Nightmares and Daydreams (The Blood Falls Book 4)

Nightmares and Daydreams: Chapter 9

Rain knew I’d kept the future-sight stuff from her as soon as I mentioned it. Her head jerked back and there was a look of betrayal in her eyes.


“Why didn’t you tell me immediately? This is kind of huge, Rhysa.”

I sighed, repeating what I told Bo and Gigi in the kitchen. “How was I supposed to know it was a glimpse of the future? It was all normal shit that was supposed to be happening anyway.”

Her frown deepened. “Glimpses of the very near future. Actions set in stone.” She almost whispered to herself. “This is a Gatlin gift.”


She kept frowning and staring. “You and Dray represent all the Houses. There is a piece of all samhain DNA in your blood.”

What was with all the repeating of mundane information these days? “And?”

Her gaze finally focused on me again. I kind of wish it hadn’t because what she said next was chilling. “Your gifts are complementary. And now that they’ve combined they are…evolving.”

I realized now she wasn’t just thinking. She was seeing. Seeing the psychic energy that surrounded me, my aura, my connection to the Plane. “I’m scared to ask you what that means.”

“Being scared doesn’t change what it is.”

Well that put me firmly in my place. “Okay, so what does it mean?”

Her eyes drifted around me, squinting and un-squinting. “The sphinx befriends the serpent and together they face the battle ahead.”

I tried to picture a sphinx and a serpent and what the heck that might mean and came up blank. “Huh?”

“The serpent is always aware, always seeing. They enter the dreams and see what is. The sphinx is the living image of what cannot be seen.”

“Like dreams?”

She nodded. “Like dreams. The sphinx represents Dray’s Gatlin blood and his psychic gifts. The serpent represents your Djanga blood and your dreaming gifts. They complement each other and now they’re evolving into something new and more powerful.”

I felt like a sphinx. A hybrid of Houses with a riddle to solve. “So what you’re saying is that this future-sight might get more powerful?”

“Yes, it will. And I can almost guarantee your dreams will start to blur with it. Discerning between what is a dream and what is to come will be difficult.”

Well wasn’t she just a rainbow on a rainy day. “You inspire me with confidence, Rhiannon.”

She blinked and shook her head. “Sorry. There was a lot to read there. Lots of channels crossing in and around you these days.”

“You’re one to talk,” I muttered.

“Destiny Demands, Rhysa. We just answer the call.”

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