Never Have I Ever: Had a Bromance with a Teammate

: Chapter 14

“Coach is a sadist,” Matt grumbled as he pushed the door to his house open.

“He was today.”

“Why do you look like you just went for a swim?” Eli asked as we trudged into the living room.

“Coach had us running drills in the rain like a psycho.” Matt paused, and I nearly ran into his back.

I didn’t know Eli well, but I liked the kid. We’d watched a few movies together over the weekend, and he was insanely good at video games. Playing against him was like playing a computer in hard mode.


“No clue. But apparently, freezing our nuts off in a monsoon is part of his master plan of making us better ball players.”

“Can you tell he grew up in the desert?” I clasped Matt’s shoulders and gave him a little shake, hoping to break his bad mood. “It’s balmy out there, nowhere near freeze-your-nuts-off degrees.”

“Said the Canadian.” Matt elbowed me in the side. “And of course the hot water in the changeroom wasn’t working, so we couldn’t even take a shower after.”

“Yuck.” Eli scrunched up his face.

“We’re ordering pizza for dinner. Want some?” Matt asked. “We always get way too much.”

Eli’s face fell. “Thanks for the offer, but I can’t.”

Something niggled at the back of my mind. It wasn’t the first time he’d said he couldn’t eat something, and not that he didn’t want to. And I’d seen Eli put his phone against his arm, then look at something on the screen a few times in the past couple of weeks. My lab partner last year had done the same thing when they’d checked their blood sugar.

Did Eli have diabetes?

“I always order a salad to try and offset all the cheese and carbs, but this one”—I bumped Matt with my shoulder—“never helps me eat it.”

“Salad isn’t food. It’s what food eats.” Matt hip-checked me. His wet shoes slid on the floor, and he pitched to the side. “Shit!”

I helped him right himself. Eli laughed. “I like salad.”

“Great.” Matt slung his arm over my shoulder. “You and Mr. Giant Ass over here can be healthy, and I’ll get extra cheesy bread.”

“Garden salad with grilled chicken okay?” I asked Eli.

“Yeah.” He smiled. “That would be great.

“What kind of dressing do you like?”

“Any sort of oil and vinegar is good. Um, about what time do you think the food will get here?”

“About thirty, forty minutes okay?”

He nodded.

“Can you get the delivery if it comes before we finish cleaning up?” Matt asked. “I’ll put the order in when we get upstairs.”


“See ya in a bit.” He beamed a smile at Eli, who grinned back.

“Since when do you always order a salad?” Matt asked as we came up to his door. “I mean, you do sometimes but always?”

“Do you remember a few weeks ago when we were watching The Witcher?”

“Yeah.” He shoved his door open and tossed his duffle inside.

“I saw Eli put his phone against his arm and check the screen. He’s done it a bunch since then too.”


“So I think he wears a blood glucose monitor.” I threw my bag so it landed next to his.

“Like for blood sugar?”


Matt looked thoughtful. “Every time Beck’s mom sends cookies, he always says he can’t eat them. And I did see something on his arm the other day. A plastic disk or something like that.”

“That sounds like the thing my ex-lab partner wears. I forget what it’s called, but it’s for checking blood sugar.”

“Shit. Do you think he has diabetes?”

“Maybe. I didn’t want to ask because it’s not our business, but you told me he’s into clean eating and seems to eat on a regular schedule. I don’t know a lot about living with diabetes, but my lab partner told me both are super important for people with type 1.”

“Poor kid. That’s a shitty thing to have to deal with. Did you know he’s a senior and he’s only nineteen?” Matt led me into the bathroom.


“Yup.” He peeled off his wet hoodie and dropped it on the floor. It landed with a loud splat. “Gross.”

“Where’s your phone? I’ll put in our order while you complain about the rain some more. I swear you’re like the Wicked Witch of the West screeching about how you’re going to melt.”

Matt dug into the pocket of his sweats. “Here.” He pulled out his hand and flipped me the finger.

“Am I wrong?” I shoved my hand into his pocket and yanked out his phone.

“Totally wrong.” He grinned and tugged off his shirt.

“Start the water.” I unlocked his phone and opened the app.

Matt shoved his pants down, then turned and wiggled his ass at me.

“Keep that up, and you’re going to end up with my dick between those cheeks,” I warned and tried to focus on our dinner order and not on the sexy-as-fuck tan line that cut across Matt’s back.

“Promises, promises.” He stepped out of his sweats and sighed dramatically.

I laughed. “Now that’s a sexy look.” I motioned to his feet. He was still wearing his shoes and baseball socks.

He glanced down and chuckled. “Maybe not the best choice for trying to start stuff.”

I finished ordering our food, making sure to get the confirmation, then put the phone down on the counter.

“You feeling frisky?” I stripped off my shirt and hoodie in one go.

“Always.” He waved at his hard dick, then bent to take off his shoes and socks.

It took a bit of fumbling to get naked in the small space without knocking into each other. When I’d finally managed to peel off my wet socks, Matt was slowly stroking himself, his eyes roving over my body.

“Start the water.”

He stuck his hand into the shower and turned it on. I stepped up behind him and settled my hard dick in his crease as he fiddled with the temperature.

“Can’t think straight when you do that.” He dropped his head against my shoulder.

“There’s nothing straight about this.” I rocked my hips and slid my erection over his hole.

He let out a low moan.

“Is the water good?” I kissed his shoulder.

“Water?” he asked dazedly.

I chuckled and squeezed his hips. “Come on. Let’s get nice and clean. I want to try something with you.”

I loved how he didn’t even ask what it was. He just yanked back the shower curtain and stepped inside.

We’d had plenty of practice showering together since that first time in my room. I usually ended up spending most of the time waiting for my turn under the spray, but I didn’t mind. Watching the water cascade down his perfect body as he soaped up was one hundred percent worth it.

Steam rose around us as we washed the rainwater and sweat off us. When we were clean, Matt looked at me, his eyes blazing.

“What was your idea?”

“Turn around and put your hands on the wall.”

He licked his bottom lip and did as I said.

I gripped his hips and pressed my body against his. He leaned into me, his wet skin sliding against mine. “Pop that ass out for me. I’m going to show you just how amazing rimming feels.”

He widened his stance and arched his back. I ran one hand over his full cheek, squeezed, then continued down to the back of his thigh.

“Ready?” I kissed just under his ear.

“So ready.” He turned his face, his lips parted in invitation.

I kissed him hard and deep. Possessive desire rolled through me as he swiped at my tongue and nibbled at my lips. My cock pressed between his ass cheeks and settled against his slippery skin.

I slid my other hand to his dick and gave it a slow stroke. He was as hard as I was. I did it again.

“Jax.” He pulled away from our kiss. His pupils were blown, his cheeks pink from either the hot water or arousal.

“I’ve got you. Just relax and remember that I’m going to enjoy every second of this. That’s all you need to think about.”

He nodded, then faced the wall.

Hoping to help him relax, I trailed my hands down his ripped back, tracing the muscles.

“You’re so hot.” I dragged my hands over his sides, then across his chest. “So big, so strong. Everything about you turns me on.”


“Yeah.” I kissed his shoulder. “Ready?”


I traced my fingertips through his crease, pausing when I reached his hole. Gently, I circled one finger over it.

He shuddered and spread his legs a little wider.

Oh yeah, he was ready.

I trailed my lips down his spine as I slowly lowered myself to my knees. The water was hitting my upper back now, but I ignored it and kissed first his left cheek, then his right one.

Gently, I split him open and ran my tongue down his crease, the touch featherlight and teasing. Using just the tip, I circled his hole.

He moaned and pushed his hips back, pressing against my tongue.

I didn’t do this often. For me, rimming was intimate. Knowing Matt had never experienced this before set off some primal instincts I hadn’t realized I had. I loved that was the only one who got to pleasure him like this.

Until he moves on to the next guy.

I shoved that ugly thought aside and focused on the moment, licking harder. Matt’s legs shook as he pushed back against me. Needy whimpers fell from his mouth.

“Jax, need to jerk.” He grunted and bent over more, completely opening himself up to me.

I reached between his legs and grasped his dick by the base. He was rock hard, his skin slick and slippery with precum.

“Fuck, yeah.” He panted, moving in time with my tongue as I lapped at him. “So fucking good.”

I stroked slowly, not wanting him to come yet. He shoved his hips back, and I stabbed my tongue inside him.

The bellow of pleasure he let out echoed in the bathroom. Thank fuck Eli already knew about us.

“More. Please more,” he begged, rocking his hips back so he was fucking himself on my tongue.

Goddamn, he was so hot like this. I’d always liked taking charge, but I’d never gotten this turned on just from pleasuring my partner. My cock throbbed, my balls already tight and high as heat pooled in my groin.

I wrapped my free hand around myself and stroked us off at the same pace. Matt was a blubbering, panting mess, rolling his hips, his dick pulsing as I worked him over.

“Holy fuck. Jax. I’m so close.” He scrabbled for purchase, his hands sliding over the wet tiles.

I sped up my strokes, making sure to time them with my tongue. As much as I wanted this to last, I was too close.

His entire body shook, and his legs trembled as I kept up my onslaught.


His ass clamped down on my tongue, and his cock throbbed in my hand.

That was enough to trigger my orgasm, and I came in a rush. Pleasure slammed into me like a brick wall.

I stroked us through it but pulled my face out of his ass so I could gulp in ragged breaths. My head spun, and my entire body pulsed.

“Holy fucking shit.”

Matt’s shaky voice brought me back to reality. He was leaning against the wall and breathing hard.

Carefully, I stood and wrapped my arms around his trembling body. He sagged against me, and I held him tight.

“You okay?” I whispered in his ear.

The water at my back cooled, and I knew from experience we had about twenty seconds before I’d be blasted with ice-cold water.

“Just a sec.” I let go of him and shut the water off. “Come here.” I pulled him back into my arms and hugged him. I’d noticed he liked to cuddle right after an orgasm, and truthfully, I liked it too.

He gripped my arms and laid his head against my shoulder.

“You definitely killed me,” he muttered. “Death by rimming. Here lies Matt Landry. Taken down by his bestie’s tongue.”

I snickered and kissed his wet hair. “I take it you’re a fan?”

“You could say that.” He chuckled. “Damn. My legs are still shaking.”

“I’ve got you. Just lean back until you’re steady.”

“What about you? I can blow you when my body stops shorting out.”

“I’m good. Came when you did.”

“Really? You liked it that much?”

“Oh yeah. Seeing you enjoy it, feeling it. I almost blacked out there for a second.”

“That’s really hot.” He shivered. “Pretty sure I did black out.”


The steam had dissipated now that the water wasn’t running, and the chilled air prickled my skin.

“Little bit.”

“You good to stand?”


I carefully let go of him, stepped out of the shower, and grabbed one of the towels off the rack. I handed it to Matt, then got the other for myself and dried off.

He wrapped it around his hips.

“I think I’ve always been attracted to you. I just didn’t realize it.”

“You think so?” I went for casual. He’d been attracted to me this whole time?

“Yeah.” He stepped out of the tub. “I never really checked you out or anything, but I’ve always thought you were attractive. And I’d feel these… pulls for you. You’d smile or laugh, and I’d get these little flutters of something. Like happy little bubbles. Other times you’d move a certain way, or your quads would pop after a workout, and I’d feel something flaring up inside, like little zings of heat deep in me. I never considered it could be attraction, but I think it was.”

“Have you felt that for other guys?”

“Sort of? I’ve felt the flutters before, but those didn’t feel like happiness. More like curiosity. But I’ve never felt that heat for anyone. Just you.”

I swallowed hard and tried to keep my face neutral.

“This is such a mind fuck.” He rubbed his towel through his hair. “I feel like I should be freaking out. You just put your tongue in my asshole. That’s weird, but it was fucking amazing.” He sighed and tossed his towel over the shower curtain rod. “We should hurry. Dinner will be here soon.”

Feeling helpless, I watched as he opened the bathroom door and strode into the hallway, his naked body glistening with water.

How the fuck was I going to give this up?

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