Need Your Number: Tampa Thunder Series

Need Your Number: Chapter 34

It’s Monday morning on draft week and I am anxious.  I stayed busy all weekend helping Fiona get her business stuff together.  We got her business name – Sunshine Sports Media – and she set up her bank accounts.  She made a website and spent all Sunday sending out information to everyone that had requested an interview.  She even emailed the information to the Thunder.  I am proud of her.  I think she is going to love working with a lot of teams across a bunch of different sports.

I hit the gym with Luke after class.  He talks about how worried he is to be drafted away from his family.  I tell him my worries about going somewhere I hate.  I don’t have to worry too much with parents who travel full time and a fiancé who is opening a business that will have her traveling, so she doesn’t need to be anywhere certain.  But the Thunder is, and always has been, my first pick.

I head home to Fiona looking stressed over her computer and planner.

“What’s up, boss lady?” I say.  “I have gotten sixteen teams interested, including the Thunder.  I am trying to schedule my info meetings over the next week.  I just want to do well,” she says.

“Take a deep breath.  You will do amazing, sunshine.  These teams would be lucky to have you,” I say.  “I am going to start dinner.  I want you to put the work away and flip on your vampire show while I bring you some wine.”

Fiona nods her head and reluctantly closes her computer.  Bringing her the glass of wine, I give her a big kiss.  “You need to create work hours and boundaries, or your business will eat you alive,” I tell her.

“If I get four or more teams to sign up I am going to hire Charlie, if she is interested.  Maybe even Celisa.  Celisa can handle scheduling and traveling plans.  Charlie is a business major, so she can help more on that side,” she says, thinking out loud.

“That is a great idea, babe,” I tell her.

“They will just work remotely if we have to move.  If we stay in Tampa… maybe we need to get an office?  I am excited and nervous!” she says. “I remember having this dream of my own sports media company. But after Justin I never allowed myself to dream this big. Now it’s like there are no limits on my dreams, thanks to you and your support,” she adds.

We talk more about her plans, and I can tell by listening to her, deep down she hopes I draft to the Thunder.  She doesn’t want to leave Tampa, but she will if I have to go.  I love listening to this version of Fiona.  She believes in herself, and I love it.  We head to bed, and she tells me about her plans to go wedding dress shopping next month.  We fall asleep talking about our wedding parties.

Tuesday morning when I get up, I hit the gym before class.  I have my midterm, but it is open book so I’m not really worried.  Fiona is meeting with three teams this morning, but I am meeting her for lunch afterwards.  She is heading to the bank to apply for a loan after that, so I am going to meet up with Luke, Stuntz, and Rodriguez at Slapshots.  I am going to ask them to be my groomsmen over beers at Slapshots.

My midterm was easy.  I beat Fiona to the restaurant.  She comes running in, face flush.

“Hey babe, where’s the fire?” I say, joking, while I get up and kiss her. “Ha ha, babe.  I just was running late and didn’t want you waiting on me,” she says. We order our lunch, then I ask, “How did it go?”

She smiles.  “I sent contracts to a pro soccer and baseball team, and a college will be getting back to me,” she tells me, excited.

“That is amazing, sunshine.  I honestly think you should hire Celisa and Charlie soon.  You are going to get busy faster than you think.  Just my selfish opinion, since I want as much time with my fiancé before training starts up,” I tell her.

We laugh and talk about my plans with the guys.  I tell her to swing by after her bank appointment.

We go our separate ways and I head home to change before meeting the guys.  Celisa is working, so I chit chat with her while waiting on Luke, Stuntz, and Rodriguez.

When they arrive, we all go sit in a booth.

“So, I wanted to see if you guys would be my groomsman.  Luke, I want you to be my best man.” I tell them, sipping my beer.

They all say yes, and we order a round of shots.  We tell Celisa the occasion and she takes one, too.

“Congrats, Zane!  I am so happy for you guys,” she says.

Shortly after shots, Fiona comes, in ordering another round of shots.

“What’s the occasion now?” Celisa says.

“I got the loan!” Fiona exclaims.

“That’s amazing, girl” Celisa says, hugging her.

We all give our congrats and take our shots.  Big things are happening in our lives.  The draft is in two days.  I am praying it doesn’t mess anything up for us.

Fiona heads home before me, wanting to get some work done.  I kiss her goodbye and promise to be home soon.

“I am so proud of her,” Luke says.

I smile.  “Me too.  She has so many big things happening.  I just hope the draft doesn’t ruin anything,” I tell the guys.

“Her business is remote; you will be fine.  She would prefer to be here in Tampa, but she can easily work from anywhere.  Don’t stress over something that hasn’t happened yet,” Stuntz says.  After another thirty minutes, I head home.

Fiona is asleep in bed with her computer in her lap.  Grabbing her computer from her, I see she is looking up how to stay organized working from home.  It makes me smile knowing she was looking up how to make things work if we need to move.  It sort of soothes my soul knowing she is committed to us, even with the idea of moving.  I kiss her goodnight and whisper I love you before I go to sleep.

Fiona wakes me up Wednesday by climbing under the covers and beginning to stroke my dick. I moan and then touch her cheek saying, “Good morning, sunshine.” “Morning, Z.  Today is your last midterm and the day before the draft.  I can only imagine the stress you are under.  I want to help you relax,” she says, right before she licks my entire length.

She starts lightly sucking on the tip while she runs her tongue across the slit on the top.  Then she begins to take my entire length, inch by inch.  Taking all of me into her warm and wet mouth.  It feels so good.  I am not going to last long.  She sucks on just the tip and then takes all of me hard and fast.  I grab the back of her head, shooting cum down her throat.  She takes every drop before licking my tip and sitting up with a huge smile.  She crawls up the bed, plants a kiss on me, tells me to have a great day, and then she is up, getting ready for her day.

I get ready and head to my midterm, stopping at the table to tell Fiona I love her and will see her tonight.  My midterm is simple and I am confident I did great.  Then I head to the gym with the guys.  Feeling better about the draft, I relax a little, knowing that it’s going to be okay.  I really hope all of us get placed in Tampa, but I am not sure how many slots they have available for the team.

On my drive home I text Penny, confirming the draft party at her house.  By party, I mean we are going to watch the draft as a family.  Fiona is going to live stream it on my Instagram page for me.  It will be nice to have footage of me getting the call to look back on.  My parents will be with us too, which is amazing.  It is a huge night for my career.  It is also a big moment in my relationship with Fiona.  We find out if we are uprooting our entire lives.

I get home and Fiona has dinner cooking while she works on the counter.

“First thing we are doing after the draft is house shopping.  You need a home office so you can be organized,” I tell her.

“Oh good, because I may have talked to someone about a litter of puppies that will be ready to go home in the middle of May,” she says, giving me a megawatt smile.

Grabbing her phone, she shows me the puppy she is in love with.  It is a bernedoodle – Bernese mountain dog and Poodle mix, so it’s both hypoallergenic and still a big dog like she wants.  “The breeder is a little expensive, but I figured you wouldn’t mind spending a little on this sweet girl,” she giggles.  “Anything for you, sunshine,” I say, and look at the dog again.  She is a cute puppy.

After dinner, we scroll through our phones, looking at puppy stuff.  Careers, a puppy, and a home soon.  I am so happy to have met this beautiful woman.  We clean up the kitchen and then I get ready to go to bed.  I fall asleep with Fiona in my arms.

“IT’S DRAFT DAY!” Fiona exclaims, wearing my Penguins jersey.  “I have two meetings, then I am going to help Penny.  She took the day off so we can set up.  You go get your hair cut and trim up your playoff beard.  Get camera ready!  Then the guys are coming here for a drink with you before you head to Penny’s house,” she informs me.

I chuckle. “Thank you for planning everything, babe.  Especially the drink with the guys.  You keep me on track, and I appreciate it,” I tell her, giving her a kiss.

I get my hair cut and beard trimmed; Fiona made it clear she didn’t want it shaved off.  When I get home, I make sure I have my khakis and button up set out.  Shortly after the guys arrive there is a knock on the door.  Fiona had pizza delivered with a note taped inside the box saying, CONGRATULATIONS, GUYS!  I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!  HAPPY DRAFT DAY!  XO- Fi.

We all take a picture of it.

“Your girl is amazing,” Rodriguez says.

“He is not wrong.  She planned all this out great!” Luke says.

We eat and have a few beers before we all go our separate ways to get ready.  Our goodbye is a little emotional because after tonight, all of our lives are about to change.

Penny and Fiona set the living room up with streamers and balloons. They have food and a little bar area set up.  Behind the TV, Fiona’s iPad is on a tripod, ready to begin the livestream.  She is dressed in a cute black dress.  She makes me a drink and we all sit down, flipping on the correct channel. It’s time.Tampa picks third and we are all holding our breath. Then we hear, “Our first-round pick is Blake Stuntz.”

We all cheer; we’re so excited for him!  I shoot off a text to him. I am excited for Stuntz he – deserves this, but I am still anxiously waiting to hear about my own future.  The waiting between draft rounds is long and anxiety-filled.  I can’t seem to stop bouncing my leg or fidgeting.  I know that they have to let the teams circle through each round, but I wish the draft was done team by team.  Fiona rubs my back and tries to relax me.

Tampa’s coach stands again.  “Our second-round pick is Luke Campbell,” he announces. We send him texts of congratulations. Fiona is so excited for Luke, I can see it on her face.  I know she is trying not to be too excited and hurt my feelings. “Fiona, you can be excited for Luke without hiding it from me,” I tell her. “I just don’t want you to be upset.  But I am so excited; he has worked so hard.  I am glad to see my brother reaching his dreams,” she says with a shy smile. We continue to wait and finally Tampa comes back up at the end of the second round.

The coach says, “After a trade, we have another second round pick available.  Our next pick is Zane Miller.” The whole house erupts in cheers while my phone rings with a welcome call from Tampa’s coach.  When I hang up and turn to look at Fiona, I see her in a Thunder jersey with 27 and Miller across the back.  She knew I would make it.  She always believed in me.

“We did it, sunshine!  We are staying here!” I say, full of emotion with tears in my eyes.  She throws Airheads up in the air and then jumps in my arms as we both laugh.  A round of congratulations happen from my family.  My phone is going off with texts all night.

But Rodriguez drafts to Tallahassee.  We are still happy, though, because at least he will be in Florida.  After a big round of celebration, we head back to our apartment.

When we get inside, Fiona heads to our bedroom, so I lock up then follow her.

She stands in the Thunder jersey and says, “Tomorrow we have a meeting with a realtor to get ourselves a house.”

Everything this season has led us to this moment.  We are getting married on center ice where we met.  We are getting a dog.  We are both beginning our dream careers.  Life is perfect, all thanks to a beautiful, dark-haired, Converse-wearing, social media intern that waltzed into my life, and we both never looked back.

I toss her on the bed and begin to worship her pussy with my tongue.  Alternating between sucking and blowing on her clit, then adding in a few twirls of the tongue, she is cumming on my face quickly.  I climb on top of her, guiding myself in, and begin thrusting.  I lift her hands above her, holding her wrists in place with my hand.  She moans and I can feel her clenching as I fuck her harder and deeper.  I wrap my other hand around her throat lightly and she orgasms again.  I let go of her hands and throat, letting her catch her breath. I flip her over.

“I want to cum with you wearing my last name in the Thunder jersey.  A literal dream come true,” I murmur, as I guide back into her from behind.  When I am about to climax, I grab her hair and tilt her head back, wanting to stare into those beautiful green eyes as I fill her with my cum.

I roll off the bed and clean her up.  We lay down to go to sleep, her head on my chest.

“How did you know to get the jersey and make a realtor appointment?” I whisper into her hair. She sighs.  “I never stopped believing in your dream.  I never stopped believing in you,” she says, kissing my chest.  I kiss her head and we fall asleep together. I don’t dream tonight because all of my dreams just came true.

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