Never Have I Ever: Had a Bromance with a Teammate

: Chapter 3

“Move over.”

“Fuck off,” Jax grumbled sleepily.

I jammed my knee into his ass.

“Ow.” He rolled over, crushing me under his considerable bulk.

“Get off.” I tried to push him, but two hundred and twenty pounds of dead weight wasn’t easy to move.

“Go back to sleep. It’s early.”

“I would, but some asshole is on top of me.”

He flopped back onto his side of the bed. “Happy?”

“I would be if you hadn’t decided to sleep like a starfish last night.” I propped myself up on my elbow and looked down at him. “You’re a bed hog.”

“You say this like it’s news.” He flipped over so he was on his back and rubbed a hand over his face. “What time is it?”

“Seven. Time to get that fat ass up.”

“I hate you.” He pulled the pillow over his face.

“No, you hate Coach.” I yanked the pillow off him and smacked him with it. Not hard but enough to be annoying.

Jax wasn’t a morning person, which was hilarious, considering how early our team workouts started. He grumbled and pouted and took his sweet ass time any time he had to get up before ten a.m., which was essentially every day outside of holidays.

“You’re the worst.” He made a grab for the pillow, but I tossed it to the foot of the bed.

“You love me anyway.”

“No clue why.” He closed his eyes and drew in a deep breath. “Go shower. I’ll be up by the time you’re done.”

“You say that every time I wake your ungrateful ass up.”

“And maybe one day I’ll actually do it.” He smiled sleepily, his eyes still closed.

“Fine. But I’m tossing a cup of cold water on your face if you’re not awake when I get back.”

He mumbled something unintelligible.

My bed was set up so one side was against the wall. I didn’t mind being in enclosed spaces, while Jax was claustrophobic, so when he stayed over, I always slept next to the wall.

That meant the only way for me to get out of bed was to climb over him.

“Ten minutes,” I warned and rolled over him.

“Oof.” He grunted. “You’re an asshole.”

“And you’re a sleepyhead.” I sat up and swung my legs over the side of the bed. “Ten minutes.”

“Whatever,” he mumbled and attempted to slap me. His eyes were still closed, so all he managed to do was swipe at the air.

Laughing, I got out of bed and stretched. We had a team workout at eight a.m. on Saturday and Sunday morning during the school year. Coach knew that ordering us to stay sober was futile, and he didn’t want to have to bench or toss players for breaking the rules.

The workaround was early morning workouts. It ensured that we didn’t get stupid drunk, and we paid the consequences if we did. Nothing sucked more than going to the gym with a hangover, especially with the programs Coach had us on.

“Ten minutes.” I slapped his abs, grabbed my shower kit, and slid my feet into my slides.

One nice thing about Alex spending the weekend at his boyfriend’s was I had full reign over the bathroom. Beck and Finn shared the one on the third floor, and Eli had a private one in the attic, so I had the one on the second floor all to myself.

Whistling some stupid song that was stuck in my head, I ducked into the bathroom and started the water.

The house we lived in was nice compared to some of the shared housing around campus, but the water took forever to warm up. I busied myself with brushing my teeth, then stripped off my sleep pants and stuck my hand under the spray.

“Good enough.” I climbed into the tub and ducked my head under the water.

We’d stayed at the Kappa party until just before midnight, when the rest of the crowd had started to disperse. We’d come back to the house with every intention of getting to bed so we’d be fresh for our workout, but we’d ended up gaming for an hour on the big TV downstairs.

I squirted some body wash into my hand, my thoughts straying to the party last night. Specifically, kissing Jax.

The entire experience had been weird. More aptly, it hadn’t been weird, and that was weird. I’d thought kissing Jax would feel about as good as kissing my arm. We were buds, BFFs. Nothing more.

But those kisses had felt damn good.

I was used to kissing girls, and Jax hadn’t kissed like any girl I’d been with. Most of the girls I’d hooked up with liked it when I took charge and seduced them.

Jax had taken what he’d wanted. And he’d wanted me.

No, that wasn’t true. He’d wanted to win our bet.

I rubbed the body wash over my skin. Memories of his hot, hard mouth against mine played on a loop in my mind.

The force he’d shown, the power and strength behind his every movement, had been a bit of a turn-on. I was a big guy. Not many women could match me in height, and I’d never met any who were as strong as me.

When it came to height or body type, I didn’t have a preference, but I tended to end up with girls considerably smaller than me. I was used to soft curves and gentle touches and having to watch my size and strength so I wouldn’t crush or hurt them.

Jax was just as big and strong as me. I hadn’t had to be careful or hold back, and he hadn’t either.

I gently circled my half-hard dick with a soapy hand. Might as well take care of my morning wood while I was here.

Closing my eyes, I thought about the last porn clip I’d watched of a tiny blonde getting railed by a guy with my build and dark hair.

It had been hot as fuck, and I’d blown my load long before the guy in the video had.

The hot water ran over my skin as steam rose around me. I stroked my hand up my shaft as I remembered just how sexy that blond had sounded as she’d moaned and cried out as the guy had gone to town on her.

My dick was rock hard and aching, and I kept my strokes slow and loose. I had time, no need to rush.

My thoughts shifted to the guy in the video. He’d looked a lot like Jax. Same build and nearly black hair. He’d had brown eyes, while Jax’s were green, but even their faces had been similar.

The soft moans in my mind melted into deeper, hungrier ones. The same ones I’d made while Jax had kissed me within an inch of my life.

I wasn’t embarrassed that I’d enjoyed kissing him. Jax was gay. He knew how to kiss guys and how to turn them on. Not my fault I’d enjoyed it.

The visual of the blonde was harder to focus on, and the sounds I’d made last night grew in volume.

“Shit,” I muttered and angled my head so the water ran over my hair and down my face.

I wasn’t seeing the blonde anymore. Nope. I was seeing myself.

And the guy from the clip had been replaced by Jax.

We were kissing again, but this time we didn’t have an audience. Or any clothes on.

Pleasure and need built deep inside me as I imagined how Jax’s big body would feel against mine. It would be weird not to feel breasts or curves, but I couldn’t deny that the hard planes of his muscles would probably feel good.

The little bit of him I’d been able to touch last night had felt damn good.

I sped up my hand, and tendrils of pleasure shot through me at the thought of Jax pushing me up against a wall as he kissed me.

I liked it when girls were aggressive, but I never seemed to attract the type who wanted to take control.

Jax wouldn’t just take control. He’d fucking own me.

I came with a strangled cry, shooting over my fist as my orgasm ripped out of me. I grabbed the shower wall with my free hand as my legs shook.

“Holy shit,” I panted and opened my eyes.

That had been one of the strongest orgasms I’d had in a long time.

And I’d been thinking about Jax. My best friend.

“Whatever.” I let go of my spent dick and turned around, letting the water sluice down my back.

Jax was hot, and we’d kissed last night. It wasn’t surprising that I’d be thinking about it today. Shrugging the whole thing off, I grabbed my shampoo.

Jax was fast asleep on his stomach, his arms and legs splayed out, taking up most of my double bed.

“Wake up.” I slapped his ass as hard as I could. His cry of surprise drowned out the resulting crack.

“You’re the worst.” He rubbed his ass cheek.

“Not my fault it’s such a big target.” I grinned, pulled my towel from my waist, and spun it to create a tight line.

He narrowed his eyes. “Don’t even think about it.”

“Oh, I’m thinking about it.” I held both ends in one hand and raised it.

“Careful, I might like it.”

My hand faltered as I brought the towel down. Instead of snapping against his ass, it flopped onto it.

“Didn’t realize you were that kinky.” I unrolled the towel and rubbed it against my wet hair.

“You’re more vanilla than I thought if you think a spank is kinky.” He rolled onto his back and sat up.

“I was going for more of a whip effect.”

“Maybe I’d like that too.” He waggled his eyebrows and stretched his arms above his head.

I trailed my eyes down his tight pecs and washboard abs. His waist was narrower than mine, and his sleep pants had slid down enough his Adonis belt peeked out. The deep rivets were strangely hot.

“You done checking me out?” He stood, not bothering to pull his sleep pants up.

“Your new routine is working.” I tossed the towel aside and went to my dresser to grab some sweats. “You’re getting an eight-pack.”

He patted his stomach. “These babies are my bread and butter after all.”

“I thought that would be your throwing arm.”

“That too, but a tight core takes the pressure off my thighs.”

“The left one still bugging you?” I kicked off my slides and pulled on a pair of briefs.

“Sometimes.” He slid his feet into my discarded shoes. “Chase is lucky he didn’t break my hip.”

“And lucky Coach didn’t bench him for the year.”

Chase, who happened to be Jax’s backup, had a bad habit of letting go of his bat after a hit. The dude was a power hitter, so the force behind his swings made every at bat where he didn’t keep control dangerous.

Our first scrimmage of the season, he’d gone all out and tried to hit one over the fence. He’d swung too low and had popped it, and either in anger or habit, he’d let go of the bat while he’d still been swinging.

The end of the bat had hit Jax in the upper thigh, inches from his hip joint. The only thing that had saved him from a broken leg was that he’d been midmotion to try and catch the foul, and his glove had deflected the bat away.

The impact had been hard enough to bruise his entire thigh, though, and he’d had to sit out for over a week before the team doctor had cleared him.

“I could still hit him with a pitch,” I said as Jax headed toward my door.

“Then you’d get in shit.”

“It wouldn’t be a hard one. And just in the ass. Give him a bit of pain to match his personality.”

Jax paused, his hand on the doorknob. “He’s not worth it.”

Chase was an asshole but a sneaky one.

He made sure he kept his comments and jabs quiet so only the people they were directed at heard them. And he covered up the public ones as jokes and was quick to play the free speech card when someone called him out on it.

Chase made no secret that he didn’t like having a gay player on the team, and Jax had been dealing with his bullshit since hell week.

“But it would be so satisfying.”

He smirked. “He’ll get his. I have faith in karma.”

“Your call. But the offer is always there.”

His smirk melted into one of those smiles that made my stomach feel funny.

“Meet me in the kitchen when you’re done. I’m going to get our shakes made.”

He nodded and disappeared into the hallway.

I’d just finished mixing his shake when Jax came into the kitchen, his hair wet and a flush on his cheeks.

“You know you don’t have to scald yourself with the water to get clean.”

“I like it hot.” He grabbed the shake I held out to him and took a long swallow. “Ugh, this tastes worse than the last one.”

“Yeah. It’s supposed to be French vanilla, but they lied.”

“Any word on when our usual stuff will be back in stock?” He took another drink and grimaced as he swallowed.

“A few weeks.” I took a swig of my half-empty drink.

The overly chemical taste exploded on my tongue, and I nearly gagged as I swallowed it as quickly as I could.

Finding a good protein shake that didn’t taste like ass wasn’t easy. We’d been using the same brand for the past three years, but they’d had supply chain issues, and no one had it in stock.

We’d tried a few the guys on the team had recommended, but we hadn’t found one we liked.

“We should head out.” He adjusted the strap of his gym bag on his shoulder. “Coop is going to ride our asses if we’re not there at least ten minutes early.”

I took another drink of the disgusting shake and followed him out of the kitchen and through the main floor.

A few weeks ago, we’d been ten minutes late to a workout because Jax had overslept. He hadn’t even been hungover, just his usual morning grump, and had ignored his alarms. When I’d come to get him, I’d had to wake his ass up, and we’d gotten on our captain’s radar.

That little incident was the reason Jax stayed over on the weekends now. It was infinitely easier to keep his ass in line when we slept in the same bed.

“What was that thing last night about your virginity?” I asked as I pulled out of our driveway.

“Huh? I’m gonna need some context this early in the morning.”

“During the game. You said you lied about being a virgin.”

“Oh, that.” He shrugged and took another drag off his shake. “It’s nothing scandalous. I just didn’t tell the first guy I fucked that I was a virgin.”

“Why not? It’s hot when you’re the first to fuck someone. Don’t gay guys like that too?”

“Most do.” He ran his finger over the rim of his tumbler. “But my first time wasn’t typical.”

“What do you mean?”

“He was older and experienced. I was young and dumb and wanted to impress him.”

“Did it work?”

“Fuck no.” He snort-laughed. “I was a fumbling, awkward mess, and he had to coach me through it. The whole thing was embarrassing as fuck, but he was a good sport about it.”



“Nothing. I guess taking something up the butt for the first time would be weird.”

“Yeah, that’s not really my thing.”


“I already told you I’m a top.”

“I just thought that meant you like to be on top. Like riding guys or whatever.”

He snickered. “Your innocence when it comes to gay sex is adorable. Being a top means I’m the one who does the fucking.”

“Have you ever been on the bottom? Or bottomed? How would you say that?”

“Bottomed works. I tried it, but I don’t see the appeal. It’s a lot of work for something that doesn’t really feel good for me, so I don’t bother.”


“You’re saying that a lot this morning.”

“I just figured that all gay dudes were into it.”

“People have preferences. Some like it. Some don’t. I’ve known a few guys who didn’t like doing it in either position and stick to hands and mouths.”


“And don’t forget bi and straight dudes. Gays aren’t the only ones who like butt stuff.”

“I suppose it would feel different.”

“Especially when you’re the one with a dick up your ass.”

“Straight dudes wouldn’t know about that.”

“Really?” He shot me an incredulous look. “You’ve never heard of pegging?”


“How are you so innocent?”

“Not all of us are kinky fuckers.” My cheeks flushed hot as Jax laughed.

“Some guys like it when a girl wears a strap-on and fucks them.”

I tried to picture myself bending over for some girl to fuck, but the image wasn’t sexy at all. If I were going to take something up my ass, I’d rather a guy do it. They’d know what they were doing.

Not that I was planning on having anyone fuck me. The entire concept was a little too weird and intimidating.

“Yeah, no thanks to that.”

“What about a finger? No girl has ever stuck one up the backdoor while blowing you?”

“Girls do that?”

“Some do. I mean, I wouldn’t know from personal experience, but I’ve heard from other guys that they like it.”

I braked at a red light. No girl I’d ever been with had wanted to play with my butt, but then again, I’d never asked.

I knew what the prostate was thanks to the tales of Jax’s sexcapades over the years, but I hadn’t ever considered that it could feel good to have it played with by a girl.


“Are you stroking out?” Jax pinched my thigh. “Use your big boy words.”

“Nah, just curious.”

“Ask the next girl who plays with your dick to do it, and maybe you’ll get your mind blown.”

“I don’t know about that. Asking some random to stick her finger up my butt would be weird. What if she says no or is grossed out? Total mood killer.”

“So do it yourself the next time you jerk.”


“Okay, now you’re doing it on purpose.”

I grinned and flicked on my signal light to turn into the stadium parking lot. “Maybe.”

He punched me in the arm. “I’m not saying you’re going to see stars or get your world rocked, but maybe you will. You’ll never know unless you try.”

You’ll never know unless you try.

As I pulled into an empty space, the words echoed in my head, but I pushed all thoughts of sex and prostates out of my mind and turned off the car.

Thinking about it would give me a boner, and the last thing anyone wanted was to pop wood during a team workout. Not only would I have to deal with the ribbing, but Chase would never let me live it down either.

I wasn’t as Zen as Jax about that kind of shit. I couldn’t afford to get benched because I punched a teammate in the face.

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