
Chapter Chapter Two

“OK...OK! Hold on just a second,” The Gunny stopped just out side the door as the Captain stood next to him.

“I don’t know why you are showing us all this and giving away all your intel....I appreciate it though, but it’s a little over our heads.” Gunny took off his cap to scratch his head in thought.

Odien stood towering over him with a slight smile on his face.

“Now....before you go any further can I get some answers to questions from the past?” The Gunny asked.

“Yes!” The Captain said. “And what exactly is Hugin and Munin? Some kind of flying spy?”

“AAAHHH!” Odien said with a smile as he turned to walk away, leaving the two standing near the door. "Please, follow me and I will explain."

"Hugin and Munin are drones we send out to survey the area but, there are a lot more than two," he chuckled.

"In the form of ravens?" The Gunny asked with a smile. "Genus!"

"Yes, it does not alert anyone to our presence."

“And who were those guys on the tug? They looked like Native Americans!” The Gunny said.

"Actually they are. They have been integrated into our standard of living which, I must say, is far more advanced than you can imagine, Gunny."

"I think I'm beginning to see that, Odin."

“Follow me.” He said walking across an open area between two buildings. A fence was on either side but nothing else could be seen. Also the morning sun seemed warmer than it should be here too, the Gunny thought.

He led them to another door across the alcove into the opposite building. The Gunny looked up at the rising sun in the was a clear blue sky and absolutely beautiful.

Odien opened the door letting the two enter before him. They entered the room and came to a stop with gaping mouths. It was lavishly furnished but unlike anything either of them had seen before, even for the Gunny. It was a very large room brightly lit but they could not see where the light was coming from. The furnishings were something they had never seen before, what seemed to be couches, chairs and the Gunny identified something that looked like a television but was not sure. Dozens of Odiens people were milling about holding drinks in strange cups and glasses, others held pieces of food or cake in napkins but all seemed to be making small talk until they entered. At that moment they fell silent, turning their attention towards them...or Odien.

Odien put his hand on the Gunny’s chest as a gesture for him to stop, then took a few steps forward to address the gathering.

“Ladies and gentlemen!” He said loudly but Gunny noticed no echo, it was as if they were in a silent room.

“May I present...The Gunny!” He turned back to the Gunny and Captain with all present applauding.

The Captain looked at the Gunny with furrowed brow.

“What the HELL is going on Gunny?” She asked but all the Gunny could do was shrug his shoulders and shake his head.

“Please!” Odien held out his hand, motioning them to sit at a long table. “Please sit. You two are the guest of honor.”

“For what?” The Gunny asked but Odien just smiled.

“Well, I guess we sit, Captain. Feel hungry?” He looked at the setting on the table and saw a variety of food, none of which he recognized.

“Hummm,” the Captain looked at the food then at the Gunny. “IS it food?” The Gunny shrugged again as he sat.

Odien stood at a chair next to the Gunny as everyone else had a seat, then began to speak.

“Today we have an honored guest and I think you ALL know who that is.” He started.

The table was long but curved in a semi circle so everyone sitting had a view of the head of the table where Odien sat. Gunny was still trying to determine where the light as coming from but it was impossible to know.

“As you all know, and have followed in the past, the exploits of our adopted people of the northern country, their exploits and distress of the past and the expansion of their world in recent history. May I present the man that created what we tried to create but failed. The Gunny!”

Another round of applause with smiles from the tall people as they looked at the Gunny and Captain.

“I feel uncomfortable, Gunny.” The Captain said as she leaned back in her chair.

“Me too, Skipper.” He said.

Odien, still standing, continued.

“Gunny! We have tried, in the past, to install a system of government in these people, to create, if you will, a stronger nation for one reason.” He looked around the table.

“These people have the intellect, the ability to formulate thoughts into objects. They have the skill and will to create as well as a hunger for exploration and exploration.” He paused.

“No other people on this planet have that adeptness, or hunger, for more of what they have. To expand, explore, create!”

“YOU! Gunny, have helped these people far more than you can ever imagine.”

Applause erupted, leaving the Gunny some what embarrassed.

“Well....” the Gunny fumbled out words. “I did what I thought was needed at the time.”

A woman across the table from the Gunny stood, leaning forward on the table she looked directly into the Gunny’s eyes.

“What was your thoughts? What was on your mind? Why did you give these people such modern technology when you knew they might not have been ready for it? How...” She was cut off by Odien.

“Please! That’s enough Farjarmar!”

Others at the table seemed concerned at the outburst but Odien turned to the Gunny with a smile.

“She is still upset you put a stop to her slow growth of the people, it was her personal project she had been working on for decades.”

“Well, I’m sorry if I saved the lives of hundreds but it was something that needed to be done and done quickly or more would have died needlessly.” The Gunny spoke with an angry voice.

“Calm down, Gunny!” The Captain said grabbing his arm roughly. “We’re a bit outnumbered here.”

Another blond man stood at the end of the table and spoke angrily.

“This ...MAN...saved our work or haven’t you yet realized it?” He looked around at everyone at the table with a stern gaze.

“Whether it was YOUR project or not.....YOU were not doing so well until Odien brought these men in! You were LOOSING! They were dying by the hundreds until this man arrived.”

The Gunny looked at the Captain with raised eye brows.

“THIS man....” he continued. “This man brought a balance to the region we have been over seeing for two centuries! A balance you could not achieve! And we thank Odien for his incite!” He sat down but continued.

“Without Odien’s motivation we would STILL be where we were ten years ago....”

“I am sorry for the out burst, Gunny.” Odien said as he looked around the table.

“They are all a bit exhilarated and nervous about the situation in the north. The Greek forces have regained their place, building constantly great forces and they do intend to destroy you."

"They are building...what?" The Gunny asked.

"The Greeks have restarted their military build up once again. This time with greater numbers through an over throw of several countries in their region." Odien had a perplexed look on his face.

"No matter what we do, Loki has us at every turn."

The Gunny shook his head.

"And this Loki fella," the Gunny asked, looking around the table. "Who exactly, is he? He seems to be getting into just about everything you guys are doing."

Odien hesitated momentarily. Then, from across the table one of the tall women spoke.

"Loki is a Lokiarian!" She said as she glanced around the table. "He is one of our advisories from another world or planet as you would put it."

"OOOHHH!" The Gunny said with raised eye brows. "I think I'm beginning to understand now. He is in, more or less, competition with you fellas and trying everything he can to disrupt your operation."

"Exactly." Someone else at the table said.

"Odin! Have a little faith! Haven't you been noticing what we have accomplished? We can do this! What ever this Lokiarian throws at us, we can handle." The Gunny sounded assured.

Odien looked at him intently.

"Yes. But I still have my doubt about Loki. He is very mischievous and tricky. He will do absolutely ANYTHING to accomplish his tasks."

"We have defeated him at every turn, Odin. Don't give up on us yet!" The Gunny said with a stern look.

Yes, I know, Gunny. But Loki is Loki. We can not begin to know where he will strike next. We are not a war like people."

"Isn't that why you brought in the United States Marines?" Gunny said with abroad smile.

"Yes but!" Odien smiled again, passing some of the 'food' to Gunny and the Captain.

"Ok Oden...what, exactly, IS this stuff?" The Gunny asked.

"It is organic food stuffs made from vegetables."

"VEGETABLES? It looks smells meat!" The Captain said as she forked a piece of it onto her plate.

"Exactly," Odien said. "A process we use instead of animal protein. It has the same content as meat but without too much fat content."

The Gunny took a bite then smiled at the Captain.

"Try it Skipper! It's not bad!"

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