Nevermore (Crossbreed Series Book 6)

: Chapter 32

Christian parked his Ducati in front of Crush’s garage door and shut off the engine. The night air had the sharp scent of snow, and a north wind rattled the dead leaves still clinging to the trees from last fall. The lights were off inside the trailer, but he could hear the TV going. Crush ran his own business and worked all day, so this was the only time it made sense to pay the man a visit.

When he crossed the yard toward the steps, the front door kicked open.

Crush appeared with a shotgun in hand, just as he had the first time they met. “State your business.”

“Put away your contraption. It’s only your friendly Vampire paying a neighborly visit.”

Crush lowered his gun and gave Christian a scrutinizing gaze.

Judging by his plaid boxers and T-shirt, Christian guessed he’d woken him up. “Is Raven with you?”

“No. You mind if we have a chat?”

Crush turned away and headed inside.

When Christian followed and closed the door, he noticed it looked a little different than the last time he’d paid a visit. There were apples in a bowl on the counter, and the floors had a waxy shine. Raven had taken good care of her old man.

Crush limped into the living room to switch on a lamp before sitting in his brown recliner. “Have a seat. It’s too damn drafty by the door.” He tugged a blanket over his legs and muted the television.

Christian strode in and sat on the couch. His eyes rounded when a coil in the sofa twanged beneath his arse.

“Never understood why you wear that coat,” Crush said. “You can’t feel the cold, so what’s the point?”

Christian leaned back and crossed his legs. “What you know about Vampires could fill a thimble.”

“You’re lucky I didn’t blow your damn head off. What are you doing driving up to a man’s house after midnight?”

“I heard about your troubles.”

“The only trouble I got is you messing with my little girl’s head.”

“I’m only messing around with her heart. There’s another fella who’s messing with her head, but I’m sure you know all about that.”

Crush frowned. “Are you talkin’ about her maker?”

“Aye. That’s the fanghole you need to worry about. I’m only here to make peace with you.”

“Peace. For what?”

Three days had passed since Raven and Christian made it official in front of the team. Christian kept asking when she was going to tell her da, but Raven always had an excuse. Perhaps she was afraid that he might judge her for choosing a Vampire. So it only seemed right that Christian have a talk with him, man to man.

“Raven and I are lovers.”

“Don’t use that word around me.”

“And what’ll you have me say?”

“Use another noun.”

Christian swung his gaze up and tried to bite his tongue. “I’m her beau.”

“What makes you think you’re good enough for Raven?”

Now that was a clever question. One that Christian wasn’t even sure he had an answer to. “I never claimed to be the perfect man, but Raven has chosen me, and I have chosen her. I may not be the perfect man, but I’ll protect her with my life and love her the way she needs.”

“So what are you here for?”

“Your blessing.”

“You’re not gonna get it.”

Christian uncrossed his legs. “And why’s that?”

Crush tugged at his goatee. “You gotta earn my trust just like you earned her love. It doesn’t come free. And just a word of warning: if you ever hurt her, I’ll hunt you down and kill you myself.”

“You should’ve had a son with a name like Graves. Could have called him Fillmore.”

“You think you’re funny, don’t you?”

So much for getting off on the right foot with a good joke. “I let you keep your memories of Raven for a favor, remember?”

Crush stared daggers at him. “That favor isn’t gonna be my permission. That’s not how favors work.”

Christian sighed and quelled the anger rising in him. “Fecking hell. You’re more stubborn than a one-eyed mule.”

“That’s a good way to win my approval.”

“I’ll not be kissing your feet if that’s what you’re expecting.”

Crush paused for a beat and gave Christian a stony look. “What about the other woman?”

Christian clenched his jaw. “What do you know of that?”

“I know that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. If you think you can have your cake and eat it too, then you’re in for a surprise.”

“I can’t want what I never had.”

Crush reclined his head and laced his fingers together. “That makes it ten times worse.”

“She buried me in a coffin. I can safely say that your worries are for naught.”

“Don’t string Raven along for months or years before you finally give in to your demons. Raven said this other woman still wants you, and women like that are conniving. They don’t give up. Maybe you need to sow your wild oats before you pretend like you wanna be loyal.”

“Oh, for feck’s sake. You’re not talking me out of this.” Christian leaned forward, tempted to stand up and pace the floor. “I can’t help that a skeleton unlocked the closet door and decided to go dancing with me, but I can tell you this: I have no intention of going down that path. Raven is good for me, and she keeps me honest. She doesn’t make me do things that’ll tarnish my immortal soul.”

“And the other one did?”

Christian quieted and leaned back, unwilling to share his past with a man he barely knew.

Meanwhile, Crush got out of his chair, grabbed his cane, and limped into the kitchen. Christian could hear the man’s stomach growling the whole way.

The perks of being a Vampire.

When Crush returned, he tossed a package of chocolate-covered donuts at Christian. They were the cake donuts that Wyatt stocked in his vending machine. Crush had a package of his own, and when he sat down, he peeled the wrapper off and shoved an entire donut into his mouth.

Christian set his on the cushion.

“I don’t trust a man who doesn’t eat,” Crush said around a mouthful.

“You’re a self-righteous bastard, you know that?”

“I’ve been told.”

Christian reluctantly opened the package and took a small bite. He’d spent many years watching people enjoy their meals, but food rarely tempted him. “This is like eating a decomposed sock covered in flavorless chocolate.”

“Raven keeps trying to get me to eat healthy, but fruit gives me gas.”

Christian poked his finger through the center. “Well, these should plug you right up.”

Crush dusted the crumbs off his shirt and goatee. “I can’t control Raven’s life. She makes her own choices. But she also respects my opinion, so maybe you need to consider the importance of getting on my good side.”

“I suppose that Shifter who’s been humping Raven’s leg has been kissing your arse.”

Crush jerked his head back. “Who? Switch? That little shithead is on the same rung of the ladder as you.”

“I saved your daughter’s life… more than once. Shouldn’t I be a little higher up on that ladder?”

“You know, the more I think about it, Switch isn’t such a bad guy. He mops the floor, brings me medicine…”

“I’m not wiping your arse to get on your good side, so you can put that notion away.”

Crush hiccupped before stuffing another donut into his gob.

This was going well. Christian pondered how a conversation like this might have gone back in his human years. Would he have been more tactful? The thought amused him. It wasn’t as if he and Raven were tying the knot in any ceremonial way. He’d just wanted to come by and let Crush in on the secret. But that wasn’t the entire truth. Raven loved her father, and the only way she’d respect Christian was if her father gave his approval. Christian had already mucked things up by lying to her about Crush’s memory, so he needed to make this right. And by the smug look on the bastard’s face, Christian had a better chance of getting ordained.

“Give me the loan shark’s number, and I’ll take care of it.”

Crush swallowed his last bite. “If Raven hasn’t given you that herself, then that’s not my place.”

“Maybe I’ll settle it on the side.”

“And maybe that’s a dumb fucking idea.” He wadded up the plastic and tossed it onto the end table. “General isn’t a man to fuck with. If you go traipsing off to pay her debt, I can guarantee that he won’t drop what he’s holding on Raven. He’ll take your money and circle back around. Guys like him smell money like sharks smell blood. Once they pick up the scent, there’s no stopping them. They already know I don’t have a dime, so once she pays them off, they’ll cut her loose. After they squeeze every last drop they can. Bastards.”

Crush was right about that. Christian wanted to help, but he also knew the dangers of interfering. Still, it was difficult to sit on the sidelines.

“Do you think she can’t pay them?” Crush asked. “She won’t tell me her plans.”

“Aye, I think she has a chance. But someone swindled a cut of her money, so I can’t be sure she’ll get every penny he’s asking for.”

Crush raked his fingers through his peppered hair. “I had everything planned out for settling my debt. I was gonna take out a bank loan to open up a titty bar. I know a lot of guys who drop big cash in those places. Then after I found Fletcher and killed his ass, I would’ve used his money to pay the bank. But I couldn’t get the loan approved. Apparently the bank doesn’t think titty bars are a good investment.”

“That’s a bloody shame. If only you’d had a Vampire there to charm them into investing in your little business venture.”

“Then I’d owe you another favor, and I don’t like owing anyone favors.”

“And look where pride landed you,” Christian said, nodding at Crush’s bandaged foot.

“I can take a little ass kicking as long as I get my share in. The only thing I’m pissed about is the bloodstains in my coveralls. They were my only pair, and Switch cut them up with scissors. I’ve got nothing around here to do, so I sewed them up. But I can’t get out those damn stains.”

“Throw ’em in the wash with a little bleach. They’ll be grand.”

“How’s Raven doing?” he asked, rubbing his bleary eyes. “She calls but doesn’t tell me anything.”

“We’re still on a mandatory vacation.”

“Better find her something to do.” Crush got up out of his chair and stretched. “Idle hands are the devil’s tools. I didn’t raise my girl to sit on her ass. If you don’t find some trouble for her, she’ll go lookin’.”

Christian stood up and followed him to the door. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

“Call me if she gets in a bind with the loan shark. She should have never transferred the debt. That’s something I can’t undo.”

“And how do you know that?”

“I tried. Once General got a fat down payment from Raven, he forgot about my existence.”

Christian stepped out onto the porch and pivoted around. “I’m not going to pretend to be someone I’m not. I can’t say I particularly like hanging around with cocktails, but here we are.”


“Humans. But seeing as how you’re her da, we can’t exactly avoid each other. I’m not asking you to like me, because I think you’re a dry shite who doesn’t know how to manage his money. And judging by your furniture, you sure as shite don’t know anything about cleaning upholstery. But I’m asking you to think about Raven. She’ll never be happy if you don’t give her your blessing.”

Crush held the door and nodded. “You know, you’re right. I sometimes don’t give peckerheads like you the benefit of the doubt. I’ll think real hard about giving that blessing. In the meantime, I have a pile of heavy lumber in the back I need you to haul off my land. I cut down a tree this winter that was pissing me off. And while you’re at it, take the two red barrels full of old paint to the recycling center.” Crush smiled, his silver tooth glinting in the moonlight.

When Christian opened his mouth to say something, the door slammed in his face.

Crush’s blessing wouldn’t be earned with a onetime payment. It was something Christian was going to have to put on layaway.

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