Nothing To Give But My Heart

Chapter 28


Why did a man, who was so cold to her just a second before, suddenly become so tender?

Was she dreaming?


“Miss Shen, please forgive me! I really didn’t mean it. I’m sure that you’re clear about this too!” Seeing Ye Moxuan ask Shen Qi about the situation, the clerk finally realized that she was the one who had the biggest say. Thus, she climbed over to Shen Qi’s feet and clung to her calf in tears.

With this, Shen Qi snapped back to reality and looked down at her.

The clerk’s face was already drenched in tears as she choked up and said, “I only earn a meager salary working here. Plus, I have a child at home waiting to go to school. Miss Shen, please have mercy and spare me.”

It seemed that her situation was very similar to Shen Qi’s before. Similarly, she didn’t earn much every month, but still she had to pay for the family expenses, making it hard for her to save money.

Hearing this, she pursed her lips, bent down and helped the clerk up. “Get up first.”

The clerk wiped away her tears, not willing to get up.

“You should get up first. I am also at fault in this, so I can’t entirely blame you as well.”

“Really, Miss Shen? Then I…”

Shen Qi pulled her up and whispered, “I know that working is tough, and you didn’t mean it…” At this point, Shen Qi subconsciously looked at Ye Moxuan. Although Xiao Su had already said that this mall was hers now, it was still Ye Moxuan’s after all.

Thus, Shen Qi wanted to ask his opinion about this.

However, Ye Moxuan’s eyes were as cold and indifferent as the dull suit on his body.

“You should make your own decision.”

Shen Qi was stunned for a moment before she whispered to her, “Let’s forget about this.”

After that, Shen Qi looked at Ye Moxuan again. He narrowed his eyes, but the expression on his face did not change. Did this mean that he agreed with her decision?

“Miss Shen, you are such a kind person. I thank you on behalf of my whole family!”

The clerk was in tears; she wanted so badly to hug Shen Qi, her savior.

It was Shen Qi’s first time being praised like this, so she was a little embarrassed as she smiled awkwardly. “No need to thank me. You can go ahead and continue doing your work now.”

“Okay, then I’ll go tidy up the clothes.”

With that, the clerk hurriedly left.

Just as the clerk left, a cold voice sounded.

“So this is the man whose child you so desperately wanted to keep?”

Shen Qi was a little dazed at first; her brain was in a standstill for a while before she finally came back to her senses.

Ye Moxuan thought that the father of the child in my stomach is Lin Jiang.

Of course he did. After all, everyone else except for her would think that it was the child of her former husband, Lin Jiang, the moment they found out that she was pregnant.

After all, the two had been married for two years, so it was a matter of course that she was pregnant with his child.

No one would have thought that the father of Shen Qi’s child was a stranger.

Thinking of this, Shen Qi’s parted her lips, but still she couldn’t say a word.

Forget about it.

What could she explain herself? If she said the father of the child was not Lin Jiang, then he would continue asking her who the father was, a question to which she had no answer to. It would just further embarrass herself.

Thinking of this, Shen Qi lowered her eyes.

“How foolish of you.” Ye Moxuan’s tone raised slightly as a sarcastic smile rose on his lips.

Then, before Shen Qi could react, Ye Moxuan turned his wheelchair around and left. When she finally came back to her senses, Xiao Su had already gone over to push his wheelchair. Shen Qi wanted to chase after them, but she was still wearing that gown, so she had to go to the fitting room to change it.

When she came out of the fitting room, the clerk came over with another eye-catching gown. “Miss Shen, are you attending a banquet? I just took a look around the shop and found this gown which will suit you well.”

“But I…” Shen Qi looked at the empty doorway, feeling dejected in her heart. Did Ye Moxuan leave her behind?

“Miss Shen, don’t worry. Young Master Ye is so nice to you, so he must be waiting for you outside. You should change into this gown first.”

Under the persuasion of the clerk, Shen Qi changed into the gown and came out of the fitting room again. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

When she finally came out, she still couldn’t see Ye Moxuan.

She was crestfallen as she lowered her head and bit her lower lip.

Shen Qi, what were you expecting?

You’ve started to fantasize about the impossible just because he treats you a little nicer, huh?

Shen Qi lowered her head and walked forward.

“Stop dilly-dallying!”

Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded. Thus, Shen Qi immediately looked up at the source of the sound.

There was a coffee shop next door where Ye Moxuan happened to be in the outermost seat with a cup of coffee in front of him. Xiao Su, who was standing behind him with a blank expression, said, “Miss Shen, Young Master Ye has been waiting for you for a long time. You’ve really—”

—made us wait for ages!

After thinking about it, Xiao Su decided not to say the latter half of the sentence.

The main reason was because Ye Moxuan had been acting weirdly, and what he did had completely exceeded Xiao Su’s expectations.

Whenever had Ye Moxuan done such a thing for a woman?

Just a month ago, Ye Moxuan suddenly called himself and said that he already had a woman, but he didn’t know what happened then. It was not until a month later that he realized that the two had sex, but by then Old Master Ye had forced him to marry another woman.

The woman was Shen Qi.

He originally thought that Shen Qi would only stay with them for a short time, as Ye Moxuan would most probably make her suffer immensely judging by his character.

But to his surprise, Ye Moxuan stood up for Shen Qi when she was bullied!

Not just that, he was so generous!

He bought the entire mall! Well, this was nothing when compared to the Ye Family’s wealth. However, it was still shocking that he did this for Shen Qi, a woman he didn’t even acknowledge.

Why was he still so caring toward her?

Meanwhile, after seeing Ye Moxuan, the sadness in Shen Qi’s heart gradually dissipated. Her beautiful eyes glowed with joy as she walked quickly toward him.

“You didn’t leave?”

The joy in Shen Qi’s voice was evident.

Seeing this, Ye Moxuan frowned. What’s the matter with this woman?

Why was her attitude toward him now completely different from before? Ye Moxuan narrowed his eyes and snorted, having no intention to answer her question.

Seeing this, Shen Qi let out a light cough and took the initiative to ask, “Let me push you.”

Upon seeing this, Xiao Su automatically stepped aside.

Soon thereafter, Shen Qi took his place and pushed Ye Moxuan forward as he followed behind with a blank expression.

Pushing Ye Moxuan’s wheelchair, Shen Qi’s mood became much better. However, her good mood soon disappeared after she asked one question.

“Ye Moxuan, why… did you help me?”

She hesitated to ask this question, because she wasn’t certain about his answer.

Ye Moxuan, who was sitting in the wheelchair, was startled; his deep eyes narrowed dangerously.

“Woman, what are you dreaming about?”

His words woke Shen Qi up like a basin of cold water, dispelling all her illusions.

Hearing this, Shen Qi obviously paused. Before she could speak, Ye Moxuan went on to say, “Do you really think that I’ve fallen for you just because I bought the mall and gave it to you?”


“I will never want a divorced woman who is pregnant with a b*stard child. Do you understand?”

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