps.” He winked before straightening, “Come, I feel Lord Neverember will be waiting.”

Kaliyah nodded numbly, taking in what the Mage had just disclosed. The information he had bestowed. She wasn’t sure if her heart was thumping ten to the dozen or was still. All feeling had flooded from her.

She felt alive and numb.

“It will sink in, child. I was the same when my life bringer disclosed the truth to me.”

“They did?”

“Just as I have done for you. As you will for your offspring, although, I feel you will not give up your offspring.”

“No… I do not think I will.”

“Many of our kind do not find partners. You are lucky. Does he know?”


“Then you have nothing to fear. You have found a good partner in Captain Torlar.”

“I have,” she agreed, allowing a smile to grace her lips at the thought. “He’s a good man.”

“I agree.”

“Is there more to know? About our race?” she whispered the final word as they entered Neverember Manor.

“I’m sure there is much for you to discover. All in good time. I am happy for you to continue your studies at the Hall of Knowledge, I can teach you all I know.”

The yes wooshed up, the excitement within her at learning more of a race she knew nothing about but what she’d stumbled upon with her own experimentation. The temptation was high. Much higher than expected.

But then… the sea. She would no longer be on the ocean. No longer sail and discover new towns and cities. She would never be witness to a time they find an island. Battle sahuagin and discover riches.

Her life laid out before her in two paths. A path she schooled further in magic, growing stronger year by year with the help of mages and wizards. Her power would be unmatched.

The other, a path she continued on the journey to the depths of the ocean. Her strength and power would be tested in other ways. A path that had Baron by her side.

“I like the path I’m already on,” she murmured to herself. “Thank you, if it’s agreeable to you, I may spend some time with you, in between voyages. If we are in blackwater I will come to the Hall of Knowledge.”

An understanding smile pulled on the corners of his mouth. “That is agreeable, child.”

Nodding, she forged ahead, leading the way to Lord Neverember’s office before knocking on the door.

But there was no answer, there was no greeting. Pushing on the door she found it locked.

“The Lord told me to bring you here…”

“Was it in the last hour?”

“It probably took me an hour to fetch you.”

“Do you have a spare full crystal, child?”

“Of course.” She opened the pouch at her hip, handing over a cloudy white crystal. She watched as the old Mage drew the power from within, his hooded eyes closed in concentration before he waved his hands in a complicated movement. A movement she was sure she would never remember to be able to mimic. He said no words, but before her eyes the door opened in a shadowy figment, The Lord sped from the door, “Go find your intended,” he called back into the office.”

“Jeremiah! Wait,” Baron’s familiar rumble crackled, as if it were through a veil.

“No time, Baron. Meet me in the hall.”

“My Lord, time is of the essence,” a voice came from further away. Kaliyah looked the way it came but it seemed the spell didn’t reach that far. It was a disembodied voice to them. The Lord disappeared from the view of the spell before Baron exited, a concerned look on his face. He locked the office then disappeared from the spell before all was silent around the door.

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