NERO: Alliance Series Book One

NERO: Chapter 10

“Hey, beautiful! We’ve got some samples set up in the center for you to try.” The employee gestures with a head nod, his hands filled with product. “And let me know if you need any help finding something.”

“Thanks.” I can’t bring myself to call out across the store as loud as he did, but he must read my lips because he smiles before turning back to stock the shelf in front of him.

It’s been nearly a week since the Mystery Man walked into my apartment, and after much internal debate, I decided to come to the mall after work today to replace the body wash he took.

Having only been in this store once before, it takes me a moment to find the scent I’m looking for.

Part of me is tempted to get a different kind. Change it up. The other part of me, the part buried deeper inside of me, where I safekeep my secrets, won’t let me do that. He, that man, took my body wash for a reason. And I might be inexperienced, but I have a feeling he took it because he liked it. Because it smelled like me.

Maybe it’s sick and twisted, and it’s definitely fucked up, but I like the idea of him in his shower, sniffing my soap, while I’m in my shower, lathering the same scent all over my body.

My cheeks flush pink. I shouldn’t be thinking about this here.

“Oh, good choice!” The employee’s voice startles a gasp out of me, and I clutch the bottle to my chest. “Sorry––” He laughs. “Didn’t mean to sneak up on you.”

“It’s okay.” I try to act like a normal human and brush it off.

“Have you tried the matching lotion?” he asks, reaching past me to pick up a little black container with a screw-on lid.

“I didn’t know there was one,” I murmur, bending to sniff after he removes the top and holds it up for me.

As I take another inhale, the employee lists off all the attributes, the hydration, the softening, the environmental story… but all I can focus on is the rose scent. It smells like the soap in my hands, only this would stay with me longer.

My eyes close, and I can picture it now––getting out of the shower, the steamy air filled with the scent. Toweling off and reaching for this jar of lotion. Dipping my fingers in, scooping out the soft substance, then warming it between my palms before running it up and down my limbs. Coating my body in the essence of roses. Using it as a shield and a lure. Feeling brave for putting it on, hoping it might be enough to bring the man back through my door. Back into my life.

“Good, right?”

My eyes fly open to see a conspiratorial expression on his face, and I feel my own heat with embarrassment.

Pressing my lips together, I nod.

With the lid secure he hands me the little jar asking if I need anything else.

I eye the piles of bath bombs, considering if it’s worth the expense, but decide against it.

Following the worker to the register, I try to keep my hands steady as I pull the hundred-dollar bill out of my wallet and pass it across the counter.

It feels like some sort of giant secret, as if someone like me shouldn’t have this sort of cash on them. And usually, I wouldn’t. Honestly, it’s been causing me anxiety all week. Like someone might spot it through my purse and just know that it came into my possession through nefarious means.

Even though the cost of the body wash plus the lotion is insanely expensive, I’m happy to put the twenty-seven dollars and change back into my wallet. It’s still technically his money, but it’s a much more reasonable amount to justify.

With the bag in my hands, I check the time on my phone and decide I can treat myself to the food court before catching the bus home.

Because really, what’s one more indulgence?

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