Now You’re Mine: A Dark Stalker Romance (Possessing Her Book 2)

Now You’re Mine: Chapter 15

I’m not sure if it’s the pain meds or the emotionally charged day I had, but I’m ready to pass out. If this is how my body reacts to regular medication, I can’t imagine what the “good shit” would be like. It makes me wonder if Harper has personal experience with certain prescription drugs because of her mother’s job.

Inside the bathroom, I quickly undress, frowning when I see a bandage on my hip. I might be groggy from my medication, but not to the point that I’ve forgotten having another injury. Trepidation courses through me as I peel away the medical tape with trembling fingers. The first glimpse of the black ink has me gasping, but I nearly scream when I yank it back completely.

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Mrs. Bennett.

The tattoo is a beautiful script, one that I would’ve picked if given the choice. Only I wasn’t.

My breaths come out in angry puffs until I’m ready to explode. I lose track of time as I stand there, debating on how to handle this, but all I can think is: Fucking Hayden.

When the room is full of steam and I’m beginning to sweat, I sigh in defeat. There’s nothing I can do about the tattoo right now. What I can do is not give Hayden the satisfaction of knowing it bothers me.

I replace the bandage and step into the shower. The hot water does nothing to ease the tension in my body. Once I’m finished, I wrap a towel around my torso, constantly glancing at the door. Even though Hayden didn’t disturb me, I’m still anticipating his presence in the bathroom. Having a quiet moment wasn’t actually peaceful, but when it comes to him, nothing is.

Except the times I trusted him completely.

I release a wistful sigh. Before I knew he was my stalker, I was tumbling head over heels in love with him. Even now, I’m probably a lost cause, but something inside me is holding on to my independence. He’s trying just as hard to strip me of it. One of us is going to give in and I highly suspect it’s me.

How does someone fight a hurricane without being swept away and drowned?

I shake my head at my thoughts and quickly throw on underwear and a bra, along with a pair of shorts and a matching floral top. The thin straps leave my injury free of chafing, which is one of the reasons I chose it. The other is to avoid giving Hayden the wrong idea by wearing a silky teddy. He can’t keep his hands off of me as it is.

With a frown, I recall my inability to say no to him. Every time he’s initiated sex with a demanding kiss or a light caress, my fortitude melts like a snowflake in the palm of my hand.


“I’ll be right out.”

After turning the doorknob, I step into Hayden’s bedroom and near darkness. The only light comes from the moon’s rays, casting the man of my dreams and nightmares in shadow. He stands by the window, wearing nothing except a pair of pants meant for sleep.

I jerk my gaze from his ripped stomach and the lines that disappear inside the waistband sitting low on his hips. Nervousness travels along my arms like crackles of electricity, and I nearly jump when Hayden motions me to him. With a small shake of my head, I plant my feet.

“We need to talk about something.”

He lifts a brow. “We’ve done nothing except talk all evening.”

“I know, but this is important to me.”

There’s a subtle shift in his body, a softening that wasn’t there before. “I’m listening.”

“I need a time-out on the sex.”

The change in Hayden is immediate. His eyes narrow to little more than slits, and his entire frame goes rigid with suppressed ire. “What is this? A fucking game of tag?”

“No, it’s not.” I wrap my arms around my middle to fortify myself against the anger he’s exuding in waves. “There’s so much going on in my life right now, beginning with you admitting to being my stalker and ending with someone who’s decided to take that title by sending me those panties. I’m worried that I won’t be able to make logical decisions as long as we’re intimate, and it clouds my emotions.”

He tilts his head, his expression full of disbelief. I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from talking and saying anything else that’ll piss him off more.

“What decision is there to make?” he asks, his voice deceptively quiet.

“Whether I can forgive you for lying to me, with the knowledge that you’ll continue to do so.”

“You will forgive me. It’s just a matter of when.”

I glare at him, some of the anxiousness seeping from me to be replaced with anger. “How do you know?”

“Because you have a tender heart and a gentle soul,” he says. “It’s not in your nature to hate. At least, not forever, I hope.”

“You hope?”

He waves a hand in dismissal, but there’s a stiffness to the motion that I can’t ignore. If not for the darkness surrounding us, I’d have a better idea if I’m imagining it or not.

“I’ll wait as long as it takes for you to forgive me,” he says.

“Don’t hold your breath.”

A smile takes over, and the whites of his teeth penetrate the dimly lit space. “I won’t.”

“Hayden, please. I need you to take this seriously. I can’t have sex with you while my emotions are a mess.”

And while I’m pissed about this tattoo.


I squint at him in suspicion. “You gave in too quickly.”

“No, I didn’t. I already told you that I’m not above seducing you, and that’s what I plan to do, starting tomorrow. Now, if you’ve covered everything on your agenda, I’m going to bed. Our flight leaves early in the morning.”

He walks to the bed and pulls back the comforter to settle on the mattress, facing the ceiling. “Come here.”

I stay rooted to the spot. “I’m not going.”

He remains still but centers his gaze on me. I nearly flinch at the cold, hard determination within. “I’m not in the mood for games. If you don’t get into this bed in the next ten seconds, I’m going to come after you. And when I catch you, you’ll be sorry.”

With a nonchalance I don’t feel, I roll my eyes and make my way to the bed. After crawling onto the mattress to take up my spot next to Hayden, I lay on my side, facing him. “You’re an asshole.”


I squeeze my eyes shut, not only to signal my intent to sleep but also to avoid his death glare. Even without me looking at him, I can still feel it burning into my skin. This entire evening has been one giant battle of wills, and now that it’s died down, I have time to reflect on it. Unfortunately, I can’t stay awake long enough to do anything except mentally reaffirm my stance on this so-called vacation.

I’m not going.

I’m going.

Hayden woke me up this morning and made good on his threat: he tossed me over his shoulder and carried me to the front door. He only stopped to wrap me in his trench coat, and that was after I shrieked about my inappropriate attire and how I didn’t want to be seen in my pajamas.

He pulls sharply on the collar and fastens all of the buttons until I’m covered from my neck to my knees. “I warned you.”

“I didn’t think you’d actually haul my ass out in the freezing cold.”

“I didn’t want to, but if that’s the only way to move you, then so be it. Are you ready to cooperate?”

I glare at him in answer.

“Have it your way. I have the rope in my pocket, if necessary.”

Hayden reaches for me with a speed too quick for me to react. With a grunt, I land on his shoulder, my hair dangling on either side of my face. The skin of my tattoo smarts, and cheeks burn, not just from embarrassment but from outrage. I lift my leg to knee him in the chest, and he slams his arm across the backs of my thighs, preventing me.

Then he swats my ass.

“Enough, Calista. This is happening. If you try to hit me or decide to scream for help, I’ll have you bound and gagged so fast it’ll make your head spin. Got it?”

I sniff with indignation. It’s the best I can manage with my pride in tatters and my ass stinging. My hair sways back and forth with each of his steps, and I don’t bother removing it from my face. I’m grateful it covers my mortified expression, even if the staff in the building knows my identity.

Hayden eventually deposits me in the car waiting outside, and I scramble across the leather seats, eager to put some distance between us. He climbs in after me, amusement brightening his gaze.

“Put on your seatbelt, Callie.”

“I will when I’m good and ready.” I insert the metal clasp into the buckle. “Now, I’m ready.”

He shakes his head, his lips twitching. “You’re so stubborn.”

Once the driver steers the vehicle onto the road, I stare out the window and watch the city pass by, sullen and unable to enjoy the view. The occasional honk of horns is the only thing that breaks the silence. After a few minutes, Hayden speaks again.

“I know you’re upset with me, but in time, you’ll understand why I had to do this.”

I remain quiet, refusing to respond or even look at him.

He blows out a breath. “How long do you plan on acting like this?”

“Like what? A woman who’s been kidnapped?” I snap.

“Kidnapped is a strong word.”

“What else do you call it when a man forcibly grabs someone and shoves them in a car bound for an unknown destination?”

He blows out a breath, and I catch him running a hand through his hair from the corner of my eye. “You can choose to view it that way, or you could see it as me saving you.”

“I can’t just run away from my problems.” I give him a pointed look. “Isn’t that what you told me, to quit running?”

“This is different. Besides, I’m not a stranger to you. I’m the person who will put your welfare above everyone’s, even my own.”

I finally turn to look at him. His gaze finds mine, a storm of emotions churning inside me. His eyes mirror the turmoil in my own. We might be at an impasse again, caught between our conflicting desires, but I never expected to see regret from him. It’s quick, no more than a flash. However, it gives me hope.

Maybe Hayden does understand what he’s putting me through. If he can sympathize, then he might be reasoned with.

All I have to do is bide my time.

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