Never Have I Ever: Had a Bromance with a Teammate

: Chapter 16

The locker room echoed with the excited chatter of thirty-five ball players who’d just finished their last practice before the holidays. It was the twenty-first, which gave the team from now until the twenty-seventh to go home. We had to be back for the twenty-eighth and had practices scheduled right through the rest of the break. Then we’d be buckling down and working our asses off until the season started mid-February.

I couldn’t fucking wait. The team was in a rare position where we’d only lost two starters at the end of last year. That meant the starting line-up was stacked with veteran players who’d had the better part of two years to get into a groove.

“Anyone driving to the airport today?” Adams shouted.

“When you gotta be there?” Petey asked.

I tuned out their conversation as they worked out details. As far as I could tell, everyone had plans to go home.

A twinge of longing ricocheted through my chest. It sucked not to be able to go home, but my gaze snagged on a familiar blond head, and the loneliness faded. A smile tilted my lips.

Matt was deep in conversation with Logan about something, probably pitcher talk. As much as I’d miss my family, I was pumped that we were spending the break together.

One thing I hadn’t let myself think too closely about was how this was the beginning of the end. One more semester, one more season, and nothing would ever be the same. Some of us might get recruited, but for others, this was the end of baseball.

The thought was sobering. After spending the last ten years working toward this, putting my blood, sweat, and tears into the game, this was it.

“You good?” Matt bumped me with his shoulder.

I shook my head. “Yeah. Fine. Just thinking.”

“A dangerous pastime.” He grinned. “Ready to go?”

I shouldered my duffle and nodded.

We shouted our good-byes to the players still chattering away and headed to the parking lot.

“I still don’t understand why you parked here,” I grumbled. He’d chosen one of the furthest spots from the entrance, and when I’d asked him about it, he’d just shrugged and said he had his reasons.

He shot me a grin and spun his keys around his finger. “Because I knew it would turn you into a grumpy baby.”

I rolled my eyes and slung my arm over his big shoulders. He froze.

Shit. This kind of casual affection between us wasn’t unusual, but we were still in full view of the stadium, even if we weren’t anywhere near our teammates.

I moved to pull my arm away, but Matt leaned into the touch and pressed closer.

“You’re a cuddle bug, you know that, right?” The heat from his body seeped into my side, and a deep sense of calm settled in my chest.

“Said the guy who was lying on top of me like a cape when I woke up this morning.” He chuckled, the sound soft and affectionate. “I could barely breathe.”

“Payback for you kneeing me in the balls the other night.”

“Not my fault your big ass got in the way when I was trying to get on top of you.”

“How is my ass responsible for you digging your knee into my balls?”

“Because it’s distracting!”

“I thought my dick was distracting?”

“All of you is distracting.” He used the button on his key fob to unlock the doors. “You get naked, and my brain short circuits. I can’t be held responsible for my actions.”

I let go of him before I did something stupid, like kiss his cheek. “Yeah, well, I can’t be held responsible for my actions when you get naked either. Thank fuck athletes like it rough.”

He grinned and tossed his bag into the backseat. I did the same, and we climbed into the car. Matt looked around the lot.

“Cars tend to work better if you start them,” I said.

He turned to me, a lusty gleam in his eyes.

“I want to suck you.” He rubbed my bulge.


“Yeah. Right here.”

A small part of my brain, the part that was still thinking logically, was throwing up red flags at how reckless this was. But another part of me was digging how out in the open we were. Adrenaline and need flowed through me as Matt licked his lips.

With shaking hands, I pulled open my pants and fished my cock out of my boxers. I was already hard and ready.

“Fuck, yeah.” He gripped my base. “I was thinking about this the whole last hour of practice.”

He sucked me into his mouth, wet heat enveloping my cockhead.

“Fuck, babe. That’s it. Just like that.” I ran my fingers through his soft, damp hair as he eagerly worked me over.

Keeping one eye on our surroundings, I sank into my seat, melting into the leather as my best friend slurped and licked my cockhead. His car was roomy but not exactly big enough for two horny-as-fuck ball players to be giving road head. He was curled over the center console, his ass up and one leg on the seat to balance him while the other was awkwardly jammed under the steering wheel.

“So good.” I ran my hand down his spine, then over the swell of his ass. “You feel so fucking good. You’re going to make me come so hard.”

He groaned around my cock, and I slid my fingers down the back of his jeans. They were too tight to do more than tease the top of his crease, but he didn’t seem to mind.

Matt hollowed his cheeks and held still, his sign he wanted me to take over and fuck his mouth. My thighs screamed from exertion, but I ignored them and thrust up into his willing mouth.

The thrill of being outside, right in view of the stadium, and the fact that Matt had initiated this, fueled my desire, and I rushed toward my release before I was ready.

“That’s it, babe. Take that cock. You want my load?” I panted and squeezed his ass over his jeans.

He moaned low and deep, the sound needy and so fucking hot my balls tightened and my thighs tingled.

“Yeah, you do. So fucking hungry for it.” I grunted and shoved up into his mouth. He swallowed around my cockhead and rubbed his tongue against the underside of my shaft. “Fuck, babe. I’m coming.”

I emptied down his throat, and he swallowed greedily, bobbing over my spurting dick. My head spun, and my entire body flushed hot as I rode the waves of pleasure.

“Too sensitive.” I guided him off my cock. He sat back in his seat, grinning goofily, his eyes bright and his cheeks flushed.

“Give it to me.” I motioned to his dick.

He settled in his seat and pulled out his cock. I tucked myself away, then gripped him tight.

“Look at me,” I rasped and stroked him hard and fast, twisting at the head the way I knew he loved. “That’s it. I want you to remember who makes you feel good. Who gets you off.”

He whimpered and clutched the car door so tight his knuckles went white.

“You’re so hard for me.” I rubbed the pad of my thumb over his slit.

“Jax,” he gasped, his eyes wide and bright with desire.

“That’s it, babe. Let go and trust me. I’ve got you.”

His eyes rolled back in his head as his entire body shuddered. I glanced around one more time to make sure no one was close enough to see us, then bent over the center console and swallowed his cock, taking as much of him as I could.

He jerked and grabbed my hair, holding me in place as he came hard. I swallowed every drop he gave me. He babbled nonsensically. I loved that he was able to let go and be vocal with me. That he trusted me enough to stop overthinking every little thing and just feel.

“Holy shit,” he panted as I pulled off him. “We’re so doing that again.”

I chuckled and rubbed my side where the console had dug into my ribs. “Maybe next time we can try the backseat so we don’t end up on the injured list.”

He snorted and tucked himself away. “Imagine explaining that to Coach? Sorry, Coach. Crawford’s gotta sit out the next few weeks ’cause he bruised a rib blowing me in my tiny-ass car.”

“I’d definitely be coming up with a cover story if that was the case.”

Matt glanced around, then leaned in and gave me a quick kiss. “It’s your turn to cook.”

“I cooked yesterday.”

“And?” He quirked an eyebrow and cranked the car. “You’re better at it than me. And you know you’ll eat healthier if you’re the one who makes it.”

“That’s called weaponized incompetence. You know that, right?”

“It’s not weaponized incompetence. It’s flat-out manipulation.”

“Did you pick up the stuff on my list?” I asked as he pulled out of the parking spot.

“I had it delivered yesterday.”

“You’re so lazy.”

“I’m helping the local economy.”

“Right,” I said dryly. “By sitting on your butt and making someone else do your shopping.”

“The store is getting my business, the delivery person is getting work, and I tip well. So really, I’m doing everyone a favor.”

“You’re ridiculous.”

He winked at me. “You love it.”

“No clue why.”

“I asked Eli what his plans are for Christmas.”

“Isn’t he local? Wouldn’t he be going home?”

“He’s local, but he said he’s not doing anything. He mentioned something about seeing his brother on Christmas Eve but said he’d be around otherwise.”

“That’s really sad. Does he have other family?”

“No clue. He doesn’t talk about anything personal. I invited him to have dinner with us on Christmas Day. That okay?”

“Of course. No one should be alone on Christmas. I guess that means I’m cooking again?”

He batted his eyelashes at me. “Pretty please with a blow job on top.”

I snickered. “You think my culinary skills can be bought with blow jobs?”

He shot me a duh look.

“Fine. But I want you on your knees while I’m cooking.”

“Wouldn’t that be a bit dangerous? Maybe we should save the sexy stuff for when there are no knives or heat sources around.”

“Good point.”

“Take that, sucker!” Matt shouted as his on-screen forward darted around my D-man.

“Oh, you think that’s gonna work,” I growled and leaned forward, all my attention on the TV in front of us.

“You’re as slow as my grandma,” Matt’s fingers flew over the controller. “And about as coordinated as her too.”

“I’m sorry, but who’s up by one?” I elbowed him as he shifted into my space in an attempt to throw off my concentration.

“Only because you’re a cheater cheater pumpkin eater.”

“You need to up your trash talk.” I laughed. “Pumpkin eater?”

“Fuck, yeah!” Matt jumped up, his arms raised in a victory pose. The lamp over my goal lit up. Shit. His stupid pun had distracted me. “How’s that pumpkin taste now?”

“This is the weirdest analogy ever.” I yanked him back down by his belt loop. “Prepare to be decimated.”

He snort-laughed. “Yeah, right. You and your slow reflexes are totally going to win. Not.”

I managed to intercept one of his passes and whooped as he shouted a curse. The clock on the game countdown read forty-five seconds.

“Get ready to lose, Landry.”

“In your dreams, Crawford.”

The next thirty seconds were a blur of trash talk and flying fingers as we battled it out. The room faded away as my entire being zeroed in on the game and beating Matt.

I took a shot, going for the upper left corner. Matt’s weakness was the upper right. He tried to overcorrect, but the damage was done.

The puck flew into the net, the lamp lit, and the faux crowd went wild.

“Fuck, yeah!” I jumped up and did a stupid little victory dance just to rub it in. “Who’s the winner now, Landry?”

“You haven’t won yet.” He gritted his teeth and glared at the screen.

The fake clock had less than ten seconds on it. Anyone else would have admitted defeat, but Matt was a competitive fucker and wouldn’t rest until the clock ran down.

The ref dropped the puck, and eight seconds later, the game was over, and I was the official winner.

“Thank you, thank you.” I stood and pretended to hold up a trophy. “I’d like to thank my family for believing in me. My teammates for all their hard work in making this victory possible. And to my opponent. Thanks for sucking donkey balls, sucka.”

Matt grabbed the pocket of my hoodie and yanked me down so my ass landed on the couch. He tossed his controller aside, then lunged at me.

Taken by surprise, I froze.

He used my hesitation against me. His big body landed on mine, pinning me back against the couch, which groaned under our combined weight. He scrambled on top of me and straddled my hips. He circled my wrists and held them above my head.

“You were saying?” He grinned down at me, his chest heaving, his hard dick scraping against mine.

We’d tussled around before, but never like this.

“I was saying thanks for sucking, sucka.” I shifted my hips and tensed my muscles.

“Who has the upper hand now, huh?”

“That would be me.” I twisted my arms and ripped them out of his grasp. Grabbing him in a bear hug, I rolled us over so he was under me.

“How the fuck did you manage that?” He blinked up at me.

“I have three brothers. Now, you were saying something about having the upper hand? How’s that going for ya?”

“Better than it is for you.” He did this full-body log roll move. The next thing I knew, I was on the floor and staring up at the ceiling with him looming over me.

“The fuck?”

“Did I ever tell you I was on the wrestling team in junior high?” He shifted so his legs were frogged out and pinning mine to the floor. “Won most of my matches.” He lay on my chest and gripped my wrists. “Only stopped because my baseball coach was worried I’d get hurt.”

“Fine. So you’ve got me. What are you going to do with me?”

Having him over me like this set my nerve endings on fire. The adrenaline from our wrestling buzzed under the surface of my skin, and my dick throbbed.

“Do you have supplies on you?”

My brain stuttered. “Supplies?”

“Lube.” He grinned wickedly. “And a condom if you think you should wear one.”

“You want to now? Here?”

“Why not?” He dropped his gaze to my mouth. “You seem like you’re up for it.” He rolled his hips and scraped his dick against mine.

“Is Eli around?”

As much as I wanted to be inside him, I didn’t want to scar his roommate by doing it in the living room if there was a chance he’d walk in.

“Nope.” He leaned down and brushed his lips over mine. “He said he won’t be home for a few hours.”

“Fuck,” I breathed.

He swiped his tongue over my bottom lip, then gently tugged on it with his teeth.

Lifting my head, I fit our mouths together. He kissed me eagerly, delving his tongue between my lips, while he rocked his hips over mine.

I couldn’t move any part of me other than my head, and my stomach swooped. I’d always liked when things got a bit rough, but I’d never been with someone I trusted enough to let them manhandle me.

Matt kissed me hard and deep, rubbing off on me like I was his personal sex doll. His needy whimpers made my already rock-hard dick ache.

He let go of my hands, and I pushed up so I was sitting on the floor with him straddling my lap. He buried his hands in my hair, gripping tight, and ravished my mouth with deep, hungry kisses.

I managed to get our shirts up under our armpits, but he wouldn’t stop kissing me long enough to let me yank them off. I ran my hands over every part of him I could reach, rubbing and squeezing his muscles. I loved how big he was. We didn’t have to be careful with each other, and his strength was a huge turn-on.

He pulled away from the kiss and dragged in several gulping breaths. I took the opportunity to rid us of our sweaters and T-shirts.

“Get that fine ass on the couch.” I slapped his asscheek as hard as I dared. “On your knees with your pants around your thighs.”

He groaned and scrambled off me to do as I said, and yanked his pants down.

“Hands on the back of the couch.” I ripped my pants open and shoved them so they rested under my ass. “Look at you.” I gave myself a few lazy strokes. “So hot, all spread out and waiting for me.”

“Jax,” he whined and arched his hips.

“What do you want?”

“Fuck me.” He looked over his shoulder at me, his eyes wild with desperate arousal. “Need it. Need you.”

Jesus fuck. I wasn’t going to survive this.

“Stay just like that, and let me get you ready.” I nudged his crease with my dick and rubbed my hand down his back.

“’Kay.” He crossed his arms on the back of the couch and rested his cheek on them. The movement popped his ass out even more, and the sight was so damn sexy I had to draw in a deep breath to try and center myself.

I pulled my wallet out of my pocket and thumbed out the packet of lube I kept in there. “Do you want me to wear a condom?”

“Not unless you want to. I’m negative.”

“Me too.” I dropped my wallet on the floor, where it landed with a smack. “Are you sure?”

“Yeah. Want to feel all of you.”

With a low growl, I knelt behind him and split him open with my hands. Not giving him a chance to brace himself, I swiped my tongue over his hole.

“Oh fuck,” he moaned. “Yes, so good.”

All thoughts of going slow flew from my mind as he pressed back against my tongue. Giving in to the overwhelming lust rolling around inside me, I went to town on him. I licked and sucked and stabbed at his hole, taint, and balls. All the while, he pushed back against my face and begged for more.

My arousal was threatening to take over, and I pulled my face from between his cheeks and grabbed the lube.

“Ready for my fingers?”

“So fucking ready.”

His voice was wrecked and thready. I’d done that. I’d made him feel good.

I ripped the packet of lube open with my teeth, then slicked up three fingers. I was a big guy, and the last thing I wanted was to hurt him. I rubbed the rest of the lube onto my cock, then smeared what was left on my fingers over his hole.

“There you go. Relax and let me prep you, babe.” I pressed the tip of one finger against his waiting hole. “Stroke yourself, but don’t come. Not until I’m inside you.”

He sighed and gripped his leaking cock. Then he opened up to me.

Carefully, I worked first one, then two fingers inside him. I made sure to stay away from his spot so I didn’t overwhelm him.

“Do you want three?” I rubbed his ass cheek with my free hand.


Taking my time, I gently pushed a third finger inside him, moving in little pulses so the stretch would be gradual.

“Fuck,” he muttered.

“You okay?”

“Yeah, you just have big-ass fingers.”

“I have a big-ass dick too.”

“And a big ass.” I twisted my fingers inside him, and his chuckle turned into a moan. “Oh, there.”

“Here?” I teased and rubbed his spot.

“Shit yeah.”

I stood and pressed against his ass, still rubbing his spot. He wriggled and clenched around me.

“Fuck. I’m going to come if you don’t quit that.”

“Ready for my cock?”


Slowly, I pulled my fingers out of him. His hole was shiny and relaxed and so damn inviting. Gripping the base of my cock, I slowly rubbed the head over him.

“Stop fucking teasing and start fucking fucking me,” he grumbled and tried to push back on my dick.

“So eager.” I chuckled. “Maybe I like teasing.”

“You’re a sadist.”

“And you’re impatient.” I lined myself up with his hole. “Breathe out and bear down. It’s going to feel weird and awkward. Tell me if it hurts.”

“Athletes don’t complain about pain.”

“We’re not on the field, babe. This is just you and me, and I want us both to enjoy this.”

“Okay.” He looked over his shoulder at me. “I promise I’ll tell you.”

“Good boy.” I stroked his back. “I’ll go slow so you can get used to it. Just relax and let me take care of you.”

His eyes flashed with vulnerability. Then he nodded, arched his back the slightest bit more, and looked over the back of the couch.

Holding his hip with one hand, I slowly pushed into him and popped through his outer ring.

“Holy shit,” he gasped. “Jesus Christ, you’re huge.”

I paused, my cockhead holding him open. “Is it okay?”

“Yeah. It’s weird but good. Give me more.”

Chuckling, I rolled my hips, pushing in another half inch.

Having him bent over the couch wouldn’t have been my choice for our first time. The view of his strong back and incredible ass was amazing, but I wished I could see his face. I missed the sensation of his skin against mine, of his arms and legs wrapped around me.

Most of the sex I’d had was in this position, and it felt wrong to be doing it with Matt like this. With the other guys, I’d wanted it impersonal. I hadn’t wanted the extra intimacy of seeing their faces, but Matt wasn’t some random. We might just be fucking around, but he was my best friend. He deserved to feel wanted and seen and not like he was just an ass I was fucking.

“Let’s try it a different way.”

“What?” He looked at me sharply. “It feels good.”

“I want you to ride me. That way you can control the speed and how deep I go.”

He opened his mouth like he was going to protest but closed it. “Okay.”

I pulled my cock out of him and stepped back. He climbed off the couch on shaky legs, his cock half-hard.

“Take your pants off and get on top of me.” I shoved my jeans and boxers down, then kicked off my shoes so I could tug them off.

I sat on the couch, my legs spread wide and my ass on the edge of the cushion. Matt tugged off his shoes and pulled off his pants but paused, his hands in front of his crotch.

He’d gone soft.

“Come here.” I shifted my legs to make room for him to stand beside me.

He blushed bright red and shook his head, his eyes on the floor.

“Babe. Look at me.”

He lifted his head and peeked at me from under his lashes.

“It’s natural for you to be nervous, and I’m sure the break in the action isn’t helping. But I’m going to tell you something that isn’t exactly a widely known fact about sex between men.”

He swallowed but didn’t look away.

“Not all guys can stay hard during sex. Not when they’re bottoming. It doesn’t mean there’s something wrong or that they’re not enjoying it. It’s perfectly normal. Do you want to keep going?”

He nodded.

“Then you have two choices. You can bring that gorgeous dick over here and let me suck it for a while, or you can jerk off over me and see if that helps you relax. You don’t have to be hard for me to fuck you. You just have to want it.”

“I want it,” he whispered.

“That’s all that matters to me.”

He came to stand beside me but angled his hips away so I couldn’t take him into my mouth.

“What if I can’t come while you’re in me?”

“Then we’ll find another way to get you there. Fingers, my mouth. Whatever you want. And if you’re uncomfortable or this doesn’t work for you, that’s fine too. We’ll stop and try something else.”

He let out a frustrated grunt. “I hate that I’m ruining this.”

“You’re not ruining anything.” I rubbed my fingers through the soft hairs on his thigh. “You’re perfect just the way you are.”

Slowly, he shifted his hips so his cock was in front of my face.

Soft or hard, he had a beautiful dick. I ran my tongue down his shaft and gently teased the tip into his slit.

He sighed and ran his fingers through my hair.

I took my time licking and worshipping him with my mouth. I loved going down on him, and I made sure to show him with my movements just how much I was enjoying this.

I rolled his balls in my palm, teasing the globes as I sucked him. He chubbed up a bit, then slowly grew until he was pressing down my throat.

He pulled out of my mouth. “I’m ready.”

Holding his hips, I guided him down so he was straddling my lap.

“Reach behind you and hold my cock in place. That’s it. Now line yourself up.”

He shifted his hips around. The tip of my cock slipped inside him, and we both moaned.

“Hold on to me and sink down.” I gripped his cock and gave him a few slow strokes. “Take your time.”

He lowered himself, and I slid in another inch. “Jax,” he whispered.

“That’s it, babe. You’re doing so good.”

He sank down a bit more, his gaze on my lips.

I wrapped my hand around the back of his neck and tugged him down. His mouth met mine with a soft sigh. I sucked on his bottom lip as he sat the rest of the way down so his ass rested on my thighs.

He whimpered against my mouth. I let go of his hip and focused on stroking and kissing him as he rocked over me.

His dick was hard and slick in my hand. Hopefully, he’d gotten out of his head and could relax enough to fully enjoy this.

Even if he couldn’t, I’d meant what I’d said. We’d find another way to get him off if he couldn’t come this way.

I loved feeling his skin as he wrapped his big arms around me and tugged me close. His mouth moved over mine at the same speed as his hips shifted over my dick. He was taking me in short, quick thrusts. He clenched around my cock and moaned into our kisses. Tendrils of pleasure coiled deep in my body.

He moved faster, lifting further off me as he rode me in earnest. I gripped his ass and tried to help him while I focused on stroking and kissing him.

This was what I’d wanted. To feel all of him. To be able to kiss and hold him as we came together for the first time. I felt bad for pumping the brakes and causing him to lose focus, but I knew deep in my soul that this was what we both needed.

Matt rode me like a man possessed, his dick pulsing in my hand. We were moving so fast and breathing so hard we couldn’t even kiss.

Heat and awareness pooled in my junk, and my entire body tightened. Fuck. I was close. I stroked him faster and changed the angle of my hips so I’d hopefully hit his prostate better.


A pulse of need shot through me at his lust-drenched tone, nearly triggering my impending release.

“That’s it, babe. Make yourself feel good on my cock,” I rasped. “Fuck, you’re gorgeous. You’re going to make me come so hard. You want that? To feel me fill you?”

He jerked like he’d been electrocuted. A strangled cry tore from his lips as wetness shot over my hand. His walls rippled around my dick, squeezing and pulling me in as he ground down on my lap.

I opened my eyes. He was staring at me, his blue eyes bright and filled with aroused wonder. I came with a loud grunt, shaking and shuddering under him as he clutched me tight.

Being able to see his pleasure, knowing he was seeing mine was so hot, and another mini orgasm rocked through me. Matt covered my mouth with his and kissed me, swallowing my cries.

We kept on kissing through the haze of pleasure that descended on us. Slow, languid kisses that came from a place of deep satisfaction.

I ran my hands up and down his strong back, letting myself get swept away. My cock softened, then slipped out of him.

He winced and pulled away from our kiss. “That felt weird.”

Some of my load fell out of him, forming a wet pool on my leg.

“Sorry,” he mumbled and tensed.

“None of that,” I assured him. “Knowing my cum is in you is fucking hot. Feeling it is even hotter. Nothing about what we do together could ever be anything other than a turn-on.”

“I saw that going differently in my head.” He sat back on my thighs and smiled wryly, his arms still draped over my shoulders.

“Did it feel good?”

My heart clenched. He’d come, and it had felt like he’d enjoyed it. But had that only been a physical reaction? Had he gotten stuck in his head?

“Really good.” He smiled shyly. “It’s a lot messier than I thought it would be. But I really liked it.”

“Me too.” I glanced around the living room. “We should get dressed. Eli’s chill, but he doesn’t need to see this.”

Matt chuckled and climbed off my lap, wobbling a bit. I steadied him with a hand on his hip. “I feel like a baby deer. Who knew riding dick was that much of a workout?”

I snickered and stood. “At least we have an alternative for leg day if we can’t get to the gym.”

I do.” He gave me a pointed look as he tugged on his boxers. “What are you going to do? You’re the one who needs leg day.”

“Maybe crouch over your face while you lick me?” His jaw dropped, and I grinned. “I bet I can hold my stance while you put your tongue in me.”

Challenge flashed in his eyes as he grabbed his jeans. “You think?”


“I bet I could have you on the floor and begging to come in five minutes.”

“You sure you want to make that bet?” I did up my jeans and swiped my shirt up off the couch.

“Fuck, yeah.” He put on his hoodie. “Would you let me?”

“If you wanted to.”

“Do you want me to?”

I pulled on my hoodie, then flopped onto the couch. “Yeah. I’ve never let someone do that to me, but I want to try it with you.”

He looked down at me, his expression calculating.



The front door closed.

Matt whirled around just as Eli strode into the living room, looking as perfect and nonchalant as always. Did he ever have a bad hair day?

“Hey.” Matt flushed.

“Hi.” He paused. “I’m just grabbing something. I’ll be out until late.”

“Oh, okay.” Matt glanced at me. “Have a good night.”

“You too.” He smiled and gave us a little wave, then swept out of the room.

“Want to go upstairs?” Matt asked.

“Sure.” I stood and followed Matt up the stairs.

We made a quick stop in the bathroom to clean up, then went to his room.

“Lie down.” He pointed to his bed and closed the door.

“Okay.” I climbed onto his bed and lay back.

“On your stomach.”

Chuckling at his tone, I flipped over.

“Move up so you’re on the pillows.”

“Someone’s in a bossy mood.” I wiggled up the bed and grinned at him.

“I want to try something.”

He got on the bed and knee-walked over to me. He straddled my legs, then lay down and nestled his cheek against my ass, letting out a sigh.

My cock pulsed and chubbed up.

“Comfy?” Hopefully, that came out breezy and casual and not like I was popping wood.

“Don’t like the jeans.” He sat up and moved off my legs. “Take them off.”

Sitting up, I did as he said. He took my jeans and tossed them onto the floor.

“Are you going to give me something to wear?” I flipped over to lie back down.

“Nope.” He slapped my ass.

“It’s December.”

“Suck it up, princess.” He grinned and shoved my legs apart. “Besides, aren’t you the hearty Canadian? You’re used to blizzards and freezing your nuts off. I thought the winters here were balmy?” He lay down and rubbed his cheek against my ass. “That’s better.”

“They are balmy.” I ignored my dick, which was ready for round two. “But I usually wear pants.”

“Too bad. You’re my new pillow. Deal.”

“You know you’re driving me crazy, right?”

“Yup.” He lifted his head and squeezed my ass in his big hands. “But that sounds like a you problem.”

“So this is how it’s going to be from now on, eh?”

“It is.” He jiggled my cheeks playfully. “Your fault for having such a big ass. I’ve been holding back for weeks.”

“Such a martyr.” I popped my hips a few times, bumping his chin.

“Behave, pillow.” He slapped my ass, then rested his cheek on it again. “You put your dick in mine. The least you can do is let me cuddle yours.”

“You can cuddle it anytime you want,” I said, my tone serious. “This feels really nice.”

“A bottom who’s obsessed with asses. Is that a thing?”

“Apparently, it is.” I chuckled and rested my head on his pillow. “You can fuck me, you know. You just have to ask.”

“I know. But I don’t think I want to. Not anytime soon at least.” He nuzzled his cheek against me. “I want to rim you. That would be hot. And I’d like to finger you too, give you a little taste of what you give me. But I don’t think I want to fuck you. I… I like when you take care of me.”

“I like it too.” My voice cracked, and I cleared my throat. “What do you think of the tapes we watched before practice?”

“I wasn’t impressed.”


Coach had shown the team some highlights from UW, the first team we’d be playing when the season started.

“Nah. Coach is all worried about number fourteen, that Greely kid, but I don’t think he’s going to be as much of a threat as Coach thinks.”

“What makes you say that?”

The kid in question was a sophomore power hitter. We’d watched reel after reel of him smashing every type of pitch under the sun into the back wall of their stadium. He’d gotten injured in the preseason last year and had sat out until the playoffs, which his team hadn’t made. This would be the first time we’d be up against him.

“He’s got power, no doubt. But their starting pitcher has a major tell. Did you notice how he does that little half step every time he pitches?”

“Yeah.” I had noticed that. It wasn’t exactly a half step, more of a quick slide of his foot, but it was a tell.

“The kid hasn’t hit off anyone other than his own pitchers and the machines in a year. He’s learned to time his swing based on that tell, and we both know how easy it is to hit off the machines.”

He had a point. Pitching machines could be set to different speeds and pitch types, but they were easy because they were always perfect.

“I doubt he’s going to have that same kind of precision when he starts facing off against other teams. Especially me.” Matt’s voice was matter-of-fact without a hint of boasting or pride. “Guys like him are notorious for favoring inside pitches. That’s how they get the power. That’s fine for righties, but we lefties like to throw to the outside corners. They don’t have a lefty on their pitching roster, and the machines are too perfect to recreate a southpaw pitch.”

“I never thought about that,” I mused. “Your slider would blow right past him. Your curve too.”

“Yup.” I could hear the smile in his voice now. “Like I said, not worried.”

“What about that pitcher from Rainier?” I asked.

Matt made an unimpressed sound and launched into a breakdown of how he needed to get better control of his releases and ball spins.

Talking shop with Matt was one of my favorite pastimes. Doing it while cuddled up like this made it a million times better.

Too bad it couldn’t last. This season was the beginning of the end for a lot of things, and our arrangement was just one more thing to add to the ever-growing list.

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