No One's Luna

Chapter 3

The past three days have agonizingly gone by. I have most of my classes with Colin and it has been extremely awkward. For me at least. I swear he knows or senses something because he has looked back at me at least a few times each class. It may be because I keep looking at him.

I have been day dreaming about him and I being together a lot the past couple days. I can sense Leia clawing at my head trying to claim her mate. I wish I could just tell him now, but it's frowned upon in our culture to ruin the moment of realization for your mate.

Today is Friday, the homecoming game and the day that Colin turns seventeen. The day that he finds out we are mates. My stomach has been doing backflips all morning. There is no way I'm getting through the day without puking multiple times.

Tomorrow is the homecoming dance and I have my dress and shoes waiting. My mother bribed and forced me to go shopping with her to get a dress which I don't typically wear for anything but special occasions. She gave me a sob story on my birthday. It worked.


“You know, I was so excited when I found out you were a girl. I always wanted to have a little girl of my own to dress up and to do girly things with. Unfortunately, the Moon Goddess decided to make you into a little Tomboy for your dad.”

Her nose scrunched and she elbowed me in the side. My mom loves me exactly how I am, so I know she was just joking with me. We have an amazing relationship, but I am sure it still makes her sad that I don't dress up or act girly. It's not that I hate it or anything. I just don't see the point. "Homecoming, prom and your wedding day Ellie, those are the only days that I beg you to let me dress you up and make you my little baby doll.”

"Ok mom, I'll give you those three days. As long as you never call me a baby doll ever again.” “Deal!” She squealed so loud, clapping her hands and jumping up and down. She quickly grabbed her keys and my hand, practically dragging me to her car, and we were off to the mall. We probably shopped at six different stores before finding the right one, and then another three for the perfect shoes and accessories.

We ended our shopping trip with mother daughter manicures and pedicures. I have to admit that it was the most fun I have had in a long time. It made me really happy to see her smile so much. She must have taken at least 100 pictures of us together.

She is so ridiculous, but I love her for it.

****end of flashback****

I get to school right as the first bell rings. I rush into class, past the teacher to my seat. Looking around I notice that Colin and Luke are not in class. Strange, especially seeing as how today is the homecoming game.

They are both on the football team, and would normally be completely obnoxious together all day at school. The teachers would let them because who are they to yell at the future Alpha and Beta of the pack on the day of the homecoming game and on the young Alpha’s birthday. So, cliché. I text Luke to see what's going on and where they are. I can't help that part of me is worried that Colin may be in trouble.

Me: Luke, where are you and Colin?

Luke: We are at Alpha Lawrence's house. Him and my dad have meetings all day. Now that Colin and I are 17, they said it's time for us to learn the ropes and start attending some of the important meetings, since we will be taking over next year. I'm so pissed

Next year when they both turn eighteen, they will be taking over the pack together. Seeing as we have the largest pack territory in Ohio, it is a very big deal. My phone keeps going off throughout class and it is from Luke. Not surprising though, he hates the meetings and finds them boring. Luke: Colin is being such a dick today, Ellie. He is pissed that he isn't at school and that Victoria isn't his mate.

Me: Back up, what do you mean she isn't his mate? I thought FOR SURE they were!

I snarl the entire time I type that text out and then gag when I hit send. I still haven't told Luke that I am Colin's mate. Luke hasn't found his yet, and I feel really bad for him. I think he was hoping it was me.

Luke: NOPE! She came to our room early this morning and when he opened the door, he felt nothing. His wolf Devon spoke up immediately and confirmed it. So, he told her he was busy and would call her later. He pretty much closed the door in her face without even caring.

Immediately, a smile spreads across my face as my hand flies to my mouth to contain my laughter. I suddenly feel a pair of eyes burning a hole into the top of my head. When I look up Victoria is staring daggers at me. Is that look on her face jealousy or curiosity? Does she know? Or is she just in a bad mood from what happened?

The rest of the day has gone by without any more communication from Luke. His dad frequently takes his phone, so I am guessing that happened again today. I spent my time at lunch and study hall with the few girls that I am actually friends with, Amber and Heather.

Amber is shorter than me at five foot four. She has black hair that she tints purple and keeps in a bob, and has dark brown eyes. Heather is the same height as I am with shoulder length white blonde hair and blue eyes.

Both are seventeen already, but neither have found their mates yet, and I haven't told them about Colin. After the last bell rings, I walk back to the pack house, deciding to take a nap before going to the football game tonight. There is no way Colin will miss the big game and neither will I.

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