
Chapter Never 349

Chapter 349

“Alright, alright. Mommy’s right here watching with you,” Linde said.

The army of three sat happily together in the living room, watching a cartoon on the TV.

Earlier that moming, Willem had come by the house and accidentally left behind a document. He only realized it when he got back home, so he hurriedly returned to retrieve it da soon as he stepped inside the house, he saw the heartwarming scene.

Every time William came here, he couldn’t shake the feeling that he was an outsider.

why did he always feel this way?

Because every time he visited, he always seemed to arrive at the wrong moment. Linda and Samson were always there, spending time together with Lexi

They were a perfect family of three, while he felt like a rat barking in the shadows, watching others live the life he could never have. The stark contrast was enough to break

HeExpered in the doorway for a wh before Lexi noticed him.

“Uncle Willard, why are you here? Did you come to watch TV with me?” she asked.

Both Linda and Samson named their heads at the same time.

Their synchronized movement struck william like a sharp pang of sadness.

“Good evening. Lex.” He forced a smile, doing his best not to let her sense his inner turmoil

“Im not here to watch TV. Remember this rooming when brought some documents? accidentally lett one here, so I came back to get it.”

Hearing that William bad left something behind, Linda quickly called for the nanny.

“Ms. Flores, could you checktex’s room to see if there’s a document

Lexi usually stayed in ber room in the mornings, rarely coming down to the living room unless both Linda and Samson were home.

It was only on weekends that she spent the entire day downstairs in the activity area. Most of the time, she remained in her room

Her grandparents had spoiled ber by expanding her bedroom, doubling its size. Beyond her sleeping space was now a spacious playroom filled with toys–a personal

I paradise that

preferred to let others seek her out. After getting ready for the day, she would relax in her room, waiting for the

Initially, she would come downstairs when called, but soon, she prefern penny to bring her breakdest

Linda and Semion didn’t mind Lexi’s behavior. They didn’t think that they needed to. They believed she should be allowed to do whatever made her happy Ms. Flores soon returned with the document “Mr. Wilson, here’s the document you left in the playroom this morning”

Willem took the document. Thank you I’ll be on my way now. And Lex, don’t stay up too late.”

De barely glanced up from her activity and weed casually “Olay! Goodbye, Uncle William!

As Linda turned to watch him bor, ber eyes met Wilms. The eyes that had once drawn her in were now dull, lacking the spark they used to have

Perhaps it was the weight of maturity or the years that had won William down, changing him into someone unrecognizable.

nce Willem left, Linda glanced at the cock and instructed the nanny to take Lead upstairs for her to get ready for bed.

Samson remained beside her in the living rooms.

“Dada, pou still have orgotten him, her you? His tone was firm.

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