Nicoli: A Forbidden Romance (Dark Sovereign Book 4)

Nicoli: Chapter 26

“Where are we?” My gaze flits from one corner to the other of the underground parking area.

Nicoli closes the passenger side door. “A friend’s place.”

“What friend?”

“A friend that’s sort of…family.”

“I’m confused.”

Nicoli grabs my hand. “Just keep quiet and walk with me.”

“Is it a party or something? Because you told me to wear something casual.” I try to free my hand, but he only clutches it tighter as we enter the elevator. “Nicoli Del Rossa, if you let me wear denim jeans and boots, knowing you’re taking me to a party, I swear to God I will twist your nipples in your sleep.”

The elevator doors close, and Nicoli pushes me against the cold steel. “What you’re wearing doesn’t matter at all. At. All.”

“What? Why? Nicoli, you underestimate the power of first impressions, and I—”

“You’re not going to be wearing anything within the next fucking twenty minutes,” he snaps. “In fact, you’ll be wearing nothing for the rest of the night. Now, will you shut up?”

I study him, biting my lip. “Okay, now I’m nervous.”

“For Christ’s sake, woman.” He pushes himself off me and straightens, pulling a hand through his hair.

“Why are you so tense?”

“I’m tense because I’m not sure I can do this.”

“Do what?”

He presses his lips in a thin line, casting his gaze up to the elevator’s roof. It stops and pings, the doors sliding open, revealing a professional and sleek foyer, almost like an attorney’s office or the doctor’s reception area. I freeze, staring out in front of me without blinking. “Nicoli Del Rossa, where the fuck are we?”

“Just walk.”

I grab the iron handlebar, forcing my heels down. “Is this where husbands bring their wives to off them or something?”

“What? Off them?” He sends me a skeptical look. “You need to stop watching movies.”

“I don’t watch movies.”

“Then where the fuck does your wild imagination come from?”

I blink. “Books.”

“Books? I’ve never seen you read a book.”

“What do you think I’m doing on my phone at night?”

“I don’t know. Playing Candy Crush or something?”

“Who still plays Candy Crush?”

“What kind of books do you read?”

“Real dark and dirty books.”

Nicoli plants his hand on the elevator door as it starts to close again. “Dark and…dirty?”

“Where do you think I learned that thing I did last night?”

“I assumed Tuscany.”

“Why do you always assume it’s Tuscany?”

“Because apparently everything happens in Tuscany.”

I frown at him, unamused. “Not everything.” I glance past him. “Almost everything.”

“For fuck’s sake, woman.” He grabs my hand and drags me out of the elevator.

He’s so wound up he doesn’t even give me a minute to admire the paintings against the wall.

Nicoli slides a security card through the door lock, and a beep sounds before the door clicks open.

His large frame towers in front of me, and I try to peek past him. “Are there people here?”

“Just one.”

He turns to face me, and I can feel the intensity ripple off him. He’s nervous, every muscle tight.

“Nicoli, what’s wrong?”

His brows are furrowed, his lips pulled tight like he’s biting the inside of his cheek. “Give me your hand.”

“What? Why?”

“Will you shut up and just give me your hand? Please.”

Nicoli hardly ever says please, and when he does, it usually scares the crap out of me because that means we’re about to cross over to deep and emotional territory.

I swallow and give him my hand, his palm warm against my skin.

I watch intently as he reaches into his pants pocket, pulling out the white ribbon. Our white ribbon.

We’re both silent as he wraps it around my wedding finger, tying the bow on the top. “I need you to wear this tonight.”


“Because I need to see it on your finger, or I might lose my fucking mind.”

“What is happening right now?”

His gaze cuts to mine, and his blue eyes floor me, crystal swirls that always manage to take my breath away.

His shoulders rise as he takes a breath. “I love you, Hummingbird. I always have. But I have hurt you so many times, too many times, and it kills me.”


“Shhh. Let me finish.”

“I don’t like—”

“Woman, I will duct tape your mouth shut. Don’t test me.”

I zip my lip.

He shifts from one leg to the other, his thumb delicately brushing along the ribbon around my finger. “I was a dick to you, Mira. I robbed you of so many things because I was all fucked up over you. I couldn’t stand the thought of you being with anyone else even though I didn’t have the balls to take you for myself.”

“Are you referring to the guys who somehow magically ended up in the ER before my dates with them?”

He grimaces. “Among other things.”


“My point is, I played God when it came to you, and you had to go all the way to Tuscany to have a taste of life because I didn’t allow you to have it here.”

My gut clenches.

“And tonight is me trying to make up for it.” Something dark gleams in his gaze.

“What’s happening tonight?” Now I’m nervous, and my palm is getting all sweaty.

“Do you trust me?”

I narrow my eyes, and he clutches my hand tighter.

“Do you trust me, Mira?”

“Yes,” I reply slowly. “Nicoli, what’s going on?”

“Before we go into this room, I have three rules.”

“You can’t tell me the rules when I don’t even know what they’re for.”

“Just—” he holds up his hand “—three rules. And listen very fucking carefully because one minor slip-up will mean death and carnage.”

“Oh, Jesus.”

“First rule.” He widens his stance, his eyes pinned on mine. “You do exactly as I say when I say it.”

“This conversation would go so much better if I knew what we’re talking about.”

“Second rule. You do not do anything unless I tell you to.”

I cock a brow. “That’s the same rule with different wording.”

“That’s how fucking important the first rule is.”

I place my hand on my hip. “And the third?”


“You said there were three rules.”

“Oh. Yes. Keep all sharp objects away from me.”


“Because I don’t want to hurt him.”

“Hurt who? Nicoli, tell me, what the hell is going on?”

He reaches out, grabs my waist, and pulls me close, slamming his lips on mine and kissing me stupid within less than a second. There’s no tongue. No demand. Just one fiery hot kiss that somehow manages to fill me with so much emotion that the back of my eyes start to sting with unshed tears.

Touching my chin, he leans his head against mine. “I love you, Hummingbird.”

“I love you, too,” I murmur, and I hear him take a sharp inhale through his nose.

“Take off your clothes.”

“Excuse me?”

He slips his hands underneath my jacket and over my shoulders, letting it slide down my arms. “Take off…your clothes.”

The low thrum in his voice drips with authority, and it speaks to every molecule in my body as if I’m under his spell and there are no other options than to obey.

Nicoli crouches in front of me, helping me get rid of my boots while I slowly pull my shirt over my head. Heat sparks up my thigh with every brush of his knuckles and fingers against my ankles.

I unzip my jeans, and he hooks his fingers into the sides. Then as he starts to ease them over my hips, he kisses me just below my navel, causing me to shudder. His tongue glides along my lower abdomen, goosebumps erupting all over my skin.

“Nicoli,” I breathe as he pulls my jeans and panties down together. “What’s happening right now?”

“I’m giving you what you want.” He gently kisses my sex, and I grab his shoulders to steady myself. His warm breath wafts against my inner thighs as he spreads them apart, his hands roaming to my knee and easing it over his shoulder.

“Nicoli,” I pant, moaning out loud when he slips his tongue through my folds, giving one long, leisurely stroke that sends a thousand volts of electricity up and down my spine. He continues to entice me with his tongue, expertly licking and teasing every inch of aroused flesh until I’m a shuddering mess and can no longer keep myself up.

He sucks my clit between his luscious lips, and I’m sure I’m one stroke away from an orgasm when he lets go of my knee and straightens in front of me.

“You’re not serious?” I whimper.

He wipes the glisten from his mouth, his expression dark and wicked. “You’re not allowed to come…yet.” He takes my hand and leads me inside the room, my skin hyperaware of the cool air.

The room is perfumed with a sultry fragrance. Vanilla overwhelms my senses and caresses my hypersensitive skin, with a hint of ginger that tickles my nose and sends shivers down my spine. The room is dimly lit with a weak yellow-orange glow that mimics candlelight. Shadows cling to the dark plum walls, the air thick with seduction that drips over me like warm honey.

My body is lit. My insides are molten lava. My pulse thrums in my temples, and my arousal is spread thick between my thighs.

The floor is covered with a plush black carpet, intricately woven with fine velvet threads. The furniture is elegant and ornate, with gold and silver accents. It’s as if I had been transported to a world of luxury and pleasure, the warmth and comfort of the room inviting me to stay between these walls forever.

In the center is a large four-poster bed turned to face the other end of the room. I can see the black sheets drape around the edges, the tufted headboard the same plum purple as the walls.

I take a few steps forward, my bare feet sinking into the plush carpet. My hand reaches out to stroke the soft velvet of an armchair beside me, smoothing my palm down along the top edge. A shiver runs down my spine as I feel his eyes on me. Nicoli is behind me, watching my every move, studying me with the intent to drag me out of here at the faintest sign of unease.

I turn to face him, his blue eyes gazing intensely at me. His jet-black hair is slicked back, making him look even more dangerous and alluring. “We can stop this at any time. Just say the word.”

“I don’t even know what this is yet.”

He removes his jacket, slowly popping the buttons of his shirt one by one, and I stare at his fingers, knowing exactly what they feel like against me.

“This is me trying to give you a taste of a life I had robbed from you until now.”

“Nicoli, you’re not making any sense.”

“Close your eyes.”

“What are you going—”

“Close your eyes, Mirabella.” His gravelly tone sends ripples along the back of my neck, and as I close my eyes, I feel his hands on my elbows, slowly easing me forward. With every step I take in the darkness, my heart thrums with a sensual thrill filling my blood.

My knees brush what feels like the edge of the bed, and we stop, his fingertips softly tracing my shoulder blades. My breath hitches in anticipation, and I feel his lips touch my ear. “Open your eyes.”

As my eyes flutter open, a gasp leaves my lips as I take in the sight, my mind momentarily stunned into utter silence.

“Is that…”

“Hello, Mirabella.”

“Rome?” I glance up at Nicoli in silent question, and he simply nods. My hands are trembling as I take it all in. Rome is on the bed naked with his back against the tufted headboard, and he’s wearing a black silk mask.

Nicoli’s lips brush along my shoulder. “Play with us tonight, Hummingbird,” he murmurs against my neck, his breath tickling my skin.

“What are you saying?”

Nicoli rolls his hips, pressing his hard-on against my ass, his lips kissing up the side of my neck until he reaches my earlobe. “I want to share you tonight.”

“With Rome?”

“Yes. I want to give you one night of sexual pleasure without any limitations. One night of feeding all your desires.”

My heart races as images and fantasies of wicked pleasures fill my mind, and I take a deep breath, my gaze roaming over Rome’s body. His muscles bulge as he shifts his weight, his cock already hard and ready.

“Say yes, Hummingbird,” he rasps against my neck, his hands moving between us as he loosens his pants. “One night without any consequences. One. Night.”

Desire washes through me as I take in the sight of Rome, blindfolded, black silk sheets framing his hard physique.

I glance up and over my shoulder at Nicoli. His dark eyes glitter in the light from the fire, and a faint smile lifts his lips as he awaits an answer.

My breathing hitches as all inhibitions slip away. “Yes,” I finally whisper breathlessly with a nod of agreement, and Nicoli locks his lips with mine as if his kiss seals our fate for just. One. Night.

His arms snake around my body, and he cups my breasts softly. “I had to put a few things in place to make sure I’m able to get through this.”

“We don’t have—”

“Yes,” he says with conviction. “We have to. I have to.” With expert fingers, he tugs gently on my nipples. “Rome is blindfolded because I don’t want him seeing you. No one will have the honor of seeing your face when you come. Just me.”

I let out a breath, trying to calm my wildly beating heart as Nicoli steps away, naked now and stalking toward the headboard. Only then do I notice the handcuffs dangling from the two bedposts.

For a second, I feel insecure, standing naked in front of Rome, but the fact that he can’t see me sets me at ease, and I’m secretly thankful for my husband’s rule.

Rome extends his arm, and Nicoli locks the cuff around his left wrist. “And he won’t be touching you. At all.” He moves in behind the headboard and to the other side, slipping the cuffs tight around Rome’s right hand. “Only I touch you. Only I kiss you. Understood?”

My pulse quickens at the mention of the rules, and I nod.

“Say it. I need to hear you say it.”

“Only you touch me,” I breathe out. “Only you kiss me.”

“Good girl.”

A violent shudder wracks through me, my core tightening, and I close my eyes when he moves in behind me, gliding his fingers down my spine.

“My cousin is not allowed to speak to you directly. He understands the rules and the importance of discretion. He knows you’re mine and only mine. After tonight we won’t speak of it again. The moment we walk out that door, it’ll be as if it never happened.”

I nod in agreement, flicking my nails nervously when he takes my hand, stilling me. “I’m in control here, Mirabella. Not you. Not him. I say what happens, and I determine your every move.”

I’m already panting. Nicoli’s words are a spell woven around us—moving through all of our senses. We’re tethered together, our connection amplified in the authority that clings to him, and I love that he’s in control. The idea of him dictating everything thrills me, covering me with confidence.

“Get on the bed,” he demands with a low voice, and I obey, the silk sheets soft against my knees, my eyes fixed on Rome. There’s an eagle tattoo that spreads across the top of his chest, its wings spread wide with feathers of red and black. The tiger’s face inked on his stomach is beautifully vicious—a predator with a taste for the blood of its prey. Ripples of muscle stretch down his body, his thighs thick and legs sculpted. I don’t remember much of him as a kid and only saw him around the estate once or twice right before shit hit the fan with Rome’s dad, Nicoli’s uncle.

God, the thought of that day is strong enough to steal my breath, so I shake it off and out of my head.

I glance over my shoulder at Nicoli. He’s standing by the foot of the bed, his arms stretched out above him as he grips the pole stretched between the bedposts.

“What do I do now?” I ask, the anticipation making my stomach tighten in delight, my skin prickling everywhere as I wait for his next demand.

“Crawl over to him, and take his cock in your mouth.”

I lick my lips. Nicoli’s features are painted in dark, heavy lines of desire.

I move forward, my nipples brushing along Rome’s legs, my body hyperaware of the slight touch. Rome’s cock is impossibly hard, stretching long up his abdomen. I stare at his face as he bites into his lower lip. He’s anticipating my next move, waiting for me to do as Nicoli demanded. The thrill is erotic and intoxicating, knowing that Rome can’t do a thing. He can’t see anything, either. He’s entirely at the mercy of Nicoli and myself.

Without taking my eyes off his face, I reach out, take his length in my hand, and give it a single stroke. Rome exhales sharply, his abs tightening as I ease the head of his cock past my lips. His taste is sweet, his girth thick as I roll my tongue around it.

“All the way to the back of your throat, Hummingbird, just like I know you can.” I quiver when I feel his hand on my back, his fingertips drawing lazy circles across my skin.

A moan escapes me as I open my throat, taking Rome’s cock, relishing the sound of him sucking air through his teeth.

“That’s my girl,” Nicoli coos, his finger slipping down my ass, dragging through my pussy, stroking and teasing me while Rome’s length fills my mouth. Every twitch of his cock on my tongue makes me aware of Nicoli’s fingers inside me. The sensation overwhelms me, and I place a palm on Rome’s thigh, digging my nails into his flesh.

“Swallow every inch of him, Hummingbird.” Nicoli’s gravelly voice coats his command with a seduction I easily surrender to, heat pearling on the back of my neck.

Rome gasps, his hips rising as my tongue circles the base of him. I suck hard and fast, my mouth taking the rhythm of Nicoli’s fingers. I’m so close to coming, I can already feel the trickles of pleasure starting at my toes.

Rome’s cock slips from my mouth as I lose focus, and Nicoli abruptly slaps my pussy, causing me to cry out.

“Did I say you can stop sucking him?”

I shake my head, and this time his palm hits my ass. My lips wrap around Rome’s cock, and I’m rewarded with a deep groan, his hips flexing sharply, slamming the head of his length into the back of my throat.

I gag and choke, tears burning my eyes, but I don’t stop, continuing to swallow him.

“Nicoli,” Rome says, out of breath, “make her stop, or I’ll come down her throat. Then I’ll be no use to you the rest of the night.”

The mattress dips behind me, and Nicoli’s hand is in my hair, pulling my head back, forcing me to crane my neck. He lets go and places his fingers between my shoulder blades. “Move closer, hands on the headboard and let Rome taste that beautiful tits of yours.”

I sink my nails into the velvet while straddling Rome, his skin hot against my inner thighs. A shudder ripples down my spine as he takes my nipple in his mouth, rolling his tongue before sucking it hard, and I arch my back while moaning out loud.

“You like that, Hummingbird?” Nicoli’s not touching me, but I love that he’s close.

“I do.” I rock my hips. “But I prefer your mouth.”

“You know just what to say. Now turn the fuck around,” he demands, his hand on my waist as he guides me to face him. The sheer lust that reflects in his eyes takes my breath away, my insides liquid, and my core aching. He touches my cheek with his knuckles before brushing wisps of hair from my face. “You’re fucking beautiful.” He leans in and kisses me fiercely, possessively, his tongue demanding entrance, and I willingly open for him. My heart races faster when he slides his hands down my sides, settling on my hips. “Take his cock,” he murmurs, licking his lips. “Guide him into you.”

I’m still for a moment, staring into his eyes, my heart hammering so hard I’m sure it would break out of my chest. “Nicoli, are you sure?”

“Fucking do it, baby girl.” This time his voice holds more conviction, and he applies pressure to my hips. I reach for Rome and position him at my entrance as Nicoli starts to push me down, our gaze locked, neither of us looking away.

My lips part as Rome slides easily into me, filling me up one delicious inch after another. My husband kisses me again, forcing me down quick and hard, my body taking all of Rome’s cock.

“Aaah,” I moan against his lips, my body trembling as he guides me up and down. My limbs are heavy, every muscle coiled tight as I keep moving to Nicoli’s motion, the momentum increasing. Rome’s length swells inside me, and he curses as he goes deeper into me every time.

“I need you to come, Hummingbird,” Nicoli growls, dropping his hand between my legs, finding my clit and working it with fast strokes. The pressure builds up until the wave crashes over me, possessing me with a pleasure that explodes through my veins with an inferno of wildfire. I cry out as the orgasm rips up my spine and back down to my core, my inner walls clenching around Rome’s cock.

“Jesus, she sounds fucking beautiful when she comes, Nicoli.”

“If you think her cries are beautiful, you should see her face.”

Nicoli is no longer controlling my hips. Instead, I’m rocking to my own accord, riding my climax rough and hard.

Sweat clings to my upper lip, and I’m all panting breaths and electric currents as ecstasy consumes me.

Nicoli smiles as I open my eyes, staring right at him. “Now for the fun part,” he teases, and I’m not sure I can handle any more. But he leaves me no choice, guiding me to turn and face Rome again. I’m weak, my limbs numb, and mind shattered.

“Remember how I told you your ass is mine?” He slides his hand between my legs, his fingers stroking through my slit, spreading my cum upward and around my tight hole.

“Yes,” I whisper. I’m all lubed up with my own arousal, and his finger slides into my back entrance. It’s so intense, and I’m unsure if I’m about to climax again or if it just hasn’t stopped rippling through me since the first time.

“You ready for this?”

“Hmm-mm.” I suck my lower lip into my mouth.

“Good. Now, take his cock inside you again.” Simpering, Nicoli sweeps my hair over my shoulder, kissing along the back of my neck. I’ve fantasized about this moment many times, wondering what it would feel like to be taken by two men at once. But I never could have imagined this. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever experienced.

I arch my back, Rome’s cock buried inside me to the hilt. I’m drunk on sensation, dizzy with desire. And then I feel him there—Nicoli’s cock squeezing into me, and I stiffen. “Relax, baby girl,” he rasps, snaking an arm around my waist and up my front, cupping my breast. “You have to let me in.”

Rome flexes his hips so light and slow, he’s barely moving inside me, giving me time to adjust.

Nicoli’s hand is on the small of my back. “Lean forward.”

I place my palms flat on Rome’s chest, his skin hot and clammy, a faint dusting of chest hair glimmering with perspiration.

Nicoli pushes inside me, and I gasp, whimpering at the intrusion as he sinks in little by little. “Fuck, your ass is tight,” he growls, and I feel cold liquid run down my ass, followed by the gentle strokes of his fingers as he spreads out the lube.

He tries again, and this time it’s smoother, easy as he gently pushes inside me. It’s not as painful as I thought it would be, and I’m thankful for experimenting in Tuscany and how Nicoli prepared my body for this moment.

“Oh, yeah, baby girl,” he murmurs. “Take all of us.”

This time I sink back down, taking Nicoli into me, and he curses heavily against my back. I’m filled with both their cocks now, my body stretched around them, hot and heavy. I try to suppress a moan by biting my bottom lip, feeling both of them pushing in and out.  Rome picks up the pace, thrusting ever deeper into me while Nicoli follows with slow and steady rocking. I don’t think I’ve ever been this full, filled to capacity, my body trembling from the exquisite pressure that’s both pleasure and pain rolled up into a whirlpool of sensations.

“Your ass will always only be mine.”

“Only yours,” I simper. Both men increase their thrusts in an alternating rhythm that shows their experience with sharing women. They’re moving with my pleasure in mind and not their own until all three of us find a cadence that’s a seductive dance that builds and builds, until my body starts to tremble, unable to take any more.

“Nicoli. I can’t…it’s too much.”

Abruptly, I’m pulled away from Rome’s body, both men sliding out of me, relief flooding my system. I’m a fucking mess when Nicoli forces me down to take Rome’s cock back in my mouth while he slams into my pussy.

Nicoli grunts, and I moan loudly as he pounds relentlessly into my cunt. The orgasm takes me, rippling and crashing against every bone. My body trembles from head to toe, and my breaths are heavily panting exhales.

“Nicoli.” Rome tugs at the cuffs around his wrists. “I’m gonna come.”

“Swallow every last drop, Hummingbird.”

Rome comes in my mouth, squirting in the back of my throat, and Nicoli roars, his cock jerking inside me as he climaxes. Both men orgasm, cum dripping from my mouth as I struggle to swallow it all.

Nicoli’s fingers dig into my hips, his groans reaching peaks with every thrust.

“Nicoli,” I exhale, overcome with exhaustion that crashes over me. “I can’t.”

“I got you, baby girl.”

I collapse, and Nicoli pulls me into him, moving so he’s cradling me against his chest. My mind is in hazy chaos, my body aching all over. Reaching up, I cup his cheek, staring up and into the blue depths of his irises. “I love you.”

“I love you, too, Hummingbird. Now, close your eyes. I’ll take care of you.” He takes my hand and kisses my palm. “I’ll always take care of you.”

The water is warm and soothing against my skin, the floaty bubbles popping with the scent of light flowers and coconut. Candlelight flickers in every corner of the modern, sleek bathroom, reflecting in the large mirror above the wall-mounted vanity. It’s all white marble and silver finishings, strikingly different from the dark and sultry bedroom.

My bones are numb, and there’s a dull ache between my legs. My body is exhausted, but on the inside, I feel exhilarated. My mind is calm without racing thoughts, only…bliss.

I’m basking in the afterglow of what happened between the three of us. I’ve always imagined what it would be like with two men, but I never thought I’d ever have the chance to experience it. And it surpassed every dream, every fantasy, but only because Nicoli was there. He guided me and took control. It wouldn’t have been this mindblowing if I didn’t have him right there with me.

The door opens, and Nicoli stands silhouetted in the doorway. “He’s gone.”

“He left?”

“Yeah.” Nicoli strolls in, wearing nothing but a towel around his waist. “Part of the deal. No hovering and no sticking around for pillow-talk.” He pulls a hand through his hair. “Frankly, I think Rome’s just happy he’s still alive.”

I chuckle. “Why would he agree to it if he thought his life was in danger?”

“Apparently, he’s a masochist.”

Nicoli kneels beside the tub, cupping his palm and running water down my shoulders. “You okay?”


He smirks as if my being sore is a massive pat on the back for him.

“Stop smiling, Casanova. You had help.”

Silence settles, but it’s not uncomfortable. It’s pensive and calm as if we’re both caught in deep thought.

I move my legs from side to side and watch the water ripple. “Where do we go from here?”


I splash him with water. “I’m serious. What happens now?”

The flickering candlelight dances across his sapphire eyes. “Get out of the bath.”

“What? Why? I’m really comfortable, and the water is so nice and—”

“Mirabella Del Rossa, get out of the tub.”

My heart skips a beat at him using my name—my new name. Whenever someone calls me Mrs. Del Rossa, I have the overwhelming urge to pinch myself just to make sure it’s real.

Nicoli helps to steady me as I climb out, water and soap suds sliding down my body. I try to grab a towel, but he stops me by pulling me to the center of the bathroom.

“Can I at least cover up a bit?”

“Nope.” He grabs his jacket off the ottoman and reaches into the pocket. “I want you naked for this.”

“Nicoli. You know, tonight was great. In fact, it was so great, I think I’m going to need a timeout for the next two days.”

“That’s adorable,” he says with a frown and a half-smile. “The fact that you think I’m a gentleman who will give his wife’s cunt a timeout.”

I try to reach for a towel again, but he gets there first and tosses it aside. “I said I want you naked for this.”

“For what?”

Nicoli pulls a royal blue velvet box from his jacket and drops the jacket to the floor.

My heart beats a staccato rhythm inside my chest when Nicoli approaches me. I’ll never get used to the way his presence penetrates the air, filling every corner of a room with a dominant energy. He manages to make me forget that I need air because I always find myself breathless when he’s this close.

“I wanted to give you this experience tonight because the truth is, I’m a selfish prick, and when it comes to you, I’m a possessive prick, too.”

I smile. “Is it bad for me to get turned on when you get all possessive?”

“Fuck no. At least now, when I get possessive and do something stupid, I’ll just give you my dick instead of an apology.”

I swat his arm. “Asshole.”

“As I was saying.” He takes my left hand in his, staring at the wet ribbon still tied around my finger. “I had to give you this one night because when we walk out of this apartment tonight, things will be different.”


He opens the velvet box, and I hold my breath as he reveals an emerald shaped diamond in a four-cross-claw setting, the white gold band adorned with pavé petite diamonds.

“Oh my God, Nicoli.”

He takes the ring out of its cushioned confinement and holds it between his fingers. “A wedding in our living room in front of a priest my brother paid, with a ribbon as a wedding ring, was just all kinds of wrong for someone as special and beautiful as you, Hummingbird.” He goes on one knee, and I place my hand on my chest. “And I want to at least try to make this one thing real and as it should be.”

“What are you doing?”

On bended knee, he takes my hand in his, but he doesn’t look up. “About a month after you and Maximo came to live with us, you came into my room one night, and you got into my bed.”

I don’t say a word as I watch him, my heart about to explode out of my chest.

“You thought you were in Maximo’s room and started telling me things you remembered of the night you lost your parents.”

I swallow hard, emotion thickening in my throat.

“You said a promise is expensiver—”

“Expensiver?” I chuckle.

He smiles. “Yeah. You said a promise is expensiver than a pot of gold. And that every time you make a promise, God writes it down in His book. And if you break it, He has to tear out that page.” Nicoli finally looks up at me, and the emotion in his eyes steals my breath. “Tonight I promise that I will love you with all that I am, every day for the rest of my fucking life. I promise that I will protect you, keep you safe, and make sure you are loved the way you deserve to be loved. And I swear, Mira, I fucking swear—” he bites out “—I won’t make God tear out this page in His book. Ever.”

Tears roll down my cheeks, and I gasp, placing my hand in front of my mouth.

“Mirabella Tirell, will you marry me?”

I stare at him through the tears in my eyes, unable to speak. I’m unable to move because I’m afraid I might fall apart in this most beautiful, powerful, and magical moment of my entire life.

“Yes,” I whisper. “A thousand times, yes.”

Nicoli slips the ring on my finger, and something inside me unlocks; the world changes and suddenly, everything is just…right. It’s as if every breath I’ve taken my entire life now makes sense.

Nicoli is still on one knee as he reaches around my waist, pulling me close and pressing his lips against my belly, his eyes squeezed shut. “I’m sorry it took me this long, Hummingbird.”

I weave my fingers through his dark hair, his naked arms and chest warm against my skin. “Better late than never.”

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