New Arrival

Chapter 9

I followed Emerald to the bedroom and to my surprise she had her robe on and was standing at the window looking at raindrops running down it, I walked towards her and stood beside her and said "are you ok?" She sighed and said "I just can't believe he lied to me all this time. I genuinely thought he was good. Like perfect you know?" I chuckled and said "nobody's perfect, you should know that. Not even him. He is a good monster, he just has issues that will never truly be fixed, it'll be years upon years of taking him to the barn. Nothing can truly save him from himself. He can only handle a few years at a time of resisting temptation but all it takes is for a human to walk past him and it triggers something in his head, like a gun going off. Granted I've killed people but never for sport really, mainly for sustenance, food. I don't lose control like him. I've only ever killed a human not for food was in self defence, like if they were trying to kill me." She looked at me looking all teary eyed and said "I just wish we could help him." I said to her gently "we will. But it'll be a rough thing to witness, violence may be necessary. It's the only thing he responds to that gets what I want into his head. Because words won't register not at this stage. I hope Noir returns soon with him, I may hate his guts for what he did but like I said before he's still my brother and I won't allow him to kill innocent people. He needs to stick to deers." And I drew her in for a hug. She sobbed silently in my arms. This poor woman, what has my brother done?

Hours later I heard flapping, Emerald was asleep in the bedroom, Noir came flying through the window carrying Ember and dropped him with a loud thud on the floor of the living room, Ember scrambled and stood up and looked at me with such anger and said "I left for a reason , I didn't want to be here anymore. I want to live my own carefree life somewhere else." I moved towards him and grabbed him by the throat and said "No that's not gonna happen my brother, you'll kill more people. I'm taking you to the barn, even if I have to render you unconscious again. Do you understand me?" He struggled to get out my grip but my strength was double his, so he simply rolled his eyes in defeat. I loosened my grip on him he said his voice raspy "Fine, if it'll make you happy." I looked at him my eyes full of rage and said "this isn't about my happiness brother, it's about hers. She's been very unhappy for a long time no thanks to you and your fucked up antics, I thought I was unstable." Ember growled at me and attempted to charge me I moved out of the way and he landed on the floor. I picked him up and slapped him and yelled "get your shit together Ember. You'll regret it if you don't. You're still weak from the drink I gave you earlier, and how many people have you killed over the past few days?" Ember spat in my face, he'd done that since we were young whenever he didn't want to answer a question so it didn't phase me, I wrapped my tentacles around his neck this time allowing poison to come out, ok I admit that's the only ability me and him have in common. I said threateningly "tell me or you die." I released him so he could speak he said with sadness in his voice "over a hundred. I just couldn't stop. It's been going on for months not just a few days. Just the flesh tastes so good, I know it's wrong but I'm an addict Cole, you know that." I sighed with a bit of shock , he could really clear out  a population of people if he had it his way, but I'm not going to let it happen. I said "this is going to be a long ride of torment for you, and everyone else, but mostly you. Now get some rest , we'll be going to the barn tomorrow morning." Ember got up and laid down on the sofa and shut his eyes. I felt a feeling of dread come over me, if it doesn't go to plan I may have to do the one thing I never wanted to do which would be to kill him.

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