Nox Inferno

Chapter Dawn's Afternoon

Chapter 32: Dawn’s Afternoon

I paced back and forth in the room. My white dress swishing around me as I tried to walk in the white pumps Alvina picked out for me.

“The outfits that we picked should be in a fashion show.” Clementine giggled as she dragged me to the mirror.

She modeled off her white, short satin dress with floating long sleeves. She had small daises weaved into her hair that deeply contrasted the dark oil spill which was her hair.

I paled in comparison in my simple off the shoulder dress that fell just above my knee. I had to wear a white veil, so I tied my hair in a low ponytail.

“Oh please. I would steal all the attention.” Alvina giggled as she struck a dramatic pose. Her dress was white to a point it was translucent, it made her skin radiate. She wore a simple spaghetti strap dress that cascaded down past her knees. I frowned when I noticed her white sandals.

“Why do I have to wear heels?” I examined the evil shoes that would give me a twisted ankle.

“I thought they would look nice on you. But if you want, there is a pair of sandals for you.” Without a second thought I kicked off the pumps and replaced them with white scandals.

“Let’s go and impress the boys.” Clementine winked as she linked arms with Alvina and I.

We strolled out of the room to where Zephyr was propped up, watching a cartoon. He wore a white button up shirt, white dress pants and white sneakers.

Clementine cleared her throat causing Zephyr to snap his head in our direction. His gaze landed on Alvina first and it didn’t move for quite some time. I smiled and elbowed Alvina. She just rolled her eyes and sat down next to Zephyr, watching the cartoon very intently.

It took everything not to laugh or comment. But my laugher died down when Kai entered the room. He wore a full white tux and his hair was combed to the side. I forced air into my lungs when Kai turned to me.

The whole world seemed to have faded away. His deep blue eyes sparkled with emotions I couldn’t read. For some reason, I wanted him to hug me.

“Oh you got it bad.” Nyra laughed causing me to look away.

“Do not.” I thought back to her before blocking all ways of communication with her.

“Are you ready?” Mama Fra entered in an elegant two piece that fell down to her ankles.

“The car is outside.” Peter informed as he offered his arms to Clementine and Mama Fra.

Clementine groaned, “Why do I have to be escorted by my dad?”

“Well it’s not like anyone else is related. So it would be improper for me, to make someone else escort two women.” Peter scolded.

“I don’t mind.” Zephyr said while winking at me.

“I’m sure you don’t” Kai grumbled while grabbing my hand before I could make my way over to Zephyr. Sparks shot up my hand and I almost jerked my hand away in surprise, but Kai wouldn’t let me go.

Zephyr’s face erupted into a smile, “I think you just stole my date.”

Alvina smacked his arm as she grabbed onto it, “Stop causing problems.”

“I guess you are my date now.” Zephyr replied and held tightly to her arm before she could make a run for it.

“Great.” She rolled her eyes, but a small smile appeared.

“Come along then.” Kai said as we walked ahead.

He took several turns, used two different staircases and we arrived at the main entrance. But we where on the first floor, we didn’t take this long to reach our suite when we got here.

“The castle is a labyrinth, everyday the whole castle changes.” Kai explained.

“It must be horrible to clean.” I whispered as we walked out of the door.

There waiting for us was a long white limo. A man in a white suit opened the door for us.

Kai held my hand while I slid into the car. He soon followed suit, followed by Alvina, Zephyr, Clementine, Mama Fra, and Peter.

“Well isn’t this cozy.” Zephyr commented when he saw Kai and I sitting next to each other.

“You want to switch?” Clementine offered. I nodded but Kai held me down so I couldn’t move.

“Sit still.” He sounded like he was scolding a child. So like a child I huffed and looked out the window.

Tingles danced through my fingers causing me to snap my head towards my hand. Kai was holding my hand. Kai wouldn’t look at me, he just stared ahead.

“He is getting smoother.” Nyra broke down the wall I put up.

“Stop it.” I whispered and Kai jerked his hand away. I turned to look at him, he looked like someone just stung him.

“You need to practice talking in your mind.” I felt Nyra’s sarcastic smile on my arm. She took control of my hand and grabbed Kai’s hand. What is she doing? My eyes widened as Kai squeezed my hand.

“No need to thank me.” She moved from my arm to my back.

“Wow that was smooth.” Alvina clapped while grinning like a fox.

I pressed my lips together and stared outside. We where on the borders of Hollowmound, where we leaving? The world went dark for a moment, soon replaced with trees and jungle. This wasn’t here before.

“Hollowmound has many different portals.” Kai explained, while he reached over me and rolled down the window.

“Pull back up the window!” Mama Fra scolded and I pulled back up the window.

“You are going to ruin my hair.” Clementine whined as she fixed her hair.

“Where are we right now?” I asked.

“In a jungle.” Zephyr said sarcastically.

“No really.” I responded just as sarcastically, “I meant where on a map.”

“No one knows.” Peter replied, “But this jungled isn’t marred by human existence, so even the humans don’t know where it is. This jungle grew around where Lucifer first fell.”

“Grew around?” I scrunched my eyebrows.

“Lucifer fell eons ago; this jungle is only fairly new.” Pater explained.

The car lurched forward as we pulled to a stop.

“We are here.” Mama Fra said as the door opened up.

“We have to walk the rest of the way.” Kai explained, “We don’t want cars or other mode of transportation to ruin a momentous and sacred area.”

I have to hike? I felt my smile fall when my feet brushed against the grass. Oh no! The mosquitoes are going to eat me and by the time I meet Satan, I will be a corpse.

“I’ll protect you.” Kai offered.

“No way, you hijacked my date. So I will protect her.” Zephyr slung an arm around my shoulder, and we began walking.

“Where are we going?” I asked quietly so Kai didn’t overhear.

“Honestly.” He grinned, “I have no idea. The Dux always walks first. So only he knows the way. I’m kind of guessing. All the trees look the same.”

I barked out a laugh and turned to Kai, “After you, Dux.”

Kai grumbled and grabbed my hand. He jerked me away from Zephyr and continued walking.

“Possessive much?” Nyra said.

“It would be rude to switch dates.” Kai muttered as I stumbled along.

“Of course it would.” It came out a lot more sarcastic than I meant.

“I’m serious.” Kai paused as he readjusted my hand into the crook of his arm.

“I know you are.” I said earnestly but it still sounded sarcastic.

He groaned, “Let’s go meet Satan.”

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