No Strings Attached novel (Sharp and Clara’s)

Chapter 26

Chapter 26

Clara tried to pull herself away, but her body went limp, and she collapsed into lan’s embrace. “Clara!”

Spotting Clara's hand reaching desperately for her purse, lan instantly grasped the situation. He flicked her forehead, irritation lacing his voice, “Clara, are you trying to get yourself killed?”

It was either injuries or hypoglycemia with her. If she didn't bumped into him, who knows what might have happened.

Without wasting a moment, lan pulled out a piece of candy from the bag and slipped it into Clara's mouth, eyes filled with concern. “Feeling better now?”

It took Clara a moment to gather her strength, but finally, she managed a weak “thank you’ and tried to slide off the bathroom countertop to leave.

Before she could move, lan scooped her up in his arms. “lan, put me down,” she protested.

His warm breath tingled Clara's ear and his dark pupils shimmered with fractured light. His crimson lips curved into an attractive arc, and his Adam's apple slid up and down seductively.

Without waiting for Clara's response, he lifted her chin and kissed her softly. “Come back with me. We can try for another child.”

A bitter laugh escaped Clara's lips. “To go back and continue being your sugar baby?”

lan's eyes widened in surprise. “You heard that?”

“Sorry, just happened to overhear. I never knew I had such a charming nickname. But I'm done being your sugar baby. Please, Mr. Hayes, let me go.”

With each word, Clara's heart trembled uncontrollably. She never imagined that years of deep affection would end up with her being labeled as nothing more than a sugar baby.



Chapter 26


Her eyes were teary as she looked at lan, seemingly calm, but underneath the still surface, a storm of emotions raged.

Before lan could respond, the door suddenly swung open. Heidi stood there in a sleek black dress, her hand in a splint.

Seeing the intimate scene before her, Heidi cursed Clara silently, then quickly put on a face of utter distress. “lan, Clara broke two of my fingers. You have to stand up for me.”

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