Nova's Dawning

Chapter 28

When I woke back up, I was on the couch in my friends’ apartment. Osiris was the only other person in the room.

“Where’s Thea?” I asked, sitting up quickly.

“Easy there, Tiger. She’s fine. Bee took her back to the hospital so they could keep a better watch on her. You’ve got one great best friend, you know that, right?”

I nodded, taking a breath of relief. “Thank you for taking care of me.”

He kissed my forehead and crawled onto the couch with me. “I will always take care of you.”

I snuggled into him and then I realized something. “What’s going on with the trip?”

“I’m glad you asked. Well Bee doesn’t know if Thea should go, so we are coming up with a backup plan. Basically, the show will be run by Sam, Mo, and myself. Jack has volunteered to stay back here with Thea, while the rest of us, including Bee and Oren go enjoy a little vacation, because we deserve it.”

I nodded and smiled. “Do you think the bad things are over?”

“Of course,” he said without hesitation, “You are safe, and we will mourn, but I think it’s all up from here.”

He held me tight that night and I slept safe and sound.

In the morning my friends and I compared what we were packing and they discussed the rundown for the talent show. They were given names, phone numbers, and a complete schedule for the show.

At one point I was cleaning up the kitchen and Sam awkwardly walked up to me. I wish I had ignored her.

“Star?” She had a hard time looking at me, and I remember that I was so happy to be of assistance to her. “Do you think you could check on T for me? She’s really become like my best bud, and I just... I want to make sure she’s okay.”

“Of course, Sam. Let me finish packing, get some tea, and then I’ll check in on her, okay?”

She nodded excitedly but tried to play it cool. “Yeah, it’s whatever, I still got to finish packing myself.”

I smiled, trying to really go over Osiris’s words again and again. I wanted to believe that the worst was behind us so badly.

Osiris, Jack, and Mo had stepped out for what would probably be the night as they worked steadfastly on Violet trying to repair the leftover items in the theater as much as possible in time for the big day. Sam and I finished packing, I drank some of the energy tea I had made from Michy, and I sat down, letting the energy flow through my fingertips.

“Is there anything that you want to say?” I asked.

“Just give her positive vibes.” I nodded, and I closed my eyes, focusing on all that Thea was and everything she had in their apartment, which was an array of scarves and necklaces. By then they weren’t necessary, but they helped strengthen the connection tenfold.

I slipped into her head, to be looking up straight at Bee. I had plenty of energy, so I stayed there without interrupting their conversation.

“Thea, I know I’m not really the person you want helping you, but I will do my best. I promise. I’m going to get something to eat for us, I’ll be right back, and I’m going to leave the door open, if you need anything, just let me know, okay?”

I could feel Thea smile, “I really appreciate what you’re doing for me Bee. Thank you for everything.”

Bee nodded happily and I watched her head out of the door. I suddenly remembered I was there to give good vibes, but as I was about to speak to her a black haze settled in the room, and I felt the fear engulf her body.

“Selene... I’m coming...”

She nodded, and then suddenly the door slammed shut. I could hear scuffled feet outside, but the longer the haze was in the room the further Thea felt from me.

“Thea? Thea??” I began to yell at her from inside her head and I could hear Bee banging on the door.

Thea got out of her bed, ripping the IV’s from her not broken arm. I winced from the pain, but she headed straight for the bathroom. She slammed her cast on the mirror and I could hear screams from Bee outside.

Her hand was bleeding and I watched in the broken mirror as she grabbed the shards and raised it towards her body.

“NO!” I yelled. She shook her head, starting to realize that this wasn’t what she wanted.

“Star...” she was straining to speak to me, “I can’t stop. Help.” I couldn’t watch as she fought herself, raging the internal war I could never see before.

“Don’t let the spirits win. Think of the real Selene, the one who loved you and wanted you to fight and live!”

“I... can’t... control it. I’m sorry.” The tears were hot as they rolled down her cheeks, and I tried to help her fight, but I had never spent this much time in someone’s head and I was beginning to feel it. The glass brushed her skin, and the burning began. I felt it down to my very nerves and I screamed, crumbling from the exhaustion, but I wasn’t giving in yet.

I sat up, looking at Sam. She was as white as a ghost and I could tell she was torn on what to do. “Call the guys and let them know something is going down at the hospital with Thea.”

“What are you going to do? If you push yourself too far you could end up in that darkness funk again.”

I shook my head and smiled at her as I gathered what was left of my strength.

“I’ll be fine, just call them.”

She nodded, still white, and was on the phone before I dived back in, this time channeling Bee. It was a much weaker signal, but it was enough.

She was still outside the room, banging on the door.

“Stop Bee.” She froze, and then stayed quiet. “Go to the right, on the other side of this wall is the bathroom, right? Heal through the wall. The spirits have gotten to her, she’s been too vulnerable and they’re trying to take her. We have to stop it. Heal her as much as you can.” I was already fading and I think Bee could feel it.

“Star?” She asked, her voice thick with stress.

“Save her.” I muttered, trying to find my way back to my own head.

I didn’t though. I found myself looking through a window. On the other side were my friends, however, they seemed different. They were happier and more carefree looking.

Except in the corner was Bee, and it was as if a dark cloud hung over her head. When I tried to get closer, she got further and further away from me.

I woke up to Sam’s face hanging over mine. I sat up slowly, not trying to push my luck, and then I hugged her tight.

“Sorry.” I muttered.

“The guys are on their way to the hospital to see what they can do... Is she going to make it?” She took an awkward step back and smiled.

I looked out of their window, wondering that question myself.

“I hope so Sam.”

Several hours passed before Osiris and Mo walked in the door, their faces tired.

“So...” Sam said quickly, not wanting there to be any silence, “What happened?”

Mo and Osiris shared a somber look and then looked back at us.

“Thea is okay for now, but... Mrs. Campbell had to come and officially kick her out of the talent show. She also gave us some insight on to why this was happening to her. Apparently, Mrs. Campbell is the Dean now by the way, and she informed us that when someone passes, spirits gather there and act as the one who passed to try and play tricks on the living. Well since Thea can see them, she fell for one of them, who was trying to convince her to kill herself as Selene, but when she denied it a group of them gathered to her, tempted by her vulnerability. It’s apparently common, but Thea is just going to have to be on permanent bed rest and such for a while, until she can have control again. Jack and Mrs. Campbell are going to be on watch. We saw her again before we left and she seemed to be doing a little better. She even commented on how cute some of the nurses were.” Mo explained.

Despite everything I couldn’t help but smile.

“I am so done with bad things happening.” I said, trying to deter the conversation.

“Maybe we can enjoy our vacation now.” Osiris said, rubbing my back.

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