Nevermore (Crossbreed Series Book 6)

: Chapter 26

After a dozen rounds of darts with Wyatt and Claude, I spent an hour talking to Gem in her room. She showed off a few stones she’d recently purchased. Since my nails were a mess, she got out her blue polish, and we painted our nails while discussing ancient languages. It wasn’t a conversation I could contribute anything to, but I enjoyed listening to Gem’s explanations and theories. She didn’t pontificate or make me feel ignorant, and I had a feeling most people tuned her out when she discussed the one topic she was most passionate about.

I showered after that, dressing in a pair of black sweatpants and an old T-shirt before heading down to the dining room. Shepherd’s and Christian’s chairs remained empty, but we all enjoyed the tamale recipe that Wyatt had given Viktor to translate to Kira. She was an excellent cook, but it was nice to have something new for a change.

Hunter claimed the seat opposite Viktor even though there was plenty of room to add chairs on either side. It had become his regular spot, and I wondered how Shepherd felt about that—his son choosing not to sit right next to him.

Hunter didn’t talk, but the kid had expressive eyes. Occasionally he would cover his scar with his hand, which hadn’t gone unnoticed. Claude would casually reach over and move his arm away, distracting him with a story or giving him more tortilla chips to keep his hands busy. There was a different vibe in the room with Hunter around. Or maybe it was just the lack of work stress that had lifted everyone’s spirits.

I wasn’t especially tired, but I went to my room and closed the door. My bag was still on the bed, so I began unpacking all my clothes and putting them away, big white panties and all.

Then I found the photograph of my father and me and tucked it in a secret compartment inside my jewelry box. The ballerina twirled when I lifted the lid, so I let the tune play out completely while I strode to the leaded windows. I gripped the metal lattices with my fingertips and gazed at the dark world outside, a dim candle on my desk supplying the only light in the room. I wanted to pull open the sashes and let in the air but remembered how Houdini confessed that he’d crept into my bedroom. The locks stayed in place, and I turned away, my feet treading across a small white rug as I crossed the room in search of my phone.

I’d spent the past week confronting everyone in my life. My father, Christian, Lenore, Switch, General, and even Houdini. Viktor might be next on the list, but it would depend on Christian. I had no more room in my life for regrets. Unfortunately, there were no blinking signs above my choices to tell me which was the right one and which was the wrong. That was only determined by the outcome.

Or as Houdini put it, the consequences.

I called Crush.

“How’s my baby girl?” he answered.

My heart swelled at the sound of his voice, especially while standing in my empty room. “I’m good. How’s your foot?”

“I’ve had it up most of the day.”

“Good. Be sure to walk around tomorrow so you don’t get a blood clot. If your foot’s still swollen, an ice pack might help. How about your ribs?”

“You’re a mother hen, you know that? Don’t worry about your old man. I can take care of myself.”

I raised an eyebrow at that remark but left it alone. “I’m sorry about last night. I didn’t mean to embarrass you in front of everyone. I had a shitty day and just wanted to unwind.”

He chuckled on the other end of the phone. “I deserve a little payback, don’t you think?”

“Not like that.”

“You’re only human.”

I snorted. “Am I?”

“Well, you know what I mean.”

“Did you eat today?”

“How many of those Hungry-Man dinners did you buy?”

“Enough so you could stay off your feet for a little while. But I want you to eat an apple every now and then. It won’t kill you.”

“It might. Apple seeds contain cyanide.”

“Well, don’t eat the damn seeds.”

“I missed you, Cookie. I’m glad you came home.”

I could hear the smile in his voice and wanted to hug him through the phone. He didn’t miss me now, but he missed me for all those years I’d been gone. Hopefully now I could make up for all that lost time. “Gotta go. I just wanted to check on you.”

“Let me know when everything’s clear with General. I owe you for this.”

“Stop saying you owe me. I’m the one who owes you. Get some sleep, and if you need anything, just call. Good night.”

As soon as I set the phone on the bedside table, Gem burst into my room.

“Come see!”

My pulse jumped. “Is someone hurt?”

She shut the door behind her and blocked it with her body. It suddenly occurred to me that Gem was wearing nothing but a pair of tight shorts and a cutoff shirt. Not her usual style at this hour of the night.

“Put on your swimsuit,” she said.


“Do as I say.”

I walked around the bed. “I don’t have one.”

“Then put on a pair of shorts. You’re not leaving this room until you do my bidding.”

A laugh caught in my throat as I opened my armoire and changed into a pair of black shorts and a tank top. She probably wanted a swimming companion tonight after our bonding session earlier.

When I stood in front of her, I held out my arms. “Does the master like?”

She giggled and opened the door. “Race you downstairs!”

Gem loved racing, but I think she just mostly loved winning. I flashed after her barefoot, slowing down when I reached each staircase. Out of breath, I made it to the bottom floor and peered toward the back. “Gem?”

She flashed up to me and gripped my hand. “We’re having a party in the courtyard!”


Curious, I trailed behind her at a leisurely pace until we reached the french doors in the middle of the house. They opened up to a wide, covered veranda with stone archways. It sounded like water boiling, and blue lights reflected on the ceiling and floor. I looked to my right, startled to see a hot tub. It was accommodating enough to fit our whole team, and half of them were already in there.

“When did this happen?”

“A couple of days ago,” Blue said from the water, her wet hair slicked back and arms spread across the wide edge. “This is the first time we’ve been able to use it.”

Gem climbed the steps and hopped in, her hair secured in a single knot on top of her head. “Isn’t it divine?”

Claude and Niko were sitting on the edge with their legs in. My eyes followed an orange extension cord that went out into the courtyard and straight up.

Wyatt followed my gaze. “It took me a minute to figure out how to power it up. Viktor agreed to call a guy and run some electricity down here so we don’t have a fire hazard from running a dozen extension cords through the house.”

The smell of chlorine was strong, and I turned and watched in surprise as Viktor emerged from the house in a pair of long black swim shorts.

“The pool? Not my idea of fun,” he declared while climbing into the hot tub. “But this… this is the life.”

I scratched my neck. “Where’s Hunter?”

“Kiddo’s asleep.” Wyatt slicked back his wet hair, his cheeks flushed. “It’s adult time. So let’s get this party started.”

“It looks like you already have,” I said, nodding at the beer bottles scattered about.

Claude reached down and splashed a little water on his bare chest. “The lights change colors.”

“And you can adjust the jets in different places,” Wyatt added.

Blue reclined her head. “Don’t you dare touch mine. I have them in just the right spot.”

“I bet.”

I climbed up the steps and put my feet in the hot water. The bubbles were more intense in some spots than others. I waded to the middle and sank down to wet my hair.

“Chlorine’s so bad for your hair,” Claude remarked. “You should put it up like Gem.”

“Too late now.” I sat next to Viktor and admired the courtyard.

Blue lifted her long leg out of the water and then splashed Wyatt, who was sitting across from her. I couldn’t get over how spacious the tub was.

“How did you get this thing out here?” I asked. “It must have weighed a ton.”

Viktor wiped his face. “Christian. It was his idea. He did everything himself.”

“Except wiring it up,” Wyatt pointed out. “I take full credit for that.”

Shepherd appeared with a stack of pizza boxes. “Late-night snack.”

“Give it here.” Wyatt reached for a box, and steam rose from the pizza when he lifted the lid.

Shepherd set the boxes in the corner and left the lid open on the top one. He moseyed over to the edge, a beer bottle in his hand.

I nodded at the bandage on his left arm. “What happened to you?”

“New ink.”

Everyone rubbernecked, their interest piqued.

Wyatt nudged him. “Did you get a pretty little pony? Maybe one of those unicorns?”

Shepherd grimaced as he peeled back the large bandage. On the inside of his forearm was a compass, and right above north was Hunter’s name.

Blue stood up and crossed the tub, her black bikini as skimpy as could be. “That’s really beautiful.”

“I forgot how much liquid fire hurts.” He put the bandage back on. “I don’t want to get this thing wet until it heals all the way.”

“The artwork is quality,” I said. “Not every artist puts that level of detail in their work.”

“He runs a Breed parlor if you ever want to get some ink. You can even wear it around for a few days before you decide to seal it permanently. He doesn’t charge extra for liquid fire, but he’ll charge a fee if you wait too long and he has to touch it up.”

Blue waded back to her spot, and Wyatt tilted his head to admire her ass before she sat down. “Did Christian come home with you?”

“No. After we hit the tattoo parlor this morning, we went out and played a few games of pool, but he split the rest of the afternoon. Something was on his mind, I guess. I’ve been busy running errands.” Shepherd nodded at me. “So you’re back, huh?”

“Someone had to step in and crack the whip. I go away for two weeks and look what’s happened. Hot tub parties, pizza, darts… lots of naps.”

He took a swig of beer. “And I suppose you’ve been training for a decathlon?”

Gem stood up and sat on the edge, her cheeks flushed. “I think we should put twinkle lights out here. String them up all across the ceiling. Or we could get a trellis and wrap them around that for a background. Have you ever seen those raindrop lights that look like water falling?”

“Here we go,” Viktor grumbled. “First it’s a hot tub, then it’s twinkle lights. What is next? A disco room?”

“Not a bad idea,” Wyatt quipped. “I still got the moves.”

Gem snorted. “Your moves died on the dance floor in 1978.”

Claude let out a riotous laugh as he slid into the hot tub next to Blue.

Wyatt climbed over the edge and got out, his wet feet slapping against the concrete. “Damn, it’s chilly!”

Gem grabbed a slice of pizza and folded it in half. “You get used to it. I love it best in winter. The colder it is outside, the better.”

Wyatt cracked open a bottle and stood next to Shepherd. They fell into conversation, and I closed my eyes, lulled into a perfect state of relaxation by the blissful heat and steady hum of the hot tub jets.

“Well, if it isn’t the devil himself,” Wyatt said. “We were just talking about you.”

I opened my eyes and looked to my left. Christian was on his way over, and his expression was anything but festive.

“Get in,” Gem invited. “We tried waiting for you, but alas, the hot tub beckoned to be christened before midnight.”

Christian removed his shoes and socks before climbing up the steps and getting into the tub… fully clothed. I watched with trepidation when he didn’t acknowledge me or say a word. He waded to the center in his jeans and did a slow turn, his fingers curling beneath the bottom of his shirt. Making direct eye contact with me, he lifted his shirt and tossed it aside.

“Holy… fucking… shit.” Shepherd walked around the tub to get a better look. “You’re kidding me. Is this a joke?”

“What?” Gem waded over to see what was going on.

My jaw slackened when I set eyes on it.

Christian’s beautiful, blemish-free Vampire skin was now marked with a glorious tattoo—a raven in flight stretched over his shoulder, arm, and onto his pec. It wrapped around to his back, the tips of the feathers dipped in blood, the right eye pale blue.

Just like mine.

Blue leaned over Viktor. “How much skin does it cover?”

He did a slow turn to give everyone a long look.

“So that’s where you went,” Shepherd muttered. “Back to the parlor.”

“What is it?” Niko asked.

Wyatt shoved a pizza crust into his mouth. “It’s a big motherlovin’ tattoo, that’s what. Of a raven. With a blue eye.”

It was remarkable. Not too big, not too small. It was as if it belonged on him and the two had never been apart. The detail in the wings was exquisite, inked by a true artist.

I gaped up at him. “Is that permanent?”

“Aye, Precious. It’s forever.”

My cheeks flushed, and it wasn’t from the steam. It was the first time Christian had ever called me that in front of anyone, and I felt the penetrating stares when the group realized this wasn’t a joke.

Claude drew in a deep breath and looked between us. “I knew it. During the blackout, I could smell the sex all over you. It wasn’t a whore like you said it was. I know the difference between Raven and a whore.”

I shot him a look. “Thanks.”

Christian offered me his hand. “Raven and I have something to discuss privately before we return to the party. Viktor, I’ll need to speak with you shortly.”

I took his hand and followed him out, my legs heavy with the reintroduction of gravity. Whether it was the earth’s gravity or the gravity of the situation, I couldn’t be sure. Shocked murmurs sounded from behind us after we moved inside the house. Christian led me down the hall to a room lit with candles.

Because he’d planned this.

Dripping wet, I watched him close the door and slick back his hair. I couldn’t take my eyes off his bare chest, and not just because he was handsome. Not because of his broad shoulders and canvas of muscles. Not because of the way his skin still glistened from the hot tub steam. When he came close enough, I reached out to touch his new ink.

“Did you really put liquid fire on this?”

“You wanted an answer.”

“I meant a yes or no answer, not permanent ink.”

When he lifted my chin with the crook of his finger, butterflies swarmed in my stomach. “I did this so there’s no misunderstanding between us. I’m yours, and you’re mine.”

“If you change your mind, it’s there forever.”

He cupped my nape and drew closer. “I can’t predict the future, but this is one thing I’ll never regret—no matter what happens. I’m a self-righteous bastard who’s had many women, but I’ve never wanted anyone more than I want you.”

“And Lenore?”

“She’s a ghost.”

“A ghost who wants to get in your pants. We stood a better shot before she came along, but now I don’t know if it’s changed things. That’s why I gave you time to think and room to say no. I don’t want to constantly worry that Lenore has some kind of love spell over your penis.”

He arched an eyebrow.

I squeezed the ends of my wet hair. “I know what I have to offer, but is she more your type? Being a full-blooded Vampire and all. And completely gorgeous. And wealthy.”

His hands moved down to my shoulders. “You’re a tenacious, cantankerous woman who ensnared me with her beauty. You make me so nervous that I can’t think straight. I’ve never seen a woman fight like you, and you’re not too shabby in the sack.”

I smothered a smile.

Christian leaned in, his lips brushing against mine. “You’re my ambrosia, and I don’t ever want you comparing yourself to another woman again.” He left a soft kiss before leaning back and gazing into my eyes. “I love you, Raven Black, and I don’t understand how someone managed to make me feel whole again, but there it is. You’re not my first love, but I hope you’ll be my last.”

I placed my hands on his chest and rested my cheek against his tattoo. Christian wrapped his strong arms around me in a warm embrace, and I forgot that I was dripping wet and cold.

“I’m just not sure how it’ll affect our job if Viktor lets us stay,” he went on.

I tilted my head up. “What do you mean?”

“I can’t get you out of my head. When I lie down, I think of you next to me. When you’re out on a job, I can’t stop worrying about your safety. You inhabit my thoughts, my heart, and even my blood.”

“When did you first know?”

“When you put a knife to my groin on the night we met. And you?”

I smiled and stepped back. “Love at first bite?”

He glanced down at his tattoo. “I never understood why people got these things, but I’ll always have you near me.”

I swallowed hard and took his arm. “Before we go any further, I think it’s time for you to tell me about your past. All of it. No secrets.”

His black eyes flicked up. “What if it changes the way you feel about me?”

I gave it consideration. “I’d rather know the truth than live a lie. It’s going to come out eventually, so let it be now.”

“If that’s what you desire, Precious. Have a seat.”

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