NightTide: The Girl With Red Eyes

Chapter Deceit...

The next few months were the usuall routine I had fun on my birthday with Kayla and Owen though… twenty-two years old, but I still look like I’m sixteen… I know a lot of people end up dying of age, how long can you live if you don’t age?

It was shortly after, Owen stayed after for a while; but he eventually left… The Pathfinder was waiting for them to leave, he came in rather cheerful. “Hello.”

I was confused. “Hi, I thought we didn’t have anything to do today?”

He replied. “Well I have something that I need your permission for. It involves your sister.”

What about her? “Why would you need my permission?”

He had a sigh of relief. “The agreements have gone through. The peace will be uneasy and they request to speak with some of our own, specifically it’s going to be your sister and several of her superiors… I personally feel it would be best if you are with the group, you have an idea of how she thinks and may be able to defuse the situation if things get out of hand.”

That means I’ll get to see her again? “I’d like to help!”

He nodded his head. “Unfortunately, I can’t simply let you go there, you need to meet who you’ll be working with. There are several other things that need to be done but I’ll talk to you about them later. Please follow me.”

I followed him out, we walked for a while and went into a room. There were three others in there. They all stood up, it was two guys and another girl… I was the only NightTide, I guess I should be used to it. There aren’t many in here… Actually, I think the only NightTides I’ve seen here are me and Owen, at least living here. I’ve seen NightTides come in to buy stuff but they don’t stay long.

The Pathfinder started speaking to them. “Hello everyone, this is who I was referring to when I said she may be able to help.”

The guy with black hair replied. “I’m surprised, she looks exactly like one of their commanders.” I smiled.

The Pathfinder spoke again. “After we finish with the talks you can find out her name, it is best you only know the code names so as to not risk letting your actual names slip…” He looked at me. “This will be who your assisting, you’ll be using code names for now.” He pointed towards me. “Your name will be white” He pointed towards the guy with black hair. “Black.” He pointed towards the girl with brown hair. “Brown.” Then pointed towards the guy with blonde hair. “Yellow.” So, our codes names are based on our hair color? That seems un-creative. He looked to the rest of them. “Now you know each other’s code names, don’t forget them. You can all talk on the way there but that won’t be for a few months, for now I have to attend to White.” He put his hand on my back and urged me to move out of the room.

Once we got out, he shut the door and looked at me. “Now, you will all be wearing this outfit when your there. I will be there as well but we will all have markings for them to differentiate ourselves, well you four. Given my height we shouldn’t get confused for each other under any circumstances.” He put his hands on my shoulders. “This is where I need your permission, we need to do something in the event things get out of hand. I saw the emotional attachment your sister has for you. You can use this if violence starts… It’s rather difficult for me to ask, but would you let us artificially scar you?”

What?! “What!? Why do you need to do that!? Even if I said ok to this would it be permanent?!”

He urged me to calm down. “No, it is entirely temporary, the marks would only last around six months. Given your healing properties it would be impossible for anyone to permanently scar you.”

That’s encouraging I guess? “In what way would this be beneficial?”

He sighed. “Two ways, you won’t always be wearing the outfit. It would make it so the others won’t confuse you for her. Now this is only if things get violent, we hope it doesn’t but nothing is assured yet. If it does indeed turn to violence, you can remove the mask. Your sister will recognize you and see the scars, it will likely make her guard go down for moment giving us time to get away without any bloodshed.”

I guess that seems reasonable. “What exactly are you going to do?”

He answered. “The first time you met, you ended up giving the impression you’re mute. I’ve talked to several of our surgeons and found what they can do without causing any damage. What we would like to do is alter the color of your eyes, and put an imitation scare across them and your neck.”

I’m not entirely against it if I can see Jessica again, I guess there’s a price for everything. “As long as it’s not permanent.” He reassured me.

He seemed pleased. “Please follow me, the operation won’t be painful and the doctors are waiting. They will prepare you for the next several days, you can back out at any time.”

No part of the operations scared me, they had me stay in the infirmary for around a week before it was ready… After they did it there were bandages on my neck and covering my eyes, they were sore. He said it wouldn’t be painful, I guess compared to some of the pain I’ve experienced this really is nothing.

I heard the door open. Those loud footsteps meant it was either the Pathfinder or Owen. “How are you feeling?” It was the Pathfinder.

I answered. “A little sore. When can I take these off?”

He answered my question. “I was told not until they’re sure there was no damage to your retinas. It shouldn’t take any longer than a few hours.” That’s good to hear. “I’m glad you were in agreement. I understand that you don’t want to fight them, they did protect and take care of you for a time… If things don’t work out, I won’t force you to fight them. You’re not a soldier anymore, so I won’t treat you as one.”

I’m glad he knows that at least. “What will I be doing when were there?”

He replied. “Unfortunately, not very much. If things go well you likely won’t be doing anything. You may be able to assist with organizing things, but that’s about it. You haven't been trained to be a diplomat so I won’t be putting you in a sensitive situation such as that. You will be there in case something goes wrong.”

That’s not encouraging. “That bugs me a little. I want to be helpful while I’m there but in this situation if I’m able to help it’s a bad thing.”

He chuckled. “I guess so. Don’t worry though. We will handle everything, you just need to relax… I’ll let you recover for now.” He walked out…

They ended up waiting several days before taking off the bandages. Right after I went to a mirror, there was a scar across my eyes… My eyes were a dull blue, it was like a blind person’s eyes. There was also a scar across my neck. I guess this will make it easier to pick between us then, but wouldn’t the height difference have been enough? She does look older than me now… Maybe they needed something that would make it easier to tell at a glance…

It was two months until we left, Owen and Kayla weren’t happy about the marks but they got over it once they were told it’s temporary. It turns out they won’t be gone in about six months, they’ll start fading in about six months. We were all dressed like the Pathfinder. We each had armbands on, it was weird wearing them again. Since I wasn’t a soldier they never gave me one again but now I have it, it’s white. The others had a yellow, brown, and black one. We each took the masks off, they were visibly concerned about my look but the Pathfinder reassured them. I fell asleep on the way there again.

They woke me up once we were there. There were several others setting up a small camp outside the base for us, we walked up to the gate. I saw Jessica standing there with several other guys. They were all dressed for a meeting, it’s weird seeing her in a professional uniform. They let us in, Jessica didn’t look happy. Two of them walked ahead of us and two walked behind us, I looked back towards her and she was glaring, I turned back around quickly. The meeting went well that day, I didn’t say anything they all seemed to be on good terms.

That night was weird though. We all took of the uniforms, except the Pathfinder. He had his own tent, I guess very few people have seen his face. It was, maybe half an hour before we were going to sleep when one of the guards shouted, it wasn’t a shout of being threated just that someone was walking over from the base. The Pathfinder walked out of his tent, he had his outfit on. I peeked my head out, I saw Jessica into the distance and went back in quickly. I scrambled to get the outfit on.

I stepped outside of the tent, the others walked out after me. They didn’t have their outfits on. Jessica looked irritated. We were all standing there, only me and the Pathfinder had our outfits on.

The Pathfinder spoke up. “Can I ask what this visit is for at this hour?”

She looked at him. “Why do you all wear those? It’s making everyone at the base nervous.”

He sighed. “I’m sorry if it is making others nervous, it is simply our symbol of authority, as you have medals for yours.”

She looked back at me. “let me guess, that is your assistant then? She’s the only other one wearing that stuff.”

He nodded. Then she walked away, she kept glancing back at us though. I didn’t sleep well that night, the others noticed in the morning. The Pathfinder looked concerned.

He asked me. “Are you feeling well?”

We were all eating but I answered. “Tired, I didn’t get much sleep.”

The others looked at each other, then he replied. “Perhaps it would be best for you not to be in the meeting room then… We can’t have anyone falling asleep in there.”

I was concerned at that. “What if something goes wrong?”

He answered quickly. “You wouldn’t be in a state to do anything regardless. I will ask if it’s okay for you to walk around since your presence is not critical to the goal.” We ate in silence after that. We got the gate again, we were greeted by the same people.

The Pathfinder stopped to ask them a question before we went on though. “One of my members is feeling under the weather today. Would it be okay for her to walk around?”

The guy with the most medals replied. “Is it the one that didn’t talk at all yesterday?” the Pathfinder nodded. “So, they’re only here as an assistant then?” He nodded again. “Then that would be up to Commander Jessica, it’s her base and her decision.”

We all looked towards her, she scowled and quickly hid it. “Fine, as long as she doesn’t cause any problems with the others.”

They all walked off and left me behind… That was quick. I was standing near the gate now, some of the guards were staring at me uncomfortably.

One of them asked me a question. “Do you know where to go?” I shook my head. “Ok, um.” He pulled out a paper. “I guess you might be able to make use of this.” It was a map but I didn’t know how to read it. I pulled the mask off and let them see my eyes. I kept my lower face covered, then I put it back on. “Oh shit! Sorry, hey Johnny can you watch the gate, I’ll take her to someone that can help her navigate.”

I guess they thought I was blind then… I felt bad for abusing this. The other guy agreed and he took me somewhere, it was an office. I sat in one of the chairs and he talked to the lady at the desk. She nodded and he walked out. She called someone up on the phone and then walked over to me.

She seemed friendly. “Hi, can I ask your name?” I pointed to my arm band. She seemed confused. “Your arm band, Oh I see, White. Sorry to ask but can I see your eyes, it’s a confirmation thing.” I did the same to her, only showed the upper part of my face. “Ok… I’ll get someone down here to show you around. It’s unfortunate that you won’t be able to see the base but you could meet some of the people here.” I could see just fine, I felt bad about lying…

Eventually I heard thumping footsteps… it was someone large. The door opened and I saw Keith! He looked at me then back to the lady at the desk… I had to pretend I couldn’t see, I wanted to get away so badly. Why was he here?!

The lady smiled. “Hi Keith.”

He replied. “I was called down here, what’s going on?”

She answered his question. “One of the visitors is supposed to be exploring the base, unfortunately she can’t see, so she’ll need an escort.”

He seemed confused. “Can’t see? Do you mean she’s blind?” The lady nodded. “Alright, where do you want me to take her?”

The lady took a second to reply. “Anywhere really, just until the meeting is finished for the day.”

He sighed. “Alright, that’s not much to run on but I’ll try… I’ll keep to public areas then.” She smiled, then he walked over to me. “Hi, my names Keith. May I ask yours?” I pointed to the arm band again, he was confused for a second. “White? Oh, alrighty then. Will you be able to follow me?” I nodded. “Alright, I’m sorry to ask but could you hold onto the back of my shirt. I really don’t want to be the reason a blind girl gets lost.”

I shrugged, this Keith talks different, and his teeth are sharp... He must actually be a NightTide then… He seems friendly. He helped me up and I grabbed the bottom corner of the back of his shirt… It was embarrassing, I felt like a child; he is a monster in height compared to me so I might as well have been.

We walked for a bit, he talked about each area as we passed. I saw some people snickering when we walked by, of course I couldn’t react because of what I was doing. After a while we stopped, he turned around.

He knelt in front of me. “So, what do you think of the place?” I shrugged. “You don’t talk much?” I nodded. “I won’t fault you for it then.”

He looked to his right and I felt a fist hit me. He yelled and I hit the ground, the mask flew off. I covered my face and tried to look at what it was… I saw Elizabeth, Keith had grabbed her; she looked furious.

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