Nephilim and the Nun

Chapter 29: •Blood safe•


"Are you sure they are here?" I asked Rhea, glancing at her. In response, she nodded.

"I saw them when I'd snuck here to search for evidence for my revenge mission. That was before I met you". She replied, shining the flashlight she was holding towards a door I hadn't noticed in Elliott's office. All the time I'd entered the office, the place hiding the door had been covered with a curtain making it look like a window.

Following Rhea's lead, she opened the door as silently as she could but there were still little creaking noises. We paused for a while, listening to any unusual sounds but nothing came.

Pushing the door open, she stepped in and I followed suit. We were looking for Elliott's blood safe. Rhea had told me he kept blood bags in a large safe.

Immediately, I knew it was the ones of other supernatural beings he'd killed. I was going to dispose of all of them. It was my only means of reducing the powers he hoped to acquire.

Quietly, she led me further into the room, towards another curtain. On opening the curtain, we saw a wall. I glanced at Rhea but she nodded at me. With her free hand, she splayed her palm on the plain wall and pushed it.

Before my very eyes, the wall moved in and turned around to reveal what looked like a shelf of books but instead contained numerous blood bags that were all filled.

"When I saw them, I didn't understand why he kept them till I caught him draining blood from you". She explained, whispering to avoid attracting the attention of anyone that might be on either side of the walls to ourselves.

I studied each blood bag to see they had a label on each. Some were labeled shifters, others cambions, werewolves, and even Nephilims. That was when it hit me that the lunatic had been killing supernatural beings for a long time.

Another truth that hit me was; if he had been using their blood on himself for long, then he was almost a full-fleshed demon.

He was a threat to both humans and other supernatural beings.

My initial plan was to take all the blood bags and dispose of them but as a result of what I'd seen and the sudden rage that overtook me, I changed my mind.

Without giving in to second thoughts, I opened all of the blood bags, spraying the blood on his office floor and walls.

"what are you doing?" Rhea whisper yelled.

"Let people know he is a monster" I gritted out, continuing my actions.

"That wasn't the plan"

"Change of plans then".

By the time I was done the entire office looked like it was painted with blood.

If it wasn't for the rage brewing inside me, I'd have congratulated myself for a job well done.

I glanced around the office, satisfied

with my actions. Grabbing Rhea's

hand, we appeared back in the



As soon as we got into the room, a wave of nausea washed over me.

I knew what it was.

I'd been using my teleportation abilities for a while without checking on my blood level. I needed blood and fast. Rushing past Rhea, got into the walk-in closet and returned holding the blood bags.

Sitting on the bed, I fixed the first one to my hand.

I lifted my head to see Rhea watching me with wide eyes.

"W-what are you doing?" She asked with confusion etched on her face. "Fueling my abilities"

Her brows furrowed in further confusion.

"I need

blood to function

my teleportation ability

lot of it," I

belongs to en.sw

Her next question made me smirk.

"What are you?"‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒

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