Nova's Dawning

Chapter 20

That particular weekend flew by in such a blur I can barely remember it. Mowgli spent his Saturday out at the field with Jack and Thea, who was doing much better. Sunday we all had breakfast together at our usual spot and then just like that it was gone and Monday I was preparing for the tests. Since I didn’t have work anymore, I decided to spend my days working on my gift. I never knew when I would need to suddenly use it, but something told me to spend my extra time building up my stamina. I could tell something was coming.

I set some of the tea I had been given out to brew and I sat there in a corner of my friend’s’ empty apartment, giving myself support. I leaned my head back, and chanted the words to myself, practically slipping away by the time I finished.

I landed on my feet in a world I could not see. It took me a millisecond to realize that I hadn’t been focusing on anything in particular, so I could be anywhere in the past.

I began to walk and I started to see a light that seemed to be coming from a door. As I got closer, I heard voices and they seemed to be mumbling something. I walked into a dark room and I found a man in bed with a girl. They were clothed, but for some reason I could tell they were very close.

“You know I’ll always love you right?” The voice I instantly recognized as Osiris’s, which made my stomach turn.

She gave a soft yes, and for a second I thought it was my voice, but I realized I didn’t recognize this situation at all, and this room was very unfamiliar to me.

He rubbed her back, and I cringed, not wanting to see anymore, but when she rolled over her face was blurred, and I wasn’t sure if my vision was failing, so I took a step closer, but it was unrecognizable. I didn’t want to get too close, but I also was suddenly very confused.

I felt the world begin to shake, and I snapped back quickly due to my cellphone ringing. It was my mom again.

“Hey honey! How are your sessions going? How are your friends? How is your boyfriend? We saw the bulletin about the talent show! Are you going to do any readings?”

“Ma, you’re doing the thing again. Calm down. I’m not going to perform at the talent show because I’ve been working on the set building and stuff. My friend Thea is the project manager, so we’ve all spent a lot of time helping her. Osiris is fine… What else had you asked me?”

“Your lessons, my Star. How are they going?”

“Ah, yes well Michy finally cracked and gave me her secret energy tea. I still had some energy when I left my session last night, so that was nice.”

“Energy tea? That would have been helpful back then when I had all those people lined up waiting for me, but I am glad you’ve got it now. I’m sure you’ll surpass me in no time.”

“Thanks, Ma.” Even though the words were nice, I still worried I would never be able to. “I should probably try to get back to my practicing.”

“All right, honey. Tell that lovely little Bee we said hi! Love you!”

“Love you too, Ma.” And then I hung up.

I wanted to dive back into the past to test my powers more, but I decided to find Bee and spend the rest of the day with her. I figured she would be at the hospital by now, since she was beginning to dedicate all of her free time to her gift again, now that she had built up some stamina.

I sent her a message through my channeling, letting her know I would be stopping by, but before I pulled out, I thought I felt a pinch of relief.

I took the bus down and within the hour I was walking to the front desk trying to figure out which floor Bee was on. It took three different nurses at three different desks to finally get me in the right direction. I walked down a hallway on the fourth floor, unaware of where I actually was, when an announcement started to go off.

“Code Blue in room 411. We have a Code Blue in room 411.” The woman was very calm about it, but I could hear a familiar voice coming from the room 411. It was a big room that had a window in it. The woman in the bed looked like she had been there, waiting to go to a delivery room, for her stomach was as round as could be, but for some reason something must have happened because she had not made it there. Doctors and nurses rushed around her as she screamed in pain, and it was almost too hard to watch, but then Bee was there, right in the center, her blue light healing the stomach.

The doctors worked quick and fast, and after what seemed like forever saved the woman and child. Bee smiled as the others patted her on the back. I didn’t want to be caught gawking so I turned around and went to a nearby bench. Bee came out new and fresh and immediately found me. She leaned against me and sighed deeply.

“It’s been a long day and Oren hasn’t been able to come with me lately so you being here is a really big help.” I put my head on top of hers and we sighed together. She laughed and then we got to work.

Helping her was a big task, as I had figured, but the hardest part was when I realized that she endured this for multiple days out of the week and had been doing it for six weeks.

We took a break after a couple hours and as I sipped at my coffee, I asked her, “Do you really think you can keep doing this as often as you do?”

She looked out of the window that was to her right and sighed. “You know, Star... I would like to... I really would, but for some reason I feel like I’m going to have to slow down after the break, like a lot. I’m pretty sure my relationship with Oren depends on it, and so I’m just trying to save as many lives as I can before then.” She smiled at me, but I could sense her sadness about it.

“I just want you to be careful... What you do is really important, and you help so many, but that just means YOU deserve happiness as well.” I smiled at her in return and we went back to work, helping the elderly out of their beds and getting babies to their new parents. It was hard, and I didn’t have the physical stamina Bee had, but it was the most rewarding experience I had ever had before and that made every ache and scratch worth it.

I went back to the dorm with Bee where we took our turns showering and then painted our nails together. It was a simple girl thing, but for some reason it really made my heart ache. It was strange, but I played it off as possible heartburn.

That night we just laid in bed and talked about our classes and we talked about our men, our gifts, and life. If there was anything, I had learned in my few months here at Moonlight it was that Bee and I could talk about everything and anything. She had become someone I could confide in about all my heart’s secrets.

Thea and Sam were great friends, but they confided in each other the most, whereas Bee and I could discuss the most preposterous subjects and laugh until our sides were in too much pain.

“Star, do you think I’ll ever be a great of healer as my mom?” she said from above me.

“Honestly Bee, I could ask you the same about me… I think you’ll be the best, Healer of the Century, personally. You would lay down your life to save some random innocent bystander.” I rolled onto my side, thinking about my mom’s legacy.

“Yeah, but you probably would too in your own way. If you knew standing in front of a bus would save someone’s life, you would probably take fate into your own hands. I envy that about you.” Her voice was quiet and small.

“What do you mean?”

“I feel like I am constantly chasing fate, whether it be hopping from patient to patient, or me just trying to make it a whole day without falling asleep, I never feel like I have control. I’m at the mercy of someone else’s injury, and worse, possibly responsible for their life. That makes this really hard…” she sounded sad, as if the weight of the world rested on her shoulders.

“I can understand your point, Bee, but don’t sell yourself so short. You are an amazing healer, and even if all else fails, your mom knows that too.”

“Thanks, Star… You’re my best friend.” Her breathing slowed, and just like that we were asleep.

The next morning, I popped into class kind of expecting some sort of study guide or guidance for a final, but our final was to be a script, about us, giving the rest of the class a view on an exaggerated favorite part of the semester. We spent class working on rough outlines and I decided to write about a girl who dreamt of a mystery man before she even met him, and then they end up falling in love.

One by one we discussed our pitches with the class and Mic gave us each constructive feedback. Everyone liked mine, but Mic felt like it needed more conflict than just her strange dreams.

“Maybe... there can be someone there trying to keep her from seeing him, because they’re her jealous ex or maybe a devious headmaster with a plot of her own?” His words were helpful, but I noticed the slight change as he got closer to the end and something about the way he was saying that last part made my skin crawl.

“Star?” I nodded quickly and smiled.

“Sounds like a great idea!” I said. Everyone agreed and then we moved on to the next person. Sam shot me a worried look, as she had often in these last few weeks.

When class let out, I didn’t wait for Mic, I bolted. I didn’t want to worry about having the Dean after me. It made me feel powerless.

“Star?” Osiris stopped me and I realized that I had been sprinting down the hallway. “Stop and tell me what’s going on.”

“I...” I looked around nervously, and I took a deep breath. “Can we talk in the car on the way to Michy’s?” He nodded, not really understanding yet and he hurried me to his car. He started it and he pulled out setting up route on his phone for my mentor’s.

“Okay, now what’s going on?”

I took a deep breath and I started from the beginning, letting him know about the trance and reminding him about the past, and then Mic’s warning today.

He wasn’t mad, but now he was worried. “Tonight, I want you to see if you can find out what’s going to happen with Michy. I know it’s your first day of future training, but if you can figure something out then maybe we can start making preparations, because if the Dean wants a fight, she’s going to get one.” He was starting to get fired up and I put my hand on his leg, trying to calm him.

“Thank you.” I said, I leaned over and kissed his cheek as we pulled up to Michy’s house.

I got out, walking to the door with a heavy heart, unsure of what I was going up against. Michy wasn’t feeling very well again, and the house was beginning to resemble the post-holiday house she had warned me of.

She was laying on the couch, and her arm covered her eyes.

I sat on the coffee table in front of her. I wanted to confide in her, to let her know that I feared for my future, but I knew she had some kind of history with the Dean, so I kept it to myself.

“I wish I could tell ya that seein’ the future was easy... It’s not. In fact, the future is always changin’ dependin’ on the path ya choose, so what ya see today, and what ya see Thursday could be completely different. Unfortunately, seeing it is harder than anythin’ we’ve ever done.” She groaned. “You’re very strong, so ya might get somethin’ today, but I don’t know. The setup is like entering the past but be careful with the future ya can easily put yourself in fake realities.”

She handed me a piece of paper with the chant scribbled on it and I sat there trying to focus my mind, as if I was slipping into the past. I decided to meditate first, to strengthen my mind and body. It might have been an hour or two before I finally chanted the words, “Goddesses of love and life, Gods of the Sun and Moon, open the gate of future to me. As you will so mote it be.”

For a while I felt myself falling in the darkness, it could have been a few seconds, or hours, but I finally landed.

It was dark out, and the stars were bright in the sky. I could see the ocean and coming towards me was a cruise with the word Violet on the side.

I walked onto the dock where people were waiting and I saw the Dean waving excitedly that we were returning. My friends and I were waving happily from the deck.

The world started to blur out from under me and I opened my eyes in real time. Michy was sitting up looking at me and Osiris was there. “Well, hello.” I said, sleepily.

“Did you see anything?” Osiris asked worriedly and Michy shot him a confused look.

“Well I saw us coming home on Violet all happy and the Dean greeted us even more excited that we had made it home safe. Has it really already been four hours?”

His brow furrowed as he nodded, and I thanked Michy for the lesson and left. In the car I explained to him that the future was dependent on the paths we chose, and it could change at a moment’s notice. He nodded again his curly ends bouncing with his movement.

We went back to my dorm, where Bee would be gone for the night, and we cuddled until I couldn’t keep my eyes open. That night I dreamt about Osiris and I dancing on Violet. We were spinning around on the dark dance floor and we kissed over and over again. I hugged him tight as the lights came up, but when I pulled back to look at him his eyes were brown.

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