New Arrival

Chapter 13

I walked into the bedroom, Emerald was laying in bed just staring blankly, I asked with concern "are you ok?" She looked at me sadly I could see her tear stained cheeks from crying I walked over to the bed and laid next to her, she cuddled me and said "I just can't believe he's gone." I said "he's not dead yet, it takes a few hours for a mixture like that to kick in, we talked a few minutes ago, have worked out our issues between us, I forgave him for what he did. He said he shouldn't have killed her. And he knows how I feel about you. And I told him I'd protect you at all costs." She nodded slightly and said "I'm glad you resolved your issues. And how do you feel about me?" I tried to evade the question and asked her the same question "how do you feel about me?" She stared at my lips, I knew what that meant she said softly "I care about you, I'm going to need some time, considering what's going on. But I care about you a lot Cole, I know you're good deep down." I shook my head and said "I'm not good. I've done terrible things in the past. I'd burn the world down to protect you, you know that? And I know Ember wouldn't have the guts to do such a thing. I know him too well. And the truth is I love you Emerald. But I understand if you don't feel the same way I can wait." She looked at me deep in my eyes and said "Thankyou Cole. I do have feelings for you. I feel safe with you" and she kissed me deeply. Then she surprised me by getting on top of me, I said as I broke the kiss "we shouldn't do this, not now, my brother is dying in the next room." She suddenly realised what she was doing and got off me and burst into tears she said "I'm so sorry, I'm going mad." I sighed and said to myself quietly "it happens, at the worst times." I got up and comforted her as she wept in my arms.

A few hours later, Ember passed away peacefully in his sleep, Emerald cried for hours, I cried with her. We planned a private secured funeral for him next week, where the wolves wouldn't find him, they've done enough damage. And they will fucking pay. I'll make sure of it. Mark my words. And they haven't encountered me in person. They'll get a shock when they do.

A week later, myself and Emerald stood before the grave of my brother, she hugged me like her life depended on it, she'd cried all week, but there were no more tears left to shed. I kept suggesting some sort of help for her to deal with the grief but she kept saying "you're my therapy." Now I know for a fact I cannot offer emotional support on that level, I'm not qualified for that, I knew someone who was and he's brilliant at it, hopefully Emerald will accept the offer, I can even fund the sessions for her. I said "I know someone who is a trained therapist, he is brilliant at what he does, he can help you with your grief. I can pay for it all." She sighed and said "if you think it'll help then fine. And Thankyou. You're a star." I smiled slightly as we placed a Zinnia on the grave. And I said "See you soon brother." And we walked off back to the cabin, hand in paw.

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